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Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61274 08/23/05 08:45 PM
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As always, we'll start with the soliciation:


Written by Mark Waid; Art by Art Thibert; Cover by Barry Kitson

The 30th century's hottest team nears the breaking point! Layer upon layer of intrigue is revealed as the Legion's two factions are pushed to the brink, while Cosmic Boy is faced with a deadly decision that could change the face of his team forever.

as well as a link to the cover...

The best way to find out where you're from is to find out where you're going and then work backwards.
Where are you going?
I don't know!

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61275 08/23/05 09:12 PM
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I guess I'll post here and fool everyone into thinking I've read the issue when the truth is I won't likely get it until this weekend, IF then even.

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Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61276 08/23/05 09:29 PM
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eek Sacrilege!

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61277 08/23/05 09:31 PM
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Still haven't read it. frown

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Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61278 08/23/05 09:34 PM
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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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You're evil, Lash. Pure evil.

...I likes it~

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61279 08/23/05 09:35 PM
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This is ridiculous, I'm reserving my spot right now so tomorrow I can edit this post and make it look like intelligent stuff said later in the thread was thought up my me.

Yes I learned that this was a good idea in office politics class.


The letter feature was hilarious, and while I want to say something snarky, the revealation that Steve Wacker can reboot fans that disagree with him gives me pause.

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61280 08/23/05 09:44 PM
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Tamper Lad *IS* an evil jeenyus!

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Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61281 08/23/05 11:14 PM
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Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
This is ridiculous, I'm reserving my spot right now so tomorrow I can edit this post and make it look like intelligent stuff said later in the thread was thought up my me.

Yes I learned that this was a good idea in office politics class.
A-Ha! Now even if you edit your statement later on, your original post where you reveal your evil scheme will remain unchanged in *this* post!

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61282 08/23/05 11:32 PM
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Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61283 08/24/05 02:25 AM
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Well, for some odd Canada Post reason, I got it yesterday. Not a spoiler, but the cover has "Wizard Book of the Month" on it....

Spoilers anyone?













Just the events here....
The first four pages have been previewed on-line - Invisible Kid confronts the people in Legion Plaza, who are themselves bickering about the possible break-up of the Legion. He suddenly realizes that something "is not like it looks" and flies back to the HQ to talk to Cos...

...who has already left the premises. Cut to Rokk at Metropolis Central Port speaking via Publicomm to his brother Pol about coming home before Braal closes its borders. We learn his father is unwell and undergoing treatments of some sort.

Cut to Saturn Girl at UP Headquarters talking to her mother, who appears to be some high ranking official of the UP (very big office!). SG is trying to convince her mother of the threats of the impending war and Lemnos' role - and gets a lecture. She is secretly telepathing the conversation to the other legionnaires. We learn that Thanagar and Rann are probably next to leave the UP and this will destroy any bulwark against the invaders. Invisible Kid has an idea and is met with derision before he can even voice it - "I thought your specialty was dividing, not repairing" snipes Triplicate Girl. Lyle is seen as a backstabber playing both sides of the divided Legion. More bickering ensues, with Cham impersonating Ultra Boy with bad consequences.

Planet Helegyn (hell again, I guess - depicted as a blazing hot desert wasteland) where drilling for liquid inertron is done. Brainy talks to a few surviving SPs who the invaders "cut... down like grainstalks". He tells them to get to shelter, calls for Shadow Lass, Saturn Girl, Dream GIrl, Element Lad, Colossal Boy and Ultra Boy - specifies NOT Lightning Lad - to face off against Terror Firma and Lemnos. (Odd that he excludes LL, since Garth was key in defeating Terror Firma on Rimworld 19.... but the green kid thinks he knows what he's doing.)
Lyle tries to accompany them again repeating that he knows how to stop the invaders, but is pushed out of the portal by Ultra Boy.

Back at the Port, Rokk is watching the ?broadcast of the legionnaires' battle with T. Firma on screen - it's going badly for the Legion. He tries to call Colossal Boy with advice but finds he's been removed from the com-link. People at the port recognize him, more discussion of the Legion breaking up, an inspiring speech from Rokk - but met with disinterest. He enters the portal for Braal and *tek* winds up on Helegyn - Invisible Kid had invisibly reprogrammed the coordinates - as they arrive in the midst of the battle, Lyle says "we can't do this without you" - and the two of them join the battle. FInal scene on Braal: Mom, Dad, Pol and one empty place at the dinner table.

