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1 Legionnaires (Nightcrawler), 9 Murran Spies, and 4 Spider Guild Agents.
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Legionnaire Mastermind
by stile86 - 01/01/25 01:27 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by stile86 - 01/01/25 01:25 AM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 01/01/25 01:24 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by stile86 - 01/01/25 01:23 AM
by Eryk Davis Ester - 12/31/24 09:21 PM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Legion Tracker - 12/31/24 04:44 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 12/31/24 12:30 PM
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More females yet in the Legion, I say (the definitive characters' names are in caps).
First, I would tweak the Substitutes: Night Girl, Stone Boy and Fire Lad could be "merged" with SHADOW LASS, BLOK and WILDFIRE, respectively. Earlier stages in the latter's personal stories, maybe?
I would also merge Antenna Lad and (ANN?)THEENA (the perfect support staff/permanent monitor duty member), CHLOROPHYLL KID and Ivy, Color Kid and RAINBOW GIRL, "gender-bending" them all (think Pro fem, if you must).
Double-Header and GEMINI would also be merged but here the plot would thicken itself. Besides being an hermafrodite, s/he would be the perfect Legion plant for the Scorpius Gang, at least as good as Porcupine Pete/DARTALON would be for the early on Legion suspectful (and earlier established) Wanderers, Karate Kid II/ECHO would be for the LSV, and Monica Sade/BOUNTY entity would for the League of Super-Assassins. Comet Queen/QUANTUM QUEEN would be a nice guise for another Wanderer to wait upon the occasion to avenge her former comrades' murder: think Quislet's powers applied to a suitable-because-durable bio organism until the right Mad Controller comes into her majesty's cross-hairs). The latter four would get to keep their original genders.
Ron-Karr and Grinn, from the S.U.B.S. phase would stick to villany but Kono/LIGHT LASS and Devlin O'Ryan/REFLECTO II could also be added to the ranks.
But my first choice would be Infectious Lass, even if her name is so awkward. Maybe as DUO DAMSEL (a quite-skewed reference to the Malady-Remedy dichotomy of her powers)?

Other characters whose "merging" (which has already been done: Danielle Foccart-COMPUTO, anyone?) I envision - due to the fact that I imagine it as a good way to slightly compress the Legion's humongous cast while actually maintaining most of both it's history and story elements in case a new reboot actually gets underway would be BOUNCING Boy/MATTER-Eater Lad, Ferro Lad/GEAR, Tyroc/INVISIBLE KID II and Quanto/QUISLET.

The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears that this is true.
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Glue Guy: Can make people stick together.
Mirror Mistress: Can make almost identical copies of other people. The problem is they take backwards, Zatanna backwards.

Kid Cthulhu: An unholy, squid like demon from another dimension filled with horrible xenoform alien monsters. He likes surfing and checking out babes on the beach.

King Sumo: Extreme durability, strength, and agility for someone of his, uh, size. Also an amusing story behind his tryout, involving Ultra Boy.

Iron Maiden: Sentient robotic worker girl with design similar to an old iron maiden. However she moves slowly and has a habit of dragging her feet on the floor.

The Bowel Buster: Only let in because his handwriting is so horrible people read his name on the registry as "Blood Bruiser".

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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Glue Guy: Can make people stick together.
Somebody with power over friction / coefficiency would be tres cool. Wave one hand, and everyone is stuck to the ground. Wave the other hand, and everyone is slip-sliding away!

Focus really hard, and the increased friction between a person's moving body and the air around them causes the air to ignite into flames!

Mirror Mistress: Can make almost identical copies of other people. The problem is they talk backwards, Zatanna backwards.

Kid Cthulhu: An unholy, squid like demon from another dimension filled with horrible xenoform alien monsters. He likes surfing and checking out babes on the beach.

King Sumo: Extreme durability, strength, and agility for someone of his, uh, size. Also an amusing story behind his tryout, involving Ultra Boy.

Iron Maiden: Sentient robotic worker girl with design similar to an old iron maiden. However she moves slowly and has a habit of dragging her feet on the floor.
I see Iron Maiden as the robot from Metropolis.

Kid Cthulhu sounds fun. Sort of a hideous squamous Thing Man Was Not Meant To Know, but with the personality of Quislet or Lagoon Boy.

