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The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/15/25 05:57 PM
Happy birthday thothkins!
by thoth lad - 01/15/25 05:39 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by thoth lad - 01/15/25 05:36 PM
What I found today at my LCS!
by thoth lad - 01/15/25 05:33 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/15/25 03:30 PM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/15/25 03:28 PM
The Litter Box
by Ann Hebistand - 01/15/25 12:54 PM
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#598637 08/09/11 12:53 AM
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Joined: Aug 2003
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Originally posted by Set:
Originally posted by EmeraldEmperor: I wish Dawnstar would have taken Saturn Queen out, but no one was going to do that in this stage of the game.
Dawnstar's kind of perfect to take out people like that, given that she can come zipping in and clock someone with a 'drive-by' attack from a hundred kilometers away, and be a dozen kilometers in the other direction before the person she's hit has time to recognize that they're in danger...

Heck, she doesn't even have to hit them, the shockwave from a flyby should be sufficient to send cars flying through the air! Unlike the Flashes, she doesn't have a frictionless Speed Force aura that prevents her from building up an air dam in front of her (and leaving a wake of destruction behind her).
I think EE meant in the ending game of the story/boot, rather than the abilities of Dawny.
BUT I'm glad you answered the way you did, Set!
Great insights!
I'd love to see her do either or both of those moves.

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along the way.
#598638 08/11/11 09:49 PM
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Eager Young Space Cadet
Eager Young Space Cadet
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Maybe I'm getting old, maybe I just don't care anymore, but after fighting on this world for the last two issues, I still don't know who these people are, where they are located, and why I should care if the LSV trashes the place. And is Harmonia Li one of them??

This issue felt like it was just going through the motions leading up to the last issue, where a Legionnaire will die, that, unless Levitz is able to stick his foot in the Comic Revolving Door of Death, will probably be a death that will be reversed within 6 months.

Although the double page spread was sweet........

"I have a ticket to the moon....but I'd rather see the your eyes"
#598639 08/12/11 10:39 PM
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Joined: May 2011
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Originally posted by Set:
And Jacques is even doing that thing where he *forgets that he has a super-power* and is just flying around being a human target!

If *I* only had that one super-power, to turn invisible and *not* get lightning shot at me, I'd use the hell out of it. Just sayin.' smile
I know, right?

It's bad enough when Super(whoever) forgets that one (out of 20) power that would solve the problem immediately, but at least you can understand why someone with such a vast array of powers might forget one for a moment. When your name is Invisible Kid, how does invisibility slip your mind?

If he was purposely drawing fire away from others, they really should have that in his thought balloon, or have them thank him for it after the battle. Otherwise he just looks like he was carelessly endangering himself.

#598640 08/12/11 10:43 PM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Originally posted by The Flying Fool:
Maybe I'm getting old, maybe I just don't care anymore, but after fighting on this world for the last two issues, I still don't know who these people are, where they are located, and why I should care if the LSV trashes the place. And is Harmonia Li one of them??

This issue felt like it was just going through the motions leading up to the last issue, where a Legionnaire will die, that, unless Levitz is able to stick his foot in the Comic Revolving Door of Death, will probably be a death that will be reversed within 6 months.

Although the double page spread was sweet........
Flying Fool, your apathy is shared somewhat by me and I suspect many others.

I *hate* feeling apathetic about the LSH... even during DnA's waning days there was still cool stuff like bringing in many familiar and new faces in the cadets to keep things interesting.

I'm afraid the LSH as it currently stands just doesn't POP.

Maybe that will change come September...

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#598641 08/13/11 03:27 AM
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I'm afraid the LSH as it currently stands just doesn't POP.

Maybe that will change come September...[/QB]
I remember feeling somewhat the same way during the post-"death of Superboy" period of the Baxter run. Now I can go back and re-read those issues and realize that they really weren't all that bad.

I'm hoping that this is the case with the current run as well.

First comic books ever bought: A DC four-for-47-cents grab bag that included Adventure #331. The rest is history.
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