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Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Legion Tracker - 03/06/25 06:36 PM
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by Klar Ken T5477 - 03/06/25 02:18 PM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Ann Hebistand - 03/06/25 01:34 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/06/25 09:24 AM
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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
HooooOOOkay... Ana's 'tude is officially on my nerves. There's a fine line between badass and batshit crazy and she's teetered over to the batside.
That was exactly how I felt at the time I watched the show. I think Michelle Rodriguez has all the dramatic range of a junkyard dog.

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Wanna read some comics but I figure one LOST episode can't hurt! smile


GOOD LORD. JIN SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO WEAR A SHIRT AGAIN. Ah! He and Sun were in the "reunion tent". I'm glad they were "getting reacquainted". wink And aren't they both just aglow for some reason? Must be the island sun... and here's Hurley, giving them a knowing look... I'm so amused, I had to make a screen capture meme out of it:

[Linked Image]

Now enough of this, if I am ever going to get through this episode... *resumes* SHITSNACKS!! I screencapped a second too soon!! lol at the thumb's up!

Sawpants still looks bad off but much better...

Hmm. A Kate episode... BOOM! Kate blew somebody up real good!

Jeez. Did she have to blow up the whole house, though? I would think insurance wouldn't cover that... I get wanting to kill a scumbag, but don't blow up the whole house!! Break a leg or two next time...

"This place is crazy... it's driving me nuts"... you ain't the only one, sister...
GASP!!!! There's no crazy a hot kiss won't cure, as is well documented.

There's 3 graves-- the first must belong to Kate's arresting officer as I recall.

GASP! Missing microfilm! Eko is very cool.

I demand an explanation for these mass horse hallucinations.

Hmm. So Walt is now using his Shining powers through the computer? *blank stare* BAH! I'm going to bed!

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So... Jate or Skate?

I suspect you'll dig the next episode quite a bit!

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I suspect he's a Jawyer. wink

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CRAP! I had one of my patented 'typed as the episode goes' reviews and X-ed it out by accident when I was trying to switch over from Netflix!!!!


I'm more of a SLLASH wink


WTF was that smoke thingie?

The whole "shadow of death, I will fear no evil" imagery was excellent.

I was touched by Eko and Charlie praying beside the burning plane. Our fave Catholic boys have trod dark paths but the essence of religion should be forgiveness and I thought that was shown very well here.

Claire overreacted IMO. The potential for Charlie to relapse is obviously massive. I have faith in the lad myself. Even the stash in those statues wouldn't last forever anyway, so he's got to be smart about it and realize that before he gives in.

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SUFFERING SASQUATCH!!! I wasn't compelled to write anything about this Jack-heavy episode until just NOW-- it'S HIM! It's that THE OTHERS GUY!

Let's see what's going to go down...

Well that was just nuts. This is turning into some sort of island Hatfields and McCoys thing. I demand explanations for the The Others' assholery.

Jack and Sarah's breakup was hard to watch.

"Train an army"... now we're getting somewhere... probably somehwere unpleasant though. As we are meant to hate The Others and their scraggly beards and free-love ways, I can only assume they will actually turn out to be the good guys in this somehow. *eyeroll* BAH!!!! I'm going back to bed!!!

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Originally posted by MLLASH's back:

mmmm hmmmmm.

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Originally posted by MLLASH's back:

I'm more of a SLLASH wink
lol Classic.

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The whole "This is not your island..." bit is so classic, I'd actually forgotten most of what else was in that episode.

Curious about your reaction to the next episode, which is usually considered one of the weaker episodes of the series.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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^ whats next that is so bad? I can't remember.

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I don't remember minding the next episode - but it spotlights one of my favourite characters in LOST so maybe I'm biased.

That said, I've always thought that the middle of season 2 and the beginning of season 3 (not including the awesome opening scene) are probably the weakest stretches of the show. There is a lot of great stuff in there but some real dud stuff too.

As I recall, these episodes were all written before the writing staff were given an idea of how long they were allowed to make the series last - so there's a bit of treading water until they're given the go-ahead to start hitting all the beats they need to.

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<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Next up is Charlie goes cray-cray and kidnaps Aaron to baptise him, which is then followed the following episode by cray-cray Charlie attacking Sun as part of Sawyer's Long Con.</span></span>

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Oh right. Yea, not my favorite part of the show. In fact my least favorite.

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Hmm. All this talk of least favorite moments and stuff has definitely got me curious. I would have thought my least favorite moment has already happened (as a general rule, I can't stand baby/kidnapping plotlines, basically plots that put little kids or the elderly in danger-- UNLESS the kids or the elderly have the means to fight back... examples of this scenario I like might include FIRESTARTER (for kids) and THE MIST (featuring a rare action-heroish take on elderly castmembers that delighted me to no end).

SO I am definitely interested in checking this out. No time like the present, I suppose...

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e12... possibly the worst LOST episode ever? Let's take a look, shall we?

A Charlie focus... I love him so that's good. That dream-- pretty dang freaky...

