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Bold Flavors
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I will definitely be editing the master list as we go, crossing out things that get addressed (note I didn’t use the word “solved”). Probably I’ll just post a new list as the thread goes on rather than edit the first post.

Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Well, Emerald Empress is easy if you're willing to accept that it's not Sarya. If it's supposed to be her... then that's a tough one.

There's also Luornu's power change to be explained. If there's no Conspiracy, there's no death of the second body, but there's the question of where the other bodies came from.
I agree that if it is a new Emerald Empress, than she is easy fix. But Sarya would be really hard to accept after her death.

As for Lu’s power change, I’d say some sort of explanation is definitely needed for the powers. For her history, we have to logically accept this: no conspiracy = no death of Lu’s second body. Therefore she was Duo Damsel at the close of Levitz’s original run. Perhaps that is why in Countdown, a Luornu from the future appeared and was killed? So she lived because Conspiracy didn’t happen but died in Countdown anyway. It doesn’t make it easy that Countdown is virtually unreadable.

I know we all know this but it should be noted that Cera Kesh does not exist yet in this continuity (but could easily be introduced).

Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
There's also the Tornado Twins history to sort out. Were they killed by the Dominators? If so, under what circumstances? If they are the same age as the Legionnaires, then how is Jenni like twenty years old?
This happened in TMK so it is not part of this continuity. The Tornado Twins were fully addressed I believe by XS’s explanation—her origin is basically their story. There’s a whole plethora of XS / Tornado Twins backstory from Mark Waid’s run on Flash—if XS’s history is now included on this Earth, it would make sense that this entire backstory is as well. This actually isn’t all that difficult to tie together but a stronger explanation would be nice.

I think at a certain point the Tornado Twins left the “Preboot Legion” (I can’t type out an explanation everytime I refer to this Legion) universe and went to the reboot universe. They then aged more than the Legionnaires as the timeline there matches up differently.

Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Originally posted by Gorilla Nebula:
[b] TMK revealed in the 5YL series that the Tornado Twins really did have super speed powers but both were executed by the Dominators. since 5YL never happened, Dawn and Don Allen are still alive, powered or not. Dawn is Xs's mother. Don is Impulse's father.
This got me to thinking . . . how old would XS be in relation to the other Legionnaires?

Levitz suggested that he was not going to adhere to a strict timeline, as he did in the past, although he is continuing basically from where he left off. This means that most of the Legionnaires are in their late 20s/early 30s.

Going by the first Mayfair Legion Sourcebook (and yes, I know I said sourcebooks should not be essential to understanding a story in another thread), the Magic Wars happened at about Year 16 of the LSH's existence; they encountered the Tornado Twins in Year 7. Assuming that Dawn Allen wasn't a teenaged mother, this means that XS would have been born around Year 9 or later.

I'm not sure how much time will have passed between the Magic Wars and Levitz's relaunch (I haven't been following the Johnsboot, etc., at all), but if a year or two has passed, that makes XS only about nine years old!

(Unless, of course, she suffers from Cub Nah Growth Syndrome. tongue )[/b]
XS is at least 16 and the Tornado Twins are at least in their late 30’s pushing 40 (at least, likely they’re older). I think the Mayfair Sourcebook will continue to lose firm credibility going forward to be honest. Certainly the Tornado Twins will now always be considered several years older than the oldest Legionnaires.

Also, I’m sure we all realize the Tornado Twins will probably never be addressed. And if it is, it will be a story in Kid Flash by Geoff Johns. The chances of this appearing in a Legion comic are about 100 to 1.

Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Other thoughts:
History/status of Infectious Lass - I would assume Drura, Myg, Lydda and Yera joined together but then Drura screwed something up big time.

Lydda and Rokk broke up (presumably when Rokk became leader)

New headquarters that looks like the original(which had to be built before the rise of the JLE)

I know this isn't Geoff Johns' title any longer but his take was that this Legion continued from just after CoIE so no Magic Wars etc. In that timeline the original Fatal Five being intact makes sense and it gets rid of the death of Superboy/conspiracy etc. There would need to be a when did Rond reveal his Green Lantern membership answer. I think {aul Levitz needs to make a definitive statement on whether this run carries on from #18, #60 or #63 of V3
Dev mentioned it but I’ll reiterate that Paul says explicitly his entire run up until #63 happened, so Magic Wars happened.

