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I'm glad you decided to watch this year, MLLASH!
I couldn't help myself either. sigh
The only girl I like is Haley, though. Why do they have to have boy/girl early eliminations, anyway?
I really enjoy Tim, Brett, James, Scotty, Paul, Jacob and Casey. That's 7. I'd gladly lose one of the girl spots for that line-up of guys.
I'd especially like Paul, Jacob and Casey to go all the way, along with the other 4, too. lol
Right now, I'd like Casey to win.
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Yay, Shady! I'm glad you're watching too.
I've just decided I don't really care how relevant AI is to the music industry-- this is an industry in severe flux anyway. It no longer matters to me that the past two seasons' runner-ups (Adam and Crystal) have outsold the winners (Chris and Lee). What matters to me most is seeing new people that I like and think are talented. So yes, I'm here!
And this bunch IS talented. Wow.
My favorite two guys were Jacob ("A House is Not a Home") and Paul ("Maggie May"). But I actually thought all the guys were pretty good, except for poor Robbie ("Angel"). He deserves to get the boot.
I liked several of the girls too. Both Laurens, Thia and Ashthon (who reminds me so much of Nadia Turner).
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Bold Flavors
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I watched it this week with my wife!
Paul stood out for the guys, as well as the kid who did the Judas Priest song (good for him for being different).
For the girls, Pia really dominated the show. That was fantastic.
I've only ever glanced over the show in the past but I think this season has waaaay more talent than all the past ones.
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I so dislike Clint, both in his singing and in his personality, that I'd like him to go first.
Pia was just okay for me although I'm sure she did well in the polling since she's very beatiful and was certainly on key. I don't like the yelling kind of thingy much.
I'd pick Thia after Haley, but that's about it.
I get to see what happens in a few minutes! I actually voted already. I haven't usually started this early in the game.
I really love Stephen Taylor, especially when he joins in, which he did a lot of the time during the prevoting stages.
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I can't recall EVER being MORE PLEASED with the finalists selected!!
The one and only thing I think I would change is, I would have preferred short dark-haired Lauren to Naima for wildcard selection.
I am SO VERY GLAD my girl Ashthon (Nadia Jr.) made it in!
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As did my Haley. Pia was better than I remembered, actually. I'm pleased with the voted in finalists, too. I love all 5 guys, as I've said before. I'll really miss Brett, even though I suppose I knew that he wouldn't go too far. He's just such a sweetie. I sort of think that Naima is through on her story, some anyway, too. I'm afraid I'd put quite a few through on their 'story' merits, alone. 
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I haven't been watching as regularly as usual this season. I like the new judges, though I do wish Steven would elaborate more. It seems he just wants to leave little poetic sound bites.
I kinda sorta know some of the contestants but not many since I haven't been as into it yet this year.
My least to most favorite performances tonight...
13. Karen -It must have been so intimidating for her to sing Selena in front of JLo. She looked beautiful, if a bit gaudy, but only sounded okay.
12. Paul - They kept saying that they hope America gets it. I didn't. I thought he was clownish and the song did nothing for me. Nice teeth.
11. Thia - Cute girl, pretty song. Dime. Dozen.
10. Lauren - this was karaoke. She sounded good, but just phoned it in. She has pretty bad taste in wardrobe. At least she's young.
9. Stefano - what a horrible dance beat added to that song! Hated it! At leasst his vocals overcame that mess.
8. Ashthon - I love a Diana Ross wanna-be. She did a good job, however, I STILL go to youtube to watch Vonzell's version of that song. So... there's that.
7. Haley - Randy's on crack! That version was beautiful! I found her very naturally sexy, which was uncomfortable, so I was relieved to go to the Idol website and see that she's 20 years old. Whew!
6. Naima - whoa.... I have a huge crush on this one! I think it was a mistake to dance so much, it affected her vocals, but she still did a great job. She's hot!
5. Scotty - He did a good job, I bet he can do better though.
4. Pia - Excellent. I guess I need to go find her previous performance. I hope she exhibits some more personality throughout the season. Oh also, Latoya did a striking rendition of this song in season 4, so... there's that.
