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What about Leela who (at least at the start of her run) had a worrying tendancy to knife and poison everyone she met?
I would also put Romana (one and two) in there as, initially at least, she was a Time Lord and equal in power and knowledge to the Doctor.
Interestingly the producers seemed aware of the problem and I belive that Sara Jane Smith was introduced with the intention of being much more hard nosed and mmuch less of a screamer. But alas the writers moved away from this and back to the old screams and helplessness.
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Speaking of screamers, was it true that one Dr. Who episode arc had aliens who were defeated by one of the Doctor's female companions just by screaming her head off?
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Not sure, but that's how Cobalt Kid' lovely g/f wins arguements against a drunken Cobie!
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Originally posted by legionadventureman: Speaking of screamers, was it true that one Dr. Who episode arc had aliens who were defeated by one of the Doctor's female companions just by screaming her head off? http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/webcasts/shalka/
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(UK) Series 2 start date is due to be announced this week. If you see it, post it HERE, not the old thread. (Rumours suggest it's Saturday, the 15th of April)
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The DVD with the Christmas Special and the first two episodes of series 2 is due for release on May 1, so the transmission must be before that. BBC Press Office info only runs up to April 14, but I would guess Sat April 15 is best bet for series 2 start. I get the BBC info at work on a Tuesday, so will check for April 15 then.
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The first "vanilla" DVD will have only The Christmas Invasion and New Earth (S2 ep 1) on it. After that, there'll be four more DVDs with three eps apiece, and a box set at year's end (hopefully, non-gimmicky)
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Oops .. didn't read the Press release fully ... you're right Xmas spec plus New Earth ... cost £15.99.
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Call me crazy but I think David Tennant and LASH are one and the same - they look as if they could have been seperated at birth...
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Confirmed: Series 2 starts on Saturday, the 15th of April 2006 at 7pm. Mark your diaries 
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woo-hoo! Can't wait. Have they released any official updated episode guides yet?
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Apparently, there's one in the variant-covertastic Doctor Who Magazine coming out on Thursday And, for those too lazy to flick back a page  : Originally posted by Reboot: Confirmed: Series 2 starts on [b]Saturday, the 15th of April 2006 at 7pm. Mark your diaries  [/b]
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has anyone here gotten the Region 1,Series 1 set already? i couldn't wait, and got a copy from Canada a week ago (from www.whona.com , if anyone wants to know  )
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Originally posted by mhr_kara: has anyone here gotten the Region 1,Series 1 set already? i couldn't wait, and got a copy from Canada a week ago You'd probably be smarter posting this on the Series 1 thread
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There was an interesting little article in the paper this morning. The jist of it was that Tennant has signed on for the third series and Billie Piper 'will be involved in teh third series'. I guess that means she's not actually on for all the episodes but at least for some of them. Hmmm. Nothing more than that in terms of what will happen to the character or anything, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.
Also, and this could be a load of hooey, has anyone else heard the rumour that in the second series there's an episode where the Tardis lands in.... Albert Square? Someone mentioned it to me yesterday and it sounds horrible but you never know...
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Correction: New Earth (S2 ep1) is at 7 :15pm next Saturday (the 15th) 
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('Boot, I just edited the thread title to include a spoiler warning since we're now at the point of broadcast. Hope that's OK). Anyhoo, so episode one.... <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">That enough? Right, let's start with the bad. The Beeb once again managed to have the background music turned up so bloody high that half the time I couldn't hear a word of what was being said. It's very annoying and something you think they could have sorted easily enough. Sheesh. Also some of the disease transitions were a bit clunky. But the good out-weighed the bad i think. Cliched plot to a certain degree, but that didn't bother me too much. Mostly it was just a fun episode largely due to Cassandra's body hopping. Billy Piper was great at being Zoe Wannamaker without actually doing an impression of her. She didn't try to copy the voice exactly, but just had something about the intonation right. I also really liked the way that she changed her walk and her body language just enough to make it clear she wasn't Rose. heh. Course even more fun was David Tennant being Cassandra. He he he.</span></span> I should also say that I prefer Tennant so much more than Penis-Nose. He was fine for relaunching the series but he never really clicked for me. Tennant has. Oh, and all of a few seconds of Micky and Jackie. That's just about as much of them as I can handle so that was good. So overall a nice episode. Fairly gentle, fairly simple but fun in the whole with some nice make-up and action. That being said the most intriguing thing about it all was the trailer for next week. Queen Victoria. The Doctor. And Werewolves. It could be so horribly wrong but i hope it's as genius as it has the potential to be. 