Good call on New HQ, I don’t even think I noticed it before.

Where does it say Rokk and Lydda broke up? How did I miss that? Is that speculation or is it explicitly mentioned?

I also don’t recall any mention of Drura joining the Legion in any of the stories. I wish it were so but we can’t presume that happened. All we know for sure is Myg, Lydda and Yera all joined in the gap.

Originally posted by the Hermit:
To me the big problem with continuing from the end of the Baxter run is how to explain the whole pocket universe thing. It was created specifically to fit legion history in with the Byrne revisioning of Superman. Now that Clark Kent is back to being a member in his teens, the whole pocket universe Superboy thing is a lie. Will that entire story arc be revealed to be yet another con by the Time Trapper? If so, when did the legion finally discover that "their" Superboy was still alive?

For that matter, will we ever find out just who Brainy was mourning in (Baxter Series) #15? It can't be the current Kara. She's still alive too.

Luckily, coming up with creative solutions to problems like these has always been one of Paul's strong points, so I'm looking forward to seeing just how he handles them.

Btw, XS's age has already been explained (in the roboot). Both she and Bart aged at an accelerated pace, for some psuedo-scientific reason that I never bothered to try to understand (sometimes it's easier just to exercise the old suspension of disbelief).
Great point on Baxter #15. That story must also be erased even if Kara did join the Legion because she doesn’t die in Crisis. Unless Paul or another writer reveals he was morning some alternate version of Kara that died in Crisis, but I think no one can make that presumption. This will be added to the list.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Everyone please feel free to help me get this right:

<span style="font-size: 18px;">

Potentially Removed from Continuity
Death of Superboy
Death of Mon-El / Shady remove finger / marriage of Shady & Mon-El
Ayla / Salu romance – I hope not but thus far we haven’t learned anything either way.
Baxter #15 – Brainy mourning Supergirl

Happened sometime after Levitz final issue before Lightning Saga
Resurrection of Karate Kid – I wonder if that will ever be explained
Luornu’s 2nd Body (if it lived because Conspiracy never existed) travels back in time and dies in Countdown – clearer explanation needed
Myg as Karate Kid II
Night Girl joins
Chameleon Girl joins
New HQ built
Quislet Returns – mentioned in interview
Tyroc Returns – mentioned in interview
Return / Ressurection of Tharok
Restoration of Validus
New Emerald Empress Appears or Sarya resurrected – needs to be addressed
Dragonmage of this continuity appears – he is later mentioned as murdered by Mordru in Legion of 3 Worlds but we know it cannot be the reboot Dragonmage or the TMK Dragonmage no matter what Geoff was thinking
Infectious Lass travels through time (ipso facto leaving the Subs) for Tales of the Unexpected back-up stories???
Rainbow Girl joins the Legion of Substitute Heroes
Double-Header killed by Justice League

Up in the air
Supergirl – for all we all we know the Kara from the Silver Age and beyond we’ve all always read about is in fact this current Supergirl. You may not like that explanation, but that could be what DC has planned. Again, you can say this is another continuity if it makes you feel better, but it might mean this version of the Legion still has all those old Supergirl stories happen to them (albeit with this Supergirl). They just haven’t happened to her yet. But they may have happened to Brainy and the rest of the Legion. We can’t really presume either way or the other until we get any type of evidence.

XS / Kid Flash / Tornado Twins
Revealed in Legion of Three Worlds the Tornado Twins left the ‘Preboot/Johnsboot’ Earth/Universe and lived on the Reboot Earth/Universe. They have since died. Their children are XS and Kid Flash (formerly Impulse), who grew up on that Earth/Universe. Kid Flash journeyed back to the PB/JB Earth/Universe in the 21st Century and XS has now done the same in the 31st Century. All this revealed in Legion of Three Worlds.

Had always been true but revealed only recently
Starman / Starboy’s medical condition
Wildfire / Red Tornado weird connection thingy – that made little sense so hopefully is never mentioned again

We must assume none of the 5YL series happened, although I wouldn’t be surprised if elements of it are pulled in eventually. For example, Myg joined sometime after Baxter #63 just like in the five year gap to TMK. There was also a Dragonmage. So don’t be surprised if Kono or someone is revealed to exist as well.

