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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/07/25 11:24 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 11:14 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 11:13 AM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:31 AM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:29 AM
If this were a JLA message board...
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/07/25 08:51 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/06/25 01:54 AM
What I found today at my LCS!
by Ann Hebistand - 01/05/25 05:16 AM
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#595414 12/02/04 02:02 PM
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Very well constructed analogy, doublechinner, but it doesn't fly (pun intended smile )

Superman is an almost universal icon and the flagship character of the DCU. He's like Mickey Mouse. He appears in a million licensed products and spin-offs, in cartoon and television series, movies and American Express ads. He is on everyone's radar. My grandparents, parents and siblings were familiar with him and so too are my children, nieces and nephew. When older readers get bored/disgusted and fall away, there's usually a new generation primed to replace them. Superman has never been in danger of cancellation, iirc. Not so with the Legion, which enjoys no brand-marketing to speak of and only very limited exposure outside the increasingly aged and jaded comic-book community. The Silver-Age Legion once sold more than 500K copies, but readership has dwindled after 40-odd years to fewer than 25K die-hard fans (whom prospective new readers are warned to ignore). Reboots might hurt Supes' readership occasionally, he might stagger and fall, but it'll take a lot more than fouled-up continuity and bad writers to destroy him. The Legion doesn't have his powers of invulnerability.

That said, multiple-reboot triage has been known to work on waning franchises from time to time. Teen Titans is the best example I can think of in the DCU. Doom Patrol is probably the worst recent example of a reboot gone wrong. On which side will the new LSH fall? If things go well, possibly somewhere in between. Despite my ravings, I honestly wish Waid & Kitson the best, and will be the first to cheer for them if they deliver the goods.

#595415 12/02/04 02:35 PM
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Originally posted by Reboot:
Well, I know at least two people who I recommended The Legion to (I think I mentioned this nearer the time). Know why they said "no"? - "it'll just get rebooted again." One of them even thought Legion Lost had been a full reboot.

Last Laughs and all that... frown
That's funny, because no one I know that doesn't read the Legion is even aware of a reboot. Besides, you could easily say you don't want to read DC for the same reason. (The Silver Age was a reboot, and so was Crisis.)

#595416 12/02/04 02:38 PM
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Finally got my subscription copy of Wizard, exactly one week after it hit the newstands. Why does Wizard do that? Subscribers should get the book first not a week later.

#595417 12/02/04 02:43 PM
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Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by Reboot:
[b] Well, I know at least two people who I recommended The Legion to (I think I mentioned this nearer the time). Know why they said "no"? - "it'll just get rebooted again." One of them even thought Legion Lost had been a full reboot.

Last Laughs and all that... frown
That's funny, because no one I know that doesn't read the Legion is even aware of a reboot. [/b]

I'm surpred you didn't add "So there!" At the end of that sentence. Really, what's your point, beyond you knowing different people.

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
#595418 12/02/04 02:53 PM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Finally got my subscription copy of Wizard, exactly one week after it hit the newstands. Why does Wizard do that? Subscribers should get the book first not a week later.
I stupidly subscribed to Toyfare to get the Hush DCD exclusive awhile back. My Toyfare doesn't show up until well after the book hits the stands. Luckily, I wised up and waited for the GL exclusive to be released seperately. Fool me once...

#595419 12/02/04 02:55 PM
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Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by Reboot:
[b] Well, I know at least two people who I recommended The Legion to (I think I mentioned this nearer the time). Know why they said "no"? - "it'll just get rebooted again." One of them even thought Legion Lost had been a full reboot.

Last Laughs and all that... frown
That's funny, because no one I know that doesn't read the Legion is even aware of a reboot. [/b]

I'm surpred you didn't add "So there!" At the end of that sentence. Really, what's your point, beyond you knowing different people. [/b]
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#595420 12/02/04 04:02 PM
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Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by Reboot:
[b] Well, I know at least two people who I recommended The Legion to (I think I mentioned this nearer the time). Know why they said "no"? - "it'll just get rebooted again." One of them even thought Legion Lost had been a full reboot.

