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Apparently, Bush knew about the potential dangers of Katrina days before, although he later claimed that "No one could have predicted the devastation" The story. Has there ever been a worse president? He continues to outrage me with his deception and incompetence. The one efect that Bush has had on me is a strange one. After 23 years in the United States, I have decided to become a citizen. No longer can I continue to be a passive observer in the country I've made my life in. I will be voting in the next presidential election.
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Q. How do you tell when a politician's lying?
A. He's got his mouth open.
Don't trust a word that any of them ever say. It's that simple.
Tell me, is New Orleans in a Democrat run area by any chance? 'Cos I noticed that they got their act together when the next hurricane hit Texas.
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My politics tend to lean pretty far to the right - yet, I have never had less faith in a president than I have in Bush. Honestly, he gives us right-wingers a bad name...
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Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow: The one efect that Bush has had on me is a strange one. After 23 years in the United States, I have decided to become a citizen. No longer can I continue to be a passive observer in the country I've made my life in. I will be voting in the next presidential election. Wow, Brent! I'm not sure what to say. I know that's a very huge decision. I hope it's a positive one for you, even though the stimulus may be negative. I wish I could throw you a party after you do it, man! All the best. Jeff
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Thanks Jeff. It's a positive step. It's moving forward and deciding to participate more fully in my community. Plus, I could then become a judge - something I've thought would be a great way to finish my legal career.
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Time Trapper
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Actually, in the age of computerized voting, I won't be voting anymore, at least in national and probably state elections.
I see it as too easily manipulated. Ohio in 04 and Jeb's re-elect in 02 show serious doubts of our hastily-implemented system. Most electronic voting machine manufacturers are heavy supportes of the Republicans, as well.
And don't get me started on Florida 2000.
Suffice to say, I don't believe there will ever be a fair national election in the US ever again, and I refuse to paticipate in the grand sham.
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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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I love to vote. It's my firm belief that if you don't vote, then you shouldn't complain about the government because you didn't do your part in deciding who should have the power. I know it's not perfect-- it's not a lot of things. But I still buy into the illusion that voting might just change something. I have to. Otherwise, what kind of country are we living in?
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Congratulations Semi (I think). Remember Her Majesty does not recognize renunciations of her protection made under such duress. I just got an image of Queen Elizabeth in superhero garb, with her sidekick the Prince of Wales alongside, swinging a sword. It disturbs me.
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Trap Timer
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I don't see how one could fail to be skeptical about the whole election process once one realizes how much fraud has always gone into it, from dumping ballot boxes in the river to electronic manipulations. I almost never vote, though it really wouldn't surprise me if my vote is being counted each election.
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Eryk has a point; it's only as we've examined recent elections more closely that we've discovered the rampant fraud and corruption that's (most likely) been going on all along.
The new technology has little to do with it--yet.
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Anything done or made by man is subject to perverting and twisting. It's just the way it is.
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Something pithy!
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Democracy is what the voters make it...
Okay, It's soapbox time. Those of you who know me know I retired from the US Navy a few years ago. I served this country with pride for over 20 years doing my small part for "Truth Justice and the American Way." I've traveled the world, set foot on every continent except Antartica, and seen for myself what it is that makes the USA (in my opinion) the Greatest Nation on Earth.
I can go on and on, but at the core it is the idea that the will of the American People will in the end Prevail, that makes everything else work. The will of the American People is expressed by votes.
Voter Apathy is the cancer that eats away at everything else this country stands for. Don't like the current rascals in power, vote them out. Don't like the choices on your ballot, write someone else in, don't believe that your vote is being counted, join a local party and become a grass roots advocate for change.
One Person, one vote; the most basic franchise in recorded history. Don't disinfranchise yourself, VOTE!
Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!
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Agreed, Abin. I've never had much patience for people that bitch about government, but then do not vote. If you aren't gonna stand up and be counted, expressing the single greatest power anyone has in a democracy, why in the heck should anyone take you seriously? How difficult is it to take an hour out of one day every two years and vote? I don't care what your group of choice is, vote dammit.
That said, for gods sake don't rely on mass media for your information to make your choices from.
Example: the Amoral Broadcasting Corporation claimed to have "obtained" the video that this thread started on. The way they phrased it, the video was so big secret thing that they had managed to pirate away from a coverup government. Instead, it was months old video that was "obtained" by every single major news network that wanted it. Fox was there, ABC was there, hell, the lake city town crier would have been there if they wanted. It wasn't a secret, but abc sure wanted you to think so.
