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I'm going to just be watching it again (after Batman), but there's a lot of cool stuff. The most exciting thing at this point was seeing which other Legionnaires are "official" -- they mentioned Collosal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Shrinking Violet and there were others who had their symbols in the opening sequence (I'll post those later unless someone beats me to it).

The design of the characters bothered me more seein them as stills. They don't seem quite as odd in the show, thank goodness. I also really like the redesigned Fatal5 (interesting that the Empress is the leader instead of Tharok - good for her!)

One little nitpick - if teleporting was so easy for them, what took them so long to get to Legion HQ? They could've just popped up anytime -- I suppose maybe they had stuff to do after breaking out but next time I hope they don't ignore that she can pull that trick anytime. It would just seem silly for her not to use it a lot.

The Superman museum with comic book art was also really cool -- do those images refer to specific comics? I don't really recognize most of them.

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Did you recognize Skeets and Booster Gold?

Even if you flinch at Brainy being super cyborg guy, there is A LOT to like about this show. The characters do look better in motion, and Triplicate Girl shows some great ingenuity with her powers.

My nitpick (other than that they didn't use a comma after "Welcome" in the "Welcome Superman" banner smile ) is the whole Superman name. I know they don't have a choice with the litigation and all, but with everyone else using Lad, Girl, Boy, etc., it seemed awfully presumptious of him to call himself Superman at the end.

In addition to the names Drake mentioned, we also officially saw Shrinking Violet, Cosmic Boy, Colossal Boy, Matter-Eater Lad, Element Lad and the current incarnation Star Boy in the opening credits. And there are lots and lots of familiar Mission Monitor Board symbols scrolling along the bottom of the screen.

Triplicate Girl sure gets a lot of attention for not being part of the core team. She even gets her own spotlight in the credits. Maybe the credits will change each week as other support members rotate in?

I was very pleased and will definitely have to watch again to see who else is hiding in the background. smile

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The Legion symbol scroll that I could pick out (aside from members shown):
- Sun Boy
- Blok
- Colossal Boy
- Cosmic Boy
- Invisible Lad
- Matter-Eater Lad
- Polar Boy
- Element Lad
- Shadow Lass
- Karate Kid
- Chemical King
- Ultra Boy
- Dream Girl
- Ferro Lad
- Quislet (??)

Since Star Boy is shown flying with the group, maybe that symbol that I think is Sun Boy is really Star Boy?

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I'll try to show some clips as soon as I can. Unfortunately, it's over an hour away for me. frown

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I was a little surprised when they decapitated Princess Projectra... I thought that was a little racy for Saturday morning television.

Just kidding. I'm at work and haven't watched it yet wink

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Very good show! Love that Amy Wolfram wrote it -- she did great work on the Titans show.

Cool theme song. Spacey and mid-century modern at the same time. Very fast-paced and kinetic, as the Legion should be.

Brainiac 5 bothered me less than I thought. He's an interesting character. Unlike recent comic versions, he's holding back A LOT, perhaps because he feels inferior as a robot/cyborg?

Bouncing Boy is awesome. Saturn Girl is cool-headed but warm-hearted, as she should be. Triplicate Girl is 3 times the fun. Phantom Girl, so far, is a cypher. Lightning Lad is the alpha male ("That's MY spot, dude!")

Love that the Emerald Empress is leader of the Fatal Five. With that name and her personality, how could she not be the leader? Reimagining Tharok as an "evil" Brainiac 5 is a great idea. Mano looked like the haunted circus alien from the original Scooby Doo. Not a bad thing -- one of my all-time favorite cartoon bad guys!

My guess on the teleportation is 2-fold. One, Empress wanted the dramatic effect of stomping through Metropolis, psych out her opponents. Two, I imagine a galactic teleport takes a lot out of the Empress, and the Eye, so you don't do it before a fight.

Drake caught everyone I did, and I missed Polar Boy and Chemical King (evil ComCast pause bar gets in the way of cool Legion symbols). Looks like quite a Legion indeed.