Last Laughs and all that... frown
That's funny, because no one I know that doesn't read the Legion is even aware of a reboot. [/b]

I'm surpred you didn't add "So there!" At the end of that sentence. Really, what's your point, beyond you knowing different people. [/b]
Sounds to me like the point is that there is a diversity of people out there with a potential range of responses beyond those suggested by your anecdote.

#595421 06/29/05 03:12 PM
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The Legion made Wizard's "Book of the Month" for issue #166 (August 2005) -

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

#595422 06/29/05 03:22 PM
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I've got no use for WIZARD, but that's a nice write-up. I approve. wink

"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt

"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
#595423 06/29/05 05:08 PM
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Jillikers! Whodda ever thunk Colossal Boy would EVER be described as "compelling"! I also approve!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at
#595424 06/29/05 08:15 PM
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Nice to see Legion getting attention. But I hate that pic of Phantom Girl. Don't care for the costume either. The ZH Tinya was much cooler so far.

Nice to see Ultra Boy front and center!

#595425 06/29/05 08:35 PM
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dream girl modeled after heather grahm

...that may've ruined dream girl for me.

#595426 06/30/05 12:47 PM
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thanks for the heads up on this Gary or i would have missed it.

#595427 06/30/05 06:02 PM
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Good to see.

With all the major "events" this summer, it'll be too easy for a book like LSH to get lost in the shuffle.

Legion World's Badwill Ambassador
#595428 07/01/05 01:01 AM
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Now if only they got Legion on the cover! There's only so many times Wovlerine, Batman, Superman, and Spiderman get covers...I mean isn't there?!?

#595429 07/01/05 05:54 AM
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I guess I need to pick up a copy since I let my subscription lapse. Hell I didn't even realize I wasn't receiving the mag anymore.

#595430 07/01/05 01:27 PM
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That is the worst compliment I have ever heard! smile

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#595431 03/29/06 08:12 PM
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Instead of scanning in the latest Wizard/Legion pages, here's the gist -

Originally published in WIZARD #175 (MAY 2006), page 17:
<span style="font-size: 50px;">[b]'LEGION' OF SUITORS</span>

<span style="font-size: 30px;"> Who's wooing Supergirl? [Linked Image]

</span>on't matter if it's 2006 or 3006, you drop a sexy blonde wearing the world's shortest mini-skirt into a clubhouse full of testosterone-laden super-hunks, and you've got a recipe for romance...or a sexual harassment lawsuit.
When Supergirl joined the Legion in Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #16, she had a legion of super-suitors waiting to get to know her, um, sparkling personality. To help out the Girl of Steel, we surveyed several of the 31st century's hottest - and horniest - operators to lay odds on who can get her to wear their flight ring.

[Linked Image]
<span style="font-size: 30px;">COSMIC BOY</span>
A former Magno Ball star, Rokk Krinn sports a million-dollar smile and an anal-retentive need to know everything. Eat your heart out, Tom Brady!
PLUS: He's got a "magnetic personality."
MINUS: Every pickup line references his "magnetic personality."
VERDICT: Kara is way too wild to go for this square-jawed goodie two shoes. Next!

[Linked Image]
<span style="font-size: 30px;">ULTRA BOY</span>
Resident bad boy Jo Nah has broken as many laws as he has hearts, putting him on the (ladies') most wanted list!
PLUS: Sexy chin stubble.
MINUS: Sex tape of him and cryogenically frozen Paris Hilton all over the Omnicom Internet.
VERDICT: Supergirl gets Googled enough with that belly shirt. Forget this hoodlum!

[Linked Image]
<span style="font-size: 30px;">COLOSSAL BOY/MICRO LAD</span>
From a planet where the average guy checks in at 10 stories tall, the only thing bigger than Gim Allon's shoe size is his heart. Awwww!
PLUS: Tou know what they say about guys with big feet...
MINUS: ...You know what they say about guys with big feet.
VERDICT: At the end of the night, our girl wants to spoon with somebody her own size. Also: You know what they say about a guy with big feet...

[Linked Image]
<span style="font-size: 30px;">CHAMELEON</span>
Is it a guy? Is it a girl? Is it a weird looking orange thing with antlers? You decide! Chameleon can become whatever it takes!
PLUS: The perfect date for an adventurous girl looking to experiment.
MINUS: A night of drunken passion could become a morning of waking up next to some big rhinoceros-looking thing...or your cousin. Eww!
VERDICT: Did you read that last sentence? Pass!