3. Gah! I kinda want my top 3 to tie for 1st! Well... lessee.... I'll put Jacob here. It was a stunning version of the song, but I bet the recorded version will be better and I bet if he could have done it one more time live he could do it better. I could be wrong about that.
2. James - Wow, really good. Exciting. He has an Adam Lambert vibe that I approve of.
1. Casey - Duh, Winning! I love the personality and individuality and skill brought to the song.
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Gah is right! Casey is past amazing. If you haven't seen him playing an instrument, you'll be blown away when you do! I adore him, his singing, playing and personality. sigh James and Jacob are my ties with Casey for first place, too, Dean. Best McCartney song rendition in a long while, James always seems perfect, to me. Jacob was just fantastic tonight,  . Usually, he's so incredible that he seems like an angel singing rather than a human. Paul is phenomincal. This song wasn't his best choice, I thought. His Rod Stewart 'Maggie' was one of the best versions I've ever heard, besides and maybe including Stewart's. Scotty is the perfect Country singer and I loved his performance tonight. He's just a 17 year old darlin. Haley was my favorite female singer, by FAR. It seems that every year I love one of the quirky blondes with the different voice stuff going on. sigh I hope Haley makes it farther then the others have. These are my top 6. Everyone else is rather so-so, imo. Pia's song was pretty, but aren't there more verses to it? She sang the chorus over and over and over. It's not written that way, is it? ugh Lauen was just okay, too. She reminds me too much of other country singers that have been on Idol, I'm afraid. I felt sorry for Naima, Ashton, Karen, Thia and Stephano, even though Thia's voice is usually better. I felt bad when she started begging.
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Just watched the DVR. I rather liked everyone, with two exceptions...
Karen and (sadly) Ashton. I predict one of them will be ousted.
Early prediction for winner: Scotty McCreery. He will win the whole thing.
He's not MY choice to win the whole thing, but he sounds like all those other mega-selling deep-voiced country guys and like they tell him, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
He's been the landslide favorite on dialidol.com 2 weeks running now.
Fans of James, Jacob and Pia can breathe easy as well, those 3 are also greenlighted by dialidol this week. Anyone else could be in danger.
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Originally posted by MLLASH: Karen and (sadly) Ashton. I predict one of them will be ousted.
I was right. Adam sounded GREAT! I now want to get his CD.
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Still can't get into this show. Even carol has stopped watching it. Saw a promo for Cowel's new show on fox last night, though. At least, think it was fox. X factor or something like that. Does marvel know he stole their name, 
Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!
Something pithy!
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Karen: You DESTROYED one of my favorite songs, "Love Will Lead You Back" by the fab Taylor Dayne.
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She was pretty not good, yes. But I don't think it works exactly that way. We have to vote for the ones we LIKE, I think. For me that would be Casey, James, Jacob, Paul and Scotty. Not in that order.
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Results were as they should have been.
Her heartfelt plea was a bit heartbreaking. She sounded very nice tonight too.
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I've seen the results show, so I know who goes, but I'll still post my standard least to most favorite....
12. Paul - I'm sorry he's sick or whatever, but he butchered a song that I like at lot. I DON'T "get" him.
11. Naima - despite the fact that I find her fantastic, her performance left me flat.
10. Thia - so dull, I don't even care if it was well done.
9. Karen - She keeps performing songs that are done by superstars, with whom she cannot compete
8. Jacob - weird song choice, good intentions, decent execution. I just feel like it could be better.
7.Haley - I thought she was good. I wish Randy would stop trying to put her in a box.
6. James - this is a personal thing, but I love that Bon Jovi song and I just don't think he did it justice. Still, it wasn't *bad*.
5. Pia - I just think of her as being really cruise ship/pageant -y. She did way better than I thought she would, though. I want to see/hear more.
4. Lauren - for some reason, I just liked it!
3. Casey - very entertaining if not the best vocal ever, but the heart is there.
2. Scotty - he seemed so competent. I don't even care about the song one bit. It was his effortless skill and comfort level up there.
