From what I got out of his origin, the Lone Wolf name is due to Brin never being able to connect with society. There's no real animal connection.

That's the problem I have with Brin. His android alienation origin doesn't work with the dim, animalistic Wolvie-clone that followed. They are almost different characters.

Although there is the possibility of super self pity in his origin, Brin's powers are shown as strength, speed and super acrobatics. The super acrobatics comes through the text as much as the art.

But while Lar and Jo can both have super-speed, they are very direct with it, running or flying very quickly but generally in the same direction. Brin's power enables him to use his speed with much more finesse. There's a certain speed of thought to being able to use his super speed, giving him increased awareness of his surroundings which is handy in combat for dodging and any number of more delicate super speed requirements.

Brin is explicitly said not to have invulnerability. So seeing him decades later going up against Sun Killer/Emperor counting on a healing factor and not his acrobatics or speed was frustrating.

I half expected claws to appear. These then turned up in Legion Lost in a disappointing ineffective way.

In the Adventure age Brin's lack of empathy with the others would have really stood out. In some respects he would have been much more like Brainy's character turned out to be than Brainy was at the time (Please stay and be my girl).

The difference being that Brin really wants to belong. He's just been conditioned against it. It would have made for some excellent moments to keep Brin away from pointy-clawed-psycho territory and into something removed from the others in different way. He would have been going through a lot of things any number of readers could connect with. Much better than trying to disembowel them, as Wolverine did.

Even looking at the personalities of the others now, keeping Brin's android origin intact would provide an excellent counterpoint between Brainy at his most self obsessed and the others.

No doubt the Zuunian radiation would have caught up with him in the end. >sniff< Perhaps a human brain trapped in the android body of Karth Arn that he spent so long trying to get away from.

"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."