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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/09/25 01:52 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by Boy Kid Lad - 01/09/25 01:26 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 12:02 PM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 02:26 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 02:25 AM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 05:11 PM
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The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
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Okay. After reading this thread, I may just have to start up again (last ish of LSH I bought was #7.)

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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This issue, as much as any so far, fulfills Mark and Barry's promise to present the Legion, from the "beginning," as imagined for a contemporary audience.

Mon-El. Why the !#)@($ wouldn't he be pissed off at anyone wearing the S? It makes perfect sense, but we never saw it before. Brainy's manipulation, like any true genius, seems obvious in hindsight, but I wouldn't have thought of it. Of course Mon-El can't remember clearly what happened 1,000 years ago. Who could? I can't wait to see Waid's take on this character.

Daxam. As with Rokyn, it had to be dealt with somehow. The previous boot made good use of it as a source of villains, but never really resolved the story line -- what to do about it after the White Triangle story. The Bierbaums had Glorith destroy it so noone else could use it like Darkseid, right? Having it wiped out by Trom makes as much sense as anything, and is a delightful twist on the previous boot. Now, having painted himself into a corner, Mark is going to have to explain why Trom doesn't rule the galaxy (maybe they do?). My guess is the mention of Daxam in issue #1 is a goof, but you could maybe explain it as having been resettled by non-Daxamites. Hard to imagine someone as intelligent as Saturn Girl had never heard of the planet, however.

Wanderers. One of my favorite silver age groups, created late in the Shooter run (?). Their biggest weakness, story-wise, was a lack of any real connection to the Legion, other than appearing in their book. Great to repurpose them as something much more relevant and meaningful -- the disillusioned "big sibs" to the Legion. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.

The comparison to Viet vets vs. college kids is a good one. I hope Waid continues to enrich and exploit his idea about the conflict between different generations and their different points of view. Maybe he took to heart the complaints that the kids vs. adults was too simplistic? In "real-life" American history, I've always been fascinated how cynical elites (read: Reagan republicans and their heirs) so brilliantly and cynically exploited the divides coming out of the 1960s to gain and exploit power. I think it defines all American political history from 1980 to the present. I hope Waid finds a good way to tell analogous stories in Legion. The LSH and the Wanderers should be very concerned that some non-stupid adults are really manipulating the whole thing.

Mekt. He is perhaps a bigger threat to Garth as an anti-hero than as a crazy villain. I can't wait to see how the relationships play out among the 3 sibs -- Garth still has no idea Mekt is involved, does he? As in past 'boots, I think Garth's reaction to Mekt will end up defining his character, for better or ill.

Ayla. I was surprised to see her refer to her bro as a "jackass." I'm no prude on such language, and sibs can be harsher on each other than anyone else, I just didn't think I had seen anything done by Garth to warrant the label. She must really be mad about the UP agreement. I am also glad that Ayla's attitude towards Mekt wasn't one-dimensional, he's the bad guy. Waid is really making these characters more rounded and interesting.

White Witch. Mysa really was the greatest creation of the Levitz/Giffen run, taking a thow-away silver age character and making her visually and personally stunning. Good to see that Waid and Kitson have the good judgement to go with Paul and Keith's version, appearance-wise. We haven't seen much magic in this 31st century yet, have we? Again, I can't wait to see Waid's definition of it. So far, with limited data, it looks sort of Scarlet Witch/probabilty warping, which is totally cool with me.

Needless to say, I looovvved this issue. Hope Mark and Barry can keep this up.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Hey! There is a preview on Newsarama of Outsiders #44, showing the Dominators on Earth, trying to invade it, at this period in time!

And we will also soon have the Action Comics Annual with Mon-El.

So, as Mekt know Mon-El and want him, the long range plan of the Dominators soon to reach fruition in conquering Earth revealed by Mekt, when adding to it the previous apparitions of the Dominators in issue #16 and the one with Sun Boy's team seems to have a whole other meaning.

Maybe it's going more in the past than we thought.
After all, there was a mention of 52 also by a Dominator.

That's a lot of different pieces we have to assemble. I like it.

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Originally posted by Querl Dox:
Hey! There is a preview on Newsarama of Outsiders #44, showing the Dominators on Earth, trying to invade it, at this period in time!

And we will also soon have the Action Comics Annual with Mon-El.

So, as Mekt know Mon-El and want him, the long range plan of the Dominators soon to reach fruition in conquering Earth revealed by Mekt, when adding to it the previous apparitions of the Dominators in issue #16 and the one with Sun Boy's team seems to have a whole other meaning.

Maybe it's going more in the past than we thought.
After all, there was a mention of 52 also by a Dominator.

That's a lot of different pieces we have to assemble. I like it.
also, in the latest Green Lantern Corp, they are trying to stop the development of the super dominator.

seems DC is trying to make the DC universe a coordinated tapestry.

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I normally read SLOSH about 2x before I bag and stick into the box for safekeeping, much the same with all the other books I buy. I've read this one 4x so far because I was, and still am, in awe.

Barry and Mark turned in an incredible issue this month. Also, let's not forget Mick Gray's inking. The shot of Mon-el suckerpunching Supergirl should be up for consideration of being a Legendary page in this run (hmm, that might be a fun thread topic). The blurring of his arm, giving the illusion of speed/action, really sets the whole page on fire.

