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Bits Of (Random) Legionnaire Business...
by Korbal - 03/31/25 11:52 AM
Kill This Thread XVII - Retirement Age
by Ann Hebistand - 03/31/25 11:46 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:45 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:01 AM
DC is Reviving the Legion Soon! Everyone Will Embrace It!
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 08:44 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
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#592215 08/17/05 03:03 PM
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Fan Fashions: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Legion HQ

126.2 ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 403

Reprints "The Stolen Super-Powers!" 24. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #304, January 1963 , "The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire!" 25. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #305, February 1963 , "The Return of Lightning Lad!" 28. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #308, May 1963 , "The Super-Sacrifice of the Legionnaires! Part I" & "The Bravest Legionnaire! Part II" 33. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #312, September 1963 .

"Fashions From Fans"

Ross Andru and Mike Esposito draw various Legionnaires (Saturn Girl, Duo Damsel, Phantom Girl, Light Lass, Shrinking Violet, Cosmic Boy, Karate Kid, Ultra Boy, Shadow Lass, Princess Projectra, Lightning Lad, Night Girl, & Chlorophyll Kid) in fan-designed costumes. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"Diagram of Legion Headquarters Complex"

Map of the new Legion HQ. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: March 1971
Released: December 1970

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127. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 172
"Brotherly Hate!"

Lightning Lad & Light Lass (with the help of Timber Wolf) track down and capture their brother Lightning Lord in a battle that results in Mekt’s hair turning silver. Reprinted in DC SPECIAL SERIES (Vol. 1) #19, Fall 1979 & in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: March 1971
Released: December 1970

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127.1 SUPER DC GIANT (Vol. 1) S24

Reprints "The Forbidden Weapons of Krypton!" 24.1 ACTION COMICS (Vol. 1) #297, February 1963 & "The Super-Powers of Lex Luthor!" 25.1 ACTION COMICS (Vol. 1) #298, March 1963 .

Cover date: May 1971
Released: February 1971

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128. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 173
"Trust Me Or Kill Me!"

Superboy figures out which Cosmic Boy was created by Mordru’s magic. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: April 1971
Released: January 1971

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129. SUPERBOY (Vol.1) 176
"Invisible Invader!"

When a criminal possesses an invisibility serum similar to Invisible Kid’s, he relies on his teammate Chemical King to stop him. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: July 1971
Released: April 1971

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#592216 08/17/05 05:30 PM
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129.1 SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN (Vol. 1) 140

Reprints "The World of Doomed Olsens!" 35. SUPERMAN\'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN (Vol. 1) #72, October 1963 .

Cover date: July 1971
Released: April 1971

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129.2 ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 409

Reprints "The Condemned Legionnaires! Part I" & "The Secret of Satan Girl! Part II" 34. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #313, October 1963 .

Cover date: August 1971
Released: May 1971

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129.3 ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 410

Reprints "The Revolt of the Girl Legionnaires! Part I" & "The Triumph of the Super-Heroines! Part II" 52. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #326, November 1964 . [Note: Page 2 of each chapter is switched.]

Cover date: September 1971
Released: June 1971

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129.4 SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 177

Reprints "The Revenge of the Knave from Krypton! Part I" & "The Treachery of Molock the Merciless! Part II" 44. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #320, May 1964 .

Cover date: September 1971
Released: June 1971

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129.5 ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 411

Reprints "The Weddings that Wrecked the Legion! Part I" & "The Legionnaire Dropouts! Part II" 65. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #337, October 1965 .

Cover date: October 1971
Released: July 1971

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#592217 08/17/05 09:09 PM
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129.6 SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 178

Reprints "The Lone Wolf Legionnaire! Part I" & "The Youth who Wasn’t Human! Part II" 54. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #327, December 1964 .

Cover date: October 1971
Released: July 1971

129.7 SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 180

Reprints "The Secret Origin of Bouncing Boy!" 19. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #301, October 1962 . [Note: Applicants’ costumes recolored.]

Cover date: December 1971
Released: September 1971

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129.8 SUPERMAN (Vol. 1) 245

Reprints "The Team of Luthor and Brainiac!" 40.1 SUPERMAN (Vol.1) 167, February 1964 .

Cover date: December 1971
Released: September 1971

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#592218 08/18/05 06:01 PM
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129.8.1 BATMAN (Vol. 1) 238

Reprints "The Legion of Super-Outlaws! Part I" & "The Battle of the Super-Teams! Part II" 49. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 324, September 1964 .

"Key to the Super-Heroes"

1. TIMBER WOLF (Brin Londo) - Planet Zoon - Super-strength and super-athletic abilities.
2. STAR BOY (Thom Kallor) - Planet Xanthu - Induces mass to make objects super-heavy.
3. COLOSSAL BOY (Gim Allon) - Planet Earth - Super-growth.
4. CHEMICAL KING (Condo Arlik) - Planet Valdow - Power to alter chemical reactions.
5. SHADOW LASS (Tasmia Malor) - Planet Talok VIII - Creates darkness.
6. ELASTIC LAD (Jimmy Olsen) - Planet Earth - Super-stretching. Honorary member.
7. SUPERGIRL (Linda Danvers) - Planet Krypton.
8. COMET THE SUPERHORSE (Biron the Centaur) - Member of the Legion of Super-Pets.
9. INSECT QUEEN (Lana Lang) - Planet Earth -Can assume any insect form. A Legion Reservist.
10. KID PSYCHO (Gnill Opral) - Planet Hajor - Creates impenetrable force-screens; but each time, he shortens his life. A Reservist.
11. ELEMENT LAD (Jan Arrah) - Planet Trom - Changes any element to any other.
12. FERRO LAD (Andrew Nolan) - Planet Earth - Could change to near-invulnerable iron. Killed in action.
13. DREAM GIRL (Nura Nal) - Planet Naltor – Can see a year into the future.
14. SUN BOY (Dirk Morgna) - Planet Earth - Creates super-heat and light.
15. BRAINlAC 5 (Querl Dox) - Planet Colu - Super-brain.
16. LIGHTNING LAD (Garth Ranzz) - Planet Winath - Super-lightning power.
17. ULTRA BOY (Jo Nah) - Planet Rimbor - Ultra-strength, speed, vision and invulnerability; can use only one power at a time.
18. DUO DAMSEL (Luornu Durgo) - Planet Cargg - Can split into two girls.
19. COSMIC BOY (Rokk Krinn) - Planet Braal - Super- magnetic powers.
20. KARATE KID (Val Armorr) - Planet Earth - Super-Karate.
21. LIGHT LASS (Ayla Ranzz) - Planet Winath - Can make objects super-lightweight.
22. INVISIBLE KID (Lyle Norg) - Planet Earth - lnvisibility.
23. SUPERBOY (Clark Kent) - Planet Krypton - Resigned active membership; still a Reservist.
24. PRINCESS PROJECTRA - Planet Orando – illusion casting.
25. BOUNCING BOY (Chuck Taine) - Planet Earth - Super-bouncing.
26. MON-EL (Lar Gand) - Planet Daxam - Same as Superboy.
27. CHAMELEON BOY (Reep Daggle) - Planet Durla - Shape-changing.
28. SATURN GIRL (lmra Ardeen) – Planet Saturn -Telepathy.
29. MATTER-EATER LAD (Tenzil Kem) – Planet Bismoll - Eats anything.
30. PHANTOM GIRL (Tinya Wallo) - Planet Bgztl - Can dematerialize and pass through solid objects.
31. PROTY II - Planet Sua - same power as Chameleon Boy; a Super-Pet.
32. BEPPO THE SUPER-MONKEY - Planet Krypton - A Super-Pet.
33. STREAKY THE SUPER-CAT - Planet Earth - A Super-Pet.
34. KRYPTO THE SUPERDOG - Planet Krypton - A Super-Pet.
35. SHRINKING VIOLET (Salu Digby) - Planet Imsk - Super-shrinking.

36. Dr. Niles Calder, alias THE CHIEF.
37. ELASTI-GIRL (Rita Farr).
38. ROBOTMAN (Cliff Steele).
39. NEGATIVE MAN (Larry Traynor).

40. PLASTIC MAN (Eel O'Brian).
41. AQUAMAN (Arthur Curry).
42. ROBIN (Dick Grayson).
43. THE BATMAN (Bruce Wayne).
44. SARGON THE SORCERER (John Sargent).
Not shown-THE ATOM (AI Pratt).

Cover date: January 1972
Released: October 1971

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129.9 SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 181

Reprints "The Six-Legged Legionnaire!" 85. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 355, April 1967 .

Cover date: January 1972
Released: October 1971

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129.9.1 SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 182
"Smallville Mailsack"

"...may I announce the formation of a Legion of Super-Heroes fan club? All you need to qualify is to be a boy or girl (otherwise mail yourself to Cain in the House of Mystery) and be between the ages of 1 to 100. Send me a postcard with your name, address, date of birth, and your favorite Legionnaire, and info about the club will be winging your way."

Cover date: February 1972
Released: November 1971

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130. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 183
"War of the Wraith Mates!"

First and only story appearance of fan-designed costumes for Karate Kid, Princess Projectra, & Shadow Lass. Two bickering parasitic aliens, Krogl & Marlxa, are forced to inhabit Mon-El and Shadow Lass in order to revitalize their energies (saving Shadow Lass’ life in the process). Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: March 1972
Released: December 1971

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131. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 184
"One Legionnaire Must Go!"

Saturn Girl’s costume first shown as pink rather than red. Matter-Eater Lad’s brother, Renkil, uses a telepathic transmitter to frame Tenzil for treason and take his place in the Legion. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: April 1972
Released: January 1972

Last edited by Nightcrawler; 05/26/23 09:37 AM.
#592219 08/18/05 10:23 PM
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131.1 SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 185

Reprints "The Eight Impossible Missions! Part I" & "The Amazing Winner of the Great Proty Puzzle! Part II" 48. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 323, August 1964 .

Cover date: May 1972
Released: February 1972

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131.2 LEGION OUTPOST (Vol. 1) 1
"Election Issue"

First issue of the famous fanzine.

Cover date: June 1972
Released: 1972

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132. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 188
"Curse of the Blood Crystals!"

Chameleon Boy encounters the blood crystals that Mordru had created and that Superboy had disposed of in space one thousand years before. The crystals overtake his mind and force Reep to attempt to kill Suprboy, before Superboy restores him to normal. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: July 1972
Released: April 1972

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133. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 190
"Murder the Leader!"

Mon-El is re-elected Legion Leader as he and Saturn Girl are attacked by Tharok and Validus. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: September 1972
Released: June 1972

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134. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 191
"Attack of the Sun Scavenger"

Dr. Regulus (origin retold) attacks the Legion on Sun Boy’s birthday. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: October 1972
Released: July 1972

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134.1 LEGION OUTPOST (Vol. 1) 2
"Sorry for the delay"

Second issue of the famous fanzine.

Cover date: November 1972
Released: 1972

Last edited by Nightcrawler; 05/26/23 09:46 AM.
#592220 08/18/05 10:42 PM
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134.2 LEGION OUTPOST (Vol. 1) 3

Third issue of the famous fanzine.

Cover date: January-February 1973
Released: 1973

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Reprints "The Lad Who Wrecked the Legion! Part I" & "The Secret of the Legion Rookie! Part II" 56. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #328, January 1965 .


by Cary Bates

1) SUPERBOY (Clark Kent born Kal-El) was one of the early charter members. Periodically, he would leave the 1950's and journey ahead in time to the 30th century for Legion missions. Recently he resigned as the 26TH Legionnaire because of a strict law that states no club may contain over 25 members. He is now an HONORARY member.

2) SUPERGIRL (Linda Danvers born Kara), Superboy's younger cousin, was also a member for several years. She bowed out of the Legion when her hectic 20th century life required full-time attention. She is now an HONORARY member.

3) LIGHTNING LAD (Garth Ranzz) gained the power to generate lightning bolts when a bolt-breathing monster attacked him and his brother, electrifying the boys' bodies. Garth's brother became the evil LIGHTNING LORD.

4) COSMIC BOY (Rokk Krinn) came from the planet Brall where the people evolved magnetic powers to battle the metal monsters of that world.

5) SATURN GIRL (Imra Ardeen) comes from Saturn where everyone has extraordinary ESP powers and telepathic abilities.

6) BRAINIAC 5 (Querl Dox) of the planet Colu, is a descendant of Vril Dox, the adopted son of the original BRAINIAC, SUPERMAN's arch-foe. Vril found a way to raise his brain to the 12th level making it the equal of BRAINIAC's computer-mind: a genetic change enabled him to pass this super-intellect on to his descendants, including BRAINIAC 5.

