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Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560953 05/25/06 08:35 AM
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I have no doubt Locke and Eko are fine. Desmond is the big question mark, I think. They left it open that there was potentially more of his backstory to tell (how he ended up in prison, for example), but we also got a huge chuck of it.

If they continue an "off the island" plot, then Michael and Walt may play into that, or they may come back to rescue the three prisoners.

I really like the fact that the Losties now have a boat to sail around the island, even if they can't use it to get home. I'm betting Sayid and his crew end up following the Others to their "home".

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560954 05/25/06 09:30 AM
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I'm hoping for that too.

I think Desmond's story was one of the best so far. Very compelling, and a really unexpected and great way to go for the season finale. I like how Penelope's name is symbolic of Odyssius' wife in Ancient myth, in that she was 'waiting' for Desmond the whole time.

Other cool scenes/tidbits:
- Calvin (the guy with Desmond in the hatch pre the flight crashing) was in Iraq with Sayid and Kate's Dad! I almost couldn't remember where he was from!

- the Libby-Desmond connection pre-Crash!

- the revelation to the rest of what Michael had done and the looks on Sawyer, Kate and especially Hurley's faces. Every scene Michael was in was filled with great acting.

- How long have Penelope's people been looking for Desmond? If they're in the antartic (where the Polar Bears may be), how did they get so close to the island? Fascinating stuff...

- I wonder if when Locke saw the symbols and the hatch got close to blowing, if maybe that drew back Desmond's boat? Thus, maybe they *can* get off the island.

- Charlie & Claire's really sweet kiss!

- Kate wondering why Jack and Sawyer are talking about her.

- Sayid being the ultimate badass a la Rambo when he went into the Other's 'camp'.

- Just who the heck is the fake Henry Gale? Surely not the top guy, but higher up than all the previously seen Others?

- Penelope's father, played by a great actor whose name suddenly escapes me, will surely come back into play at some point.

- That cool ass foot thing! With the hatch story semi-resolved (in a way), and the Others story moving forward, the basic mystery of the island remains there still...

I really hope next season opens up with a cool Locke/Eko story where Locke reclaims his belief in the island and they perhaps get some more answers. I guess next season will probably focus on the Others and the Dharma Initiative, but I bet further mysteries of the island (and why the Hanso foundation is there) will linger...

Lots of questions raised, but we probably know more right now than I thought we would, which is pretty cool.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560955 05/25/06 10:43 AM
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Ooh, good catch on Penelope!

And yet another reason Desmond needs to stay on the show: Scenes between John Locke and Desmond David Hume are just too cool for words!

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560956 05/25/06 10:48 AM
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Agreed on that 100%! I was thinking the same exact thing, and also thinking that Charlie's scenes with Eko might just be Charlie's best scenes of all (in the finale and previous episodes). I really like their combo.

I also hope that Libby (and Boone!) keep showing up in flashbacks, even if for only a minute or two. That type of thing makes it more fun.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560957 05/25/06 11:23 AM
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Pen's Dad was Caleb of the OC. He plays a great a-hole.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560958 05/25/06 07:36 PM
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Anyone know what that Dickens book is about? I've never read it.

Honestly, I thought Sayid's plan was very questionable - how is setting a big signal fire going to help them with the element of surprise?

Is Pen actually searching for Desmond? How would she know to look for electromagnetic discharge?

Good catch on Desmond's former hatchmate - I didn't realize we'd seen him before.

I still hope we're going to find out who "Adam and Eve" were. They've been forgotten though I suppose they were just part of Rousseau's team? (when's the Rousseau flashback going to happen?)

Poor Locke - I really liked him when he was more sure of himself and seemed to "know stuff". With the key turned, it makes me wonder if he'll still be able to walk next season (and if Rose is going to get sick again).

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560959 05/25/06 08:22 PM
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Adam and Eve predate Rousseau's team by several decades. I suspect we'll get a longer term history of the island at some point.

I too thought the Sayid plan was kind of goofy, and taking pregnant Sun along to face the baby-kidnappers seemed like a mistake as well.

If Kelvin's partner edited the orientation tape, how did the edited portion end up on the other side of the island?

I'm not familiar with the Dickens book either, but it struck me this morning that the point of naming him after David Hume was that one of Hume's most famous pieces is "Skepticism about the External World", hence Desmond's skepticism about the "outside world".

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560960 05/25/06 09:15 PM
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I do think Pen is searching for Desmond. Widmore -if you have been playing the Lost Experenice- is deeply connected to the Hanso Foundation -which is Dharama.

If you look at the latest commerical and go to hansocareers you see some very interesting job openings... one in Seoul Korea for an anger management director that does the following...The successful applicant will work with the Hanso Foundation's Public Relations department to rapidly and efficiently manage unforeseen human complications of the Foundation's work. Experience in human rights and environmental litigation is essential, as is a persuasive, open demeanor - previous experience in psychology and mediation are preferred. This is a highly rewarding but also high-stress position often dealing with rapid response and mission-critical variables - the successful applicant will report to officers in the Hanso Foundation's legal and Public Relations departments. Fluency in Korean and all regional dialects as well as comfort with sea-based travel will be required.

Sound like anyone we know? Does this mean that Sun's dad is also connected to Hanso?

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560961 05/26/06 09:04 AM
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That sounds like they're looking for a replacement to do Jin's job.

