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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
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Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Interested in Lash's take on Henry Gale's introduction.
That's Sayid's punching bag, right? All I can say at this early stage is, I certainly hope he IS indeed one of the Others. But something tells me he might actually just be a balloonist... EVERYone is an 'Other' to Danielle as someone noted last episode. If it turns out he really is just a stranded balloonist-- what a HORROR for Sayid and Locke.

Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I suspect he'll dig the focus on the chicks in the next ep!
I do likes my chicks! Gonna watch this shortly!

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Uh oh! Someone's currently got too much time on his hands:

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EDE says this chick-heavy ep will float my boat... let us find out!


I feel badly for Danielle actually... I have secretly wanted her to join our regular survivors all along. Sadly, before she can give any answers, Kate shoos her away. I suspect we will get those answers about Claire and baby Aaron later anyway...

Libby: Island Girl Psychologist! Will she save the day... or ruin it???


Yeesh... baby Aaron is very unhappy this episode.

Eko's no fool... he knowns about Henry Hatch-guy...

Ethan's keeping Claire high as a kite, which helps explain her blocked memories. Annnnd there it is... another Dharma Initiative opening!

HOLY SCOOBY DOO AND TO A MUCH LESSER EXTENT SCRAPPY!!!! Are THE OTHERS really just folks playing some weird part in this mystery island drama... are our lost crew nothing more than meddling kids in adult form??

I am betting 1 million dollars right now that the girl waking up Claire is Danielle's daughter Alex!

That's a dangerous way to trim your goatee, Eko... but I bet Henry Hatch-guy is sufficiently intimidated.

Pretty insidious of Henry, playing on Locke's ego like that. Maybe I was wrong and he is indeed one of The Others. Maybe he's a desperate balloonist. Maybe both.

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Love the Scooby Doo comparison...

Though be prepared to be annoyed at how long it takes Kate to actually tell anyone about what she found.

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Yeah, I've had to just accept that secret-keeping on LOST is all part of the unfortunate side-effects of the USA's longer TV seasons.

Whereas, for example, in DOWNTON ABBEY (season 1, 7 episodes) stuff really keeps moving. I like that you get greater quantity in US shows but there's something to be said about the BBC's shorter all-thriller no-filler approach.

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J.J.'s next series looks to be full of win for me. Zombie is my apocalypse of choice in entertainment but I do enjoy other scenarios as well.

HAHAHAHA! Someone mentions Michael screaming WALT! every 15 minutes in the comments!!

And now, on to the next LOST...

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I like Jin and Sun's decor! And having Jin shirtless in bed doesn't hurt the look of the bedroom by any means.

Lovely. After all the work of making me like certain characters after an ititial dislike, it sure seems the LOST writers are going out of their way to make them unlikeable again. Welcome back to Assholeville... population: Sawyer and now Jin, again. How very Cosmic Boy yelling at Lydda because she has a mission to go on. Instead of say, helping Sun work in her garden, Jin would rather act like a stupid jerk.

ROSE!!!! And to a much lesser extent Bernard. Looks like they're having a "too much time around you" kinda spat. smile OMG... I do hope Sun sin't preggo. All I need is another annoyingass "baby in peril" plot...

Jack just has a way of saying things like he is really really annoyed to be talking to you... I most notice this between he and Locke. Of course, Locke isn't without his own issues too.

"Impossible"... so if Sun IS preggo, we can add that to the list of impossible things on this island... such as Locke walking, Charlie effectively coming back to life after being hanged... not to mention the off-island cure of Sarah's spine by Jack... yeah, lots of impossibilities suddenly possible... ON IMPOSSIBLE ISLAND!!!

Ana and Sayid on a mission together? This should be anything but dull! Charlie too? Good, give the little rapscallion somthing good to do.

Well, score one more for IMPOSSIBLE ISLAND... Sun's preggo. I better NOT have to sit through another lame babynapping plotline.

Kate is looking EXTRA-beautiful thie episode.

An overdue apology from Ana to Sayid. Very good.

"Fixing a mistake"... yeah Jin, you better. Don't do it again.

OH MY GOSH!!!! DID SHE SLEEP WITH CHARMING McBALDY HOTELHEIR?!?!?! Fortunately this isn't indicated. I prefer the miracle of... IMPOSSIBLE ISLAND!

lol "Trust issues"... that's putting it mildly, Henry!

Oh, Henry... you son of a bitch. Excellent cliffhanger!

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Hmm. If Henry ISN'T an Other, he sure is a dumbass to be attempting to sew discord. And everytime he gets called on something he reverts back to "poor me" mode. Annoying. His exit from LOST can be hastened, please.

And there's the balloon. Still doesn't mean he isn't an 'Other', still doesn't make him any less annoying.