7) PHANTOM GIRL (Tinya Wazzo) came from the planet Bgztl, which occupies the same space as Earth, but in another dimension. She can dematerialize at will and pass through solid objects.

8) SHADOW LASS (Tasmia Malor) is from the planet Talok. She is able to project large areas of absolute total darkness at will.

9) DUO DAMSEL (Luornu Durgo) came from a world with a TRIPLE sun, which gave all the inhabitants the power to split into THREE bodies. One of her duplicates was killed, leaving her with the ability to become TWO girls.

10) BOUNCING BOY (Chuck Taine) of Earth, gained the power of super-bouncing when he drank a super-plastic fluid by mistake.

11) CHEMICAL KING (Condo Arlik) was one of the last two members to join. He is a human CATALYST who can create chemical processes involving any elements in the universe.

12) TIMBER WOLF (Brin Londo) is from the planet Zoon and became a Legionnaire along with Chemical King. The WOLF possesses super-human strength and is expert at all forms of acrobatics.

13) CHAMELEON BOY (Reep Daggle) came from the planet Durla where everyone can assume any shape he desires.

14) COLOSSAL BOY (Gim Allon) of Earth, acquired the power of super-growth from a strange meteor.

15) SUN BOY (Dirk Morgna) was locked in an atomic reactor by the villainous DR. REGULUS. Unexpectedly, the atomic rays transformed him into a human beacon of heat and light.

16) SHRINKING VIOLET (Salu Digby) comes from the planet Imsk where all natives can shrink to microscopic size.

17) INVISIBLE KID (Lyle Norg) of Earth, is a young genius who invented the serum which enables him to vanish from sight, thus making him an invaluable spy.

18) LIGHT LASS (Ayla Ranzz) is LIGHTNING LAD's sister and was with her two brothers during the bolt-breathing monster attack. She too was electrified. Another Legionnaire, DREAM GIRL, used her scientific know-how to CHANGE Ayla's power so that she could make objects super-light-weight.

19) STAR BOY (Thom Kallor) was born in a space-observatory where his astronomer-parents absorbed star-light for research. This energy gave Thom the power to draw mass from the stars and make any object super-heavy.

20) MON-EL (Lar Gand) comes from the planet Daxam and posesses the same powers as SUPERBOY. Because of a fatal weakness to LEAD Lar was quarantined in the PHANTOM ZONE for 1000 years. He was released when BRAINIAC 5 invented a serum that gave Lar immunity to lead.

21) ULTRA BOY (Jo Nah) from the planet Rimbor was charged with ultra-energy when his space-cruiser was swallowed by a huge energy-beast. A passing vessel saved him by slicing the creature open, leaving Jo charged with many ULTRA-powers. However. he can use only ONE power at a time.

22) MATTER-EATER LAD (Tenzil Kem) is from Bismo1l where microbes had slowly poisoned all the planet's food. To survive the people evolved the power to eat ANYTHING without ill after-effects.

23) ELEMENT LAD (Jan Arrah) was the lone survivor of the planet Trom after an atomic attack. The result Trom's radioactive environment gave Jan the power to change the atomic structure of any element by mental radiations.

24) KARATE KID (Val Ammorr) learned super-karate from an Oriental master in Japan. Val's training began in infancy, and he became a super-being, able to slice solid steel with his bare hand.

25) DREAM GIRL (Nura Nal) comes from Naltor, a planet where everyone has the power to gaze into tha future.

26) PRINCESS PROJECTORA, of the royal family of the planet Orando, was endowed by 3 witch with the power to create realistic illusions.

27) FERRO LAD (Andrew Nolan) was an Earth-mutant, with a non-human face he always kept masked. He had the ability to change his body into near-invulnerable iron and gave his life to stop the gargantuan SUN-EATER, a monster that threatened to destroy the galaxy.

Cover date: February 1973
Released: November 1972

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136. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 193
"War Between the Nights and the Days!"

First story appearance of Duo Damsel’s fan-designed costume. First appearance of Dave Cockrum’s Chameleon Boy, Shrinking Violet, and Karate Kid designs. [Note: Matter-Eater Lad’s costume erroneously colored red.] Duo Damsel and Chameleon Boy help unite Pasnic’s two warring factions. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: February 1973
Released: November 1972

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First mention of ERG-1 (later called Wildfire) in text feature. Reprints "The War Between Krypton and Earth! Part I" & "The Civil War of the Legion! Part II" 61. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #333, June 1965 .

by Cary Bates


1) FERRO LAD (Andrew Nolan of Earth) was a mutant with a non-human face, which
he kept masked at all times. He had the ability to transmute his body into
near-invulnerable IRON. He sacrificed his life to save the galaxy from the
gargantuan SUN-EATER.

2) LIGHTNING LAD (Garth Ranzz of Winath) attacked the evil Zaryan the Conqueror
with lightning bolts, but was fatally stricken by Zaryan's freeze-ray in the
battle. Later, he was restored to life via electricity, when PROTY disguised
himself as Saturn Girl and used duralim, a super-conductor, to exchange his
life-force for Lightning Lad's.

3) ERG-1. (Drake Burroughs of Earth) was a young rocket engineer experimenting
with a new form of propulsion when a retro-exhaust backfired and enveloped him
with devastating energy. Drake amazingly survived, but his entire body was
transformed into pulsating, explosive energy that had to be contained in the
special insulated helmet and uniform he wore. He released this energy in a
single colossal blast to destroy a menace and save several Legionnaires - but
Drake himself was the "ammunition"! He sacrificed his very life-force and his
uniform was left EMPTY. ERG-1 (Energy-Release-Generator) never became a
full-fledged Legionnaire, but was made an HONORARY MEMBER posthumously.


1) SUPER-MONKEY (Beppo) originally from Krypton, secretly stowed away on
Kal-El's (SUPERBOY'S) rocket before it was sent to Earth.

2) SUPER-HORSE (Comet) was originally a centaur in ancient Greece. He wanted to
become all-human but an evil sorcerer changed him completely into a horse.
However, Circe helped him. She couldn"t reverse the spell but she did endow him
with super-powers. Comet temporarily becomes human again whenever a comet passes
near earth.
3) PROTY II is Chame1eon Boys pet; he's a shapeless little creature that can
assume any form it chooses.

4) SUPERCAT (Streaky) accidentally gained super-powers from a discarded sample
of Kryptonite with which SUPERGIRL was experimenting, trying to find an antidote
to the deadly green rock. When all Kryptonite was recently transmuted to iron
the sample was changed also and Streaky lost his powers.

5) SUPERDOG (Krypto) baby Kal-El's pet, sent into orbit by Kal's father, Jor-El,
for experimentation. A stray meteor knocked the dog's satellite into space. and
Kypto gained super-powers after leaving the solar system of Krypton's red sun.
Years later, Krypto stumbled onto Earth and once again became SUPERBOY'S pet.


1) SUPERBOY,since giving up full membership.
2) SUPEGIRL,since giving up full membership.
3) LANA LANG, when she dons her unique ring and becomes the INSECT QUEEN.
4) JIMMY OLSEN, when he drinks his special serum and becomes ELASTIC LAD.
5) Kid PSYCHO, applied for membership and was turned down when he sidcovered
that each time he used his force-shield power his life was shortened by a year.


1) POLAR BOY (Brek Bannin), the leader of this group of Legion rejects, can
project intense cold.
2) FIRE LAD (Staq Mavlen) possesses the power of flame-breath.
3) NIGHT GIRL (Lydda Jath) wields super-strength only in the dark or at night,
sunlight robs her of her power.
4) STONE BOY (Dag Wentim) can become solid stone during which time he cannot
5) CHLOROPHYLL KID (Ral Benem) is able to make plants grow super-large,
6) COLOR KID (Ulu Vakk) can change the color of anything at will.
7) DREAM GIRL (Nura Nal) quit to become a regular LEGION member.
8) STAR BOY (Thom Kallor) quit to become a regular LEGION member.

Cover date: March 1973
Released: December 1972

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Reprints "Computo the Conqueror!" 69. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #340, January 1966 .



by Allan Asherman

Metropolis: The 30th Century. . . home of THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, right?
Right! And yet, some of the most exciting episodes in the Legion's futuristic
history have occurred in other times, other places. For instance:


"The Rogue Legionnaires" (Adventure #349: Nov. 1966) featured super-villain
"Universo." Seeking to dominate the world, Universo stole a Legion time-bubble
and fled into the past, trying to alter history. With their other time-bubble
smashed by the villain, the Legion appealed to a young scientific genuis for
aid. Travelling backward in time via the youngster's time-cube, Shrinking Violet
wound up in Egypt in 1243 B.C. Colossal Boy played "Gulliver" in the Britain of
693. Brainiac-Five visited the China of 1280, while Chameleon Boy went to Peru
in 1300, and Saturn Girl to Napoleonic France. In each time, people had been
hypnotized by Universo, but the Legion finally triumphed, thanks to their young
scientific pal. At story's end, we found out the boy was Universo's son.


In "The Super Villains of All Ages," (Adv. #314: Nov. 1963) the evil scientist
"Alaktor" also stole a Legion time-globe and fled into the past, where he
gathered three villains: Nero, Hitler and Dillinger! He managed to transfer
these evil minds into Superboy (Hitler), Mon-El (Nero) and Ultra-Boy
(Dillinger). So the three mightiest Legionnaires were turned into dangerous
enemies of civilization. But they outsmarted each other when, seeking to steal
all power for himself, each villain's mind tried to kill the others. While
Superboy, Mon-El and Ultra-Boy were unconscious, other Legionnaires reversed the
process, restoring both history and the heroes to normal.


A Green Kryptonite cloud over Earth, lethal to Superboy and Supergirl, led to a
decision that the two Kryptonians must return to their own times. To make sure
the security of the Legion would not be threatened, amnesia was induced in both
Supergirl and Superboy, and to them the Super-Heroes became "The Forgotten
Legion" (Adv. #351: Dec. 1966).

Later, to fight the socerer "Evillo", the Legionnaires needed (1) The footprint
of an enchanted horse, and (2) The hair of a genuine magician. Where to go for
such things? . . . Why back into the past, of course! Only problem was that now
Supergirl and Superboy, having forgotten the existence of the Legion, treated
their friends like invaders until emergency surgery (actuallv a bit of
hocus-pocus from Element Lad) restored their memory of the future. Evillo was
defeated and all was well. . .for a short time!


One of The Legion's most dangerous foes "Mordru the Merciless," (Adv. #369: June
1968) drove some of the Legionnaire's back into Superboy's era. There, in
Smallville, the super-fugitives had to assume secret identities while
formulating a plan to conquer Mordru.

In what many believe to be the most exciting tale of The Legion, Duo Damsel
masqueraded as Chief Parker's cousin Marie Elkins, while Shadow Lass covered her
beautiful blue hues with flesh-colored make-up and became Betty Norcross,
exchange student staying with Lana Lang. Mon-El, meanwhile resumed the identity
of Bob Cobb, brush salesman (the same civilian identity he adopted in his
initial appearance with Superboy). Superboy, of course, was Clark Kent as usual.

Things were also complicated by Lana Lang, who aided the Legionnaires as Insect
Queen. During the adventure she learned Clark was actually Superboy, and had to
be hypnotized into forgetting this. Meanwhile, Superboy discovered that Pete
Ross had known for some time that Clark and Superboy were one and the same
person. Suprisingly, Pete was allowed to retain this knowledge, but Superboy was
hypnotized into forgetting his friend knew who he was. There was a good reason
for this; namely that Mon-El knew Pete would one day save Superman's life
because he knew his pal's secret. Before all these things were straightened out
and Mordru defeated, many exciting and strange things happened to the
Legionnaires in the 2Oth Century.


There were other such adventures, but lack of space prevents me from telling you
about them right now. However, as with The Legion, there will be other times,
other pages. See you then!

Cover date: April 1973
Released: January 1973

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139. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 195
"The One-Shot Hero!"

First comic appearance and origin of Wildfire as ERG-1 (first in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES (Vol. 1) #2, text page). First new costume of Colossal Boy (later colored differently), Phantom Girl, & Princess Projectra (only use) designed by Dave Cockrum. Even though he displays several super-powers, ERG-1 is disqualified from membership. Later, he seemingly sacrifices himself to save Colossal Boy on Manna-5. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: June 1973
Released: March 1973

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139.1 100-PAGE SUPER SPECTACULAR (Vol. 2) DC-18

Reprints "The Amazing Story of Superman-Red and Superman-Blue!" 30.1 SUPERMAN (Vol.1) #162, July 1963 .