I'm not really sure how canonical we can take things revealed in the ARG to be, however.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560962 05/26/06 06:10 PM
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And now... we wait. urk

I can't add much to what's already been said. I was impressed with how they developed Desmond. They really had me caring about him by that last scene. I hope he's okay. Too bad they couldn't make Ana that interesting in such a short amount of time. Maybe she'd still be around. I'm a little disapointed with Kate's role in this ep. The next issue of Lost magazine is supposed to have "What Kate Did" on the cover. Everyone thought it had something to do with the finale, but she didn't do much. Ah well.
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Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560963 05/27/06 07:34 PM
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There's been a podcast about the finale and Season 3. There's some interesting stuff.

What did everyone think about the Kate/Jack look at the end? Some people seem to think they've got a plan. I thought it was more "we're screwed"/"we've got to be tough" type thing.
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Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560964 05/28/06 02:12 AM
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I thought the Kate/Jack look was that everything is going as planned, you ready for the next step kinda look.

Remember, when Jack finally conforted Michael and everyone started yelling at him he yelled out that he wouldn't be out there wihtout a plan. And then they just cut and next you see them go to the tube shoot.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a flashback to that point of time when Jack reveals the plan to everyone.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560965 05/28/06 03:40 PM
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Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Holy Hannah.
My daughter had nothing to do with this. wink

I thought that this was one of the best endings to a season ever. I like that they are now introducing things happening off the island in the present time.

I almost thought the blowing snow was the beginning of another show.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560966 05/28/06 04:57 PM
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My first thought on seeing the blowing snow was that it was a freak weather anomaly on part of the island. The idea that it could actually be a scene off the island just didn't even seem like an option!

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560967 05/28/06 05:41 PM
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Yeah, that was my reaction to the snow, too.

As to a plan, Jack seemed awfully surprised to find out they were nowhere near the beach where the smoke was coming from. I suppose they could have been acting.
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Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560968 05/29/06 08:40 AM
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Rumor has it that some of the background survivors are supposed to emerge as major characters next season. I'm wondering if Jack and the others might be separated from the main group for awhile, allowing others to step in to a leadership role. With Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Sayid all away, there aren't obvious candidates to lead the group, as I don't really see Locke or Eko taking over.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560969 05/29/06 12:22 PM
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Maybe the characters from the Lost mobile eposides will come to the forefront.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560970 05/29/06 05:26 PM
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Other cool scenes/tidbits:
- Calvin (the guy with Desmond in the hatch pre the flight crashing) was in Iraq with Sayid and Kate's Dad! I almost couldn't remember where he was from!

he was in iraq, and is kates dad?
unless i misunderstood, kates dad was a cop

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560971 05/29/06 08:30 PM
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Can we get some details on Penelope's father's connection to the Hanso Foundation?

Why is Charlie back, acting like he doesn't know what's going on? Did we see him leave the hatch?

So are the numbers real? That sure seemed like some kinda electromagnetic anomaly to me.

"I think I crashed your plane." If this is true, can we flush all the destiny crap down the toilet?

There are an awful lot of loved ones of wealthy, powerful people on the island, and a lot of connections and coincidences connecting the rest of the characters. Hey, wait a minute. Hurley's rich. Could he know more than he's saying? He was the only person released...

I can't freaking believe I've got to wait three months to find out what happened. I've said it before, I'll say it again, this show has me fished in more than anything since Buffy. First time since that show that I'm this bummed out about summer vacation...

The only consistent feature of all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.

Don't judge me!
Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560972 05/29/06 08:36 PM
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Actually you have to wait five months. They announced Lost won't be back until October (the 4th I think). And we only get seven episodes before they pull it off the air until late January or early February when the rest of the season will be shown uninterrupted, no repeats.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560973 05/29/06 08:53 PM
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I don't know if this means anything other than maybe one of the writers is from my age group and grew up with the same shows but there was an actor on Land of the Lost who's real name was Jon Locke. I believe he was the leader of the Sleestacks in the third season.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560974 05/29/06 11:54 PM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I don't know if this means anything other than maybe one of the writers is from my age group ....
One of the writers and I were buddies in high school (he never mentioned "Land of the Lost" to me, though we once pulled an all-nighter watching "Back to the Future" over and over til we knew the dialogue backwards and forth).

Originally posted by THE LABRADORIAN:

unless i misunderstood, kates dad was a cop
No, Kate's real dad was in the military.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560975 05/30/06 09:34 AM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I don't know if this means anything other than maybe one of the writers is from my age group and grew up with the same shows but there was an actor on Land of the Lost who's real name was Jon Locke. I believe he was the leader of the Sleestacks in the third season.
Hmm... how many toes did the Sleestack have?

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560976 05/30/06 11:25 AM
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Originally posted by THE LABRADORIAN:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Other cool scenes/tidbits:
- Calvin (the guy with Desmond in the hatch pre the flight crashing) was in Iraq with Sayid and Kate's Dad! I almost couldn't remember where he was from!

he was in iraq, and is kates dad?
unless i misunderstood, kates dad was a cop[/b]
Drake's right. Calvin and Kate's Dad were both in the US military and in the Gulf War, and met Sayid at one point in the Sayid flashback. Kate's Dad would later go back home and be a cop, which we see in the Kate flashback.

However, at some point Calvin became a spook for 8 years (unless you consider him being a spook when he was in Iraq) and then joined the Dharma Initiative per the Desmond flashbacks.

Re: Lost: Season II -Beware Spoliers
#560977 05/30/06 03:11 PM
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thanks for the help, when i read the post it sounded like Calvin was kates dad, which i can asssure he wasnt, at least now i can, lol.

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