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Re: American Idol
#521091 03/27/09 01:26 AM
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Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
VFTW? I can't figure that one out.
Ummm, me neither.

I like Michael, but I wasn't surprised that he's out.

He's such a sweetie.

I hope he really works to find HIS style and who he is musically during this next year, as he goes on tour with the group.
I hope Idol helps in that way, coaching him and developing his voice and stage presence and 'look'.

I kind of see him in Country, with his hair a little longer and his look a little more leather (no fringe! just some hand molded leather boots, pants, vest. Something else else elegantly rugged ~ no cowboy stuff, though.)

I agree that a lot of superficial stuff is important in the judging ~ but that's the whole entertainment business.
There's not a place in the business, from working at Disney World to Top Model to a news anchor that isn't built on the superficial standards of today.

If you're in the public eye, you'd better be the standard they're looking for, which is usually not even really human in proportion, features and presence.
I've seen shows revealing how guys on computers alter model photos, elongating limbs, enlarging breasts, changing complexions, eyes ~ everything!

I mean, what was the reaction here when Kel came out and had gained some weight around the tummy?
Our reactions were the way the American public reacts to any perceived imperfection, any standard that the INDUSTRY sets.
End of rant. . .


I watched 'Smallville' tonight and just caught the last minute of AI.
Who was the other one of the bottom 3?
Who was #1?
Sorry to bother ya'll, who are more faithful.

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Re: American Idol
#521092 03/28/09 10:21 AM
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VFTW is vote for the, a website dedicated to supporting the AI contestant who, although they might not be the best singer, is the most entertaining in other ways. They are part of my AI watching every year now. A real surly, hilarious bunch who make fun of AI yet you can tell they adore the show really. They have actually broken lots of news there. They despise what they consider "plants", that is people who have already had a measure of success in the music field and don't deserve a shot on AI. "Plants" that they have hated include Joanna Pacitti (who was subsequently ousted from the top 36 and replaced with Felcia Barton because of her ties within the industry) and Carly Smithson from last year. Also former Britney Spears dating feaux rocker Robbie Carrico from a couple years ago. They *really* hate "plants" there!

Last year they supported their papaya Sanjaya and we saw him eliminate several singers who were much better. They were also firmly behind Taylor Hicks.

And this year they are lovng them some Megan. CAW, CAW to save Megan... they are convinced that her "fans" she was referring to Weds. night are them, and they could be right. Having VFTW behind you is not necessarily a bad thing.

Another AI site that's become a part of my AI life is dial, which uses some sort of system that measures amounts of busy signals to determine who is getting the most and least votes. They are usually dead on, which is why I can't believe Matt was in the bottom 3. firmly predicted MICHAEL, MEGAN and SCOTT as the lowest votegetters with Kris being just above them. They predicted ADAM # 1 this week, followed by Allison, Danny, Matt and Lil as next highest votegetters.

Last year they accurately predicted David Cook's defeat of David "Gaspy" Archuletta (much to my disbelief but delight after the judges raked Cook over the coals and practcally gave it to Gaspy) so I no longer doubt them.

Matt in bottom 3? Bullcrap done to create drama and buzz for him, likely.

So do check out VFTW, they're pretty funny over there.

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Re: American Idol
#521093 03/28/09 11:29 PM
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I guess I belong there, since Megan is one of my favorites and I LOVED Taylor Hicks (and still do.)

Don't tell anyone, but I listen to his album as often as I listen to Josh Grobins songs ~ even though I consider Josh to have the best human voice in the history of human singing.
Taylor is just fun.

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Re: American Idol
#521094 03/29/09 12:54 PM
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I also bought the Taylor album (as a present for my Mom, we were fans!) but have never heard it myself. I also bought them Diana DeGarmo's CD (never heard it myself).

I heard enough of Fantasia's debut "Free Yourself" cd that I wanted to get it but never got around to it. I did download a few of the songs.