Cover date: July 1973
Released: April 1973

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Reprints "The Weirdo Legionnaire [aka Colossal Boy’s One-Man War!]! Part I" & "The Strategy of Brainiac 5! Part II" 70. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #341, February 1966 .


N -662


When you belong to a club as unusual as The Legion of Super-Heroes, and have a
unique power yourself, you've got to be prepared for some mighty weird
surprises. The entire Legion has experienced many such happenings, both pleasant
and unpleasant. But never are the occurrences so bizarre as when they involve a
direct physical change on a Legionnaire; changes in both form and powers
suffered in the line of duty. Here are some that have happened, taken directly
from the files of The Legion

Lightning Lass found herself without the ability to cast bolts like her brother
in Adventure #317 (Feb.,1964), when she fought what The Legion thought to be
"The Menace of Dream Girl." As it turned out, Dream Girl was a friend to The
Legion; after all, and had merely adjusted Lightning Lass' power so that it
would not be exactly the same as her brother's. From this episode on, Lightning
Lass became known as "Light Lass," with the super-power to make things super

In "The Code of the Super-Heroes," (Adv. #321: June 1964) Bouncing Boy got in
the way of a shrinking-ray, and lost his excess weight. Unfortunately. he also
lost his super-power of bouncing high into the air. Because he had been a great
friend and morale booster, in addition to one of the most modest of them all,
the Heroes voted to grant him permanent status in The Legion Reserve.

Lightning Lad, after having once been killed and returned to life (an extremely
unpleasant period the Legionnaires don't like to speak about), lost his right
arm in the line of duty as he taught "The Moby Dick of Space" (Adv. #332: May
1965). His own bolts, bouncing off the creature, combined with an organic poison
from the space monster, poisoned his arm, tt was replaced by a robot 1imb that,
after much difficulty, Lightning Lad learned to use almost as well as his own.

One of the strangest of all possible mutations happened to some of the
Legionnaires not once, but TWICE! In Adv. #338 (Nov. 1965), the Time Trapper,
one of the Legion's most dangerous foes, managed to change almost all the
Super-Heroes into infants ("The Menace of the Space Babies"). Fortunately, the
effects were only temporary, and in the end the Time Trapper was foiled.

In Adv. #356 (May. 1967), we told the story of "The Five Legion Orphans" who
were also restored to a most sudden second childhood. This case involved
Brainiac 5, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Superboy and Mon-El, and it all came about
in a non-hostile way. The planet Baskh, rendered childless by a terrible
disaster, was "aided" by its leading scientist. Their plan only affected
Legionnaires who had no living parents, so they could be adopted by prominent
citizens of the planet. Everything worked out happily, as our friends were
restored to normal, and Brainiac 5 learned the Baskhlans would soon have
children again.

In the tale for this issue (it originally was told in Adv. #340-341: Jan. & Feb.
196), a happy coincidence saved Triplicate Girl's life. When Computo seized and
destroyed what appeared to be all of her, it was actually only one of her three
selves. So Triplicate Girl died...But Duo Damsel was born.

Matter-Eater Lad's life was saved (which is more than I can say for his figure)
in Adv. #345 (June 1966). While imprisoned in space prison camp, together with
other Legionnaires, M.E. Lad tried to escape. He was caught and, as punishment,
was sentenced to be executed by a ray-blaster. Superboy arrived in time to
intercept the blast. But in a rare moment of miscalculation by the Boy of Steel,
the ray slid around his invulnerable form, striking M.E. Lad. Fortunately the
ray was altered when it came to contact with Superboy, and instead of killing
M.E. Lad, it made him super-fat. But only for a short time, because...

"The Forgotten Legion" (Adv. #351: Dec. 1966) found an unexpected friend as they
battled the villainous Evillo. One of Evillo's many victims was a brilliant
scientist, whom the villain later forced to aid him in his crimes. In
retaliation, the scientist (whose name we never learned), decided to undo as
much harm as possible and, in the process, performed three great services to The
Legion. He first found a way to restore Lightning Lad's right arm, using
advanced techniques of tissue regeneration. He then managed to recreate the
chemical that gave Bouncing Boy his super-power, restoring his chubbiness and
power at the same time. And, in an opposite move, the anonymous genius restored
Matter-Eater Lad to HIS normal state.

Perhaps the MOST extensive change to affect The Legion was told in the May 1968
Adventure Comics (#368). Thora, a female ambassador to Earth from Taltar, a
planet run by women, brainwashed all the female members of The Legion. Their
personalities altered, and their powers amplified, the girls started "The Mutiny
of the Super-Heroines." Among the people affected were: Shrinking Violet (who
found that she could grow as well as shrink), Supergirl (who gained an immunity
to Green Kryptonite), Duo Damsel (she gained the power to create as many
duplicates of herself as she wished for), Phantom Girl (who could now turn
others into phantoms, too), Shadow Lass (her shadows reached halfway across the
Earth and could blot out the sun), and Light Lass (who could now turn anything
super-super-light). Unfortunately, all these additional powers vanished when
Thora was defeated.

There have been other changes in The Legionnaires from time to time. and there
will undoubtedly be others, too. But these were some of the most interesting.

Cover date: July 1973
Released: April 1973

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131.2 LEGION OUTPOST (Vol. 1) 4

Fourth issue of the famous fanzine.

Cover date: Summer 1973
Released: 1973

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"Guide to Characters in Superman Family Portrait"

B&W tabloid available only in Metropolis, Ill. and through the mail. Reprints "The Superman Family" 23.2 SUPERMAN ANNUAL (Vol.1) 6, 1962 .

Cover date: 1973
Released: 1973

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141. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 197
"Timber Wolf --Dead Hero, Live Executioner! Part I"

Cover title changed to Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes, begins third regular Legion series. First new costume of Timber Wolf & Lightning Lad. Timber Wolf miraculously returns from the dead and attempts to kill the President of Earth when he is awarded the Valor-Star. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"The Sinister Secret of Timber Wolf! Part II"

First appearance of Tyr. Saturn Girl helps Timber Wolf free himself from Tyr’s mental control and end his plot to kill the Legionnaires. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: September 1973
Released: June 1973

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141.1 100-PAGE SUPER SPECTACULAR (Vol. 2) DC-21

Reprints "The Super Moby Dick of Space! Part I"& "The Cosmic Quest of Lightning Lad! Part II" 60. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 332, May 1965 .

Cover date: October 1973
Released: July 1973

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142. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 198
"The Fatal Five Who Twisted Time! Part I"

First new costume for Element Lad & Princess Projectra and Colossal Boy’s costume colors. After Clark Kent saves Lana Lang from Gorpo the Gorilla, he is attacked and captured by the Fatal Five. Reprinted in DC SPECIAL BLUE RIBBON DIGEST (Vol. 1) #8, April 1981 & in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"Prisoners of the Time Lock! Part II"

Legionnaires travel back to Superboy’s time too late to warn him of the Fatal Five only to be beaten and forced to retreat from the villains. Reprinted in DC SPECIAL BLUE RIBBON DIGEST (Vol. 1) #8, April 1981 & in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"Countdown to Catastrophe! Part III"

Even though Chameleon Boy’s disguise as Mano is blown, the Legionnaires save Superboy and stop the Fatal Five’s Time-Sorter from erasing the Legion from existence. Reprinted in DC SPECIAL BLUE RIBBON DIGEST (Vol. 1) #8, April 1981 & in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: October 1973
Released: July 1973

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142.1 LEGION OUTPOST (Vol. 1) 5

Fifth issue of the famous fanzine.

Cover date: Fall 1973
Released: 1973

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143. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 199
"The Gun That Mastered Men"

First new costume for Star Boy & Dream Girl. Tyr’s gun-hand attempts to rescue Tyr from the Legion’s custody by controlling Superboy, but is tricked by Chameleon Boy and Princess Projectra. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"The Impossible Target!"

First appearance of Orion the Hunter II. Bouncing Boy is captured and hunted by Orion. But, he’s able to turn the tables and capture the Hunter instead. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: November, 1973
Released: August, 1973

143.0 SUPERGIRL (Vol. 1) 8

Article about Legion.

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143.1 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Brainiac 5 1973

Released: 1973

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143.2 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Chameleon Boy 1973

Released: 1973

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143.3 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Cosmic Boy 1973

Released: 1973

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143.4 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Lightning Lad 1973

Released: 1973

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143.5 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Mon-El 1973

Released: 1973

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143.6 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Saturn Girl 1973

Released: 1973

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143.7 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Superboy (unofficial) 1973

Released: 1973

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143.8 7-11 COMIC CUPS

Supergirl (unofficial) 1973

Released: 1973

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#592224 08/19/05 03:26 AM
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143.9 SECRET ORIGINS (Vol. 2) 6

Reprints "The Origin of the Legion!" 99. SUPERBOY (Vol.1) 147, May 1968 .

Cover date: January 1974
Released: October 1973

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144. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 200
"The Legionnaire Bride of Starfinger Part I"

First new costume for Shadow Lass. Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel after they both apparently lose their powers. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"This Wife is Condemned Part II"

The wedding Bouncing Boy & Dou Damsel. Starfinger returns with Duo Damsel’s missing body. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"Secret of the Starfinger Split! Part III"

The Legionnaires learn what happened to Lournu and restore her after defeating Starfinger, who escapes with the help of his pet. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: January 1974
Released: October 1973

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144.1 SUPERMAN (Vol. 1) 272

Reprints "Beauty and the Super-Beast! Part I" & "Circe’s Super-Slave Part II" 37. SUPERMAN (Vol.1) 165, November 1963 .

Cover date: February 1974
Released: November 1973

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144.2 LEGION OUTPOST (Vol. 1) 6

Sixth issue of the famous fanzine.

Cover date: Winter 1974
Released: 1974

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145. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 201
"The Betrayer from Beyond"

First appearance of Porcupine Pete, Infectious Lass, & Molecular Master (later called Molecule Master). After being told of ERG-1’s sacrifice, Porcupine Pete and Infectious Lass are rejected for membership and Molecular Master is kept for further testing. But, the disembodied energy of ERG-1 discovers that their latest applicant is actually a sophisticated android that is slowly poisoning the Legionnaires and so he uses the Miracle Machine to help him gain access to his uniform and destroy the infiltrator. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"The Silent Death"

Dream Girl saves Karate Kid’s life when she forsees doom for her teammate. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: March 1974
Released: December 1973

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145.1 WORLD'S FINEST COMICS (Vol. 1) 223

Reprints "The Composite Superman! Part I" & "The Battle Between Titans! Part II" 45.2 WORLD\'S FINEST COMICS (Vol. 1) 142, June 1964 .

Cover date: March 1974
Released: December 1973

146. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 202
"Lost: A Million Miles From Home!"

Shrinking Violet saves Colossal Boy’s life twice. Reprinted in DC SPECIAL BLUE RIBBON DIGEST (Vol. 1) #8, April 1981 & in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

"The Wrath of the Devil-Fish!"

ERG-1 joins as Wildfire. First appearance of Devil-Fish. Devil-Fish helps the Legionnaires stop alien invaders from stealing Earth’s oceans. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Reprints "The Legionnaire Who Killed! Part I" & "The Verdict of the Legion! Part II" 72. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 342, March 1966 , "The Super-Stalag of Space! Part I" & "The Test of Brainiac 5! Part II" 74. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 344, May 1966 , & "The Execution of Matter-Eater Lad! Part I" & "Duo Damsel’s Double-Play! Part II" 75. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 345, June 1966 .

"The Lore of the Legion!"

Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Ten, 2000.

Cover date: May, 1974
Released: February, 1974

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146.1 LEGION OUTPOST (Vol. 1) 7

Seventh issue of the famous fanzine.

Cover date: Spring 1974
Released: 1974

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146.1 THE SUPERMAN FAMILY (Vol. 1) 165

Reprints "Krypto's Three Amazing Transformations!" 41.1 SUPERBOY (Vol.1) #111, March 1964 .

Cover date: June 1974
Released: March 1974

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147. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 203
"Massacre By Remote Control Part I"

Invisible Kid is busy spending time in Myla’s Invisible world while his teammates are testing their HQ’s defenses. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Invisible Kid’s Last Try Part II"

Death of Invisible Kid. Invisble Kid sacrifices his life in attempt to stop Validus from retrieving Tharok’s brain components. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: July 1974
Released: April 1974

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148. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 204
"The Legionnaire Nobody Remembered"

First appearance of Anti-Lad. Anti-Lad travels back from the 75th century to the 30th century to restore the fact that Superboy became a Legionnaire. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Brainiac 5's Secret Weakness!"