It might be fun to give him limited reality-warping powers. Nothing too outre (and nothing that affects another living being), but able to cause someone's gun to melt like taffy in their hand, or even sprout tentacles and start grappling their wrist, having transformed into a small squid-like beastie!

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Could somebody please stop that man from saying "friction" so much?

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Oh you mean Futura? I got the idea for Kid Cthulhu from Cham's look during the "Emerald Legion" facade, and one of the unnamed Sinestro Corps members.

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I would like to see a Sentry type character in the Legion.

The Superman who is rendered impotent by his own mental frailty.

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Lamprey and Nightwind!

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Originally posted by Owl Lad:
Lamprey and Nightwind!
Yes! And Laurel Kent and Crystal Kid, while we're at it!

I guess that purple-skinned Power Boy they were always hanging out with could come, too...

(But not Comet Queen!)

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Sometimes, while playing online games, I wonder what a Legionnaire version of various fantasy classes would look like.

A Necromancer would be right out.

Cosmic Boy - "Okay, uh, Zombie Girl, what can you do?"

Zombie Girl - "Brains... Oh, sorry, uh, I can stop bad-guys by sending a bunch of rotting ghouls to eat their flesh!"

Cosmic Boy - "Rejected."

Zombie Girl - "Don't you want a demonstration?"

Cosmic Boy - "Rejected. Rejected! REJECTED!"

But a character based on a Paladin would be pretty spiffy.

Crusader - possessed of an excess of positive 'life-force-energy' that she can channel into healing herself or others, or to enhance the physical abilities of herself or others. By causing a disruptive surge of excess life-force in another person, she can even 'smite' them!

Or a Wizard;

Conjuror - capable of creating magical gateways and portals that allowing him to transport himself and his allies around, and also forming 'micro-portals' to hostile regions (such as deep space, the hearts of stars, deep oceanic trenches, etc.) essentially 'teleporting' in destructive blasts of fire, cold, etc.

Or a Druid;

Maelstrom - her connection to the 'world-force' allows her to control animals, grow and animate living plants and manipulate the weather. Outside of earth's biosphere, she is mostly powerless, although she can adjust, over time, to an alien biosphere, and begin to use her powers on the native flora, fauna and environment. As such, she remains the sole permanant member of the Legion Home Guard, on permanant assignment to Earth. This has led to one of her less-than-diplomatic teammates, leaving on a space-faring mission, to refer to her as Monitor-Duty-Lass.

Any attacker faking a space emergency to get the Legion off-world so that he can raid their Headquarters is in for an earth-shattering surprise...

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The Druid is pretty interesting, not just from the power perspective, but the Earth-bound nature. It takes the idea of the Talokian planetary protector to a different level. Other planets could have similar characters and develop some sort of Legion auxiliary/outpost network.

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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
The Druid is pretty interesting, not just from the power perspective, but the Earth-bound nature. It takes the idea of the Talokian planetary protector to a different level. Other planets could have similar characters and develop some sort of Legion auxiliary/outpost network.
The idea lends itself to a twist as well, imagine a Legionnaire whose power is limited on a planetary surface, because he/she taps into 'dark matter' or something that only exists in the vacuum of space. Out there, they have awesome cosmic power. At the HQ, they need a Flight Ring just to get off the ground, and back to the source of their power...

It's kind of a 31st century version of Aquaman, with a teammate who is potent in their own element, with space being the special environment, instead of underwater.

Having both a planet-bound and space-limited character on the team would feel derivative, so I'd only want to include one of them!

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I wrote a letter, in the days before the net, proposing a space bound teen character for the Legion.

She never showed up.

And Gates IS the Conjuror.
At least, his powers could be expanded that way.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
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Originally posted by Candle:
I wrote a letter, in the days before the net, proposing a space bound teen character for the Legion.

She never showed up.
Send it to BITS of Legion Business, care of MLLASH. Maybe she's show up in the Uncanny Excellents with the rest of the fan-submitted not-quite-ready-for-prime-time players!

And Gates IS the Conjuror.
At least, his powers could be expanded that way.
Good point!

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Would it be alright if I provided the bio for a character I created who interracts with the Legions.

