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Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57420 04/22/05 07:26 AM
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Awesome! Wow! Thanks again Gary!

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57421 04/22/05 08:38 AM
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Yikes and Ick!
i really hope it's an SP faulty dossier.
no Winath or twins? no Mekt? seems like unnecessary changes to me.
on a positve note: i'm glad the action is starting up!! and a rival super-team!!! yay!

Gorilla Nebula
Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57422 04/22/05 02:16 PM
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I have to say, that the changes from the classic legion mythos, concerning the origins and relationships of the characters sound worryingly like the changes for change's sake that irked me so much about the reboot. character being reincarnated as a snake, mysa and nura no longer being sisters for no good reason!

This sounds like more of the same. I don't like it. The changes that I have read today sound stupid and unecessary like those reboot changes. Do Not Like It. Not One Little Bit.

Basically, tell new stories, yes, but leave the characters, their origins and relationships as they were!!!! Change romantic relationships, yes, but familial ones must stay! Those relationships are a large part of what makes those characters, and if you randomly decide oh this character isn't related (like Nura and Mysa postboot) and suddenly a character who never was is, it's like ripping their souls out!

No no no no no no. I do not like it. Certain things about the Legionnaires and the people they are should remain inviolate. Imagine rebooting Superman and deciding that now Lois Lane is his sister for no good reason? Ugh. The classic Legion mythos Works dammit, if it ain't broke then don't attempt to fix it!

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

Changes like these may just finish me with this version of the Legion. When it doesn't resemble my Legion anymore, that's when I say 'thanks but no thanks', which is what happened with the reboot.

And changes like the ones described in this thread effectively mean that it isn't recognisable as my Legion.

Am I really going to have to resort to reading the old comics exclusively?


Fire in the disco! Fire in the Taco Bell! Fire in the disco! Fire in the gates of hell!!
Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57423 04/22/05 03:27 PM
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Two additional pages courtesty of TheComicFanatic.Com

Click on the images to enlarge. If anyone wants to upload them to LW, please go ahead. I don't know how.

click to enlarge click to enlarge

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57424 04/22/05 05:14 PM
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I agree with you, ID.

Change for the sake of change isn't good. I hope these changes turn out to be red herrings.

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57425 04/22/05 08:18 PM
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So much of it though seems to be there to shake up our preconceptions of what the Legion ought to be. There's a sense of shock that it's not the Legion we were expecting but still it's almost the Legion we knew.

That's part of what was missing during the reboot. They were so busy recreating the LSH of the past that they lost sight of the creative side of the comic. So far I've enjoyed the new book for the most part so I can cut Waid enough slack to see where he wants to take things without being too judgemental.

Although I think I'm in with the crowd that suspects some false information has been planted in the Sci-Pol network. Could it be that Brainiac's been playing with the data?

I'm too sexy for my shirt.
Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57426 04/22/05 09:20 PM
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
And as a thanks to Hamz -

[Linked Image]
Thank you! laugh

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57427 04/23/05 04:38 AM
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Change for the sake of change isn't good. I hope these changes turn out to be red herrings.
As someone with attachments to the past, I tend to agree with you. But one thing is undeniable - it shakes us from our complacency and conveys a sense that we shouldn't make any assumptions; anything's up for grabs.

And it's a bit UP centric to label that planet "Rimworld 19". Unless it was a colonized planet, I would imagine the natives had a different name for it...

Saturn Girl's "telepathic only" dialogue makes me wonder how poeple communicate in this future. Does everyone speak interlac? Does everyone have telepathic plugs? Are some people simply not understanding what others are saying?

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57428 04/23/05 09:52 AM
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I'm have the 100% Infectious Drura's feelings.
The DC writers must learn a little from the marvel X-Men's writers.
Jean Gray can dead twice, but she's always the same Jean Gray.
Psylocke, Shadowcat, Colossus...
But we have the Mon-El, Valor, Mon'el combo.
Supergirl- Laurel Gand- Andy The supernun,
Shadow Lass-Umbra - Shadow Lass depowered..
Projectra - Snackie and now ?..
Sun Boy- Inferno The boy - Inferno The Girl,
Wildfire (Drake)- Wilfire (Atom'x, Blast-off mix)
Phantom Girl - Phase- Her cousin Enya?- Apparition (Carggite origins)- The new Phantom Girl.
Triplicate Girl- Duo Damsel- Mono Girl - Duo Damsel Again - Triad - New Triplicate Girl with all a world of herself.
And the worse...Garth - Proty II - Live Wire - Jarth.
I'm so tired and bored, with all the stupids changes in the Legion origins.
The current Legion don't have the soul of the pre-zero hour Legion.
I'll wait to Crisis. Maybe we see the real Legion returns..
Or not...?