Sounds like the "Outpost" is on the frontier somewhere far away, and that a lot of the Legion is deployed there.

The look of the show is awesome. Jetsons and mid-century modern informed by Kirbytech, Transformers and Anime. The kids are gonna get a lesson in real style.

Hard to imagine, more than 32 years after picking up Superboy #201 at the Safeway I am watching a Legion cartoon with my son on Saturday morning. Scratch one big item off the "List of Things to Do Before I Die."

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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I really liked it.

The use of the sliding symbols in the main title sequence was great. I was surprised by how many symbols appeared and some of the symbols themselves.

I LOVED the shot of the Legionnaires raising their fists in the air. laugh

Triplicate Girl was very cool.

I cant wait to see the rest of the character designs.

Oh, and bring on the merchandise baby!! I'm ready.

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I was tickled PINK when I saw the show! I was so happy since I have been waiting for a long time way back to a 7-11 store when I bought my first slurpee that had Lightning Lad (sadly its no longer there anymore and I plan to find one in Ebay)....with my Dad's assistance (he helped me out to buy comics books and slurpee cups since I did not understand what tax means... I was 7 or 8 years old).

I agreed with you all on Triplicate Girl's ability to make herself useful. She's fun!

I only saw Shadow Lass in early episode - saw only blue skinned flying who else is that? and caught Sun Boy's insignia on the monitor duty....they were too quick for me to scan through since I don't have a TiVo or something like that.

Can't wait to see Timber Wolf next week!

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Oh yeah! I'll be watching it again to catch the juicy details.

Originally posted by doublechinner:
Scratch one big item off the "List of Things to Do Before I Die."
I hadn't thought of it that way but you have a real point there. It may have been one of the sweetest cartoon moments I've ever gotten to experience. I got to watch the first LSH cartoon with both my 6yr old had me rewind to watch it over again and even the 15yr old (who's favorite was always Saturn Girl) was impressed.

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Time Trapper
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I played the intro REALLY slow on TiVo and definitely saw Matter Eater Lad, Element Lad, Star Boy, Colossal Boy and Vi in the opening flight scene. Vi almost looks like Bizarro Violet, all white skin.

LOVE tan Triplicate Girl with the three different colors...purple orange and white.

Lots more to enjoy, but overall this was a thrill!

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Truly it was fabulous just being able to see the cartoon on tv. I really liked the theme song and the opening. If anyone with the capability would post that, I would be quite grateful. I was thrilled to see the symbols for other legionnaires; I hope it's not too long before we see more of them.

If I had to change anything, I would make it 1-hour long. Who needs half the other Saturday-mornign cartoons anyway?

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Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Did you recognize Skeets and Booster Gold?
Good catch! And of course Booster was working at the museum smile

It was also fun to see those aliens from Green Lantern (the fin-heads and the crystal guys)

Oh, and INTERLAC! How fun! In this ep, it was on the control panel when LL was testing Clark's strength. It said "tons". Was there any more?

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There were numbers above it, 2,400something. I looked it up this morning but can't remember. I thought that was a continuity faux pas, but realized it was before LL slid the gauge up to the final 3,000 Brainy said.

That reminds me of my other nitpick. LL said that machine was used to compress Tryllium (or something like that), the hardest substance in the universe. Shouldn't that be Inertron? Or is that just the hardest metal?

Anyway, that was just a lot of fun! I can't wait for next week! (Though it sucks they'll be repeating the first three so soon, but with only 13 eps ordered, they do need to stretch it out, I suppose.)

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I cannot express adequately how pleasantly surprised I was! Old-timers can appreciate the homages to the past (first encounter taking place at the fairgrounds with the selfsame rides from ADV 247)while the kids can have their Bouncing Boy toys and transformer-Brainiac 5's.
I've no clue what this series will do for book sales but it should help ensure the appearance of at least SOME Legionnaires in next year's DC MMORPG which is the next great evolutuion in Legion fan participation.
Meantime, enjoy the show and spread the word (and if you are not digitally recording you really are going to miss some nice visual references as they speed by).