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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Would it be alright if I provided the bio for a character I created who interracts with the Legions.
Super-powered potential Legionnaire like the various Rejects, Academy students, Reservists, Subs, Honorary members, Wanderers, Theena, Ron Vidar, Dev-Em, etc?

Or non-powered supporting character like Dr. Gym'll, R.J. Brande, Shvaugn Erin or Gigi Cusimano?

Either way, go for it.

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She's a little of both, actually.

Ebony Dent of Earth-22, 17, daughter of supermodel Allison Dent and Golden Age hero Neon the Unknown. Born with a photographic memory and orphaned at the age of one, then adopted and raised by supervillain Marcie Cooper, the third Harlequin. Trained in all forms of combat and taking college level homeschooling courses by age ten. Ran away from home at twelve when she learned what Marcie had in store for her. Found a home with Suzy Black, the Black Orchid, in Viceroy South Carolina, up until age fifteen when Marcie found her again. During this time, Ebony became pregnant. The confrontation ended in Marcie killing Suzy, and Ebony's unborn child, until she died when the roof caved in on them.

Ebony spent the next two years working as a vigilante in Metropolis, operating under the radar with the title "X", taking care of crime and keeping herself uninvolved with the rest of the metahuman community. The name X may or may not come from the X scar on her stomach. Her motivations are that she is tired of watching crime and murder occur as the metahumans do nothing but fight one another out of sheer boredom.

She, and five others, have recently become pawns in a grand scheme being orchestrated by a cadre of villains led by someone named End of the World, as well as her stepmother, revived by a red lantern ring. She's been thrown into the world home to the animated Legion for reasons unknown, other than because it's the one world where Marcie Cooper does not exist, and she wants to leave her mark.

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Here's a... rather, rather long list of possible Legionnaire characters I made a couple of months ago and kept adding to it.

Coffy Queen
Fox Lass
Mud Master
Walpurgis Witch
Mockingbird Lass
Moonstruck Lass
Miss Muscles
Copy Kid
Spider Witch
Goo Guy
Sister Siren
Kryptonite King
Cat King
Calypso Queen
Cow Boy
Commando Girl
Earful Ellen
Mass Man
Gogo Girl
Bling King
Genie Girl
Squid Kid
King Coal
Gulch Girl
Cuckoo Kid
Pinwheel Prince
Ghoul Guy
Fallen Maiden
Payaso Princess
Bull Boy
Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall
Pumpkin Prince
Hell Lad
Laundry Lass
Bag Boy
Prince Pan
Sick Girl
Call Girl
Cookie Cutter Kid
Hungry Man
Waffle Wench
Mullet Maid
Black Ice
Toetag Lad
Wild Man
Boy Girl
Pop Star
Igneous Girl
Inky Boy
Mouthful Myra
Nosy Nell
Handy Andy
Sourpuss Prince
Whiteout Witch
Monochrome Queen
Ebony Emperor
Legs Lad
Somnambulist Lad
Coral Queen
Sweet Tooth
Snowbunny Lass
Thorn Bird
Repair Man
Pecan Pat
Allergy Lad
Bloody Allegro
Match Girl
Victory Lass
Patriot Lad
Millionaire Maid
Rock King
Emerald Emperor
Cherub Queen
Whistling Dixie
Furry Boy
Southern Bell
Dinosaur Damsel
Grasshopper Girl
Breakfast Boy
Pink Lady
Soda Jerk
Ham Hocker

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Now with descriptions.

