(Edited this several times):
About the statues:
Quislet left before the end of V3, so has a reason to be missing from the statues. Supergirl has an obvious reason to be missing (whether she died or not, and whether the current Supergirl is her or not, the post-hypnotic suggestion would keep Superman from remembering her as a member).
Magnetic Kid and Tellus are problems. Magnetic Kid should be there (note that the statues include both dead and living Legionnaires). Tellus was a prisoner of Cadmus and missing from the Legion as of Lightning Saga, which could explain why there is no statue of him, but there's also no statue of Yera, so he would have to have disappeared before Yera joined, which seems unlikely. Since Tellus has since been seen as a member, him being missing from the statues is probably just a mistake.