Supergirl resigns. Brainiac 5’s subconscious mind creates an android duplicate of Supergirl. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: September 1974
Released: June 1974

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148.1 THE SUPERMAN FAMILY (Vol. 1) 167

Reprints "The Day Pete Ross Became a Robot!" 19.1 SUPERBOY (Vol.1) #100, October 1962 & "The Insect Queen of Smallville!" 65.1 SUPERBOY (Vol.1) #124, October 1965 .

Cover date: October 1974
Released: July 1974

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149. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 205
"The Legion of Super-Executioners Part I"

Ultra Boy has gone mad and trashes the Legion’s HQ. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"The Legionnaire Firing Squad Part II"

Superboy and Lana Lang (as Insect Queen) learn the truth and help Ultra Boy stop the Master from using his Mind-Melder to control the other Legionnaires. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Reprints "The Outcast Super-Heroes! Part I" & "The Devil’s Dozen! Part II" 80. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #350, November 1966 & "The Forgotten Legion! Part I" & "The Faces Behind the Masks! Part II" 81. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #351, December 1966 .

"Meet ‘Iron Mike’ Grell"

Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Lore of the Legion"

Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: November 1974
Released: August 1974

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149.1 THE SUPERMAN FAMILY (Vol. 1) 168

Reprints "Lois Lane, Super-Telepath!" 59.3 SUPERMAN\'S GIRLFRIEND, LOIS LANE (Vol. 1) #56, April 1965 .

Cover date: December 1974
Released: September 1974

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150. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 206
"The Legionnaires Who Haunted Superboy"

The Legionnaires clone Ferro Lad and Invisible Kid, who are then tested for reliability by Superboy before their 48 hour life-spans are come to an explosive end. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Welcome Home, Daughter ... Now Die!"

Princess Projectra is saved from the Morgu by Karate Kid on her way back home to the planet Orando. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: January 1975
Released: October 1974

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150.1 THE SUPERMAN FAMILY (Vol. 1) 169

Reprints "The League of Fantastic Supermen!" 17.1 SUPERMAN\'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN (Vol. 1) #63, August 1962 .

Cover date: February 1975
Released: November 1974

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"Super-Hero Calendar"

Contains two-page 1975 calendar pin-up which depicts the charter members of the Legion alongside Superboy.

Cover date: February 1975
Released: November 1974

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151. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 207
"The Rookie Who Betrayed the Legion"

First appearance of Science Police officer Dvron. Even though SPXX342-Dvron initially lets Universo escape initially for saving his life earlier, he aids the Legion in capturing him in the end. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Lightning Lad's Day of Dread"

Lightning Lad meets his brother Mekt on the anniversary of their parents’ death. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: March 1975
Released: December 1974

152. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 208
"Vengeance of the Super-Villains Part I"

While the Legionnaires are awarded the Universal Trophy, Superboy & Mon-El are betrayed by Clark’s parents and Ultra Boy is betrayed by his own parents. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"The Night Before Doomsday Part II"

The Legion of Super-Villains are revealed as being responsible and Chameleon Chief seemingly infiltrates the Legion HQ as the trophy’s stand and plants a bomb before returning to his teammates. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Villainaires vs. the Legionnaires Part III"

The Legionnaires defeat the Villains and defuse the bomb after Chameleon Boy is revealed to have replaced Chameleon Chief. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"The Legion of Substitute Heroes"

Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Reprints "Lana Lang's Superboy Identity Detection Kit!" 9.3 SUPERBOY (Vol.1) #93, December 1961 and "The Evil Hand of the Luck Lords! Part I" & "The Secret of the Luck Lords! Part II" 73. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) #343, April 1966 .

Cover date: April 1975
Released: January 1975

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152.1 WONDER WOMAN (Vol. 1) 217

Reprints "Fun House of Time!" 1.5 WONDER WOMAN (Vol. 1) #101, October 1958 .

Cover date: April 1975
Released: January 1975

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153. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 209
"Who Can Save the Princess?"

To save Princess Projectra from the Pain Plague; Timber Wolf, Saturn Girl, and Karate Kid each absorbs one hour of pain to save her life. But, when Superboy’s invulnerability prevents him from helping, Duo Damsel arrives to save the day. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Hero for a Day"

First appearance of Flynt Brojj. The Legionnaires number one fan helps them see through a mass hypnotic spell. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: June 1975
Released: March 1975

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153.1 GIANT-SIZE X-MEN (Vol.1) 1
"Second Genesis"

The first appearance of Nightcrawler. A character originally intended to be a Legionnaire by his creator, Dave Cockrum. Nightcrawler joins the new X-Men and helps to save the original team from Krakoa.

Cover date: (July) 1975
Released: 1975

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154. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 210
"Soljer's Private War"

The Legionnaires bring peace of mind to a resurrected soldier of World War VI. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"Lair of the Black Dragon"

The untold origin of Karate Kid. First appearance of the Sensei and of the Black Dragon. Karate Kid learns the truth about himself from Sadaharu. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: August 1975
Released: May 1975

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155. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 211
"The Ultimate Revenge"

Second appearance of Roxxas. Chemeical King prevents Elelment Lad from killing the escaped Roxxas. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"The Legion's Lost Home"

The Substitute Legionnaires (Chlorophyll Kid and Stone in new costumes for this issue only – Fire Lad also appears) claim the Legion’s old HQ as their own and expose two Legion imposter's in the process. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: September 1975
Released: June 1975

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156. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 212
"Last Fight for a Legionnaire"

Resignation of Matter-Eater Lad. First appearance of the Legion of Super-Rejects (Magno Lad of Braal, Calorie Queen of Bismoll, Esper Lass of Titan, Phantom Lad of Bgztl, Micro Lad of Imsk and Chameleon Kid of Durla). Five Legion rejects fight their counterparts to prove they deserve membership only to lose in the end. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

"A Death Stroke At Dawn"

New costume for this issue only of Night Girl. Cosmic Boy and Night Girl come to an understanding about their relationship as they capture “Crafty” Colson. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Eleven, 2001.

Cover date: October 1975
Released: July 1975

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156.1 THE SUPERMAN FAMILY (Vol. 1) 173

Reprints "Beware of the Bug Belle!" 79.1 SUPERMAN\'S GIRLFRIEND, LOIS LANE (Vol. 1) #69, October 1966 .

Cover date: October 1975
Released: July 1975

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"The Legion Handbook"

DC Comics' fan magazine showcasing the Legion.

Cover date: November 1975
Released: August 1975

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157. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 213
"The Jaws of Fear"

Ultra Boy must overcome his fear of being eaten by a space dragon to help stop Benn Pares from stealing the Miracle Machine. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

"Trapped To Live -- Free To Die!"

Timber Wolf outsmarts and captures the Black Mace (second appearance). Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: December 1975
Released: September 1975

157.1 DC Calendar 1976

The Legion served as a pin-up for January. Many Legionnaires’ birthdays listed for the first time.

Cover date: 1976
Released: November 1975

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157.2 SUPERMAN (Vol. 1) 295
"Costume, Costume -- Who's Got the Costume?"

The Legion makes a cameo appearance when Xenofobe, the Green Lantern of sector 2814 in the 30th century travels back in time as “Father Time,” a villain. He steals Superman’s costume and gives it to Jaxon the Mighty (the most powerful being in the only future left after the Time Trapper’s interference) in a Kamandi derived 30th century. Superman and Jaxon battle for the costume setting things back to normal and restoring the Legion’s alternate future.

Cover date: January 1976
Released: October 1975

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158. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 214
"No Price Too High"

First appearance of Leland McCauley IV. Five Legionnaires are willing to risk their lives to save the life of a spoiled rich brat. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

"Stay Small Or Die"

Brainiac 5 helps Shrinking Violet overcome her fear of shrinking. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: January 1976
Released: October 1975

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158.1 SUPERMAN FAMILY (Vol. 1) 175
"Super-Family Puzzle Page"

Legion mentioned in crossword puzzle.

Cover date: February 1976
Released: November 1975

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159. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 215
"The Final Eclipse of Sun Boy"

Phantom Girl’s brother Gmya (first appearance) eclipses Sun Boy while saving her life from a phantom assassin. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

"The Hero Who Wouldn't Fight"

Cosmic Boy slaps Light Lass, but doesn’t dishonor his family by using magnetism to save a group of Legionnaires from the Emerald Empress. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: March 1976
Released: December 1975

click to enlarge

160. KARATE KID (Vol. 1) 1
"My World Begins In Yesterday"

Karate Kid trails Nemesis Kid to the 20th century and decides to stay there to find himself. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: April 1976
Released: January 1976

Last edited by Nightcrawler; 05/26/23 11:31 AM.
#592230 05/28/07 06:34 PM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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click to enlarge

161. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 216
"The Hero Who Hated the Legion"

First appearance of Tyroc. Tyroc, the hero of Marzal, doesn’t want the Legion’s aid to stop the Betas (the most notorious gang in the galaxy), but gets it anyway. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

"1 + 1 = 3"

Bouncing Boy proves that he doesn’t need his powers to stop the Rampagers in a solo story starring himself and his wife, Duo Damsel. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: April 1976
Released: January 1976

click to enlarge

161.1 DC SUPER STARS (Vol. 1) 3

Reprints "The Adult Legion" 84. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 354, March 1967 and "The War of the Legions!" 85. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 355, April 1967 .

Cover date: May 1976
Released: February 1976

click to enlarge

162. KARATE KID (Vol. 1) 2
"The International Dooms of Major Disaster"

Karate Kid seeks refuge in the 20th century from Iris Jacobs and stops Major Disaster from fulfilling his contract with Nurike to destroy the United Nations.

Cover date: June 1976
Released: March 1976

click to enlarge

163. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 217
"The Charge of the Doomed Legionnaires"

First appearance and death of Field Marshal Lorca of Khundia. Lorca inadvertently kills himself after matching his wits against the Legion. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

"Future Shock for Superboy"

First appearance of Laurel Kent. Superboy falls for his 30th century descendant. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: June 1976
Released: March 1976

click to enlarge

164. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 218
"The Super-Villain the World Never Knew"

Tyroc joins. First appearance of Absorbancy Boy and Quake Kid. Second appearance of Infectious Lass. Absorbancy Boy is defeated by Tyroc when he uses the Zoraz uniform worn by Superboy and SunBoy. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: July 1976
Released: April 1976

Last edited by Nightcrawler; 05/26/23 11:32 AM.
#592231 05/28/07 07:20 PM
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click to enlarge

"The Legion Outpost"

Cover date: August 1976
Released: May 1976

click to enlarge

165. KARATE KID (Vol. 1) 3
"The Revenger"

First and only appearance of the Revenger. The Revenger (Norman Grimes) tries to take revenge on the men who are using his life’s work for war weaponry, but is thwarted by Karate Kid.

Cover date: August 1976
Released: April 1976

click to enlarge

165.1 THE SUPERMAN FAMILY (Vol. 1) 178

Reprints "Superman's Phantom Pal!" 16.1 SUPERMAN\'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN (Vol. 1) #62, July 1962 .

Cover date: August 1976
Released: May 1976

click to enlarge

165.2 SUPER-TEAM FAMILY (Vol. 1) 6

Reprints "The Return of the Composite Superman" & "The Half and Half Heroes Part II" 89.1 WORLD\'S FINEST COMICS (Vol. 1) 168, August 1967 .

Cover date: August 1976
Released: May 1976

click to enlarge

166. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 219
"The Plunder Ploy of the Fatal Five"

The Legionnaires thwart the Fatal Five’s attempts to live comfortably after Duplicate Boy is nearly killed by the Persuader. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: September 1976
Released: June 1976

Last edited by Nightcrawler; 05/26/23 11:33 AM.
#592232 05/28/07 08:26 PM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Posts: 17,274
click to enlarge

167. KARATE KID (Vol. 1) 4
"The Rage of Yesterdays Lost!"

Karate Kid returns to the present day from a quick trip to the 30th century to find Iris in a hostage situation with Master Hand.

Cover date: October 1976
Released: July 1976

click to enlarge

168. SUPERBOY (v.1) 220
"The Super Soldiers of the Slave-Maker"

The Legion frees the planet Murgador from slavery by the warlord of Thargg. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

"Dream Girl's Living Nightmare"

Chameleon Boy attempts to thwart Dream Girl’s vision of the Primor’s death. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: Ocotober 1976
Released: July 1976

click to enlarge


Reprints "Mordru the Merciless!" 100. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 369, June 1968 ; "The Legion's Home Base" & "Diagram of Legion Headquarters Complex" 97. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 367, April 1968 ; "The Wedding of Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel!" 144. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 200, January 1974 ; "The Devil's Jury!" 101. ADVENTURE COMICS (Vol. 1) 370, July 1968 .