Coffy Queen - Inspired from the movie "Coffy" starring Pam Grier. A type of foil to Tyroc.
Fox Lass - The daughter of a fox and a guy who didn't have boundary issues.
Mud Master - A boy who liked playing in mud. Until it bonded with him.
Walpurgis Witch - A more demonic witch character, possibly from Tartarus.
Mockingbird Lass
Moonstruck Lass - If we have a Sun Boy and Sun Girl, why not a moon-based one?
Miss Muscles - From 3008 to 3010, the home making skills of Martha Stewart and hands like Jean Claude Van Damme.
Copy Kid
Spider Witch - Specializing in a arachnomancy, means of telling the future through spiders.
Aerobat - Kind of redundant, since he's got wings and wind powers, he really wouldn't need the wings.
Goo Guy
Sister Siren - A nun/mermaid/member of Our Lady of the Tides Convent.
Kryptonite King - The King of Superman's weakness, from the colony of Kryptonite Land.
Cat King - He thinks just because he can lick himself clean that qualifies him as "Cat King".
Calypso Queen - She has the power... of SONG!
Cow Boy - Half boy, half cow, all cowboy.
Commando Girl - Raised by an insane war veteran. Tried to skin Timber Wolf and talks like Marlon Brando, going into "flashbacks".
Earful Ellen - Has multiple ears.
Mass Man - Basically makes things... bigger.
Gogo Girl - Has the power to sock it to ya.
Bling King - Has the power of bling.
Genie Girl - Makes wishes come true. All but her own. And then someone wished she was never born and the universe blew up. How did you think the first Crisis started?
Squid Kid
King Coal
Gulch Girl - Cow Boy's arch enemy, she's got vulture wings and six shooters.
Cuckoo Kid
Teleportatra - If you can't figure this one out, you're an idiot.
Pinwheel Prince - Prince of those crappy plastic fan things you get at family restaurants.
Ghoul Guy - Has a digestive system that requires him to eat dead human flesh.
Morpho - The Silver Age Kinetix.
Fallen Maiden - Goth girl who got hit on the head and thinks she fell from Heaven.
Payaso Princess - The queen of clowns, the harlot of harlequins.
Bull Boy - Because calling himself "Horn Boy" sounded stupid.
Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall - Sisters.
Pumpkin Prince - Was raised in a pumpkin patch.
Hell Lad - Satan's illegitimate bastard.
Laundry Lass - Has the power to mix colors and whites without mixing.
Bag Boy - Has the power to see through paper bags.
Prince Pan - Born with goat legs and an unnatural obsession with wind instruments.
Sick Girl - She's sick.
Call Girl - Has the power of legs up to her face and morals looser than Swedish furniture.
Cookie Cutter Kid - He knows his way around a baking sheet.
Glover - Has the power to glove anything.
Stardust - A comet crashed into him and he got superspeed.
Hungry Man - Always hungry, never full.
Waffle Wench - Has the power to overcook waffles.
Mullet Maid
Black Ice
Toetag Lad - Zombie Kid was already taken.
Wild Man - Tarzan fan who moved to the jungle just for the experience.
Oberon - A male counterpart of Titania.
Boy Girl - A girl born as a boy. Or a boy born as a girl.
Pop Star - Has the power of popularity and a horrible singing voice.
Igneous Girl - Fell into a volcano and bonded with the magma.
Inky Boy
Mouthful Myra - Has multiple mouthes.
Nosy Nell - Has multiple noses.
Handy Andy - Has multiple hands.
Sourpuss Prince - He hates just about everything. If that counts as a superpower than that means every teenager in America would qualify for the Legion.
Whiteout Witch - Fell into a vat of whiteout.
Monochrome Queen - Can turn things black, white, and grey.
Ebony Emperor
Legs Lad - Was a man born with the legs of a supermodel.
Lioness - Well technically she's part cheetah, but her mother already made the t-shirts.
Somnambulist Lad - His superpower is that he sleepwalks.
Coral Queen - Grew out of a coral reef into adolescence in five seconds.
Sweet Tooth - Can make anything into candy, yet, despite the name, he has no teeth.
Snowbunny Lass - Can survive any crash on any ski slope.
Thorn Bird
Insultica - The power of insulting your mother. Her twin sister is Sarcastica.
Repair Man
Angelitron - A robot built by angels.
Pecan Pat
Allergy Lad
Bloody Allegro - A dancer who can't stop, her feet are bloody.
Match Girl - She can set herself on fire when someone strikes her with a match.
Victory Lass - American propaganda in a red, white and blue miniskirt.
Patriot Lad - American propaganda in red, white, and blue short shorts.
Millionaire Maid - A maid who acquired the super power of being a millionaire. She can only be defeated by people richer than her.
UFOrmond - Has the power of being abducted and probed five times a week.
Rock King
Emerald Emperor
Cherub Queen - The queen of fat winged babies with deadly weapons.
Whistling Dixie - Has the power to whistle in a Southern accent.
Furry Boy - Has the power of making stuffed animals perverted.
Southern Bell
Dinosaur Damsel - Can transform into any type of dinosaur.
Grasshopper Girl - Can jump at amazing feats and can predict the weather by scratching her legs together.
Breakfast Boy - Has the power of a healthy breakfast.
Pink Lady - Chronically inebriated.
Soda Jerk - Fell into a vat of radioactive soda. And he's a jerk. Get it?
Ham Hocker - He creates pork products and throws them at people.