1. Stefano - Sounded like a million bucks!
Yeah, I'm okay with Karen going. She's cute, but certainly not winner material.
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Originally posted by MLLASH: Karen: You DESTROYED one of my favorite songs, "Love Will Lead You Back" by the fab Taylor Dayne.
YOU GO HOME NOW. NOW!!! lol! How did you DO that?!! You the man!
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'scuse me, sorry, comin' through, sorry, just postwhorin, nothing to see here, shows over folks. Pardon me.
Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!
Something pithy!
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Gotta be honest, I wasn't looking forward to Motwon week. Even though I have great affection for that music, it so often feels like the ultimate karaoke night.
Well, tonight, there was some definite karaoke going on, and some definite star-aoke!
Least favorite to most...
Thia - oh baby girl, go on home and sing in front of grandma and your family and get better at it
Lauren - I like her, but this was karaoke
Haley - I loved all the growling, and her legs in that skirt with those shoes were killin' me! but it seemed kinda desperate and B list
Pia - oh sparkly princess, what a nice voice you have. how vapid you are
Stefano - he sucked all the soul and feeling out of that song, despite the clear vocals
Scotty - nothing wrong, I'm just not a big fan of that style
Paul - I got it this time, and it's a song that I love, so I was pleased
James - very entertaining, he seems like he took a class taught by Adam Lambert or something, and got an A-
Naima - overall really good stuff. I think Simon would call her self indulgent, but whenever he said that to a singer, I usually liked it
Casey - I just like his musical taste and style
Jacob - I think the last couple of weeks, I've mentioned how I feel like he could do better, and this was a performance where he did what he needed to do. He still got to play with it, but he used a more refined hand. I loved it!
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Naima has taken performing risks like no other in AI history. The girl is grade-A ridonkulous.
For this reason alone I am totally rooting for her.
I'm afraid I've grown/am growing weary of Stefano, Pia, Thia, Haley and Jacob.
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Oh yeah! I go to school with a girl who is good friends with Stefano!
Lash, I agree with your Growing Weary list, except for Jacob. Well... and Pia. I'm holding out for her to really do something cool.
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I think that Pia is classically lovely and her dress was gorgeously understated but her voice doesn't do much for me, being good run of the mill, sort of.
I didn't vote for Pia, Stefano, Thia or Lauren.
Naima is fun as a performer but her voice is kind of blandish. I voted for her this time because I think she's done, and grown, so much more than some of the others and deserves to be in the top 10.
Haley's earned it, too, imo. Her voice is wonderful and she could grow into a great performer. She'd be great with a band and/or partner. She's definitely as good as some of the group singers we've seen guesting on the show over the years. Gaga comes to mind and the gal in the group last week, were they something like 'Blackeyed Peas'?
I voted for her and my 5 guys, tooooo, James, Scotty, Paul, Casey and Jacob! They, plus Haley, would be my final 6.
I'm glad Paul got you this time, Sketchy.
I'm SO loving Steve Tyler, the father of Liv Tyler, Arwen Evenstar! (I know you guys knew that, I'M the one who just realized it.)
Ramsey dissed Stefano's mom's cooking. lol
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Hmmm.... not sure how I feel about this...
On the one hand, I'm not that into Casey... on the other hand, I like a happy ending... and on my third hand, I think the judge's save is a waste of America's time (since no one it has been used on has ever lasted more than 2 more weeks)...
All things considered, I think I'm OK with this.
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Ummm. I'm glad you're okay with it MLLASH.
I <3 Casey and think he adds some unique performances and 'starness' to the proceedings.
I'm all for keeping the interesting contenders more than just keeping the ones who can win. The reason being that I believe uniqueness is more rare than singing talent and is far less likely to find nurturing in the 'real' world.
Whether he gets voted off soon, he STILL gets to go on tour and he still gets to be mentored by greats in the business, which can only help him, his career and those of us who enjoy him.
So, in other words, I'm a happy camper.
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