Originally I was going to wait until new episodes came out to post this, but what the hell? I'll post it NOW...
LL: Timberwolf, do I HAVE to?
TW: You lost the bet, Lightning Lad.
LL: Alright, alright,(over the intercom)Attention all legionarres, I, Lightning lad, would just like to announce that Timberwolf is WAAAAY cooler than I am, was, or ever will be. You can't see this, but right now I'm bowing down to his awesomeness...ALL HAIL TIMBERWOLF, KING OF AWESOME!!!
Superman: But I thought I was the king of awesome...*sniffles*
Brainy: That's okay Superman, you'll always be the king of awesome to me!
everyone else: AAAAAAWWWWW