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Cosmetica - Has the power of of Maybelline. Maybe she's born with it, or maybe it's Maybelline.
Genes Girl - The power to alter your DNA.
Jeans Girl - The power to alter your pants.
Jean Girl - The power to alter your, um, whatever you have involving a person named Jean.
Beer Belly Boy - The power of twenty pounds of fat hanging off his pants waist.
Xenophobio - The Xenophobic Boy Wonder. Now leave him alone, he doesn't talk to strangers.
Baby Boy - The power of crawling on all fours and pooping his diaper.
Baby Girl - The power of crawling on all fours and pooping her diaper. Only they're pink.
Gummy Girl - The power of all gelatin candy products.
Weather Girl - The power of predicting the weather.
Cotton Gin Lass - The power of picking cotton.
Lachrymose Lass - She just can't stop crying about how she can't stop crying.
Apple Dumpling Gang Kid - Seriously?
Quilt King - And Pillow, the Boy Wonder
Weight Gain Witch - The bigger the better for this man hungry pile of walking bones.
Mother-Eater Lad - He'll eat your mother.
Mater-Eater Lad - He vill eat your mater, ja fraulein.
Bonnie Blue Butler-Eater Lad - Died of starvation.
All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet-Eater Lad - Died of overeating.
Romance Novel Girl - "As the sunset enveloped her golden locks, her lover Englacio began to place his full, manly lips all over her-CENSORED BY WARNER BROTHERS".
Sand Lass - In all the usual places. Yes, even there.
Colorist Queen Co-founder of the Legion of Super-Artists.
Inker Lad - Co-founder of the Legion of Super-Artists.
Penciller Boy - Co-founder of the Legion of Super-Artists.
Cerulean Kid - In memory of Yellow Kid.
Sock Sorcerer - Ever wonder where all those socks that disappear from the washing machine go...?
Talkbackica - I don't need to explain it to you freaks.
Symphony Sorceress - She makes Bugs Bunny look like a rank amateur.
Prom King - "There he is, the king of the prom... There he is, dancing with his mom..."
Cheerleader Boy - 2! 4! 6! 8! WHO DO WE APPRECIATE?!
Soap Lass - Don't mix her with Opera Lass.
Opera Lass - Don't mix her with Soap Lass.
Stereo Boy - Now in surround sound.
Metrosexual Lad - Like, oh my God.
Valley Girl - Has the power of valleys.
Quartz Queen - No matter what they say, quartz is a girl's best friend.
Fabulous Girl - The power of being... FABULOUS.
Hey Look it's That Girl! - Oh my God, where?!
Riverdance Boy - The power.. of RIVERDANCE!
Starving Artist Lad - Well, not since All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet-Eater Lad died.
Glue Stick Girl - She's been told not to eat them.
Carny King - So crooked he's the poster guy for rickets.
Waltz Wizard - The power of a stupid dance no one's done since the 19th Century.

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Lumberjack Lass
Logjam Lass
Geriatric Lad
Chronic Liar Lad
Zit Kid
Carpenter Kid
Bad Acting Boy
Spiral Girl
Doughnut Hole Boy
Donut Lad
Bear Claw
Eyebrow Boy
Quiet Kid
Bunk Bed Boy
Paparazzi Prince
Casino Queen
Boardwalk Boy
Ring Girl
Jazz Hands Jerome
Fanfiction Lad
Fanart Lass
OC Queen
Dungeons n Dragons Dude
Collector Kid
Sheet Girl
Cardboard Cutout King
Haunted House Lass
Blackest Night Girl
Brightest Day Boy
Loathe Girl
Runs With Scissors
Brown Bottom Boy
Pig Boy
Elephant Man Boy
Man Boy
Woman Girl
Pewter Kid
The Alchemic Kid
Clock Kid
Ceramic Lad
Bookworm Boy
Rockabilly Boy
Brady Lass
Brady Lad

