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Trap Timer
Trap Timer
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Definitely a solid episode. Still bored with Imperiax, but he wasn't really important to the episode. The snort was definitely overused, but I absolutely it when "weaker" members such as Vi prove themselves useful! And I loved Vi's chemistry with Brainy! I like the idea of Garth's arm actually having extra functions, but I wish they'd done more with it than it just being a gun. I always thought he should've kept the Starfinger powers during the Adventure run. I'm not completely sure that Ayla is totally out as a potential future member. All she needs is to meet toonverse Glorith, and...
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Long live the Legion!
Long live the Legion!
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Random thoughts; The writers jumped us foreward to semi-adult Legionnaires, and *then* introduced Ayla as a tot? Bad timing. If this had been one of the last episodes of last season, she could have been the bratty young teen, amongst the slightly more mature 'old guard.' Total missed opportunity. At least the energy state thing sets the stage for her having distinctive powers, perhaps a Black Vulcan-like ability to turn into living lightning and zip around zapping people. That would be visually cool, and set her apart from her brothers. Yanno, if she ever grows up and gets to join the team. Mekt? Best. Costume. Ever. I liked his attitude as well. Imperiax has yet to impress. Apparently he can poop out his destructo-bots, since he's got a small army of them already, and he's been in the 30th century (completely lacking in whatever technology he uses to make his destructo-bots, by a *thousand years or so*) for like a week. Shrinking Violets' giggle-snorts yawed between dorky-cute, and really, really annoying. I do like that she's smart, confident and capable, anything but a 'shrinking violet.' Garth's gun-arm? Why? I could get somebody like Violet, Dream Girl or the Invisible Hostage packing heat, but Lightning Lad already *is* heat. "Oh, and Brainiac Five, we got you a copy of 'Mechanical Engineering for Dummies' because we've completely forgotten what your power is..." I'm kinda wondering if when Superclone vanishes back to SuperCloneVerse, the Legion Tooniverse is going to have a sort of soft reboot, with the team going back to being younger. The transition to making them young adults was kinda abrupt and served no narrative purpose that I saw, making me wonder if this is gonna be one of those 'Dallas/Alias' seasons where somebody wakes up at the end and swears off welsh rarebit.
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I enjoyed the episode for the most part too.
But...I agree about the snorts. And I found it a bit odd that Brainy would have the attitude with Violet since they've been working together for several years now. Wouldn't the comments make more sense coming from Supes X? Which would given them a reason to use him and not the real Supes in the episode. Cause he was acting much more like the original than the Imperiax-Smash guy that he's supposed to be.
I'm also annoyed by Ayla's current situation...another needlessly sidelined Legionnaire to go along with Projectra, Ultra Boy, Mon-El, Crystal Kid, and probably more that I can't think of at the moment.
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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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Yeah, I'm still super bummed about Matter-Eater Lad and Saturn Girl. And I like normal Superman.
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strange but not a stranger
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Me too Caliente.
SuperClone seems like the gun arm for Lightning Lad. Pointless and someone's idea of "oh this will make the character sooooooo much cooler!"
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excellent stuff again. I didn't notice the snorts, or I should say they didn't annoy me.
unfair cheat by the writers. I wished Ayla had aged.
as for missing fan favorites, it's only season two. later in the year, or next season they will probably add new members to the mix to keep things fresh.
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Yeah, maybe have a "guest Legionnaire of the week" or something, just so we know that there are other Legionnaires aside from the opening sequence.
It's funny, when I first heard the (now infamous) snort, I thought it was a sneeze. I mean, I like how they gave her character a soundbite, as it kind of fits in with the way they are playing the Violet character (smart, sassy, a little geeky), I just thought it was overused.
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whoa whoa...don't go negative on Ayla being small -- maybe we will see Dream Girl spotlight to see if she can use her "Naltorian Science" to help Ayla grow up and gain the Light Lass power? who knows? Wait and see. <--- think positive. Vi sweet but gotta stop "snorting" that's so unlike her! She has spunks but not snort like Cham! We do not need another Cham/Beast Boy personality. can't wait to see Karate Kid and Dream Girl soon soon. I gotta be patient. Mekt's costume - nice design but I still prefer Green/Red costume over this since it's a classic! Who else wears Red/Green costume in DC Universe?? Can't wait to see the next episode!
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It was a heartwarming episode, but I agree, I'm not happy with the idea of Ayla being ten years younger than her twin brother. I hope something is done soon to correct this.
Oh, and am I the only one who has "The monkey rode on the rocketship" in my head?
Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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No one wears red/green because they're Christmas colours! Although Beast Boy did sport that colour combo for the longest time. Agonizing. Mekt's armored booblights and hooded cape totally kick ass.