Cover date: Ocotober 1976
Released: July 1976

click to enlarge

"The Legion Outpost"

Cover date: November 1976
Released: August 1976

click to enlarge

170. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 221
"The Trillion-Dollar Trophies"

First appearance of Grimbor and Charma. The Legion thwarts Grimbor’s extortion of R.J. Brande. Reprinted in THE BEST OF DC DIGEST (Vol. 1) #33, February 1983 & in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: November 1976
Released: August 1976

Last edited by Nightcrawler; 05/26/23 11:34 AM.
#592233 05/29/07 12:39 AM
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click to enlarge

169. KARATE KID (Vol. 1) 5
"The Tomorrow Thief"

Commander Blud attempts to get information about the future from Karate Kid.

Cover date: December 1976
Released: September 1976

click to enlarge

171. SUPERBOY (Vol. 1) 222
"This Legionnaire Is Condemned!"

Tyroc pretends to go on a rampage to flush out a bomb in Metropolis. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

"Death of a Legend"

Questar, "the King of Heroes," is put to the test in front of the Legion against the Every-Ten-Years Monster. Reprinted in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume Twelve, 2003.

Cover date: December 1976
Released: September 1976

Last edited by Nightcrawler; 05/26/23 11:35 AM.
#592234 04/26/10 07:47 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Posts: 9,914
Superboy 223 Legion series
Karate Kid 6 Legion series
Superboy 224 Legion series
Karate Kid 7 Legion series
Superboy 225 Legion series
Karate Kid 8 Legion series
Superboy 226 Legion series
Karate Kid 9 Legion series
Superboy 227 Legion series
Karate Kid 10 Legion series
DC Special 28 Legion series
Superboy 228 Legion series
Superboy 229 Legion series
Superboy 230 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 231 Legion series
Justice League of America 147 Major appearance
Justice League of America 148 Major appearance
Superboy & LSH 232 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 233 Legion series
DC Super-Stars 17 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 234 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 235 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 236 Legion series
All New Collector's Edition C-55 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 237 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 239 Legion series
Superman Family 189 Mon-El in Phantom Zone plus flashback to day he joined Legion
Superboy & LSH 240 Legion series
Karate Kid 11 Legion series
Karate Kid 12 Legion series
Karate Kid 13 Legion series
Karate Kid 14 Legion series
Superman 295 Legion shown as one of possible futures
Karate Kid 15 Legion series
Kamandi 58 Major appearance
Superboy & LSH 241 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 242 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 243 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 244 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 245 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 1 No appearance part 1 of 2 part story
DC Comics Presents 2 Appearance
Superboy & LSH 246 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 247 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 248 Legion series
Super Friends 17 Time Trapper appearance
Super Friends 18 Time Trapper appearance part 2
Superboy & LSH 249 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 250 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 251 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 252 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 253 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 254 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 13 Major appearance
World of Krypton (V1) 1 No appearance part 1 of story
World of Krypton (V1) 2 No appearance part 2 of story
World of Krypton (V1) 3 Mon-El appearance (pre-Legion)
Superboy & LSH 255 Legion series
Superboy & LSH 256 Legion series
Action Comics 500 Legion statues in Superman’s Fortress
Superboy & LSH 257 Legion series
Superstar Holiday Special Legion series
Superboy & LSH 258 Legion series
LSH (v2) 259 Legion series
LSH (v2) 260 Legion series
LSH (v2) 261 Legion series
LSH (v2) 262 Legion series
LSH (v2) 263 Legion series
LSH (v2) 264 Legion series
LSH (v2) 265 Legion series
LSH (v2) 266 Legion series
LSH (v2) 267 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 25 Follow up to DCP13 – cameo in flashback
LSH (v2) 268 Legion series
LSH (v2) 269 Legion series
LSH (v2) 270 Legion series
LSH (v2) 271 Legion series
Secrets of LSH 1 Legion series
Secrets of LSH 2 Legion series
Secrets of LSH 3 Legion series
LSH (v2) 272 Legion series
Superman Family 207 Major appearance
LSH (v2) 273 Legion series
LSH (v2) 274 Legion series
LSH (v2) 275 Legion series
LSH (v2) 276 Legion series
DC Special Series 26 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Super Friends 45 Time Trapper appearance
Super Friends 46 Time Trapper appearance part 2
LSH (v2) 277 Legion series
LSH (v2) 278 Legion series
LSH (v2) 279 Legion series
LSH (v2) 280 Legion series
Brave & Bold 178 Legion Cruiser in twentieth century?
Brave & Bold 179 Major appearance
LSH (v2) 281 Legion series
LSH (v2) 282 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 38 Legion on centre pages poster
LSH (v2) 283 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 43 Major appearance
LSH (v2) 284 Legion series
Phantom Zone 1 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Phantom Zone 2 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Phantom Zone 3 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Phantom Zone 4 End of story - no appearance
Superman Family 216 Supergirl uses Rond Vidar’s principles
World's Finest 283 Major appearance
World's Finest 284 Major appearance
LSH (v2) 285 Legion series
Best of DC 24 Legion series
LSH (v2) 286 Legion series
LSH (v2) 287 Legion series
LSH (v2) 288 Legion series
LSH (v2) 289 Legion series
LSH (v2) Annual 1 Legion series
LSH (v2) 290 Legion series
LSH (v2) 291 Legion series
LSH (v2) 292 Legion series
LSH (v2) 293 Legion series
LSH (v2) 294 Legion series
Action Comics 537 Superman uses Time Bubble
LSH (v2) 295 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 50 Twentieth Century use of the Miracle Machine. Also Legion of centre spread poster
LSH (v2) 296 Legion series
New Adventures of Superboy 38 Superboy collides with Superman travelling to a Legion meeting
LSH (v2) 297 Legion series
LSH (v2) 298 Legion series and Amethyst intro story
LSH (v2) 299 Legion series
LSH (v2) 300 Legion series – explores alternative futures
LSH (v2) 301 Legion series
LSH (v2) 302 Legion series
Brave & Bold 198 Major appearance
LSH (v2) 303 Legion series
LSH (v2) Annual 2 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 59 Major appearance
LSH (v2) 304 Legion series
LSH (v2) 305 Legion series
LSH (v2) 306 Legion series
LSH (v2) 307 Legion series
LSH (v2) 308 Legion series
LSH (v2) 309 Legion series
LSH (v2) 310 Legion series
LSH (v2) 311 Legion series
New Adventures of Superboy 50 Major appearance
LSH (v2) 312 Legion series
LSH (v2) 313 Legion series
LSH (v3) 1 Legion series
Tales LSH 314 Legion series
Tales LSH 315 Legion series
LSH (v3) 2 Legion series
LSH (v2) Annual 3 Legion series
LSH (v3) 3 Legion series
Tales LSH 316 Legion series
Legion of Substitute Heroes Special 1 Legion series
LSH (v3) 4 Legion series
Tales LSH 317 Legion series
LSH (v3) 5 Legion series
Green Lantern 183 Karate Kid in 1 panel flashback
LSH (v3) 6 Legion series
Tales LSH 318 Legion series
Tales LSH 319 Legion series
Tales LSH 320 Legion series
Tales LSH 321 Legion series
LSH (v3) 7 Legion series
LSH (v3) 8 Legion series
DC Comics Presents 80 Major appearance
LSH (v3) 9 Legion series
Tales LSH 322 Legion series
LSH (v3) 10 Legion series
Tales LSH 323 Legion series
LSH (v3) 11 Legion series
Tales LSH 324 Legion series
Action Comics 568 Shvaugn Erin cameo
LSH (v3) 12 Legion series
Tales LSH 325 Legion series
LSH (v3) 13 Legion series
Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 Major Appearance
Green Lantern 194 Appearance
Crisis on Infinite Earths 2 Major Appearance
Crisis on Infinite Earths 3 Major Appearance
Crisis on Infinite Earths 4 Major Appearance
Legends of the DCU:Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 Major Appearance
Infinity Inc 22 Appearance
Crisis on Infinite Earths 5 Major Appearance
Crisis on Infinite Earths 6 Major Appearance
LSH (v3) 14 Legion series
LSH (v3) 15 Legion series
LSH (v3) Annual 1 Legion series
Crisis on Infinite Earths 7 Major Appearance
Crisis on Infinite Earths 8 Major Appearance
LSH (v3) 16 Legion series
LSH (v3) 17 Legion series
LSH (v3) 18 Legion series
Crisis on Infinite Earths 9 Major Appearance
All Star Squadron 53 Cameo
All Star Squadron 54 Cameo
Crisis on Infinite Earths 10 Major Appearance
Superman 423 Major appearance in Imaginary story
Action Comics 583 Major appearance in Imaginary story
Ambush Bug 3 Cameos of Super-Pets in comedy spoof
What If? (Marvel) Cameo in comedy spoof
Official Legion of Super-Heroes Index 1 (Independent Comics) Index of most major appearances 1959-August 1962
Official Legion of Super-Heroes Index 2 (Independent Comics) Index of Adventure Comics 300-323
Official Legion of Super-Heroes Index 3 (Independent Comics) Index of Adventure Comics 324-347
Official Legion of Super-Heroes Index 4 (Independent Comics) Index of Adventure Comics 348-369 & Superboy 147
Official Legion of Super-Heroes Index 5 (Independent Comics) Index of Adventure Comics 370-380 & Action Comics 377-390
Official Crisis on Infinite Earths Index 1 (Independent Comics) Index of Crisis on Infinite Earths 1-12
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 1 Amethyst page
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 3 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 4 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 5 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 6 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 7 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 8 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 9 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 11 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 12 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 13 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 14 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 15 Matter-Eater Lad page
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 16 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 17 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 18 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 19 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 20 Quislet page
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 21 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 22 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 23 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 24 Multiple Legion pages
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 25 Multiple Legion pages
Amazing World of DC Comics 9 Legion edition
Amazing World of DC Comics 12 Legion cover. Mike Grell feature. Legion Outpost feature
Amazing World of DC Comics 13 Legion Outpost feature
Amazing World of DC Comics 14 Legion Outpost feature
Amazing World of DC Comics 15 Legion Outpost feature
Amazing World of DC Comics 16 Legion Outpost feature
DC Sampler 1 Freebie with two page feature on the Legion
DC Sampler 2 Freebie with two page feature on the Legion
DC Sampler 3 Freebie with two page spread of the Legion and the Teen Titans
DC Spotlight 1 Freebie with two page feature on the Legion
Crisis on Infinite Earths 12 Last part of story
LSH (v3) 19 Legion series
LSH (v3) 20 Legion series
Legionnaires-3 1 Legion series
Legionnaires-3 2 Legion series
Legionnaires-3 3 Legion series
Legionnaires-3 4 Legion series
LSH (v3) 21 Legion series
LSH (v3) 22 Legion series
LSH (v3) 23 Legion series
Hex 10 Cameo
LSH (v3) 24 Legion series
LSH (v3) 25 Legion series
LSH (v3) 26 Legion series
Booster Gold 8 Major Appearance
Booster Gold 9 Major Appearance
LSH (v3) 27 Legion series
Super Powers 1 Tyr appearance
Super Powers 2 Tyr appearance
Super Powers 3 Tyr appearance
Super Powers 4 Tyr appearance
DC Challenge 12 Cameo
Hex 15 Refugee from the far future tries to travel back to seek the Legion’s assistance. Legion shown on time viewer
Secret Origins 8 Legion series
LSH (v3) 28 Legion series
LSH (v3) 29 Legion series
LSH (v3) Annual 2 Legion series
LSH (v3) 30 Legion series
LSH (v3) 31 Legion series
LSH (v3) 32 Legion series
LSH (v3) 33 Legion series
LSH (v3) 34 Legion series
LSH (v3) 35 Legion series
Legends 1 Major appearance
Legends 2 Major appearance
Cosmic Boy 1 Legion series
Legends 3 Cosmic Boy cameo
Fury of Firestorm 55 Appearance
Cosmic Boy 2 Legion series
Legends 4 No appearance end of story
Cosmic Boy 3 Legion series
Legends 5 No appearance end of story
Cosmic Boy 4 Legion series
Legends 6 No appearance end of story
History DC Universe 1 No appearance start of story
History DC Universe 2 Appearance
LSH (v3) 36 Legion series
LSH (v3) 37 Legion series
Superman 8 Major appearance
Action Comics 591 Major appearance
LSH (v3) 38 Legion series
LSH (v3) 39 Legion series
LSH (v3) 40 Legion series
LSH (v3) 41 Legion series
LSH (v3) Annual 3 Legion series
Millennium 1 No appearance start of story
Millennium 2 Appearance
LSH (v3) 42 Legion series
LSH (v3) 43 Legion series
Millennium 3 No appearance end of story
Millennium 4 No appearance end of story
Millennium 5 No appearance end of story
Millennium 6 No appearance end of story
Millennium 7 No appearance end of story
Millennium 8 No appearance end of story
Amethyst 1 Mordru major appearance
Amethyst 2 Mordru major appearance
Amethyst 3 Mordru major appearance
Amethyst 4 Major appearance
LSH (v3) 44 Legion series
Amethyst Princess of Gemworld Special Mordru appearance
Secret Origins 25 Legion series
LSH (v3) 45 Legion series
LSH (v3) 46 Legion series
Wanderers 1 Legion series
LSH (v3) 47 Legion series
Wanderers 2 Legion series