Mass media has their own agenda, for whatever reasons.
It is up to the american people to actually put themselves out there, spend a little time on research, and make up their own minds. Until they do so, they deserve the government that they get through apathy, neglect, and pure lazyassedness.
But, thats just me.
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Rick, we agree on that single point. But the "Liberal Media" is (in my opinion) largely a right wing strawman, propped up by the R. Limburg's, Anne Coulter's, and S. Hannatey's to have something to blame when the news of the day doesn't support their pre-concieved notion of Repb=Good and Dem=Bad. The fact of the matter is that no matter what the reporter's political leanings are it is the ploitical leaning of the editors and publishers that count. Reporters don't decide what gets published or what gets trimmed out of an article. The media is in fact not very liberal at all as judged by the omissions and gaps in coverage of major stories. Having said that it is also a universal truism that if an administration is caught lying to the media, all bets are off. Clinton learned that the hard way, just as Bush is beginning to learn. Oh and before I forget, Congrats Semi, or should I say, Your Honor... 
Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!
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According to who? See, thats the thing, who says that its "largely a strawman" or some such. Is this the same people that run the oh so truthful polls? Cause you know,their numbers always match up perfectly, and they are never slanted, right? And reporters are always truthful, just like Jason Blair and dan rather, right?
Yeah, editors and publishers are slanted, and they hire slanted reporters that follow along in their lines. Just read some of the accounts of conservative writers and reporters that don't toe the company line. I trust none of them.
Look, editors and newsagencies like the liberal side, not because they really believe in it, but because it sells more. Hey, its okay to have six kids out of wedlock and be poor as hell...thats sexy and sells. Drugs are good because we have something to report on. If people didn't do those things, if we couldn't report them, we would sell less. People doing right, where's the story there? Sleaze sells. Its as simple as that.
But like i say, vote people.
Vote or shut up. If you can't be bothered to participate, why the hell should anyone listen to you otherwise. People around the world look at our system and are amazed at how good we have it here. But they are more amazed at how lazy and sorry most people that are eligble to vote are that don't.
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Originally posted by rickshaw1: Vote or shut up. If you can't be bothered to participate, why the hell should anyone listen to you otherwise. People around the world look at our system and are amazed at how good we have it here. But they are more amazed at how lazy and sorry most people that are eligble to vote are that don't. Agreed! I've many friends and colleagues from all over the world - some from very restrictive regimes. A good current example is that the Kenyan Govenment recently stormed a major TV station closing it doewn and raided a newspaper publishing plant burning every copy of the paper as the Government didn't like the paper and TV station asking questions about the head honchos gerrymandering and obvious self serving policies. A friend of a friend is a political activist (and poet - www.shailja.com )in San Francisco who comes from Kenya - until recently I was always sceptical of her when I'd heard how she spoke about how corrupt the system there is as when I visited Kenya about 12 years ago it wasn't all that apparent. We do have grounds to be thankful for the countries we live in (those of us in the West), the right to vote and express opinion is definitely one of them.
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I always vote - so as not to lower myself to the level of lunatics, criminals and Jehovahs Witnesses.
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The Daily Show ran the video last night. It's a little jawdropping to see Bush informed about the danger to the levees then saying some two days later that "no one could have forecasted" the damage.
I just can't figure out why the people in power (Clinton had a problem with this concept also) can't just say "Sorry, I underestimated/f'ed up/didn't understand, I made a mistake, I'll do everything I can to rectify and ease the pain made by my mistake." Don't you all feel like for the most part the American people would respond to that much better than "I didn't do it, I wasn't there, I wasn't wrong, YOU'RE wrong, bias, politics, etc."?
BTW, the general idea that voting is useless due to the corruption in the system is just as much a tool for the socioeconomic elite to keep us down as anything else. To the barricades!
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Originally posted by Ghost of Numf El: I always vote - so as not to lower myself to the level of lunatics, criminals. Ah the British voting act.... When we inherited it from those limey's it read "No lunatic, criminal or woman shall vote." Thank goodness we gave lunatics and criminals the vote, not so sure about that third class. They strike me as some sort of subversive fifth column.  I kid, I kid. No back on subject, corruption is the lamest excuse not to vote in a democratic election. People in power tend to be corrupt in any system, the whole point of a free press and democracy is that politicians have to be corrupt in the public spotlight and that they will be judged eventually.
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Bold Flavors
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I once voted in an LMB Leadership election, and *that* turned out well!
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Is that a hint? 
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