Yes, it's that time of year again, where the nights are warm, the days not to friggin' hot, i'm not jealous of the access to things you get on other continetns and for three weeks outta the year i get to walk 20 minutes into the city and select one of the world's best comedians to go and watch. Or an Auzzie comedian who's cheap and plays at a venue i won't get thrown out of.
This year my favourites have been Maria Bamford, who's helium voiced stylings have sent me into severe oxygen debt, Rhod Gilbert the dry lateral voice of Wales (advice for stalkers, you and your victim may not be compatible, follow them around for a few months to find out) and Steven Amos. he's style.
The big ticket for this year was Stephen Wright, somebody i've always enjoyed. But at $70 ($50-60US) and a need to pass random breathalyzers the next morning i have not been able to see.
So next week i'm going to see Demitri Martin who is definitely in the same vein of comedy.
And to quote somebody who was very funny but the Smirnoff blue had this time fried my ability to remember his name:
"What does not kill us... probably made out of foam".
And, yes, i know most of you barely have an idea where Melbourne is on that round globey thing they had at school, but what comedians have you seen and really enjoyed? Who should i be looking out for to buy tickets for, or in extreme cases stalk, if they show up in this fair city?