LSH (v3) 48 Legion series
Wanderers 3 Legion series
LSH (v3) 49 Legion series
Wanderers 4 Legion series
LSH (v3) 50 Legion series
Who's Who in the Legion 1 Legion series
Who's Who in the Legion 2 Legion series
Who's Who in the Legion 3 Legion series
Who's Who in the Legion 4 Legion series
Who's Who in the Legion 5 Legion series
Who's Who in the Legion 6 Legion series
Who's Who in the Legion 7 Legion series
Superman 21 Pocket Universe story - flashbacks to legion
Adventures of Superman 444 Pocket Universe story - flashbacks to legion
Superman 22 Pocket Universe story continued – no appearance
Wanderers 5 Legion series
LSH (v3) 51 Legion series
LSH (v3) 52 Legion series
Wanderers 6 Legion series
LSH (v3) Annual 4 Legion series
LSH (v3) 53 Legion series
Wanderers 7 Legion series
LSH (v3) 54 Legion series
Wanderers 8 Legion series
LSH (v3) 55 Legion series
Wanderers 9 Legion series
LSH (v3) 56 Legion series
Wanderers 10 Legion series
Wanderers 11 Legion series
Secret Origins 37 Legion series
LSH (v3) 57 Legion series
Wanderers 12 Legion series
LSH (v3) 58 Legion series
Wanderers 13 Legion series
LSH (v3) 59 Legion series
LSH (v3) 60 Legion series
LSH (v3) 61 Legion series
LSH (v3) 62 Legion series
LSH (v3) 63 Legion series
Secret Origins 42 Legion series
Secret Origins 46 Legion series
Secret Origins 47 Legion series
Invasion 1 No appearance – start of story
Adventures of Superman 449 Invasion story continues
Invasion 2 Major appearance
Invasion 3 No appearance – end of story
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 1 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 2 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 3 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 4 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 5 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 6 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 7 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 8 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 9 Major appearance
Flight Ring Village Flyer Promo freebie
LSH (v4) 1 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘89 10 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 2 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 11 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 3 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 12 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 13 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 4 Legion series
Outsiders 6 Comedy cameo
Son of Ambush Bug 5 Comedy cameo
Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer 1 Comedy cameo
Who’s Who: Update 87 1 Legion pages
Who’s Who: Update 87 2 Legion page
Who’s Who: Update 87 3 Legion page
Who’s Who: Update 87 4 Legion page
Who’s Who: Update 87 5 Legion pages
Who’s Who: Update 88 2 Legion page
Who’s Who: Update 88 3 Legion page
Who’s Who: Update 88 4 Legion pages
Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook Volume 1 (Mayfair Games) Legion reference book
Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook Volume 2 (Mayfair Games) Legion reference book: The Worlds Book
LSH (v4) 5 Legion series
LSH (v4) 6 Legion series
Justice League America 36 Cameo
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 14 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 15 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 7 Legion series
New Gods 17 Major appearance
New Gods 18 Major appearance
New Gods 19 Major appearance
New Gods 20 Major appearance
New Gods 21 Major appearance
New Gods 22 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 16 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 8 Legion series
LSH (v4) 9 Legion series
Secret Origins 49 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 17 Major appearance
Adventures of Superman 468 Superman’s journal shows the Time Trapper and the Pocket Universe
LSH (v4) 10 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 Annual 1 Major appearance
Adventures of Superman Annual 2 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 18 Story continues
LSH (v4) 11 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 19 Major appearance
LSH (v4) Annual 1 Legion series
LSH (v4) 12 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 20 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 13 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘90 21 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 22 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 14 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 23 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 15 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 24 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 16 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 25 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 17 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 26 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 18 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 27 Major appearance
Adventures of Superman 476 Major appearance
Action Comics 663 Major appearance
Superman 54 Major appearance
Adventures of Superman 477 Major appearance
Action Comics 664 Major appearance
Superman 55 Major appearance
Adventures of Superman 478 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 19 Legion series
Starman 35 Valor major appearance
LSH (v4) 20 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 28 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 29 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 21 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 30 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 22 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 31 Major appearance
Books of Magic 4 Cameo
Armageddon 2001 1 No appearance – story begins
Action Comics Annual 3 Story continues
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 Annual 2 Major appearance
Justice League Europe Annual 2 Appearance
Armageddon 2001 2 Appearance – story concludes
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 32 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 23 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 33 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 24 Legion series
Justice League Quarterly 5 Major appearance
LSH (v4) Annual 2 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘91 34 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 25 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 35 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 26 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 36 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 27 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 37 Major appearance
Superman 65 Valor cameo
Adventures of Superman 488 Valor cameo
Action Comics 675 Valor cameo
Superman Man of Steel 10 Valor cameo
Superman 66 Valor cameo
Adventures of superman 489 Valor cameo
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 38 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 28 Legion series
LSH (v4) 29 Legion series
LSH (v4) 30 Legion series
Armageddon: Inferno 1 Ultra Boy appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 39 Major appearance
Armageddon: Inferno 2 Story continues – no appearance
Armageddon: Inferno 1 Story continues – no appearance
Armageddon: Inferno 4 Ultra Boy appearance
Eclipso: The Darkness Within 1 Valor major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 Annual 3 Major appearance
Superman Man of Steel Annual 1 Valor cameo
Justice League America Annual 6 Valor cameo
Hawkworld Annual 3 Valor cameo
Superman (V2) Annual 4 Valor cameo
Green Arrow Annual 5 Valor cameo
Adventures of Superman Annual 4 Valor cameo
Eclipso: The Darkness Within 2 Valor/Phase major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 40 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 41 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 31 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 42 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 43 Major appearance
LSH (v4) Annual 3 Legion series
LSH (v4) 32 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 44 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 33 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 45 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 34 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 46 Major appearance
Valor 1 Legion series
LSH (v4) 35 Legion series
Timber Wolf 1 Legion series
LSH (v4) 36 Legion series
LSH (v4) 37 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘92 47 Major appearance
Timber Wolf 2 Legion series
Valor 2 Legion series
Valor 3 Legion series
LSH (v4) 38 Legion series
Valor 4 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 48 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 39 Legion series
Timber Wolf 3 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 49 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 40 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 50 Major appearance
Timber Wolf 4 Legion series
LSH (v4) 41 Legion series
Timber Wolf 5 Legion series
Legionnaires 1 Legion series
LSH (v4) 42 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 51 Major appearance
Valor 5 Legion series
LSH (v4) 43 Legion series
Legionnaires 2 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 52 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 53 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 44 Legion series
Legionnaires 3 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 54 Major appearance
Valor 6 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 55 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 45 Legion series
Legionnaires 4 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 56 Major appearance
Lobo Annual 1 No appearance - Bloodlines story starts
LSH (v4) 46 Legion series
Legionnaires 5 Legion series
LSH (v4) Annual 4 Legion series
LSH (v4) 47 Legion series
Trinity 1 Major appearance
Green Lantern 44 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 57 Major appearance
Darkstars 11 Major appearance
Green Lantern 45 Major appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 58 Major appearance
Darkstars 12 Major appearance
Trinity 2 Major appearance
Legionnaires 6 Legion series
Valor 7 Legion series
Legionnaires 7 Legion series
LSH (v4) 48 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 59 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 49 Legion series
Legionnaires 8 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 60 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 50 Legion series
Valor 8 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 Annual 4 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 51 Legion series
Legionnaires 9 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘93 61 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 52 Legion series
Legionnaires 10 Legion series
LSH (v4) 53 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 62 Major appearance
Valor 9 Legion series
LSH (v4) 54 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 63 Major appearance
Legionnaires 11 Legion series
LSH (v4) 55 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 64 Major appearance
Legionnaires 12 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 65 Major appearance
Valor 10 Legion series
LSH (v4) 56 Legion series
Legionnaires 13 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 66 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 57 Legion series
LSH (v4) Annual 5 Legion series
Legionnaires 14 Legion series
Valor 11 Legion series
LSH (v4) 58 Legion series
Legionnaires 15 Legion series
Valor 12 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 67 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 59 Legion series
Valor 13 Legion series
Valor 14 Legion series
Valor 15 Legion series
Valor 16 Legion series
Valor 17 Legion series
Valor 18 Legion series
Valor 19 Legion series
Legionnaires 16 Legion series
Valor 20 Legion series
Valor 21 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 68 Major appearance
Flash 91 Iris Allen in 30C
Flash 92 Dawn/Don Allen in flashback, Iris Allen appearance
Legionnaires 17 Legion series
Valor 22 Legion series
LSH (v4) 60 Legion series
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 69 Major appearance
Showcase 94 8 No appearance = prelude to Zero Hour
Showcase 94 9 No appearance = prelude to Zero Hour
Zero hour 4 Time Trapper major appearance,
L.E.G.I.O.N. ‘94 70 Major appearance
Legionnaires 18 Legion series
Valor 23 Legion series
Superboy 8 Major appearance
Zero hour 3 Major appearance
Zero hour 2 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 61 Legion series
Zero hour 1 Major appearance
Zero hour 0 Appearance
L.E.G.I.O.N. 007 Annual 5 Elseworlds parody
Ambush Bug Nothing Special 1 Comedy appearance
Static 14 Milestone/DC crossover where the Milestone characters become the Legion of this merged world. No real Legion appearance.
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 1 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 2 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 3 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 4 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 5 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 6 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 7 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 8 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 9 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 10 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 11 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 12 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 13 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 14 Legion pages
Who’s Who in the DC Universe: 16 Legion pages
Who’s Who: Update 93 1 Legion pages
Who’s Who: Update 93 2 Legion page
Legion of Super-Heroes 2995 Sourcebook (Mayfair Games) Legion reference book written by the Legion series writers. Contains lots of info not revealed in the series but is considered canon.