Starboy’s Tenure with the Legionlet me know if you guys can help me hone this
The Lightning Saga, Legion of Three Worlds and his JSA appearances have called into question some of Starboy’s original tenure with the Legion and how exactly it happened. We must presume it all happened as it originally was presented unless outright changes are explicitly made. There are two major points: (A) did Star Boy rejoin the Legion with Dream Girl as originally presented or was he among the Subs longer? (B) Did he receive his black-starry costume at the same time (which allows him to travel through the multiverse or something), and if so, does that firmly plant the original meeting of the three Legions between the end of the Action Comics back-up stories and the beginning of the Superboy back-up stories within the PB/JB timeline?

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Time Trapper
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Maybe when Brainy sees this new Kara, he'll be confused as anything because he thinks she's dead. It's a possibility.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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I agree with Silver Age Lad that the Tornado Twins are dead.

We know that some things from the 5YL have happened already.
1. Mysa was tortured and held captive by Mordru on Zerox, but possibly not married to him yet (and now will never be.)
2. Rond has a child, a son (he had a girl before) and we still don't know who the mother is (I hope it's still Laurel Gand.}
3. Rond, as a Green Lantern, has been killed recueing Mysa, as he was before, only considerably earlier in the timeline (at least a couple of years.)

The Braal/Imsk War hasn't taken place yet and may never.

Tribulus, has been introduced in .REBELS.
He doesn't have a brain with dome like Validus so he may not be related to him.
Then again, Tribulus may get, or grow, his own brain sometime in the future and become Validus.

We haven't seen any Ranzz offspring.

Ayla and Brin should have already broken up.

Will Levitz have Tinya stolen/exchanged for a Durlan to keep a consistancy for .LEGION?
Will he be Brande?

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Bold Flavors
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Shady, I think most of those TMK things we have to assume will never happen unless they actually do. So Rond does not have a child and the Braal/Imsk War will not happen.

At least, I don't recall Rond mentioning a child in L3W. If he did, that's one thing, but if not, that means Lauren doesn't exist.

For the Ranzz off-spring, they should both still exist, since Paul says this picks up after #63. There is no reason for them not exist. Eliminating them would be pretty lame (I'm hoping beyond hope this notion to make Lightning Lad cool to 11 year old boys is ending).

And yeah, the Ayla/Brin break-up should have happened as it did.

Levitz mentions in the interview he'll address Brande's full life in his Adventure Comics arc. Its pretty clear from the interview that it likely will not be the Durlan from LEGION. So that connection may be broken once and for all for good.

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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
At least, I don't recall Rond mentioning a child in L3W.
I think it was Universo, said something about it.

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Universo did mention something about Rond's son. Right after Rond was killed.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Where does it say Rokk and Lydda broke up? How did I miss that? Is that speculation or is it explicitly mentioned?

I also don&#146;t recall any mention of Drura joining the Legion in any of the stories. I wish it were so but we can&#146;t presume that happened. All we know for sure is Myg, Lydda and Yera all joined in the gap.
Rokk explained to Garth in Lo3W that he had split with Lydda so that Garth and Imra could have a real life.

Drura said in the Dr 13 series that she had been in the Legion but had been kicked out. I suppose it depends whether that series is canon.

"Our devotion to each other was unexplainable"
"You were kids"
"No Batman, we were Legion"
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What about Laurel Kent and Dev-em,did they ever exist.

I tried to rip their soul out.I tried to make them forget Superman.
But they won't.
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Potentially Removed from Continuity
Baxter #15 &#150; Brainy mourning Supergirl

Up in the air
Supergirl &#150; for all we all we know the Kara from the Silver Age and beyond we&#146;ve all always read about is in fact this current Supergirl. You may not like that explanation, but that could be what DC has planned. Again, you can say this is another continuity if it makes you feel better, but it might mean this version of the Legion still has all those old Supergirl stories happen to them (albeit with this Supergirl). They just haven&#146;t happened to her yet. But they may have happened to Brainy and the rest of the Legion. We can&#146;t really presume either way or the other until we get any type of evidence.
Looks like this is going to be addressed in some manner in Supergirl # 52 !

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Originally posted by Lardi:
Looks like this is going to be addressed in some manner in Supergirl # 52 !
The Superman/Batman team-up previewed on that page looks very much like they are fighting a Durlan on the cover.

