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Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
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Is there any question the "Christian" right is a haven for sickos. Seriously - would Jesus advocate murder? This is from the Toronto Star.

Kill Venezuelan leader, televangelist Robertson advises

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson has called on-air for American operatives to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying it would be "cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."
"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said Monday on the Christian Broadcast Network's The 700 Club.
"We don't need another $200-billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator," he said of the democratically elected Chavez, who is a frequent critic of U.S. foreign policy.
"It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."
Chavez has emerged as one of the most outspoken critics of President George W. Bush, accusing the United States of conspiring to topple his government and possibly backing plots to assassinate him. U.S. officials have called the accusations ridiculous.
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."
Among other things, Robertson accused Chavez, a personal friend of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, of wanting Venezuela to become "a launching pad for communist infiltration" and "Muslim extremism."
Robertson, 75, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former presidential candidate, accused the United States of failing to act when Chavez was briefly overthrown in a failed right-wing coup in 2002.
A message to a Robertson spokeswoman seeking further comment was not immediately returned.
Venezuela is the one of the world's largest oil exporters and a major supplier to the United States. The CIA estimates that U.S. markets absorb almost 59 per cent of Venezuela's total exports.
Venezuela's government has demanded in the past that the United States crack down on Cuban and Venezuelan "terrorists" in Florida who they say are conspiring against Chavez.
Robertson has made controversial statements in the past. In October 2003, he suggested that the U.S. State Department be blown up with a nuclear device. He has also said that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practise witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

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What a hypocrite.

We can't "kill" a two-day old embryo, but it's okay to advocate assassinating somebody in the prime of their life because it suits his agenda? And "the moral majority" can't understand why they get no respect... shake

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I got this link for another message board

Who said it - Buchanan, Robertson, or Bin Laden

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this really doesn't surprise me at all.
Yet another reason i despise religion in general and christians in particular.

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in total agreement...Roberston has really gone over the deep end.

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No No No... must resist, too easy to make flip remark. The comment is inane beyond a mere mortal's power to add or detract. If God is up there, I firmly believe PR and his ilk will be judged harshly.

I'll let PR's words stand on their own "merit" Though I admit I'm no fan of Chavez, I'm perfectly content to let Hugo play in his sandbox after all he was elected.

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i can'r think of anything not incredibly nasty to say.

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feelin' hot hot hot
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I'm with DB. ><

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Don't get me wrong, Robertson's comments are 100% pure jack@$$.

But don't lump him in with the Christians. That's just like hating muslims because of Bin Laden- or the WASPs because of the KKK Grandmaster.

Extremeists of any group are merely an example of why moderation and compromise are a vital part of society.

Just spouting off.
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CJ, I chose my words carefully. I said the "Christian" right is a haven for sickos. I didn't call all of the Christian right sickos - there are some very nice people in that group. By the same token, there are some very hateful, misguided and un-Christian people in the "Christian" right.

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the scary thing is tons of christians (many not so extreme) watch the 700 club and pat robertson.

is chavez the one that wants an autonomous latin american news organization similar to bbc or al jizera (sp)? pat's calling the kettle black at any rate. since he's obviously and historically "ambitious".

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this is coming form the man that openly prayed with a bible in his hand asking that another chief justice retire so another more reglious one could take there place.

Roberston also was blaming gays when the Oklahoma City Bombing happened and also afer 9/11.

Seriously, has this man gotten an Alzhemiers test recently?

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Honestly, I think "sickos" are going to be drawn to any extremist belief. There are a few PETA sickos out there too.

(I'm a member of PETA, by the way.)

But back to my point... for some reason (and I'm not a psychologist, nor do I claim to be) the seriously wacked people of society seem to be drawn to organizations and people who see the world only in the sharpest terms of black and white. Maybe it's because seeing the world in terms of black and white cowboy hats brings some sort of comfort to a disturbed mind? Researching the cause-and-effect relationship would be an interesting exercise there. I honestly don't think there are any more or less "sickos" associated with the Christian faith (on a per capita basis, anyway) than with any other belief out there. They simply are more apparent to us in this country because Christianity is more pervasive.

As far as Robertson himself, he has less and less political and social power with every idiotic statement he makes. He lost so much cred when he blamed gays for 9-11, and statements like this only dig a deeper hole for himself. I'm astonished he's still on the air, frankly.

And finally, before anyone starts berating Brent for an inflammatory tone in that first sentence, I would like to point out the quotation marks around the word Christian. Clearly, in his statement, he is referring to those who utilize Christ's name for financial or political benefit, not those who truly practice Christianity honestly and faithfully in their daily lives.

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Originally posted by Kid Prime:
And finally, before anyone starts berating Brent for an inflammatory tone in that first sentence, I would like to point out the quotation marks around the word Christian. Clearly, in his statement, he is referring to those who utilize Christ's name for financial or political benefit, not those who truly practice Christianity honestly and faithfully in their daily lives.
Thanks, Jeff. It was not my intent to vilify Christians and I hope I made that clearer by my second post. I don't think that the Christian right represents all Christians, and in fact, I don't think that certain spokespeople for the Christian right, such as Patsy Robertson, even represent all members of the Christian right.

That said, I think Robertson should be charged with instigating international terrorism. Certainly if he had advocated murdering an American political leader, he would be in jail as I write this.

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Well, the V-P of Venezuela did call him a criminal and I heard him denounced in a half-hearted way by some State Dept. functionary. I believe Robertson is voicing what the Administration (and others) are thinking - or wishful thinking - and that's what makes him not another flake to joke about.

Hadn't remembered that feminist comment - foolish man ! Doesn't he know we don't kill our children? We raise them to be capitalism-destroying lesbian witches! Who vacation in Venezuela!

