That leaves us with the possibility of three (or more) Legions having ties in their youth to one Clark Kent, two of them possibly having the same Mon-El. It's interesting to say the least. [/QB]
I agree with what you said in the first part, the legal problems and DC's shady attempts to circumvent court rulings are well known...however that is related to legal matters more than anything else...if DC wins their case, which is entering another phase right now, I have a feeling Superboy will be back in a major way. When I was asking you that question, I was definitely talking conceptually, in this new multiverse...
That said...I think, whether it was your intent or not, you just pointed out why that scene was deleted. Because it's Superboy in the Kent farmhouse, which is about as big of a no-no as you can do right now at DC.
Side note:
I don't agree with the court ruling that allowed the Siegels to reclaim the rights to Superboy. A deal was reached previously and they were paid a substantial amount of money at that time...
That being said, a court ruling is a court ruling and if DC feels the retcon to copyright laws was unfair, then they just need to stop using Superboy ....and stop attempting to circumvent the law. It's screwing up their's alienating their fans because they keep making promises they can't keep.
I and other fans might actually be able to move on to another Legion if DC would stop bringing it up...they are just as guilty as any Legion Fan of not letting go of the past.
It isn't lost on me how much this has affected the Legion.....which I guess is some kind of karmic poetic justice for the Siegel family...seeing as how Jerry Siegel had a huge impact on the Legion, right up to the last issue of SGLOSH...when the book showcased Lightning Lord and Matter Eater Lad...two Siegel creations....not to mention the Legion of SuperVillians, yet another Siegel creation.
I swear...they(DC) know aren't supposed to being doing this stuff and they still keep doing it...I don't know what the boundries are, but they obviously do, I keep assuming they are within them, and they obviously aren't...and they keep trying again and again to cross them.
IF the property means that much to them, and it obviously the Siegels for it. Yes again. You don't make the laws DC, and you have to respect them just like everyone else. Especially you DC...because...WWSD?
It's like DC never read a Superman Comic or something. Stop trying to cheat!
[/end side note]