LSH (v4) 0 Legion series
Legionnaires 0 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’94 0 Appearance
LSH (v4) 62 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’94 1 Appearance
Legionnaires 19 Legion series
LSH (v4) 63 Legion series
Legionnaires 20 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’94 2 Appearance
LSH (v4) 64 Legion series
Legionnaires 21 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 3 Appearance
Legionnaires 22 Legion series
LSH (v4) 65 Legion series
Legionnaires 23 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 4 Appearance
LSH (v4) 66 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 5 Appearance
LSH (v4) 67 Legion series
Legionnaires 24 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 6 Appearance
LSH (v4) 68 Legion series
Legionnaires 25 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 7 Appearance
LSH (v4) 69 Legion series
New Titans Annual 11 Impulse shows photo of his parents
LSH (v4) Annual 6 Legion series
Showcase 95 6 Legion series
Legionnaires 26 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 8 Appearance
LSH (v4) 70 Legion series
Superboy 17 Lar Gand appearance
Legionnaires 27 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 9 Appearance
LSH (v4) 71 Legion series
Legionnaires 28 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 10 Appearance
Legionnaires Annual 2 Legion series
Superboy 18 Lar Gand major appearance
Superboy 19 Lar Gand major appearance
LSH (v4) 72 Legion series
Guy Gardner Warrior 29 Brainiac 5 cameo
Legionnaires 29 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 11 Appearance
LSH (v4) 73 Legion series
Legionnaires 30 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 12 Appearance
Superboy 21 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 74 Legion series
Legionnaires 31 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 13 Appearance
Superboy 22 Superboy gives away his Legion flight ring
LSH (v4) 75 Legion series
Legionnaires 32 Legion series
Impulse 9 Appearance
Flash 108 Appearance
R.E.B.E.L.S.’95 14 Appearance
LSH (v4) 76 Legion series
Flash 109 Appearance
Impulse 10 Appearance
Legionnaires 33 Legion series
Flash 110 Appearance
Impulse 11 Appearance
R.E.B.E.L.S.’96 15 Appearance
LSH (v4) 77 Legion series
Legionnaires 34 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’96 16 Appearance
Flash 111 Appearance
Flash 112 Appearance
Impulse 12 Appearance
Flash 114 Appearance
Legionnaires Annual 3 Legion series
LSH (v4) 78 Legion series
Legionnaires 35 Legion series
R.E.B.E.L.S.’96 17 Appearance
LSH (v4) 79 Legion series
Legionnaires 36 Legion series
LSH (v4) 80 Legion series
Sovereign Seven Annual 2 Legion on monitor screen
Legionnaires 37 Legion series
LSH (v4) 81 Legion series
LSH (v4) Annual 7 Wildfire in the far future with a new version of the Legion
Showcase 96 8 Legion series
Legionnaires 38 Legion series
LSH (v4) 82 Legion series
Legionnaires 39 Legion series
LSH (v4) 83 Legion series
Legionnaires 40 Legion series
LSH (v4) 84 Legion series
Legionnaires 41 Legion series
LSH (v4) 85 Legion series
Power of Shazam Annual 1 Major Appearance
Impulse 19 Impulse dreams about XS etc
Showcase 96 10 Major Appearance
Final Night Sneak Preview 1 Cameo
Final Night 1 Major Appearance
Legionnaires 42 Legion series
Aquaman 26 Cameo
Adventures of Superman 540 Major Appearance
Final Night 2 Major Appearance
Final Night 3 Major Appearance
Flash 119 Cameo
LSH (v4) 86 Legion series
Parallax Emerald Night 1 No appearance but builds Final Night story
Takion 6 Cameo
Final Night 4 Major Appearance
Green Lantern 81 Cameo
The Life Story of the Flash Don Allen, Dawn Allen and XS in flashback
Legionnaires 43 Legion series
Superman (v2) 119 Major Appearance
Showcase 96 11 Legion series
LSH (v4) 87 Legion series
Showcase 96 12 Legion series
Legionnaires 44 Legion series
Impulse 21 Major Appearance
LSH (v4) 88 Legion series
Legionnaires 45 Legion series
Sovereign Seven Plus 1 Major Appearance
Superman Plus 1 Major Appearance
LSH (v4) 89 Legion series
Legionnaires 46 Legion series
LSH (v4) 90 Legion series
Legionnaires 47 Legion series
LSH (v4) 91 Legion series
Impulse 23 Don Allen’s wife appearance
Impulse 24 Don Allen’s wife appearance, Don/Dawn in flashback
Impulse 25 Don Allen’s wife appearance, Don in flashback
Legionnaires 48 Legion series
LSH (v4) 92 Legion series
Legionnaires 49 Legion series
LSH (v4) 93 Legion series
Legionnaires 50 Legion series
Supergirl Annual 2 Major Appearance
LSH (v4) 94 Legion series
Legionnaires 51 Legion series
LSH (v4) 95 Legion series
Legionnaires 52 Legion series
LSH (v4) 96 Legion series
Legionnaires 53 Legion series
Superman (v2) 128 Cameo
Genesis 1 Appearance
Genesis 2 Appearance
Adventures of Superman 551 Cameo
Genesis 3 Appearance
Superboy & Ravers 14 Cameo
Superboy (v2) 44 Legion girls in dream sequence
Superboy (v2) 45 Major appearance
LSH (v4) 97 Legion series
Wonder Woman (v2) 126 Cameo
Genesis 4 Appearance
Speed Force 1 XS on poster in centre pages
Flash Secret Files 1 Timeline shows XS and Don/Dawn Allen
Inferno 1 Legion Spin-off
Legionnaires 54 Legion series
LSH (v4) 98 Legion series
Power of Shazam! 32 Legion in flashback
Starman (v2) 36 Lar Gand in flashback
Legionnaires 55 Legion series
LSH (v4) 99 Legion series
Action Comics 741 Major appearance
Inferno 2 Legion Spin-off
Legionnaires 56 Legion series
Inferno 3 Legion Spin-off
Inferno 4 Legion Spin-off
Spider-Boy Team-Up 1 (Amalgam) Marvel/DC amalgamated heroes including the Legion
Unlimited Access 1 Follow-up to Spider-Boy. Real legion appearance
Unlimited Access 2 Appearance
Unlimited Access 3 Story continues – no appearance
Unlimited Access 4 Story continues – no appearance
LSH (v4) 100 Legion series
Legion: Secret Files 1 Legion series
Chronos 8 Cameo
Legionnaires 57 Legion series
Green Lantern (v2) 97 No appearance – part one of story
Green Lantern (v2) 98 Major appearance
Green Lantern (v2) 99 Major appearance
Green Lantern (v2) 100 Flashback to previous story
LSH (v4) 101 Legion series
Adventures in the DC Universe 10 Legion series but in animated format
Legionnaires 58 Legion series
Teen Titans 17 Inferno cameo
Superboy (v3) 49 Inferno cameo
LSH (v4) 102 Legion series
Legionnaires 59 Legion series
LSH (v4) 103 Legion series
Lobo 50 Ferro nightmare
Legionnaires 60 Legion series
LSH (v4) 104 Legion series
Legionnaires 61 Legion series
LSH (v4) 105 Legion series
Superman Villains Secret Files 1 Lar Gand in flashback
Legends of the Legion 1 Legion series
Legends of the Legion 2 Legion series
Legends of the Legion 3 Legion series
Legends of the Legion 4 Legion series
Legionnaires 62 Legion series
LSH (v4) 106 Legion series
Legionnaires 63 Legion series
Flash 80 Page Giant 1 A future Flash averts nuclear disaster in the C30 (origin of Iris West) and a C30 kid called Presto comes to the C20
JLA: World Without Grown-Ups 1 Inferno cameo
JLA: World Without Grown-Ups 2 Part 2 – no appearance just a mention of the Legion
Legion: Science Police 1 Legion series
Legion: Science Police 2 Legion series
Legion: Science Police 3 Legion series
Legion: Science Police 4 Legion series
Starman Secret Files 1 Timeline explains Star Boy’s relationship to the Starmen
LSH (v4) 107 Legion series
Legionnaires 64 Legion series
LSH (v4) 108 Legion series
Legionnaires 65 Legion series
Power of Shazam! 43 Thunder flashback
Power of Shazam! 44 Thunder cameo
Adventure Comics 80-Page Giant 1 Legion series
LSH (v4) 109 Legion series
Martian Manhunter 1,000,000 Legion flashback
Chronos1,000,000 Brainiac 5 cameo
Starman (v2) 1,000,000 No appearance but the Starman of the C86 lists Danny Blaine (aka Thom Kallor) as a great Starman and an adult Lyle Norg as a great scientist
Superman: The Man of Tomorrow 1,000,000 In the C853 Kal-El is given access to historic database and the selection is by logo including Timber Wolf’s and Wildfire’s
Legionnaires 1,000,000 The Legion’s successors in C853 with flashbacks to C30 and Wildfire’s ‘Dead Earth’ Legions
LSH (v4) 1,000,000 A new Legion in the C863 with conclusion of C853 story
DC One Million 80-Page Giant 1,000,000 C853 Legion cameo
Martian Manhunter 11 Major C853 flashback to when J’onn J’onnz and the Legion freed Mars from a takeover by Leland McCauley
JLA in Crisis Secret Files 1 JLA history in flashback including some Legion team-ups
Legionnaires 66 Legion series
LSH (v4) 110 Legion series
Legionnaires 67 Legion series
LSH (v4) 111 Legion series
Starman (v2) 49 Appearance
Starman (v2) 50 Major appearance
Legionnaires 68 Legion series
LSH (v4) 112 Legion series
DCU Heroes Secret Files 1 Inferno cameo
Legionnaires 69 Legion series
LSH (v4) 113 Legion series
Legionnaires 70 Legion series
Flash 80 Page Giant 2 XS appearance
Flash 144 XS cameo
Flash 145 Part 2 of story – no appearance
Flash 146 XS in Impulse’s thoughts
Flash 147 Part 4 - no appearance Impulse goes to find XS
Flash 148 Major appearance
Flash 149 XS, Don/Dawn Allen appearance
Flash 150 Part 7 – no appearance -follow up to Crisis on Infinite Earths
Impulse Bart Saves the Universe XS, Don/Dawn Allen cameo
LSH (v4) 114 Legion series
Legionnaires 71 Legion series
LSH (v4) 115 Legion series
Legionnaires 72 Legion series
LSH (v4) 116 Legion series
Legionnaires 73 Legion series
LSH (v4) 117 Legion series
Legionnaires 74 Legion series
LSH (v4) 118 Legion series
Legionnaires 75 Legion series
Impulse 51 Monitor screen showing family tree of Impulse and XS
JSA Secret Files 1 Page on the Dark Lord aka Mordru
Superboy (v3) 65 Inferno cameo
Starman (v2) 57 Collected cover images from #57-#62 features Thom Kallor as Starman – no appearance in story in this issue
Starman (v2) 58 Collected cover images from #57-#62 features Thom Kallor as Starman – no appearance in story in this issue
Starman (v2) 59 Collected cover images from #57-#62 features Thom Kallor as Starman – no appearance in story in this issue
Starman (v2) 60 Collected cover images from #57-#62 features Thom Kallor as Starman – cameo of Star Boy in this issue
Starman (v2) 61 Collected cover images from #57-#62 features Thom Kallor as Starman – no appearance in story in this issue
Starman (v2) 62 Collected cover images from #57-#62 features Thom Kallor as Starman – no appearance in story in this issue
JSA 1 Mordru appearance
JSA 2 Major Mordru appearance
JSA 3 Major Mordru appearance
JSA 4 Major Mordru appearance
LSH (v4) 119 Legion series
Legionnaires 76 Legion series
LSH (v4) 120 Legion series
Legionnaires 77 Legion series
Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant 2 Legion series
LSH (v4) 121 Legion series
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze 1 Legion series
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze 2 Legion series
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze 3 Legion series
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze 4 Legion series
Legion Secret Files 2 Legion series
Legionnaires 78 Legion series
LSH (v4) 122 Legion series
Legionnaires 79 Legion series
LSH (v4) 123 Legion series
Legionnaires 80 Legion series
Superman Y2K 1 Machine downloads future Brainiacs including B5 to become Brainiac 13
LSH (v4) 124 Legion series
Legionnaires 81 Legion series
LSH (v4) 125 Legion series
Legion Lost 1 Legion series
Legion Lost 2 Legion series
Legion Lost 3 Legion series
Legion Lost 4 Legion series
Legion Lost 5 Legion series
JSA 14 Mordru appearance
Legion Lost 6 Legion series
Legion Lost 7 Legion series
Legion Lost 8 Legion series
Legion Lost 9 Legion series
Legion Lost 10 Legion series
Starman (v2) 73 A dying man claims to see himself in the future as Starman Danny Blaine and before that as Thom Kallor
Legion Lost 11 Legion series
Hourman 24 Legion cameo
Legion Lost 12 Legion series
Superman (v2) 167 Valor in the Phantom Zone
Legion Worlds 1 Legion series
DC 1st 1 Cameo
Legion Worlds 2 Legion series
Legion Worlds 3 Legion series
Legion Worlds 4 Legion series
Legion Worlds 5 Legion series
Legion Worlds 6 Legion series
Starman (v2) 79 Adult Thom Kallor appearance
Starman (v2) 80 Adult Thom Kallor appearance
JSA Secret Files 2 Mordru appearance
Young Justice: Our Worlds at War 1 Young Justice time hop to a few years in the Legion’s future
Superman (v2) 171 Superman attacked by hard light images of the Fatal Five
Wonder Woman (v2) 174 Inferno cameo
Wonder Woman (v2) 175 Inferno cameo
The Legion 1 Legion series
The Legion 2 Legion series
Adventures of Superman 598 Flashback to Superman v Fatal Five
Secret Files & Origins Guide to the DC Universe 2001-2002 Legion feature
The Legion 3 Legion series
The Legion 4 Legion series
The Legion 5 Legion series
Adventures of Superman 601 Superman v the Persuader
Adventures of Superman 602 Superman v the Persuader
The Legion 6 Legion series
The Legion 7 Legion series
The Legion 8 Legion series
Impulse 86 Impulse creates parallel world with his family including XS, Don/Dawn Allen - part 1
Impulse 87 Impulse creates parallel world with his family including XS, Don/Dawn Allen - part 2
The Legion 9 Legion series
The Legion 10 Legion series
The Legion 11 Legion series
The Legion 12 Legion series
Young Justice 49 Inferno appearance
Young Justice 50 Inferno appearance
Young Justice 51 Inferno appearance
The Legion 13 Legion series
JSA 42 Mordru mentioned in lead up to next issue
JSA 43 Mordru appearance
JSA 44 Mordru appearance
JSA 46 Mordru appearance
JSA 47 Mordru appearance
JSA 48 Mordru appearance
JSA 49 Mordru appearance
JSA 50 Mordru appearance
JSA 51 Mordru appearance
The Legion 14 Legion series
The Legion 15 Legion series
The Legion 16 Legion series
The Legion 17 Legion series
The Legion 18 Legion series
Young Justice 55 In the C853 Young Justice’s statues include Inferno
Supergirl (v3) 75 Original Supergirl appearance
Supergirl (v3) 76 Original Supergirl appearance
Supergirl (v3) 77 Original Supergirl appearance
Supergirl (v3) 70 Original Supergirl appearance
Supergirl (v3) 79 Original Supergirl appearance, Legion cameo on an alternate timeline C21
Supergirl (v3) 80 Original Supergirl appearance
The Legion 19 Legion series
The Legion 20 Legion series
The Legion 21 Legion series
The Legion 22 Legion series