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I was pleasantly surprised. I still have the designs and Robot Braniac. However, I liked the attention to detail with Booster and the familiar aliens in the background.

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See some clips from the show here .

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And here\'s a link to numerous stills (I may add more later).

These are my favorites -

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]
Chemical King, Ultra Boy, Shadow Lass, Karate Kid, Matter-Eater Lad, & Sun Boy!

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]
Legion World?!?

[Linked Image]

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[Linked Image]

Any guesses who *this* is?

[Linked Image]

Yay for Tenz!

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In another thread " Opening Credits Sequence ", I posted the list of characters seen in the Mission Monitor Board symbols and in the flying sequence.

Shadow Lass did not appear in the episode, though there were blue-skinned aliens in Metropolis (who looked very much like the v4-era Probes).

Check out character designer Derrick Wyatt\'s page , he has some stills of aliens he designed (which, as many have pointed out, strongly resemble Green Lanterns and other aliens).

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So so so much fun! Loved the episode and so many little stylistic elements - the scrolling symbols, Triplicate Girl's styling, Bouncing Boy as the congenial nice guy. Trying to look closely, re: Triplicate Girl's costume, I think when she's all together there are three tiny triangles on her chest, when she splits up, each third gets one of the triangles - so cool! I'll have to closely study the secondary characters to get their costumes right smile

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Isn't that Jacques (Invisible Kid II) Foccart among the flying Legionnaires?

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I thought it was too bad that the Emerald Empress was the only one of the Fatal 5 to speak. Hopefully the other members will get more development later on.

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Not much between despair and ecstacy
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I was impressed! Like the X-Men movies, the cartoon captures the original spirit of the Legion while thoughtfully changing details.

It was an interesting twist to have Clark not know he is Superman yet, and the Legion showing up in Smallville to recruit him because they need him (unlike in the original story, ADVENTURE # 247). I like the idea that Clark isn't familiar with his powers yet. This keeps him on an even keel with the Legionnaires and (in theory) will prevent him from stealing the show.

The changes made to the characters make sense in TV terms. Brainy is the smart guy, but he needs something to do, so they turned him into a cyborg. Bouncing Boy can inflate so large that he holds up the Ferris wheel. Lightning Lad's scar is merely cosmetic, but appealing, nonetheless. Loved the use of Triplicate Girl (whose reputation as a "useless" Legionnaire should now be permanently laid to rest), and Phantom Girl running through LL to greet Superman.

Most importantly (for me) was that the script took its time in developing the story and letting us get to know the characters. I was afraid that it would be a rush job, all action and no plot, as many cartoons seem to be these days. But no, the story was well paced and nicely structured.

The Legionnaires' personalities seem kind of flat and stereotyped at this point(LL is the aggressive guy, BB is the hungry and friendly fat kid, etc.). In fact, only Saturn Girl seemed multi-dimensional -- decisive in battle, but also considerate toward Clark's feelings (at welcome odds with her old "ice queen" reputation). But this was the first show and a lot had to be established. In that regard, the fast action scenes covered many potential holes. I didn't even notice that only one of the Fatal Five spoke until it was pointed out, above.

Until now, I've had ambivalent feelings toward the Legion getting its own cartoon. Though I'm glad that they are getting the chance at the "big time," I feared and half expected the worst. But "Man of Tomorrow" was a pleasant suprise. I'm definitely looking forward to more.

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Where was Quislet in the show? I ran it back and noticed Booster and saw what could have been Skeets but I didn't see him.

Can't wait to see Cos and Star Boy and see why Vi is so ghostly white.

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We only saw Quislet's symbol in the opening credits, he has not made an appearance yet.

And in that second picture down, in the video it looks like Dawnstar's symbol, not Sun Boy's, though it'll probably turn out to be Star Boy's (since we saw him in the flying sequence, and his is the only symbol we didn't see of those flying).

Also, Tharok got a voice credit, but I don't remember him saying anything.

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