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Set, I'm pretty sure that's still the Invasion (time wise) story still.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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I wonder how much people would flip out if Paul's first issue began with the words Five Years Later...? laugh

Re: Your List CK - I haven't read past like issue #40 or something of the Baxter run so I could be wrong about this but weren't Vi/Ayla a TMK/5YL-only thing?

And it so, not something potentially removed from continuity since they just haven't happened yet?

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Yeah, Vi/Ayla happened in the TMKverse. They were shown to be becoming close friends during Levitz run, though. You could read more into that, but I think Levitz said once that it wasn't his intention.

Originally posted by Lardi:
Looks like this is going to be addressed in some manner in Supergirl # 52 !
Sounds like Brainy thinks this Kara is his Kara, but I'm probably reading too much into that solicitation.
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Yes, Universo says that Rond should have joined him, that they could have ruled together. Perhaps his (Rond's) son will fare better.
That's in Lo3W #2, just after Rond is killed.

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[sulks] I want Rond back.

Brainy doesn't need any more neurosis. Somebody needs to drag him out of the Time Institute for a beer now and then.

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I agree that most of the TMK things won't happen, except that the Mysa rescue with Rond dying, which is the first major arc of the 5YL, DID in Lo3W.
And as I and a few other people have said, Rond has a child, like he did in TMK.

I always disliked Laurel Kent and loved Laurel Gand, so that's why I'm holding out for seeing her again.
Rond's 'woman' could be Kent, for all we know yet.

We can assume that the twins are born but we haven't heard anything about them and Tribulus in .REBELS, may make the Darkseid curse come out differently.
Maybe not.

I thought someone mentioned that Brin and Ayla might be the couple that broke up, so I said that they should have already done that.
I don't doubt that they're finished.

Good job trying to iron out the small glitches/questions, Cobie!

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Newsarama has the April solitications for the Superman family titles up, and the write-up for Supergirl should provide for plenty of discussion here.

On Ayla and Brin, even they are back together now that doesn't mean that the breakup didn't happen. Maybe they just drifted back together over time?

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While there are plenty of weird discrepancies with what Johns introduced into the preboot Legion, I don't have an issue with believing that it still picks up after Magic Wars. In a comic book universe, things are constantly being changed..

While I'm not really wild about Val being brought back to life (just so they could kill him again), Wildfire living in Red Tornado's body (which is just odd), Tyroc and Quislet being back on the team with no explanation (albeit missing in time), etc etc etc....all of these things I'm happy to accept as having happened (or having been discovered) in the intervening time since Magic Wars.

I do think it would be cool if we saw some subplots leading towards stuff that happened in the 5YL Legion; I don't think storytelling should be hamstrung by it, but it makes for some nice easter eggs if we hear about things in the background every now and then like political hostilities between Braal and Imsk, the introduction of Probes, etc...

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I vote for Kono and Kent to show up in this version.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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I don't read Superman, and so I´m confused about Mon-el. Why can't Shady have cut her finger? Did Mon-el never exist in this continuity? I always thought that the Mon-el in Superman simply hadn't spent his 1000 years in the Phantom Zone yet, and that he would eventually be put there and rescued by Brainy 1000 years later. Am I wrong?

So confused...

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That's not just you, Doctor One. Time travel paradoxes are just something that I let wash over without expecting them to make sense. That way I can get on with the fist fights and soap without my brains (or what's left of them) melting away.


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Originally posted by Doctor One:
I don't read Superman, and so I´m confused about Mon-el. Why can't Shady have cut her finger? Did Mon-el never exist in this continuity? I always thought that the Mon-el in Superman simply hadn't spent his 1000 years in the Phantom Zone yet, and that he would eventually be put there and rescued by Brainy 1000 years later. Am I wrong?

So confused...
Shady cut her finger off during a ritual after Mon El was gravely injured during the Conspiracy story that resulted in the Time Trapper Confrontation. That was due to the death of Superboy.

If Superboy has not died, then the conspiracy never happened and Mon El was never injired...thus Shady would not have cut off her finger in a show of devotion to him when he was dying.

Continuity paradoxes make my brain hurt.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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THANK YOU! That makes so much more sense!

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Time Trapper
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Glad it helped...there are things that still need to be clarified in this timeline, but that seems to be the best explanation.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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