"There is no loop". Yeah right. And my ass has no hole.

Mystery static. *yawn* Locke's dad is dead... which probably means he is alive. And if he IS dead, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. What a waste of a kidney. Maybe John's mom will be next.

No one at the funeral. CALLED it. If course I'm sure there's another twist.

YIKES! Well, this is new. Hatch ain't so groovy now, is it?

Well HI, Pop. Of course he's alive. Now how will all this lead to crippling Locke... i think we're going to find out...

*eyeroll* I have very VERY low tolerance for con artists. The worst thing about them is most of them are charming enough to get most of want they want without conning. But they're GREEDY. I was weak to let myself like Sawyer even for a little while. He said these words himself a couple episodes ago: "I'm not a very nice person" and I won't forget it now. John's dad is a scumbag.

HA! You LOSE, Sawface! TAKE him Jack!

***OUT-LOUD GASP!*** The door closing on Locke's legs was the best fright LOST has given me in awhile...

And of course Locke the dummy is falling for Daddy's con... again... and this will lead to his being crippled, right?

Well, Phuket, Thialand!! [/Juno]

Oh look! There's some NoName Squad members watching the game... although why they should give a rip, I have no idea.

Hatch be getting EXTRA cray-cray now, looking like da club and stuff! *waits for a Ke$ha song to start*


TWIST! Henry's busted!! Another good cliffhanger.

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I think the next episode, "Dave", is probably my second least favourite in the entirety of LOST. But your mileage may vary - since you seem to have warmed to the central character in it a lot quicker than I did.

It also sets up something that became extremely annoying for me later on - but we'll have to talk about that later on too.

For those who care what that annoyance is and what my least favourite episode is -

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> My least favourite episode is "Across the Sea" because of:

1. the horribly distracting Alison Janney casting; and
2. raising EVEN MORE questions about the island than it answered (which was almost none) which I then knew would never be answered since the show only had like 2 episodes left.

I think part of the reason I loved the show's finale and was cool with what it explained was because I knew that THIS was supposed to be the big explanation episode. And so I had already come to terms with the dropped ball that was that aspect of the show by the time the big character-piece that was the finale came around.

As for the issue that this episode, "Dave" raised that annoyed me later on - obviously, the Libby in Hurley's psych ward plot. Did this EVER get revisited later on? If it did, I don't remember it. That was DEFINITELY something they needed to explain more clearly later on.

I have a feeling that was not entirely the writers' fault though. From what I hear, Cynthia Watrose was extemely annoyed at having her character killed off so soon after she had just moved her whole family to Hawaii - and so there may have been trouble getting her back to film scenes explaining this story. I was happily surprised that she even came back for the finale. </span></span>

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Response to Blacula, which has mundo series ending spoilers:

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">I liked "Dave", mostly because it was the first real indication we get that all of these visions people were seeing were a) not who they said, and b) had malicious intent. They didn't really get back to it until Eko's death, where it became even more clear that these things were all aspects of the monster.

I agree the Libby stuff was a huge dangler, both this and her role in Desmond's life, but the actress was terminated pretty quickly after her DUI and I suspect this left the writer's scrambling.

Across the Sea is my least favourite as well, As I think I stated at the time. It was huge cop out and the producers petulant attitude towards it "See, this is what an 'answers' episode looks like", really added to my souring on the last season.</span></span>

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While I agree that <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">the failure to follow up on Libby's backstory</span></span> is annoying, it doesn't really detract from this episode on its own, imo.

I don't think the ep is as successful as it could be, but that's more because <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">the entire thing is built around disproving the fan theory that the whole series is a dream in Hurley's head, but a) doesn't really put that theory to rest, and b) ends up raising a bunch more mysteries that are never solved, like whether there ever was a real Dave, is he the sae as Libby's husband David, etc.</span></span>.

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Responding to EDE (only spoilers for the "Dave" episode) <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">I don't think he was ever real. I read that he's actually partly a manifestation of Hurley's Dad, David, that Hurley created to help him deal with his father issues. When you think about it that way, it makes a lot of sense. They were both enablers and bad influences on Hurley, but Hurley has to be the one to let go of Dave, not the other way around.</span></span>

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Responding mainly to Dave but with some EDE love too -

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> I think in MUCH later retrospect (like almost toward the end of the show when you realise the monster is the shape-changing MiB) the island "Dave" of this episode makes a sort of nefarious sense, but for a long time before that, to me he was just this annoying dream figure who kept popping up and dragging Hurley around and getting in the way of the more interesting main plot.

And I guess it didn't help that at this point in the show, Hurley was probably my least favourite character on the island.

I haven't seen this episode in a long time though so I might change my opinion of it when I do a re-watch one day.