I hope Ayla will eventually be bumped up from her current status as Lightning Lad's supporting cast. I imagine in the way of "Look I have super-powers! Let me be in the Legion Garth!" "No, it's dangerous and I'm being brothery." "Now I'll have a wacky adventure and help save the world, thus proving myself!" "Horray Ayla!"
Loved Vi's spunk. In lieu of having a heroine with a seemingly useless power kick butt and prove her worth, I'm willing to forgive Brainy's out of character dismissal and her cute little snort.
Did anyone else get sympathy pain when Garth's arm got blasted? Brutal. Though I don't so much mind the upgraded cybernetic arm - I mean, why just get a prosthetic when you can get a prosthetic with LASERS.
Total woobie of an episode. On Mekt's redemption: I hope we'll continue to see him in future episodes, hopefully as an ally. (Falling into recidivism a la mental bugnuttery is, however, an acceptable subsitute. This ep seemed a bit too easy an atonement.) Is there a reason, I wonder, that Mekt wasn't portrayed as a crazy solo? Seems like it's been part of the core of his character for ages. This one's more driven by his failures/duties as a brother, without focusing on the twin issue. The simple explanation is probably 'it's a kid's show'... Still.
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Originally posted by wamu2: as for missing fan favorites, it's only season two. later in the year, or next season they will probably add new members to the mix to keep things fresh. If there is a next season What with 4kids taking over and all that. Anyone else enjoy seeing Mekt without a shirt?
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Originally posted by Teronna: Anyone else enjoy seeing Mekt without a shirt? It is forever engrained into my happy place.
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Great episode plot-wise and visually-wise. I liked the characterisation and loved seeing Mekt and Vi. I hope they'll have Ayla back as a Legionnaire. As for Vi's voice, I got used to it and I felt annoyed by the snorts and wanted to laugh at the same time. I hope we'll see more of the ladies, not just the"token female Legionnaire of the week". I still feel moved by each episode. Can't believe that we have a Legion cartoon even now, more than a year after the show premiered... This particular episode, though, was touching in many ways and I loved the combination of human interest, action and sci-fi, and the homages to the history of the Legion. Oh, before I forget: SNORT!
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Violet fan not happy here! So all this time for shy vi and we get a pig snorting, goth girl, tom-boy/lesbian violet. She even makes a "pass" at Alya recounting the very awful time period for the Legion..five years later story line. I wish for once we can have the shy, feminine violet of the 70's and 80's! Her new costume on the show is an improvment on the last but ditch the flower..a "shrinking Violet" is a person. trait not a species of flower. Oh well, I guess a little Vi is better than no Vi at all..
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Actually, I noticed too that on the episode we see Ayla for the first time, Salu also has her first prominent appearance in the show. I wonder...
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Originally posted by Sir Tim Drake:
Oh, and am I the only one who has "The monkey rode on the rocketship" in my head? The rocket ship the rocket ship The monkey rode in the rocketship and bumped his head on the moon! lol loved it. I couldn't get it out of my head all day! and besides..that's the very first time ever that we've heard a Legionnaire sing! Monkeys, terrifying clowns, weird gods, twins..I'm starting to think Winath is a very strange place.
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Sorry I'm late, guys, I really wasn't feeling well yesterday. I loved this episode. Not only did this episode tug at my heart strings, it ripped them out and used them to skip rope(but in a good way). As for Lightning Lad's robot arm; Awesome? Yes. Unnecessary? Yeah, a little bit, but this show is trying to appeal to fans, so I think it's more like fan service than anything. And I disagree with the people that said that Lightning Lad's reaction to the arm was "unrealistic" because I personally would be excited to have a freakin' awesome robot arm, but that's just me. I also thought Shrinking Violet was really cool(And yes, I did like the snort)and I hope Ayla makes another appearance someday, she was so cute! Also good to see Bouncing Boy and Brainiac 5 again. On a fan girlish note: I can't believe we got two sweaty shirtless guys in one episode. I LOVE THIS SHOW!
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This is an instant masterpiece of Legion lore, I think. We have Mekt versus Garth, almost always a good move, Garth loses his arm, Vi shows Brainy she's a smart, tough, kickass babe, and we have a fascinating new take on Ayla, who has always been the linchpin to peace in the Ranzz family, and especially the key to Mekt's soul. What an amazing piece of work. So much wonderful story and great, iconic innovative charcterization in barely 23 minutes. The often lazy, unimaginative crew working in today's comics should watch this episode and learn, learn, learn.
