I was not at all surprised that they didn't mention Joey leaving for CA. That's exactly how they (NBC/writers/whoever) did it when Frasier spun off after Cheers. The last scene in the bar with everyone sitting around talking about life, and then a big "see you tomorrow" as they all go home... no mention of Frasier moving to Seattle at all. There will be time to set up Joey when his spinoff begins.
And while I liked the show, it was getting too predictable, so it is good to have them move on with their lives. Watching Monica and Chandler's relationship progress over the past few seasons was the most appealing thing about the show, if you ask me. It was good to see these idiots actually take a step forward in life, after sitting in a coffee shop and waffling around in and out of relationships for the past decade!
And you are right about the oversaturation of the Friends finale coverage rickshaw. Besides the ads NBC was running for the past month (on five minute intervals it felt like), The Today Show featured Friends cast and supporting cast and "on set" interviews. NBC ran two back to back half hour episodes on Wed night from 8 to 9, then the two hour Dateline Friends retrospective. On Thursday they had the hour long 10-year retrospective at 8 leading to the hour long finale. And if you stayed up late for the Tonight Show there was a reunion of the Friends cast (since they hadn't seen each other in the last fifteen minutes), and then Friday afternoon Oprah had an interview with the cast. It all made my head want to explode...
As my counterpart would say, "Could I be any sorrier the show is over?"
Yeah, actually I could, seeing as how I never cried or anything during the finale... I'll miss them, but my heart isn't broken.
NBC better get shoveling quickly to scrounge up some new "must-see" shows...