As for Across the Sea and the final season: I really liked most of the final season but it was a very different beast to all of the ones that had come before; and some less than successful plot decisions were made - the Temple Others, Sayid's treatment all season and his afterthought of a death, the fate of the Ajira passengers, the complete fizzle that was the war between Ben and Widmore, etc. But I still liked it. I was so into all of the characters and actors of the show at this point that the writers could have put them all in a van and sent them travelling around the island solving mysteries with Vincent and I still would have loved it!

Which was probably another reason why I hated Across the Sea. It was just Jacob (FAR from my favourite character and the person I blame for a LOT of innocent deaths!), the MiB and the annoying and distracting CJ FROM THE WEST WING playing dress up in a fake cave. But even without all my favourites in it, I could have still liked the episode IF it had answered anything. But of course it didn't.

I was furious and let-down for days after I saw this episode but fortunately I'd gotten over it by the next one. And that let me invest myself completely in the character masterpiece that was the finale - which I loved every second of (except for that whole plugging the cork thing - but I blame Across the Sea for that! haha).

P.S. EDE - Lostpedia kinda explains the mystery of "Dave" somewhat - </span></span>

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This episode is not a favorite of Blacula's... but how will it stack up with me, someone who tends to enjoy much of what Blacula enjoys comicbookwise? Let us find out!

No "previously"... that's a rarity... maybe a first?

I was convinced the entire opening would be a dream sequence... apparently not. Hurley loses a lot of points for the food hoarding. Another case of the writers backpedaling on a character to make them more unlikeable again... it doesn't quite work for me with Hurley-- yet. Plus, I really like Libby.

Now who is Bald Cinderfella (he lost a slipper) Robe Man?

lol Worst basketball game EVER!

Oh, faux-Henry... you look terrible. One shouldn't try to 'play' Sayid.
FINALLY we are getting somewhere with pathetic faux-Henry.

Oh good. I like when our Catholic lads stick together, as is well documented here.

All these people popping out of nowhere is starting to feel very very much like one of my favorite episodes of classic STAR TREK-- SHORE LEAVE.

HA!!!! KICK HIS ASS, Hurley!

"You can't help me. No one can."-- if I recall correctly, one of the creepiest lines from 90s witchery movie THE CRAFT.

SHITSNACKS... I so did NOT see the Dave twist coming!

So if he IS an hallucination of Hurley's eating disorder, how do we explain the Cinderfella slipper? Guess I'll just shut up and let this play out...

WTFin'F!?!?! I have issues with this episode, the very same issues I had with the BUFFY episode that establishes the 'real' Buffy as being in an insane asylum and the Buffy adventures we see taking place only in her mind.

Compelling TV to be sure, but they kind of take the wind out of the fans' sails... I really really dislike episodes such as these; they are unsettling and make the rest of the episodes seem pointless. Stuff like this makes better series FINALES.

That said, this ep did have me on the edge of my seat. I didn't give up after that Buffy ep and I won't give up after this LOST ep.

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So, according to the writers, the whole point of this episode was that it was supposed to disprove the "It's all in crazy Hurley's mind" theory.

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Well, here on out Lash it's balls to the fer-UCK-ing wall! Season 2 is about to get crazy intense!

Man, oh man, I remember seeing the shockers to come for the first time...

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There are definitely some jaw dropping moments coming.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
So, according to the writers, the whole point of this episode was that it was supposed to disprove the "It's all in crazy Hurley's mind" theory.
MAJOR backfire on their part then... the notion it was all in his mind never even occurred to me UNTIL this episode, but now I can see why it should have. (I was kinda stuck on the purgatory thing for awhile there)

And adding a possible co-delusion for Libby was just nucking FUTS! "It's all in Hurley's mind" theorists must have been driven to utter wackoutiness by the Libby revelation!

Today and probably tomorrow will be crazy busy, but I should be able to polish off Season 2 by this weekend.

(CRAP-- now I'm wondering if they aren't ALL in the nuthouse!!)

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I bought the first two seasons of LOST last week and was going to catch up with the thread before I posted my thoughts.... but I just started season two, and I'm not sure I like the direction the show's heading.

Season one had me pretty riveted. The build up of the island's mysteries was handled well. It started out seeming like a straight forward show about people surviving on a deserted island, with a few odd twists thrown in (polar bears? French "everyone's dead" transmissions?) Both the viewers
and the characters had only a slowly dawning realization that there was much more to the island and their situation.

Little things bugged me. (I tend to get pissy about details)

why did everyone automatically assume it was an island? The first thing I would do is walk the shoreline to make sure it's not a peninsula or something.

Why on earth didn't the survivors try to track down Danielle
after Sayid found her? That should have been priority number one.