Light Lass and Star Boy handle the letters this issue, three pages of joking around, with a guest appearance from the editor.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61284 08/24/05 02:25 AM
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Thanks FC!

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61285 08/24/05 02:31 AM
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So what's the answer to LL's homeworld problem?

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61286 08/24/05 02:41 AM
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Crashing comets! I don't think there was one! But I only read it once - so will give it a more careful second reading.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61287 08/24/05 02:56 AM
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Maybe Barry meant that it was an oversight the first time and that this time they got it right?

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61288 08/24/05 03:18 AM
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Aha! In the letter pages - "Trom" appears to have been an editorial boo-boo.

Also noted: a flashback appearance of Ferro, or a look-alike, as well as a Catspaw look-alike. I'm still thinking the guy on p. 2 is Mekt.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61289 08/24/05 03:51 AM
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
The first four pages have been previewed on-line
hey FC !!

i haven't seen these pages yet !! where did they appear ??

this issue sounds great, looking forward to that CHAM / ULTRA BOY scene !!

how was the art by ART !!??

i'll be getting this issue tomorrow tongue .....


Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61290 08/24/05 04:09 AM
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Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61291 08/24/05 04:27 AM
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Here .
thanks Gary !!

i took a look at the cover image over at the MIDTOWN COMIC website, still some missing 'heads' on the cover !!

no ULTRA BOY, SHADOW LASS, again !! who else is still missing ??

wonder how they choose which head will appear ??

we need BARRY to tell us ....


Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61292 08/24/05 07:15 AM
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Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
[b]This is ridiculous, I'm reserving my spot right now so tomorrow I can edit this post and make it look like intelligent stuff said later in the thread was thought up my me.

Yes I learned that this was a good idea in office politics class.
A-Ha! Now even if you edit your statement later on, your original post where you reveal your evil scheme will remain unchanged in *this* post![/b]
And now yours can't be changed either. smile

While those of us with the power and an earlier post can go back and make it look like we knew it all before. And without the editing marks. laugh

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61293 08/24/05 07:29 AM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
[b]This is ridiculous, I'm reserving my spot right now so tomorrow I can edit this post and make it look like intelligent stuff said later in the thread was thought up my me.

Yes I learned that this was a good idea in office politics class.
A-Ha! Now even if you edit your statement later on, your original post where you reveal your evil scheme will remain unchanged in *this* post![/b]
And now yours can't be changed either. smile

While those of us with the power and an earlier post can go back and make it look like we knew it all before. And without the editing marks. laugh [/b]
Really? laugh

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61294 08/24/05 07:55 AM
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Of course that means we just can't *anything* they say from now on.

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Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61295 08/24/05 07:57 AM
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But how do we know who said it? Anyway when you get right down to it we are all just different alts of Gary.

He makes Sybil look like an amateur. laugh

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61296 08/24/05 12:21 PM
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Well, I've read it!

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61297 08/24/05 01:48 PM
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I thought this was a pretty average issue - seemed to primarily consist of developments to move the plot along without much story content.

Best part of this issue was on the letters page, with the Editor resolving the Star Boy/Starman question. That had me lauging out loud. Of course, I tend to come down on the "tell me a good Legion story and we'll worry about Starman continuity some other time" side of this issue anyway.

Art was acceptable overall (especially since the only other current book I picked up this week was JSA Classified, and I really despise the art there) It was nice to get a ittle bit of Kitson on the letters page to tide me over.

[Edited to add: and on the "Hulk vs. Superman" front, I don't think there's any way Lightning Lad takes Ultra Boy without Imra...]

Re: Let's talk about LSH #9 (potential spoilers aplenty)...
#61298 08/24/05 02:50 PM
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I loved the line about Ayla knowing all those boys in "various ways." That's the most, uh, intriguing line since the mention of Jo having set fire to Shady's bed.

I think I actually enjoyed the letter column more than the main story. Barry's artwork is sorely missed. Neither of the last two guest artists have displayed his talent for compressed storytelling, and so #8 and #9 both seemed shorter than their actual length.

The climax of the main story was nice, though. Lyle's act of rerouting the portal was very clever.

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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