After hearing Kellie Pickler's first 2 singles (the amusing, catchy "Red High Heels" and the pretty, sad "I Wonder") I bought her "Small Town Girl" cd and LOVED it. Her 2nd cd is alright but not quite as good... but I *never* imagined during her season I'd be buying her stuff at all.

I recieved Blake Lewis' cd as a Christmas gift, it was alright... there is 1 song on there that I really loved called "Hate 2 Love Her".

I've downloaded some Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry, Elliot Yamin, Katharine McPhee, Jennifer Hudson and Jordin Sparks tunes.

My next must-get former Idol cd will be Brooke White's stuff... she has one out now (recorded prior to her AI stint) and one coming soon. LOVE that girl!

Great... I'm a cog in the mighty AI machine... laugh

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Re: American Idol
#521095 03/29/09 10:21 PM
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OK, so remember how I've said I want to make out with Kris and stuff? Except that he is married and stuff?

Wellllllll... perhaps I have a chance after all.... If I cowboy-up some..... I mean, Conway, ARK is NOT that far from Memphis....

click to enlarge

(click to enlarge)

Yeah, that's Kris on the far left....

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Re: American Idol
#521096 03/31/09 08:08 PM
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BAH! Stupid computer has eaten my last 2 attempts, so I better make this quick!

My favorites:


The rest were fair to middling. No one outright bad.

Onething: Let the fricking judges pick the songs. I'm SOOOOO tired of "it was the wrong song for you".

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Re: American Idol
#521097 04/01/09 08:31 AM
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Absolute ditto!

I liked Megan, too.

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Re: American Idol
#521098 04/01/09 02:42 PM
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I have to agree with Cara about the whole artistry thing. If the singer can perform an excellent rendition of the song - whatever they may do to it - it just creates a moment. So many of these contestants don't seem to know what to do with themselves this year.

My worst to best...

Anoop. What a dumb song choice. It didn't show what he can do, he isn't a dancer/singer like Usher and he looked mad... and sweaty! Didn't like it at all.

Lil. Okay, a big voice, but this song has been done by 6 year old girls who can really impress an audience/judges. Lil brought nothing new to it. She suffers from not knowing who she is as a singer.

Matt. Hmm... ditto that last sentence for him. He needs to figure this out. He's so talented, I think he has too many influences.

Megan. It was a sweet performance, but nothing that stacks up against others in a singing contest. She's so beautiful and interesting.

Allison. Really good. The problem is, that song was so over-played when it was new, it's actually kinda tired. I think we need more time to pass before it becomes novel again. She looked silly.

Scott. Solid. He needs a real haircut.

Kris. A really good version of an overdone song. I was impressed.

Adam. Not what I would ever have guessed he'd do, and I wasn't 100% into it, but it was pretty fun. He's better than the others, IMO.

Danny. These are the kind of moments I love. When I learn a new song that I didn't know, and it's performed really well. He GAVE so much to this.

Re: American Idol
#521099 04/01/09 08:17 PM
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Well, though tonight's elimination wasn't a surprise, my emotion about it kinda was. I think it was pretty obvious this contestant was ready and expecting to leave tonight. Now I'm not so sure anymore that *I* was ready for it.

Simon can hold a grudge, can't he? I thought his refusing to evaluate the performance for a possible save was tacky. The contestant sure handled it with humour and ultimately dignity by doing an even superior-to-last night's version of the song tonight. That's the way to go out, I think.

I **LOVED** that David Cook song, it was kinda sappy and sweet and he looked so handsome and sang so well.

I have 2 words about Lady Gaga: GREAT SPACE. And now several more words, heh heh... That girl kicks frikkin' ASSSSS! Her "The Fame" album has been on my to-get list for a couple weeks now. It will be MINE come Friday. I love her entire performance art/dance club vibe. I'd pay premium prices to see her in concert. I can't help but feel they brought her on to show what kinda stuff Adam could launch himself into. Gawd, can you imagine if Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert teamed UP?!?! Dear Lord, it might bring about the funkocalypse! They need to team up ASAP.