[Linked Image]
<span style="font-size: 30px;">KARATE KID</span>
With no powers, Val Armorr earned his Legion spot by mastering a zillion forms of martial arts - chiefly the art of sweet love!
PLUS: The Karma Sutra will have come a long way in 1,000 years.
MINUS: What's he really doing in the bathroom "meditating?"
VERDICT: We have a winner! If Supergirl thought Nightwing was a hottie, wait till she gets a load of the Legion's Ralph Macchio!
-BM [/b]
Also this issue features "Wizard ranks the 100 Best Single Issues Since You Were Born."

The Legion places -

96 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [V.5] #3 (2005)
81 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [V.1] #296 (1983)
55 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES [V.2] #13 (1985)

And in the "Laugh-In" sidebar -


#595432 03/31/06 12:34 AM
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Dangnabit, now i got to go and buy another copy of that magazine. smile

#595433 04/12/06 05:36 AM
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Hey!! How can "waking up next to a big rhino" be a bad thing!?!


#595434 04/13/06 12:02 AM
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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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A lil' dab will do ya.

#595435 04/13/06 11:36 PM
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I knew Val had a thing for Kryptonians! Don't worry, I'm just biding my time, biding my time....

Superboy wink

#595436 11/22/07 04:45 AM
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Issue #195 has several Legion bits. I'll post the details later. (Just bumping up this thread to help me find it.)

#595437 07/30/08 08:11 PM
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Never did post #195...sorry...maybe later.

Here's the LONG LIVE THE LEGION Quiz from #203 -

Originally published in WIZARD #203 (SEP 2008), page 94:


Test your knowledge of all things futuristic as Geoff Johns and George Perez launch 'Legion of Three Worlds' in August!

1. Which Legion super-scientist invented the team's signature Flight Rings?

A.Invisible Kid
B. Light Lass
C. Brainiac 5
D. Superboy

2. Match the Legionnaire to their home planet and/or dimensions:

A. Matter-Eater Lad
1. Hykraius

B. Tellus
2. Marzal

C. Quislet
3. Bgztl

D. Phantom Girl
4. Teall

E. Tyroc
5. Bismoll

3. What famed comic creator first worked on the Legion of Super-Heroes when he was just 13 years old?

A. Jack Kirby
B. Jerry Siegel
C. Mike Grell
D. Jim Shooter

4. What sort of structure was used as the Legion;s original clubhouse?

A. An abandoned lighthouse
B. An inverted rocket ship
C. A decommisioned Enterprise
D. The one-time Batcave

5. What supervillain turned out to be the ultimate menace behind "The Great Darkness Saga"?

A. The Dark Circle
B. The Dark Destroyer
C. Ra's Al Ghul
D. Darkseid

6. In one Legion continuity, this supervillain was really the offspring of Legionnaires Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl; name him.

7. In Season 2 of "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" cartoon, what century does the futuristic Man of Steel come from to help the real Kal-El and his teammates?

8. Which three Legion members are the founders of the team?

A. Invisible Kid, Triplicate Girl, Colossal Boy
B. Magnetic Kid, Livewire, Inferno
C. Superboy, Supergirl, Brainiac 5
D. Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl

9. Which Silver Age Superman villain accidentally received the powers of every member of the Legion of Super-Heroes?

A. Composite Superman
B. Supernova
C. Ultraman
D. Lex Luther

10. Name the five members of the Legion of Super-Pets:

SCORING: Score yourself one point for each correct answer. This month, see how you match up with history's greatest time travelers!

0-3 Mr. Peabody
4-8 Sam Beckett
9-10 Marty McFly

Do I really have to post the answers?

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">
1. C
2. A-5, B-1, C-4, D-3, E-2
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. Validus
7. The 41st century
8. D
9. A
10. Krypto (super-dog), Beppo (super-monkey), Streaky (super-cat), Comet (super-horse), Proty (protoplasmic shape-shifter)

#595438 07/31/08 07:39 AM
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Wizard #200 had preview pages from Lo3W #1. These might be posted elsewhere on the board, but just in case they were missed, here's a link to the pages I'd posted on the DCMBs.

Lo3W Wizard preview pages.

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