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Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Legion Tracker - 01/17/25 05:37 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/17/25 04:29 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/17/25 03:39 PM
The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Ann Hebistand - 01/17/25 07:57 AM
What's up with the LSV in Action Comics #332?
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/17/25 07:32 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/17/25 05:52 AM
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So anyway, about Shadow Lass.....

First comic books ever bought: A DC four-for-47-cents grab bag that included Adventure #331. The rest is history.
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Originally posted by NoLongerLegion:
The events of Action Annual #10 shouldn't be valid since that was the past of a different version of Superman than the one in the current DCnU. Something else else similar should have happened, but like virtually every other detail about the current version of the Legion, we won't know for sure until they decide to bother to show/tell us on-pannel. THAT is and will always be one of my biggest complaints about DC: that they don't give enough of a damn about their loyal readers to Not leave us hanging for years with unanswered questions of what is or is not part of the continuity of the moment. Then they pull it all out from under us any way.
With the pre-flashpoint Legion, all the questions were answered by the end of the first year of the series with Supergirl meeting the Legion and having covered off Mon-El and Superboy/man.

The legion's history makes it a slave to Superman reboots but early indications seem to show that the Morrison-Superman is no near as destructive to Legion history as the Byrne-Superman. So while I'm not exactly overjoyed at DC screwing around again, I'm willing to wait and see. Action 5-6 may provide some of the Superman and possibly Mon-El answers.

Originally posted by NoLongerLegion:
Of course, technically, I can nolonger be considered a 'loyal reader' since I have not paid for a single issue of any DC title since 'Legion Lost #1', and don't plan to as long as they continue the cr@p course they are on.
How will you know if you aren't reading? And why bother commenting on a comic you haven't read? Will you by Tony Defalco's first issue to see if it is any good?

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Originally posted by NoLongerLegion:
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Originally posted by NoLongerLegion:
[b]The events of Action Annual #10 shouldn't be valid since that was the past of a different version of Superman than the one in the current DCnU. Something else else similar should have happened, but like virtually every other detail about the current version of the Legion, we won't know for sure until they decide to bother to show/tell us on-pannel. THAT is and will always be one of my biggest complaints about DC: that they don't give enough of a damn about their loyal readers to Not leave us hanging for years with unanswered questions of what is or is not part of the continuity of the moment. Then they pull it all out from under us any way.
With the pre-flashpoint Legion, all the questions were answered by the end of the first year of the series with Supergirl meeting the Legion and having covered off Mon-El and Superboy/man.

The legion's history makes it a slave to Superman reboots but early indications seem to show that the Morrison-Superman is no near as destructive to Legion history as the Byrne-Superman. So while I'm not exactly overjoyed at DC screwing around again, I'm willing to wait and see. Action 5-6 may provide some of the Superman and possibly Mon-El answers.

Originally posted by NoLongerLegion:
Of course, technically, I can nolonger be considered a 'loyal reader' since I have not paid for a single issue of any DC title since 'Legion Lost #1', and don't plan to as long as they continue the cr@p course they are on.
How will you know if you aren't reading? And why bother commenting on a comic you haven't read? Will you by Tony Defalco's first issue to see if it is any good? [/b]
Not ALL questions were answered. The main points of Superman and Supergirl's envolvement were settled (with the exception of what the 'tragedy' that Brainy feared in Supergirl's future was and since it turns out she didn't have one I guess that is moot). However, Dev-Em (who was an intergal part of Mon-El's final Anti-Lead poisoning cure), Laurel Kent (did she exist? was she a Manhunter sleeper robot assasin?) and a number of other (admittedly less universe shaking) questions were and still are unanswered.
Also I knew that I'd get some form of the 'If you don't like it, Stop Buying it, But if you aren't reading it, don't complain' arguement at some point. So, I respectfully suggest you reread my statement. I said I haven't PAID for a single issue since 'Legion Lost #1' ... and I haven't and DON'T plan to. I have, however, READ them ('The Legion of Super-Heroes', 'Legion Lost', 'Legion: Secret Origin') and find them all unsatisfying and not worth wasting my money on. So I won't
And NO, I have no plans to buy the book when the writer changes either. If the book improves, I'll consider it. Otherwise, well, I see no reason to finacially support crap I don't like.

*wow, 15 typos and 5 edits and I think I still have missed some...*[/b]
Mine was not a argument about buying verses commenting, it was a question based on curiosity. The fact that you have read the issues answers the question.

Dev-Em and Laurel Kent are character that have beeen changed in each reboot according to the changes in the Superman backstory.

Dev-Em: pre-Crisis: Kryptonian, Post crisis: some weird psychic powers and post 5YL a Daxamite villain. so changing him again is no big deal really. No doubt he will turn up eventally. It ws well over a year before the 5YL Dev-Em turned up.

Laurel Kent: I can't imagine the Manhunters crossover is still in continuity and the idea of her being Superman's descendant must be gone - it was always stupid anyway IMHO.

Both Laurel Kent and Dev-Em were Superman family characters and these will always be victim to the whims of the Superman editorial team. Better not to have ever had them.

Of course any story that had Superboy or Supergirl as a key character will be open to question, but this has been the case since the Man of Steel re-wrote the history of the Krypton Kousins post Crisis on Infinite Earths.

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Originally posted by NoLongerLegion:
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
[b] Mine was not a argument about buying verses commenting, it was a question based on curiosity. The fact that you have read the issues answers the question.
Sorry you had the question. I made refference to the friend that I borrowed issues from in another thread.
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Dev-Em and Laurel Kent are character that have beeen changed in each reboot according to the changes in the Superman backstory.
Dev-Em: pre-Crisis: Kryptonian, Post crisis: some weird psychic powers and post 5YL a Daxamite villain. so changing him again is no big deal really. No doubt he will turn up eventally. It ws well over a year before the 5YL Dev-Em turned up.
Laurel Kent: I can't imagine the Manhunters crossover is still in continuity and the idea of her being Superman's descendant must be gone - it was always stupid anyway IMHO.
Both Laurel Kent and Dev-Em were Superman family characters and these will always be victim to the whims of the Superman editorial team. Better not to have ever had them.
Other than his shear number of appearances, any objections to Laurel Kent and/or Dev-Em could also be made about Mon-El. He too is a 'Superman Family' character. And, the argument can basicly be made that the entire Legion depends on it's Past connection to the Superman mythos. So, I can not accept this reasoning for allowing questions about them to be unanswered, it is just WRITER LAZYNESS or APPATHY TOWARDS THE READERS.[/b]
NoLonger, as I said in an earlier post, Mon-El is very much part of the Superman family but he is appearing in Secret Origin #5 so presumably is being explained in that issue.

Believe it or not, I share your pain. The messing around after each reboot (CoIE, Glorith-verse and Infinite Crisis) has soreley pissed me off. But it is par for the course for comics today. Superman has been messed around more than most, which is why the Legion suffers. But when you look at other comics, everyone from the Justice League to the X-Men have suffered so I guess I have just accepted the reboots as a fact of comic life. I don't like it but I either accept and read on or stop buying.

Despite all the reboots and retcons, I still read the Legion because the magic that was there when I was eight has never gone despite the best efforts of DC.

It would make sense for the Legion Secret Origin series to become a Secrets of the Legion that covers the whole history to date and answers all the questions but clearly DC doesn't care enough to put it out. That won't make me stop reading though any more than a Pocket Universe, Laurel Gand or Wildfire being leftover bits of Red Tornado did.

"Our devotion to each other was unexplainable"
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