I should add that I actually enjoyed the group sing of "Don't Stop Believing", it was good.

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Re: American Idol
#521100 04/02/09 08:33 AM
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Yeah, Simon was pretty nasty. I think the audience's silence after his comment spoke volumes.

I'll miss Megan's quirky presense and interesting voice, that's for sure.
In comparison, Allison's voice is one note and Lil is a performance blank.

I love your idea of Lady Gaga and Adam teaming up.
That WOULD be a fun show, wouldn't it?
I truly think he has no end of possibilities with his acting and singing talents.
It helps that he's adorably handsome, too.

I'd be willing to bet that that group sing number will be a part of their tour this year.

And David Cook was so great!
He's just gotten better and better everytime I've ever seen him.

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Re: American Idol
#521101 04/02/09 08:53 AM
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Aww, I'll miss Megan. Her voice just isn't a fit for AI. I think she could make a cool album.

Kris was the best this week, and I do like Adam, even if "Play that Funky Music" was a weird choice. Lil and Anoop need better song choices...and I still can't stand Danny.

Re: American Idol
#521102 04/02/09 09:47 AM
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Megan's kind of let me down the last couple of weeks. I felt she was trying to be too "normal" or something and she'd drifted away from the R&B stylings that made her such an attractive vocalist. When I first heard her I compared her to Rikki Lee Jones. Dynamic and interesting.

I think once they make it to this level of the competition there's still a possibility of getting a music company deal. Perhaps we'll hear Megan on the radio soon doing her own music?

Re: American Idol
#521103 04/02/09 03:49 PM
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If they have an album from the tour, she'll be on that, at least.

I think Megan has a great future in the theater!
She's beautiful and funky and talented, a regular Bernadette Peters.

If that's what she wants, that is.

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Re: American Idol
#521104 04/07/09 07:16 PM
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Oooooh, I can't *wait* to buy Adam and Allison's cds.....

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Re: American Idol
#521105 04/07/09 10:17 PM
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Overall, this was a pretty good show!

My least to most favorites...

8. Scott. I've rarely been impressed. His choices are generally too cheesy and his vocals border on sketchy (!) sometimes.

7. Lil. I totally agree with the judges about her. She just seems like back-up singer material, not the star.

6. Anoop. He did a nice job on a song I like quite a lot.

5. Kris. I think the judges were too hard on him for the arrangement. I thought it worked.

4. Alison. She did a great job on a song I like quite a bit.

3. Danny. Great job with a classic song, maybe a bit over-done.

2. Matt. He's dumb if he doesn't keep doing the blue-eyed soul stuff. He was great.

1. Adam. I totally look forward to what he'll do each week. This song was beautiful, and though it's familiar to me, I'm not sure if I know it and I definitely don't know who did it originally. So, as I often say, this is the type of moment I love about this show. Thanks Adam!

Re: American Idol
#521106 04/07/09 10:25 PM
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I just did a search on youtube for Mad World. Evidently tons of other AI fans did the same. All the versions of it I found (by Tears for Fears and by Gary Jules [whoever that is] had comments about Adam. Now I need to figure out who Gary Jules is.

Re: American Idol
#521107 04/07/09 11:51 PM
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Adam gave me chills with his performance!
Just incredible ~ standing ovation is right!

And for the first time, I truly enjoyed Allison!

Kris was okay, although I couldn't remember his song right after he sang it.

I like Scott.
AI is working on his image and he looks good.
Is there a niche for a new Barry Mannilo(sp) type?

Anoop has a pretty voice and a cute face, the teeny's should love him.
I loved his song choice.

I was kind of embarrassed by Matt's performance, but I never enjoyed Sinatra, either.

I agree, Lil was back-up.

I kmow I should like Danny, but I don't.
His voice is like chalk scraping on the ol' board and he's so puffed up.

Every year I find that so many of the AI songs sound alike.
Does someone on the show do the arranging?