Why did that Ethan guy not being on the flight manifest make everyone freak out and assume he was never on the plane? The only logical assumptions would have been that either the manifest was wrong, or he was lying about his name. (turns out they were right, but it was still a weird leap of logic)

Locke and Boone not telling anyone about the hatch for half the season actually didn't bug me, because it fit with Locke being borderline crazy and poor Boone having bad judgement.

From a storytelling perspective it seems weird the writers
chose to have 40 plus survivors when only 14 or so get any screen time. One of the more amusing scenes was that meta-ish remark that Arnz guy made about how the "clique" of main characters seem to ignore the rest of them. I'm guessing the writers have a reason for keeping so many survivors around that will reveal itself later in the series?

Part of the fun of the series is when your predictions and/or theories come true. Totally called that Locke had been handicapped prior to the crash from his first appearance. Also caught the "flowers in the attic" vibe between Boone and Shannon early on.

Of course, many theories don't prove true. Right up to Boone's death, I was convinced all the survivors were
immortal. I theorized that the reason for the polar bears was that the island was somehow just off the coast of Alaska, but now it seems that DHARMA group brought the bears there.

I'm at episode 3 of season two and it's almost too much revelation at once. Less than impressed with Desmond and his early 90's computer that's apparently saving the world every 180 minutes or something.I can't believe anyone would buy into that. (even though in the LOST universe it may be 100% true). Also, how could Danielle live on the island for 16 years and not stumble upon this?

All I know is that if *I* were one of the plane survivors, this is the point where I would be *so* over the mystery and would be like, let's get the French chick and this Desmond guy together and use some of these computers and radio towers and sh*t and try to actually call someone to get us the hell off this island. But that's just me.

I'm still intrigued and curious about the show, but I hope the characters start behaving a little more believably.

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Originally posted by KidChaos:
Also, how could Danielle live on the island for 16 years and not stumble upon this?
One thing that isn't really spelled out, is that the island is quite large, taking days to get anywhere by foot (though the writers will frustratingly sacrifice this fact for the sake of convenience from time to time). Danielle is also shown to be reluctant to leave her territory, and although she's obviously scouted the surrounding area (given her knowledge of the Black Rock), she really doesn't leave her own trap-laden area enough to have thoroughly explored a lot of the island.

Also, I'm pretty sure Sayid was trying to circumnavigate the island the first time he meets Danielle.

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^ All I can really say is "Stick with it" KC. I'm not promising all of the problems you have with the show will disappear, but I shared many of those same issues you did (the complete neglect and mis-treatment of all those poor, no-name background survivors, the stupidity of that damn button, etc.) and am still able to look back and say that this is one my favourite things to ever see on TV.

This show never becomes "perfect", but as I said in an earlier post - the good FAR out-weighs the bad in it, and if you're able to let go of the little things, like I was, it may become one of your favourite TV shows too.

P.S. They did kinda address some of your issues:
- I think the monster in the jungle and the threat of the Others is meant to discourage too many people other than our heroes from heading out and exploring or mapping the island.
- Not to mention Sayid already tried it and got captured and tortured by a madwoman.

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Yeah, I need to overlook the inconsistencies and just enjoy the show. I think my personality is such, though, I'll still be a little distracted by them.

I think at this point, I'm becoming less intrigued by the mystery of the island and am more interested the flashback sequences, really. I'm feeling Shannon must have more backstory we're not seeing. Hurley is becoming more interesting. (I think the reason I spent most of season one not liking/trusting him is because he was one of the last characters to get a flashback). Locke's father using/betraying him tore me apart. I'd like to see more of that story.

I'd like to see less screen time for Jack and Kate, actually. Give Claire, Charley and Shannon some episodes to shine! Shannon especially, I'd like to see more of. I like that she's flawed and selfish. It's more realistic. It counters the "Mary-Sue"-ness of characters like Jack.

"are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over- an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist."

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Originally posted by KidChaos:

I'd like to see less screen time for Jack and Kate, actually. Give Claire, Charley and Shannon some episodes to shine! Shannon especially, I'd like to see more of. I like that she's flawed and selfish. It's more realistic. It counters the "Mary-Sue"-ness of characters like Jack.
I don't think it gives too much away to say that Jack sticks around for a while. I really didn't like Jack to begin with, but he slowly became one of my favourite characters. His Mary-Sue qualities are addressed fairly soon...

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One major reason the show was successful was that it tends to have something to appeal to just about everyone. So some people would tune in for the Sun/Jin story, others for the crazy island mysteries, others for the romantic triangles/quadrangles, etc. So even if you're not into the storyline one week, next week may very well excite you.

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<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">KC, believe it or not but there actually is a complicated science-based explanation for the button in the hatch. It takes longer than you'll believe to finally get the explanation, but there is one.</span></span>

But I'd second everything Blacula said (and Dave & Eryk).

EDIT - Major thanks to Dave for pointing this out!

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