The Legion 23 Legion series
The Legion 24 Legion series
The Legion 25 Legion series
The Legion 26 Legion series
Legion Secret Files 3003 Legion series
The Legion 27 Legion series
The Legion 28 Legion series
The Legion 29 Legion series
The Legion 30 Legion series
The Legion 31 Legion series
The Legion 32 Legion series
The Legion 33 Legion series
The Legion 34 Legion series
The Legion 35 Legion series
The Legion 36 Legion series
The Legion 37 Legion series
The Legion 38 Legion series
Plastic Man 8 Apparent Time Trapper appearance
Plastic Man 9 Apparent Time Trapper appearance. Plastic Man gets legion time bubble from Superboy (Kal-El) of an alternate time line
Teen Titans 15 Legion appearance leading into next issue
Teen Titans 16 Major appearance
Teen Titans/Legion Special 1 Legion series
Kingdom Come 1 Elseworlds Legion cameo and appearance of Starman (Thom Kallor)
Kingdom Come 2 Appearance of Starman (Thom Kallor)
Kingdom Come 3 Appearance of Starman (Thom Kallor)
Kingdom Come 4 Appearance of Starman (Thom Kallor)
The Kingdom 1 Appearance of Starman (Thom Kallor)
The Kingdom: Planet Krypton 1 Appearance of other time line Legionnaires
The Kingdom 2 Images of Legionnaires in Hypertime
Legionnaires Annual 1 Elseworlds Legion story
Superboy’s Legion 1 Elseworlds Legion story
Superboy’s Legion 1 Elseworlds Legion story
Superman & Batman: Generations III 1 Elseworlds appearance
Superman & Batman: Generations III 4 Elseworlds appearance
Superman & Batman: Generations III 7 Elseworlds appearance
Superman & Batman: Generations III 9 Elseworlds appearance
Superman & Batman: Generations III 11 Elseworlds appearance
Superman & Batman: Generations III 12 Elseworlds appearance
Justice League of America: Another Nail 3 Elseworlds appearance
Elseworlds 80 Page Giant 1 Elseworlds Legion page
Legends of the DC Universe 3-D Gallery 1 One page 3D picture of the Legion
Green Lantern Gallery Background artwork
Wonder Woman Gallery Background artwork
DCU Holiday Bash III Comedy pin-up includes XS
Sergio Aragones Destroys DC Comedy appearance
Bizarro Comics Validus Comedy cameo
Mr. Mxyzptlk (Villains) 1 Parallel universe spoof
World’s Funnest Comedy appearance
Teen Titans/Legion Special 1 Legion series (also listed under Reboot Legion)
LSH (v5) 1 Legion series
LSH (v5) 2 Legion series
LSH (v5) 3 Legion series
LSH (v5) 4 Legion series
LSH (v5) 5 Legion series
LSH (v5) 6 Legion series
LSH (v5) 7 Legion series
LSH (v5) 8 Legion series
LSH (v5) 9 Legion series
LSH (v5) 10 Legion series
LSH (v5) 11 Legion series
LSH (v5) 12 Legion series
LSH (v5) 13 Legion series
LSH (v5) 14 Legion series
LSH (v5) 15 Legion series
Superman/Batman 14 Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen and Cosmic King travel back in time and adopt the young Kal-El and Bruce Wayne
Superman/Batman 15 Saturn Queen mindwipes the classic Legion to make them bodyguards. The Kingdom Come Superman appears
Superman/Batman 16 Superman and Batman are tossed through various alternate realities.
Superman/Batman 17 Other members of the LSV turn up in one of the alternate realities
Superman/Batman 18 The LSV are returned to their future to be held by the Legion that appears similar to the adult Legion of the very early Classic period. The Kingdom Come Superman transforms into the “Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow” Superman
Brave & the Bold 3 Major Fatal Five appearance in c21
Brave & the Bold 4 Major Fatal Five appearance & Legion appearance
Brave & the Bold 5 Major Legion appearance
Brave & the Bold 6 Major Legion appearance
JSA Classified 1 Legion cameo
JSA Classified 2 Psycho Pirate creates a Legion
JSA Classified 3 Legion constructs again attack
JSA 78 Mordru major appearance
JSA 79 Mordru major appearance
JSA 80 Mordru major appearance
Infinite Crisis Secret Files 2006 Superboy Prime disrupts reality including images of three Legions
Infinite Crisis 1 No appearance part 1 of story
Infinite Crisis 2 Classic Legion in Crisis flashback
Infinite Crisis 3 Part 3 - no appearance
Infinite Crisis 4 Part 4 - no appearance – Alex Luthor creates two universes
Infinite Crisis 5 Part 5 - no appearance – Alex Luthor creates the multiverse
Infinite Crisis 6 On Earth 247 Shikari finds her Legion
Infinite Crisis 7 Starman (Thom Kallor) cameo
Flash 2 Bart Allen flashback shows Don Allen
52 3 Flashback to Crisis on Infinite Earths – Classic Legion
52 4 Flashback to Crisis on Infinite Earths – Classic Legion
52 5 Flashback to Crisis on Infinite Earths – Classic Legion
52 19 Emerald Eye of Ekron in C21
52 20 Emerald Eye of Ekron and the head of Ekron in C21
52 28 Emerald Eye of Ekron and the head of Ekron in C21
52 31 Emerald Eye of Ekron and the head of Ekron in C21
52 32 Emerald Eye of Ekron and the head of Ekron in C21
52 33 Emerald Eye of Ekron and the head of Ekron in C21
52 34 Axe wielding Persuader is killed in the C21
52 35 Emerald Eye of Ekron and the head of Ekron in C21
52 36 Emerald Eye of Ekron and the head of Ekron in C21
52 51 Emerald Eye of Ekron in C21
Supergirl & LSH 16 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 17 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 18 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 19 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 20 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 21 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 22 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 23 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 24 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 25 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 26 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 27 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 28 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 29 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 30 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 31 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 32 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 33 Legion Series
Action Comics 850 Major appearance
Supergirl & LSH 34 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 35 Legion Series
Supergirl & LSH 36 Legion Series
Supergirl 6 Saturn Queen (version from Superman/Batman) in C21
Supergirl 7 Saturn Queen (version from Superman/Batman) in C21
Supergirl 8 Saturn Queen (version from Superman/Batman) in C21
LSH (v5) 37 Legion series
LSH (v5) 38 Legion series
LSH (v5) 39 Legion series
LSH (v5) 40 Legion series
LSH (v5) 41 Legion series
LSH (v5) 42 Legion series
LSH (v5) 43 Legion series
LSH (v5) 44 Legion series
LSH (v5) 45 Legion series
LSH (v5) 46 Legion series
LSH (v5) 47 Legion series
LSH (v5) 48 Legion series
LSH (v5) 49 Legion series
Brave & the Bold 9 Legion images in the Book of Destiny
Justice 12 Elseworlds cameo
Bizarro World (HC) Comedy cameo
Solo 7 Comedy cameo
Tales of the Unexpected 1 Infectious Lass in C21
Tales of the Unexpected 2 Infectious Lass in C21
Tales of the Unexpected 3 Infectious Lass in C21
Tales of the Unexpected 4 Infectious Lass in C21
Tales of the Unexpected 5 Infectious Lass in C21
Tales of the Unexpected 6 Infectious Lass in C21
Tales of the Unexpected 7 Infectious Lass in C21
Tales of the Unexpected 8 Infectious Lass in C21
Action Comics Annual 10 Origin of Mon-El
Justice League of America 1 No appearance - first mention of Karate Kid (as Trident)
Justice League of America 2 Karate Kid appearance (as Trident)
Justice League of America 3 Karate Kid appearance (as Trident)
Justice League of America 4 Karate Kid appearance (as Trident)
Justice Society of America 1 Starman major appearance
Justice Society of America 2 Starman major appearance
Justice Society of America 3 Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 4 Starman appearance
Justice League of America 7 Karate Kid appearance (as Trident)
Countdown 50 Karate Kid appearance
Justice League of America 8 Major appearance
Countdown 49 Karate Kid appearance
Countdown 48 Major appearance
Justice Society of America 5 Major appearance
Countdown 45 Major appearance
Justice League of America 9 Major appearance
Countdown 44 Flashback to first Crisis
Countdown 42 Karate Kid appearance
Justice Society of America 6 Major appearance
Justice League of America 10 Major appearance
Countdown 41 Major appearance
Countdown 39 Major appearance
Countdown 38 Major appearance
Countdown 37 Major appearance
Countdown 36 Major appearance
Countdown 35 Major appearance
Countdown 34 Major appearance
Action Comics 846 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Action Comics 851 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Action Comics Annual 11 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Superman 664 Starman cameo
Justice Society of America 7 Major appearance
Supergirl 21 Major appearance
Supergirl 22 Major appearance
Countdown 31 Major appearance
Countdown 30 Major appearance
Countdown 29 Major appearance
Countdown 28 Major appearance
Justice Society of America 8 Cameo
Booster Gold 1 Brainiac 5 cameo
Justice League of America 13 Validus on cover only
Booster Gold 2 Infectious Lass seen in timestream
Booster Gold 3 Infectious Lass seen in timestream
Justice Society of America 9 Starman major appearance
Countdown 27 Major appearance
Countdown 26 Cameo
Justice Society of America 10 Starman major appearance
Superman 670 Legion statues in Superman’s Fortress
Black Adam 6 Starman cameo
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime 1 Starman cameo
Green Lantern 25 Starman cameo
Action Comics 858 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 26 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 25 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 24 Major appearance
Action Comics 859 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 21 Major appearance
Justice Society of America 11 Starman appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 20 Major appearance
Action Comics 860 Major appearance
Countdown Arena 4 Kid Quantum (reboot) cameo
Justice Society of America 12 Starman appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 15 Major appearance
Action Comics 861 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 12 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 11 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 10 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 9 Major appearance
Action Comics 862 Major appearance
Action Comics 863 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 8 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 7 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 6 Major appearance
Countdown to Final Crisis 5 Major appearance
Action Comics 864 Major appearance
Justice Society of America 13 Starman – cover only
Superman 674 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Superman 675 Mon-El in Phantom Zone
Justice Society of America 14 Starman appearance
Booster Gold 10 Appearance
Booster Gold 1,000,000 Appearance
Justice Society of America 15 Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 16 Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 17 Starman appearance
Justice Society of America Annual 1 Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 18 Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 19 Possible Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 20 Starman appearance
Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: Superman Possible Starman appearance
Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: Magog Possible Starman appearance
Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 21 Possible Starman appearance
Justice Society of America 22 Possible Starman appearance
Final Crisis: Requiem Starman cameo
Superman/Batman 50 Attacked by constructs including copies of LSV
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds 1 Legion series
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds 2 Legion series
DC Universe 0 Major appearance
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds 3 Legion series
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds 4 Legion series
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds 5 Legion series
Icons: the DC & Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee Legion story
DC/Wildstorm Dreamwar 1 Dream constructs of a variant Legion – major appearance
DC/Wildstorm Dreamwar 2 Dream constructs of a variant Legion – major appearance
DC/Wildstorm Dreamwar 3 Dream constructs of a variant Legion – major appearance
DC/Wildstorm Dreamwar 4 Dream constructs of a variant Legion – major appearance
DC/Wildstorm Dreamwar 5 Dream constructs of a variant Legion – major appearance
DC/Wildstorm Dreamwar 6 Dream constructs of a variant Legion – major appearance
Ambush Bug Year None 2 Comedy cameo
Justice League Adventures 11 Animated series spin-off – Legion cameo
Justice League Adventures 28 Animated series spin-off – Major Legion appearance
LSH in the 31st Century 1 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 2 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 3 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 4 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 5 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 6 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 7 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 8 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 9 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 10 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 11 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 12 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 13 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 14 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 15 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 16 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 17 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 18 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 19 Animated Legion spin-off series
LSH in the 31st Century 20 Animated Legion spin-off series

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