I know that Adam, and last year's David Cook, found most of their own arrangements, whicn I vastly prefer.
Adams 'Ring of Fire' was stunning and so was his 'Mad World' tonight (is that a movie soundtrack song?).

Adam's poor dad.
He wanted a jock and he got a ham.
He should be thankful, both types are performers!
And Adam's going to be a Michael Jordan!

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Re: American Idol
#521108 04/08/09 08:57 AM
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'Mad World' is (I think) on the 'Donnie Darko' soundtrack.

Re: American Idol
#521109 04/08/09 09:26 AM
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Did anyone else notice the editing job on the montage of songs at the end?
I missed almost the entire show but I did manage to catch Adam's song. Beautiful work...but he *blew* the very last note. I remember thinking how pretty it was that he was working up the scale to the big finish and then cringed when the high note was off.
In the video montage, at the end when Ryan's hustling votes, the recording playback had been slightly sound adjusted so that Adam knocked it's socks off.
I didn't record it and I can't prove it but I swear I heard it happen that way.

I'm NOT making any kind of accusation here, just an observation...and I could be wrong but I don't think so.

Re: American Idol
#521110 04/08/09 07:13 PM
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re: "Mad World"... The version Adam did was based on the version done on the DONNIE DARKO soundtrack. The song was originally released by TEARS FOR FEARS in 1982.

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Re: American Idol
#521111 04/08/09 08:20 PM
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(typing as it plays, no names mentioned but semispoilers abound)




Oooh, Kylie's "CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD" as butchered by the Final 8... yikes! Though I know Adam had fun, heh!

Flo Rida? More like Dead or Alive steala! Fun song, I guess, though. He's rather hot....

The bottom 3? No big surprise.

PICKLES!!! Not my fave off her second album, but she still kix ass! Soooo kyoot! Simon was fighting the urge to goose her!

The bottom 2-- still no surprise. What WILL surprise me is if he goes home, and he doesn't!

The bottom votegetter-- no surprise. I *am* surprised that there is an apparent judges split. To no avail, though, as Simon makes the final decision...

Sorta too bad, though... I will miss seeing his <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">SUPERHOT brother in the audience!</span></span>

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Re: American Idol
#521112 04/09/09 12:47 AM
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My wife and I both have Donnie Darko on our "don't forget to rent it" list and we always forget to rent it.

Scott seems like a really nice guy. I feel bad sorta whining about his performances, but I've always respected his ilk (heh!).

Re: American Idol
#521113 04/13/09 08:29 AM
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It's all cool.

Unless somebody really screws up, Anoop and Lil are probably the next in line to leave.
Which I agree with.
I think.

What's Donnie Darko?

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Re: American Idol
#521114 04/14/09 10:20 PM
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Odd show. I think my typical order of least favorite to most will be all mixed up.

7. Matt. I really like him, but I just found it a touch ... desperate.

6. Danny. I wasn't 100% sure it was working.

5. Lil. I thought it was going to get all gospel-y and it only kinda got gospel-y.

4. Kris. I wasn't 100% sure it was working - but I love that song and movie.

3. Alison. Rock solid.

2. Adam. SO entertaining! What a range he has!

1. Anoop. Controlled, interesting, entertaining.

Re: American Idol
#521115 04/15/09 08:35 AM
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I slept through the beginning!

But on the replay:

1. Adam ~ I just love this crazy kid.

2. Kris ~ I really enjoyed him, even if the judges didn't.

3. Anoop ~ his voice is just so beautiful and he's so improved in his stage presence.

4. Matt ~ not stellar last night but I still prefer him to the girls. (Even though he had some real problems hitting his notes, last night.)

5. Alison ~ she rocks but I hate that when she does, she has no real variation in her notes, if that makes sense.

6. Lil ~ 'The Rose' is one of my favorite songs.
I wanted to hear her full gospel version! And she has a tendency to go flat when she sings slower music, like the beginning and ending of that song.

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