...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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I agree with Lurker Lass about the potential for Ayla...of COURSE they can bring her back, she certainly seemed old enough to get herself into trouble if indeed she does have powers (she might already, we don't know) and thinks she can help... From my perspective, I hadn't seen the start of this thread before watching the ep, and I was thrilled just that they included her...given that they could have stuck with just core members, I think we should be appreciative that they are throwing in so many characters, and they do now have at least one good potential storyline in the bank. I don't want to detract from the great job the writers have been doing, but from a "creativity" perspective, they could have it SO easy with all the LSH stories they could bring in, and they are wisely making it easier on themselves by introducing characters who can represent future stories (Ayla, Jo Nah...oh, I SO hope they do an Element Lad spotlight with Roxxas...and Sun Boy/ Dr. Regulus...these guys could literally go three more seasonn in without having to spawn a single original plot!). That said, they should be lauded for doing a good job of NOT being lazy, and adding enough twists they those of us who've read the stories before still don't quite know what is going to happen. Also, it is (to me) orders of magnitude more exciting to see a character introduced then to just suddenly be given all them...if they were already using the full cast from the get-go, there'd be nowhere to go...not that I'm not still desperaately wishing to see Element Lad featured... My ONLY criticism of this ep., where I think they were a little too obviously concerned with maintaining focus on the "core" characters, was when we first heard the Ayla-cloud'd THINK they'd immediately focus in on the shocked expression of Garth, but instead, we get SupermanX, and only a reaction from Garth after-the fact...but everything else was perfecto (the only issue with the snort, I think, was that they used it twice in a row at one point...) In closing, though, I am SO thrilled (being on the winning side ) that it has finally happened - those who have been around LSH message boards awhile know about this - the eternal "name pronunciation" debate, perhaps most controversial for "Ayla", is now offically closed: it is "AAy-la" (short Fonzie on the first syllable), not "Eye-la".!
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Originally posted by Evolution Has Failed: ...given that they could have stuck with just core members, I think we should be appreciative that they are throwing in so many characters, and they do now have at least one good potential storyline in the bank.
Also, it is (to me) orders of magnitude more exciting to see a character introduced then to just suddenly be given all them...if they were already using the full cast from the get-go, there'd be nowhere to go...not that I'm not still desperaately wishing to see Element Lad featured...
In closing, though, I am SO thrilled (being on the winning side ) that it has finally happened - those who have been around LSH message boards awhile know about this - the eternal "name pronunciation" debate, perhaps most controversial for "Ayla", is now offically closed: it is "AAy-la" (short Fonzie on the first syllable), not "Eye-la".! I appreciate that we've already seen many characters even in non-speaking roles and you made a very good point about not seeing all of the legionnaires at once. It would have been overwhelming for new viewers and in a 22 minute episode you can't have too many characters. If they ever make a Legion cartoon movie, it'd be a different matter (and I hope they will!) So it's Aay-la, not Eye-la. Oh well, at least we know the "formal" pronunciation now.
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Time Trapper
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As a life-long "EYE-la" pronouncer, color me devestated!
Oh well, too late to change now... I'll blame it on my accent.
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Time Trapper
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I haven't read all the posts yet, my internet connection has been troubled until today.
I'm one of the Ranzz Fanzz, so I was more than pleased with this episode. Loved the monkey song! It's great that Mekt isn't all bad! Garth's arm is cool now! To quote him, "SWEET!" I kept thinking about how Ayla was child in LotR, so this echos that. I'm good with it, but I hope the speed up her growth and make her Lightning Lass the Legionnaire sometime soon. I hope they DO NOT make her the annoying lil sister in the group, ala Lori Morning!!!!
Loved spunky lil raspy voiced Vi!!! I love how she held her own with Brainy and how she had lots of action, and ...a personal thing here.. good facial close-ups. Hee! ... she snorts!
I do see Lash's post right above mine as I compose this. I'm an "A" Luh pronouncer, so it worked for me. I've seen this debate on the internet as long as I've had a computer. I know it doesn't have to be the definitive pronunciation, but it's major.
So, now I'll read the three previous pages of posts.
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So Ayla has spent 10 years as a cloud thing-ey... like her old costume insignia... I suspect we have a Light Lass in waiting.
Lash... I've always pronounced it Aay-la even though my Grandmother's name was Eye-la. Go figure.
The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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I've always said "ay-la" and not "eye-la", but I felt similarly jolted by their home planet being "winneth" and not "wye-nath". Oh well! Perhaps the original settlers of Winath were Welsh!
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I've always pronounced her name as Eye-la because that's how it'd be pronounced in Greek or Latin. By the way, did anyone get the feeling that Imperiex and Mekt had a "Star Wars"-y feel between them? Mekt's hood helped. He reminded me of Anakin Skywalker after he turned to the "Dark Side of the Force" and Imperiex was like a combination Darth Vader/Emperor Palpatine. The "cannon" had SW allusions too. I suppose it's a good thing that Mekt returned to the "Light Side" sooner than Anakin did!
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