Holy Cats of Egypt!
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I'd love for there to be some kind of instant-karma system for situations like this... Preach assassination, and 3 seconds later get taken out by a sniper or something... ;p

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Yeah, well .....

THIS Conservative Christian really thinks Pat Robertson doesn't quite think about what he's saying.

And he's certainly not following what *I* happen to believe.
I would also like to take this opportunity to call Pat Robertson out on what he's said. What he said was careless and unChristian and DANGEROUS. Whe he opens his mouth while his brain is in neutral, he does more harm than he does good.

Pat, shut up.
Don't apologize.
Don't attempt to justify, because you can't.
Just shut up.

You can never quit believiing in your dreams ... or yourself.
You GOTTA listen to Levi Kreis.
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The problem with Robertson and others of his ilk is that they've hijacked the term Christian Conservative and they don't fit either definition. Advocating murder is hardly a conservative tactic nor is it at all Christian.

He is no different than the terrorists of Al Qaeda who claim to be Muslim, nor any other hate filled person that wraps themselves in the cloak of religion.

That being said, Hugo Chavez is no saint either nor is he what I would consider duly elected. His was one of the most fraudulent elections in recent memory in all of the Americas. Not quite on a par with Castro's sweeping re-election victories (in which no one is allowed to run against him or any of his party hacks and in which Cuban citizens are required by law to cast a vote and it is illegal to turn in a blank ballot.)

Don't misunderstand, I would not want to see either of them killed. That would only elevate them to the rank of martyrs for the radical left. I would much prefer to see them humbled & humiliated by the truth before they exit the world stage for the last time.

Add Robertson and others like him and bin Laden to that group and I would be a happy camper.

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I was really gonna unload here. But instead, i am gonna say thank you to those of you that have actually realized that real "christians" don't buy the swill that Robertson and others sell.

Christians are no better or worse than anyone else. I see stickers like "christians aren't perfect, just saved" and I know that that isn't a real christian. Real christians don't have smug, superior, holier than thou attitudes. They tend to be quiet, expressing their beliefs when asked about them, but not forcing themselves on people.

I see responses like Dedman's and can only think that he hasn't met any REAL christians.

I was raised in the christian faith. But i don't follow any religion. I know people that are real christians, and you will never meet anyone any better than them. And i know many professed "christians" that aren't fit to lick the sole's of a real christian's shoes. But then, a real christian wouldn't ask that of them.

And no, i don't claim to be a real christian. I have far too many flaws, and far to quick a temper attached to a real bullshit meter.

But i will say this, to those like Dedman that seem so certain they know everyone based on a few...thats a sterotype, and its not very decent a way to be. You don't have to be tolerant, but maybe you need to expose yourself to some different people.

Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!

Something pithy!
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A recent announcment from the British Home secretary.

Home Secretary Charles Clarke has published a list of grounds for deporting people who foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence.

Here are the main points of those plans.

New grounds for deporting and excluding people from the UK - including fostering hatred or, advocating and justifying violence to further beliefs. The powers will cover statements already on record.

Agreements with other countries, such as Jordan, to ensure people can be deported to their nations of origin without being tortured or ill-treated

Amend human rights laws, if necessary, to prevent legal obstacles to new deportation rules

Home secretary automatically to consider deporting any foreigner involved in listed extremist bookshops, centres, organisations and websites

Make justifying or glorifying terrorism anywhere an offence

Automatically refuse asylum to anyone with anything to do with terrorism anywhere

Consult on setting a maximum time limit for extraditions to other countries - Tony Blair has said it was unacceptable that Rashid Ramda, wanted for the Paris Metro bombing 10 years ago, was still in the UK

Examine calls for police to be able to hold terror suspects for longer before pressing charges

Use more control orders against British terror suspects, who cannot be deported

Increase the number of special judges hearing terror cases

Already announced were plans to ban the Hizb ut Tahrir and the successor organisation of Al-Muhajiroun - and look at whether the grounds for banning such groups need to be widened

Review the threshold for gaining British citizenship and establish, with the Muslim community, a commission to advise how to better integrate parts of the community "presently inadequately integrated"

Create a list of foreign preachers who will be kept out of the UK and consult on creating new powers to close places of worship used to foment extremism

Use biometric visas for those from designated countries and compiling a database so people whose views or activities pose a threat to UK security can be kept out of the country. They could only appeal against the decision from overseas.

As far as I can see Mr Robertson falls foul of a number of these points. Lets see:-

people who foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence. yup he's done that

including fostering hatred or, advocating and justifying violence to further beliefs. The powers will cover statements already on record. trying to get someone murdered? I think thats justifying violence to further beliefs.

Create a list of foreign preachers who will be kept out of the UK and consult on creating new powers to close places of worship used to foment extremism I rest my case

My fear is that because PR is white middle class christian and american he wont be placed on any such list. frown

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Problem is, this isn't England, its america.

Here in america, you have the right to be an unmitigated a-hole. The ACLU will make sure of that.

Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!

Something pithy!
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Hmmm, but we don't have a right to instigate murder, so we got some fuzzy lines here.

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Im sure if an American Muslim religious leader publically advocated political assasinations, the "Patriotr Act" police woudld be at his doorstep within minutes.

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What ever happened to "Thou shall not kill"
but yet we get a tv personality saying kill him.
If Oprah said it then it would happen..LOL

Seriously...stupid is as stupid does.

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"Thou shalt not kill" is used out of context about as much as the passage about a man lying with a man in Leviticus. Not to mention the "Judge not lest ye be judged" one. And Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yup, it's Kid-Prime-as-Devil's-Advocate day. Go figure. It's been a while, huh?

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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