Another way to tell that this was a great issue is that even the "Negative Nancies" (you know who they are) have admitted they were satisfied.

Barry/Mark/Mick, keep up the good work! This is the stuff that makes it worth paying $4 a comic. Waiting 3 more weeks for the next issue is gonna suck.

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Is anyone else really curious about the black ops team that Mekt was apart of? I wonder if we'll see any of them in the future. (I know Mekt said they died, but we all know that wouldn't stop a comic book character)

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When DC introduced that mini series of the wanderers didn’t it start from the premise that the originals had been killed and then cloned?

I wonder if Mekt was with or knew of the original wanderers and their death and therefore took the name as a memorial to them as he started to build his new organization.

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Wamu2, I noticed the GLC/Dominator story too. Interesting that the Guardians believe the Dominators to be a necessary evil in the universe. Wonder why? Maybe as a check against more competent bad guys? The GLC story is written by Keith Champagne, Legion fan and occasional scripter.

Does anyone know if the Invasion cross-over still counts in New Earth history? Or is the Dominator invasion yet to come?

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Hi Guys
Thanks again for the kind words - and please don't forget to give Nathan some credit for the artwork too - the speed blurs are his resposibility! smile

It's great to read that the current story line has caught the imagination of so many of you!

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I just got the issue yesterday & had avoided the spoilers and previews, so the twists and turns were quite a surprise. I appreciate that.

I was a tad irritated to see White Witch, Polar Boy, and "Plant Lad" grouped in with a murderer, but such is to be expected with a reboot, and things can always change.

So, Mekt clearly states that the Dominators are out for Earth, but then indicates there's something more at stake. Any thoughts as to what that might be & why it would be so motivating to his chosen recruits? I can't think of anything.

Glad to have only a page or two of Cosmic Boy's narration. And it was nice to see some of the team working together to deliver the anti-toxin to Mon-el. Scenes like that provide some basis for the Legion actually being a team instead of a cluster of egos lucky to make it out of the scrapes they stumble upon.

Anyway, & as already mentioned, it's great to have the plot zipping along like this. I'm eager for the full picture, &, thus, for the next issue.

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Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:

So, Mekt clearly states that the Dominators are out for Earth, but then indicates there's something more at stake. Any thoughts as to what that might be & why it would be so motivating to his chosen recruits?
Another reboot perhaps? Just kidding!

Buy my new graphic novel!
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I finally got to read this issue (which was frozen in Texas for a week on it's way to California) and really liked that so much is happening! With such a huge cast, I really like the idea of multiple storylines and subplots per issue. I've come to notice and appreciate the silver-agey feel to the book. In an age of increasing post-post(-post?) modern superheroism, it's nice to have a superhero book that acknowledges the past and the future. My big hope for Plant Lad and Polar Boy: They get their classic hats back!;f=2;t=000740

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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
So, Mekt clearly states that the Dominators are out for Earth, but then indicates there's something more at stake. Any thoughts as to what that might be & why it would be so motivating to his chosen recruits?
Another reboot perhaps? Just kidding! [/b]
Then I really wouldn't know who to root for.

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Trap Timer
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Well, I finally bought and read it.

All can say is that my growing dissatisfaction with the series is still growing.

The whole "Let's knock down the shields by having the two Kryptonian class people fight" just seemed to me really goofy.

Another super-powered political youth movement. Another prediction of another destruction of Metropolis. Yawn.

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Magically Delicious
Magically Delicious
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Oi! I haven't been feeling the big love for this series lately... there was (what I perceived to be) the fizzle of Terror Firma, and, after that, the period during which Supergirl was introduced to the series seemed to lack momentum and/or excitement... but I think my biggest issue is that I don't find the primary characters to be all that likable (Cos in particular... Cos has always been my favorite in every incarnation, and even I want to see less of him), and I don't feel much emotional connection to the characters or feel much empathy for them, at least not in the way I did in my favorite incarnations of the Legion...

Anyway, the latest issue came out, beautiful to see as it always is when Barry Kitson draws it, and there was a definite escalation in momentum and action... and although I liked many of the individual elements (Mysa! Yea!), it still left me a little cold...

And then I read this thread and got all enthused about this issue again (a hint of Dawnstar?! I missed that!), and I re-read it, and I felt some excitement that I may not have felt on the first read-through, but... it still left me a little cold.

And that's where I currently stand. Although I enjoy the book in a general sense, at the end of the day, something just isn't connecting with me. Wish I could explain it better.

On the other hand, there are a lot hints out there that something big is going on, something that will involve the Legion (hasn't it been suggested that we have been reading about the Earth-2 Legion all along, or something?), and I find that prospect very exciting... especially the JSA stuff.

Why are you laughing at me? It's unkind, as well as puzzling!
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Hi Rokk
Thanks about the artwork! smile

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Magically Delicious
Magically Delicious
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I just started dipping my toe into the "original artwork collecting" thing. In addition, my partner and I just re-finished our garage as a toy room/comic room (we both collect toys, action figures, etc.).

The point: A couple of Barry's pages from the first year of the series are the first thing you see when you walk in the door! Always beauteous!

Why are you laughing at me? It's unkind, as well as puzzling!
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