Here are some tidbits my hubby got from a member of his supergroup:
From "Mischief," a member of PRISM (a gay fan/creator comic-book group).
Friday August 13, 2004
The panel, "Where’s My Cape?" by Jack (Statesman) Emmert was to start at 11:00 AM. I arrived at Wizard World a little early, so I went to the NCSoft table to see if I would win a free City of Heroes T-Shirt. You can win shirts by answering trivia questions.
Sitting at the NCSoft booth is the Statesman himself. I walked up and introduce myself to Jack. I told him my name and that I was with PRISM. His face lit up and he said, "You guys are great!" and he really appreciates our support and thinks we were terrific. He asked me if I saw the PC Gamer article on Gay Day, I told him I had.
He informed me, "you don’t know about this, because this happened off the boards," but a group of conservative Christians contacted Jack attacking us — asking for him to do something about us. As Jack put it, "I told them to STICK IT."
Then he jumped up and gave me a free T-Shirt. Isn’t that cool?
Then off to the panel he hosted. Some of the items have already been revealed on the boards as hints or fact, but I also have some very juicy inside news for what’s up and coming for both CoH and CoV!
Panel info
Alliance Chat — not sure if they’re going to do it as an interim chat feature or if they’re going to skip it, but their new idea is far better than any of us ever expected?
Special Chat System — It will be server-wide, it will be customizable and you can select your own moderators and SGs that you want on your Chat System. Until then, the SG limit will be upped. The Special Chat System will not be in the next update. Not sure if it’ll be in the one after that or later.
HQs — are coming. They will be customizable.
New Non-Combat System — this is big. Jack wouldn’t say much about it, but hinted it will be huge. He also said it will allow you to, "also do stuff offline," (?!?!?!)
Mission Difficulty — will be customizable. You will have the option to raise the difficulty level of mission to harder - no option to make missions "easy".
New ATs Coming — including one with wings. The reason it will be restricted to one AT is because it is too expensive and time consuming to offer wings for all Power Sets.
Lower Level Missions to Be Tweaked — Missions 1-20 will be tweaked. For example, the Rave mission will have added music, lights and rave dancers, instead of a silent empty warehouse with just mobs.
Jack feels really good about the game from L1-20, but less so at upper levels.
Badges — will be added. Collect Badges and you can up your Endurance or Hit Points.
CoV Characters will basically use the same AT blueprint as CoH.
Stat Kiosks — will be up sometime soon.
Power Sets — will have powers added to them. They won’t just stop at 9 per set.
"TONS!" more stuff will be added to Character Creation, including flowing fabrics based on the cape technology.
Mind Controllers — Telekinesis will be fixed. There will not be a pet for the MC, but Terrify will be able to slot Damage Enhancements.
Teen Body — will be added to Character Build
Customize Your Powers — eventually you will be able to customize your power colors and animations.
Shields — will be added.
Easter Eggs — start looking for them soon.
Mission XP — will get a boost.
Server Wide Events — like the Ritki Invasion are planned
Defender — Jack feels this is close to the best, most balanced and well designed AT. Still need to fix Defender at higher levels where he is not as needed in groups. After Controller, Tanker is the next AT to be fixed.
Shape Shifting — will be added. It will be a while since it’s tough to do, but it is coming.
CoH/CoV — You will be able to bring your CoH character into CoV.
Open Public Beta — for CoV is likely.
CoV — is a considered a "sequel". You do not have to have CoH to play CoV. If you have both games, you will still only need to pay $14.95 per month.
HUGE CoV announcement coming out next week
Dependant NPCs Being Considered — ala Champions, Dependant NPC maybe be added. For example, you could have a Lois Lane-like NPC that would call you while you are missioning and need to be rescued from a hanging off a building. This is hard to do, but something Jack would like to do.
Jack is bewildered and disgusted that most players are XP crazy. He doesn’t care if someone hits L50 today, next year or in 2 years as long as there are fun stuff to do at any level. He is more interested in the role-playing and the content of the game.
Jack is an intelligent man and a captivating speaker. I found his comments and observations about the creative process fascinating. I’m so glad I was able to have been able to hear him speak. I was thrilled he knew PRISM and spoke well of us — and defended us from attack by homophobes.
That’s the main nuts and bolts of what he said during his panel. I’ll post more later.
Some of my thoughts:
Sounds like some cool stuff coming up. I can't wait for the HQ (a real Legion HQ -- I wonder how customizable)! And Wings!
Mission customizability seems cool, but how will you know in advance if you want to make it harder -- unless you're the anal type who keeps track of every mission you've ever done to see which are front-loaded, etc. so you can raise the difficulty with your next character. And there are some missions (like that damn Patchwork and his minions) that I think are too hard to begin with.
That's great what he said about the Christian group.
Customizable powers is pretty cool. You can be color-cooridinated no matter which set you go with. Lyle's Amethyst characters could all have purple blasts. Or our Prism-based characters could have a full rainbow of powers.
Saturn Lady has telekinesis. I didn't notice anything wrong with it.
And we were just talking on Sunday about how cool it would be to have a server-wide event like the invasion. Andrew Nolan wasn't in on the beta and was asking about it. I told him it was pretty cool, but I had just gotten out of the tutorial and jumped right in and died immediately.