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Well after taping the show and just now getting a chance to watch it I thought I would add my tuppence worth.
I am still not sure about Tennant. I really liked Eccleston and the chemistry between him and Billie Piper. This time around I think we need to see more of how they interact before I am convinced.
<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">As for the episode itself I thought it was fun, and really enjoyed seeing Cassandra again. Yet I thought some of it was very derivative. I was also unhappy with the way Cassandra jumped from body to body. If she could do that why did she need to use a machine to get into Roses’ head?
The zombies wondering around the halls could have been better done. I would have liked to have seen a more adult discussion on the merits or otherwise of growing test “meat” to experiment on. I think it may have been better for the novice to release the “patients” rather than the doctor.
I agree about how good Piper was at implying Cassandra .
I wonder what the secret that the Face of Boe is going to impart
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I suspect the secret may actually be one of those things like Captain Jack's missing three years in teh first series. Something else else they bring up as an intruinging clue that actually isn't a clue at all. Of course I could be completely wrong about that. Oh, and you know what? Next week they're at Queen Victoria's Torchwood estate, which obviously is the same name as the series being spun off starring Captain Jack. But it wasn't until I read it in a magazine at the weekend that I realised that 'Torchwood' is actually an anagram of 'Doctor Who'. D'oh.
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Yeah I saw that Torchwood reference thats one of the things i like about this new series, the fact that he leaves little clues all through. Some may never be followed up.
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OK, so last week, Queen Victoria, fighting monks, werewolf. Fun episode in a slightly forgettable way. Not bad but not brilliant.
However this week and 'School Reunion'. F-ing A, this is what we're talking about. Probably the best episode of the relaunched series (as in better than any of the first series or any of the second series). Even Mickey isn't irredeemably irritating.
<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">I just loved the whole thing generally. Sarah-Jane was great to see again and her speech about why she was so angry with the Doctor was great. It's true, we never get to see what happened to the assistants after they left the Doctor and life can't be easy for them. How are you supposed to go from travelling space and time to just a regular life again. it can't be easy. But then the Doctor's explanation to Rose as to why he does leave them behind also made perfect sense. Brilliantly acted by Tennant as well with the tears just about being held off but obviously being there. Plus the return of K-9. OK so he was really a bit pants and I'm glad they didn't write him permanently into the series but it was fantastic to see him again. Plus he was the reason for some of the best lines of the episode ('leave the shooty dog thing' and 'oh my god, I'm the tin dog'). He he he. One of the best things though was Anthony Head. I really had expected him to be the Master and I'm glad he *wasn't*. He was a fantastic villain, creepy and slimy and threatening. If you watch the episode again you can see that he hardly blinks at all. He moves slightly oddly and is a million miles away from being Rupert Giles. He was certainly one of the key ingredients as to why it was such a bloody good episode. Tons of great lines, proper action, emotion and blowing up a scholl. How cool is all that? Of course there is still a down point. One thing about the episode that was gutting. Yup. Mickey. Actually going with them. Argh. I hate Mickey, even if he was less irritating this episode, so to have to put up with him in every episode is going to be painful. You never know, he might grow on me, but I doubt it.</span></span>
So, like I say, easily one of my favourite episodes since it was relaunched. Tennant was great, he made the Doctor very, very dark but in the same episode made him very vunerable and I loved it. I just hope the rest of the series is to the same standard.
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Somehow, I knew the Old Guys would love this episode.
Certainly Tennant's best performance yet tho. Funny that this was filmed *before* T&C, since he seemed more comfortable with the role here and (physicsphysicsphysics aside) toned down the overacting he's been prone to. Shades of Eccleston in some of his scenes (the "age" conversation with Rose and the swimming pool scene), which is good (Still prefer Nine to Ten tho, Bevis).
And, yes, ASH stole his scenes completely. I don't agree that he was "a million miles away from being Rupert Giles" though - quite the reverse. He pitched it AS EvilGiles in a lot of ways, and I think that was how it was written too.
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Finally got ahold of the first three episodes. Can't wait to watch them, especially "School Reunion".
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