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Jumping Jack Lad
Jill O'Lantern
Telegram Girl
That 70s Kid
Mill Boy
Stone Cutter Kid
Boring Boy
Daddy Long Legs Lad
Vector Lass
Algorithm Lad
Meme Girl
Compile Kid
Trigger Damsel
Method Boy
Resolution King
Gargoyle Girl
Bible Boy
Aerobic Lad
Speedo Boy
Bra Babe
Bikini Bade
Curtain Girl
Upside-Down Damsel
Morse Code Kid
Golden Age Lass
Silver Age Lad
Bronze Age Boy
Steel Age Girl
Beaver Boy
Beaver Girl
Viagra Lad
Wench Lass
Birthday Boy
Goblin Boy
Troll Lad
Gremlin Girl
Lad Boy
Lass Girl
Junkyard Dogboy
Doodle Dude
Zoot Suit Boy
Bramble Lass
Tar Baby Boy
Butt Crack Boy
Fauvist Lass
Golf Girl
Final Girl
Bus Boy
Compost Kid
Mall Food Boy
Lipgloss Lass
Old Boy
Home Boy
Taxpayer Boy
Lifeguard Lass
Baywatch Boy
Serial Kid
Power Lad
War Lad
Famine Lad
Death Lad
Campfire Kid
Animal Controllica
Daxam Girl
Grey Witch
Chlorine King
Pirate Girl
Shooter Lad
Bandit Boy
Toadstool Princess
Tinder Lass
Seaweed Boy
Negative Lad
Glorious Girl
Postal Boy
Wave Girl
Surfer Dude
Sunburned Boy
Vacuum Lass
Silicon Lass
Flag Girl
Castor Boy
Pollux Lad
Bat Lass
Glass Lass
Pool Girl
Pool Girl II
Fortune Teller Lass
Toy Boy
Wrapper Girl
Lanky Boy
Nutcracker Lad
Blue Boy
Theremin Girl
Caddy Kid
Wendigo Wench
Roswell Lad
Personality Lad
Jimmy Olsen Lad
Black Power Prince
5 O'Clock Shadow Kid
Lighting Lad
Saturn's Rings Girl

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Now Lash must create Fandango portraits of each one, then a glorious group shot.

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FINALLY. Someone said something about them on here.

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Wet T-Shirt Damsel
Sunblock Boy
Fat Nudist Lad
Photosynthesis Lass
Apple Brown Betty
Freedom Lass
Witch Hunter Lad
Gal Lass
Kimagure Lass
Misty Lass
Wasp Girl
Cleaver Lad
Puppet Boy
Star Child
Nothing Lad
Fridge Girl
Barbie Wire
Ssal Esrever
Yob Sdrawkcab
Knuckle Buster Boy
Gimmick Girl
Mandragora Girl
Potion Princess
Clover Lass
Clove Lad
Gentleman's Gentleman Lad
Text Message Break-Up Boy
Vulcan Lad
Conehead Boy
Maple Syrup Lass
Honey Girl
Butcher Boy
Erosion Lad
Wishing Well Lass
Leprechaun Lad
Buccaneer Boy
Lobster Boy
Plan 9 Lad
Weed Girl
Psychobilly Boy
Inbred Boy
Towel Boy
Geek Girl
Alice Lass
Biker Boy
Biker Girl
Macro Lad
Pincushion Princess
Storybook Lass
Wax Lad
Swan Lass
Propane Boy
Doily Lad
Loophole Lad
Loop Lad
Chess King
Cavity King
Creepy Kid
Latitude Lad
Longitude Lass
Brass Lass
Blues Boy
Nail Salon Lass
Bow Boy
Skeleton Sorceress
Voodoo Lass
Cannibal Kid
Bard Boy
Gail Simone Lad
Geoff Johns Girl
Grant Morrison Lass
Mark Waid Witch
Greg Rucka Damsel
Warlord Lad
Giant Girl
Gorgon Girl
Cheesecake Girl
Beefcake Boy
Twilight Zone Lad
Steampunk Lass
Buns of Steel Boy
Revolutionary Girl
Scary Lass
Ginger Lass
Baby Lass
Posh Lass
Sporty Lass

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I think I dated Butcher Boy.

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