From UK with glamour.
Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57429 04/23/05 10:17 AM
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Having started with the Adventure era Legion, I've seen a lot of changes. Some I didn't like, some I did - but I stuck with it and I'm always glad I did. I absolutely hated the Abnett/Lanning era, but I was always hopeful that it would get better. As I've posted before, I view the different Legion eras like this: There is one true Legion history. What it is, we're not sure, because it's the stuff of legend. I see each creative team as taking the bits and pieces of information available and filling in the blanks with how they interpret it - much like an anthropologist takes a few bones and tool pieces and reconstructs how ancient man lived. No interpretation of the Legion is totally right, but neither is it totally wrong. They all have threads of commonality that are sufficiently strong to allow me to believe that this is all one Legion - just different interpretations of it. And let me go on the record as stating I love what Waid and Kitson are doing. This is the most enjoyable legion for me since Giffen blew up the Earth. (or whoever did that!)

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57430 04/23/05 10:26 AM
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As I said I don't mind the changes. Some of them do seem forced or just for change's sake as some say. But honestly with the old school cast and return to the old names I am glad some things are different. And hopefully somethings that may not work off the bat (say Phantom Girl's situation) they can avoid or streamline.

That preview scene Trom posted is intersted. I keep getting a Kingdom Come(Waid) feeling here. He was making a point in that series about old school superheroes versus new ones. A good point. I don't mind the Legion acting like the old school heroes but wouldn't mind some of that pizazz the new ones had. Especially with their "rebellious attitude". The old guy in the preview believes it is worth killing innocents for the greater good. An experienced jaded decision. Youth has much more hope which comes through this series. At one point though the youth's will learn they can't have it all...a painful memory for all of us. wink

I am digging the series more. Trust me I'm all for youth and hope. Eat it Grandpa? Will they have to stop listening to my granpa's records and reading his comics before I go along with that. doh!

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57431 04/23/05 10:27 AM
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Originally posted by EmeraldEmpress:
The DC writers must learn a little from the marvel X-Men's writers....I'm so tired and bored, with all the stupids changes in the Legion origins.
For what it's worth, it's more a DC-wide phenomenon. Look at Hawkman. Others like Huntress underwent major overhauls after Crisis. Look at the mess that is Donna Troy, not to mention the Doom Patrol. And then there's the whole Earth-1 gang who've undergone "reimaginings" to various degrees.

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57432 04/23/05 10:40 AM
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Some people are talking as if the Trom origin is cast in concrete. It's not, and the allusion to LL's "sister" is highly ambiguous and open to more than one interpretation. Waid is a Master of Misdirection -- I can think of at least a half-dozen bamboozles he and his collaborators perpetrated in the first year of the postboot to push readers off balance. Lightning Lad's identity being a question mark has been such a prominent motif in the past (Ayla impersonating Garth, Garth/Starfinger, Garth/Proty, Garth-in-Jan), there's a fair chance Waid is playing another variation on the theme just to rile us up. And need I remind anyone here that last we saw his postboot self, Garth Ranzz *was* a Trommite, genetically speaking? Waid exploited it as a joke in the TT/Legion special, and he may be using it now to blow smoke into the air.

I've nibbled at the bait but I refuse to take a bite. Let's save the recriminations (or the accolades, depending on your stance) until we know for sure these changes are real.

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57433 04/24/05 06:44 PM
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Well, want some more teases? Here are a few that will wet your appetites:

These are spoilers, so only read them if you want to know! see my response after "***"

Highlight the text to read the messages:
There’s a speedster among the Legionnaire survivors on Rimworld. But, she’s definitely NOT XS. She may be Mara Williams. Unfortunately, Waid never names her.

***well - what if she turns out to be Jenni Ognats, just like they did to Star Boy? of the possibility?

“They have thumbs, they can learn.”

Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57434 04/25/05 02:46 AM
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Originally posted by Tromium:
...and the allusion to LL's "sister" is highly ambiguous and open to more than one interpretation.
It could very well be a piece of misdirection. It's interesting that [color:000080]Brin is right next to Jeckie on the cover....AND it's also possible that Brin could be the mystery guy that's sitting next to Jeckie in that panel from issue #1. I'm guessing it is him. If so, if Jeckie was Garth's sister, when would they have broken up?[/color]

It's a possibility that he once dated Light Lass and is now dating Projectra...

Paul Newell
Titan President
Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57435 04/25/05 02:47 AM
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BTW, a BIG thank you to Mon from me as well. laugh

Paul Newell
Titan President
Re: LSH 5 preview! ....spoilers
#57436 04/27/05 05:07 PM
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For all of the discussion we've already covered here.

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