Hmm- the jealousy of Locke... is this not understandable? I can get it... Charlie considers Claire and Aaron his family... he's heartbroken...

I'm prepping myself for a possible relapse now. Even this I can somewhat be forgiving for. What people often forget about musicians and actors, they are people like us and have the same fears as we do... they all have that stage fright on some level that any of us would have... and that can lead to drug and alcohol problems to help beat back those self-doubts... who doesn't feel more brave after a few cocktails, after all? Of course, there's no stage for Charlie to be on now, but he's already in the grip of the addiction and has suffered a horrid blow to his morale and self-esteem (Claire's rejection)...

OKAY... preparation for the worst sufficiently made. *resumes*

Liam's a hot-ass mess (of course we know he shapes up and Charlie ends up at rock bottom).

*GLARES* Sawpants, your mean little terms for Hurley are no longer acceptable. Next time you call him "Jabba" or "Pillsbury", you need to get smacked right in your incredibly sensual mouth!!

I like it when Charlie plays his guitar smile

Wait- the baby was actually floating in the water and not an apparition? WTF!

DAMN IT ALL TO SHITSNACKS! These possessions or whatever are driving me bonkers...

DAMN IT CLAIRE. That was completely uncalled for... could you not at least have LISTENED to him? For once, someone is trying to tell someone else what happened to them, and Charlie gets smacked-- HARD-- for it. *GLARE*

*tee-hee* The Driveshaft diaper commerical? Okay, I know it's meant to show the band is on its way down and is selling out, but THAT was CUTE smile

*tee-hee again* Libby seems to like Hurley also! This relationship has the MLLASH seal of approval!

HOORAY for Eko listening to Charlie while everyone else is wallowing in assholery! I hope our two resident Catholic boys stick together...

The crap treatment of Charlie is enraging me, and we break on Locke looking semi-nefarious. The writers don't know if they want us to trust Locke or not yet.

The vague hints of danger for baby Turnip head haven't angered me-- YET. Probably because they are VERY vague at present...

Jack and Ana-- I am curious as to where this leads... will JANA (ANACK?) take off or crash and burn?

Ummmm.... is Claire ATTRACTED to Locke? Not that that's improbable... he IS handsome (without the bad flashback hair), and he obviously makes her feel safe... I just don't care for Locke and Charlie being at odds...

Locke is being a bit of a dick... yes Charlie lied but NO, he hasn't actually DONE any of the heroin!

Oh Charlie... baby don't do something stupid...

I'm willing to bet money-- is the least-liked moment you guys mentioned LOCKE BEATING THE SHIT OUTTA CHARLIE? because that REALLY JUST PISSED ME OFF. AND everyone just WALKS OFF. Like he's NOTHING.

I liked the baptism scene, but Claire better be apologizing to Charlie soon.

Overall: I liked the focus on Charlie but it kinda spoke about where he stood with the rest of the survivors. And Locke... I'm starting to see him as a force for NOT so good... he is directly responsible for Boone's death and in my opinion his treatment of Charlie this episode is unforgivable.

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Hmm... I'd forgotten about the Hurley-Libby grooviness in this episode. It's actually got one of the coolest little bits of responses to fan speculation when they refer to the debate over whether the washer was newer than everything else in the hatch.

I think the general dissatisfaction with this episode revolves around a) the crazyass dream sequences and b) the whole taking Charlie down the fire-starting babynapping outcast darker role. It is one thing when he was just lying about the statues and being misunderstood by Claire, but he goes over the top by the end.

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I guess I can see the crazyass dreams fitting, in the whole "this island is driving me crazy" aspect of the show, but it's the way others treat Charlie over it that I find objectionable. And Locke not destroying the statues/heroin? That reeks of future Charlie temptation and is also objectionable considering how awful Locke acted this episode.

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A depressing affair all around as Charlie gets revenge of sorts through evil actions and Saywer returns to his life of assholery.

I personally think they should all be past this sort of thing by now. Dragging Sun into it is unforgivable.

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PS/ After reading my review of episode 12 again, Charlie's desire for revenge seems less evil than it did a few minutes ago. Still, hurting Sun in any way can bring nothing but bad karma.

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Fortunately the next few episodes move away from the darker depressing tone.

Pretty much the rest of the season is non-stop kickass awesomeness, from what I recall.

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PS I predict total Lash fangasm over e19!

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Looking forward to it smile


Another downer episode though a fascinating look into Sayid. Could have down without the Sawyer killing the frog subplot but was glad to see Hurley stand up to his annoying namecalling. And Sayid nudges the easily swayable Charlie further down a dark path.

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Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
Could have down without the Sawyer killing the frog subplot but was glad to see Hurley stand up to his annoying namecalling.
IMO the "Sawyer and Hurley hunt a frog" side-story was the most boringly useless sub-plot in the history of LOST.

There are a couple more less-good episodes coming up too I think, though there are still some good moments in them (I'm thinking about the end of one of them in particular), and then it gets really good again before the end.

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Interested in Lash's take on Henry Gale's introduction.

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I suspect he'll dig the focus on the chicks in the next ep!

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