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Re: American Idol
#520891 02/28/08 07:04 AM
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Best top 24 ever? Not so much. I don't know if these kids are getting too caught up in the fame game or what..but most of them aren't living up to their potential. The only one I really liked last night was Brooke, and even she didn't really blow me away. I hope they all step it up, because even though a David Archuletta victory seems inevitable, it'll make for a boring season if there aren't any other viable contenders.

THIS however did make me chuckle...what a poser!


After once being linked to Britney Spears, "American Idol" contestant Robbie Carrico picked up one of the popwreck's habits -- a love for wigs!

TMZ has learned the 26-year-old long-haired wannabe's mane is actually a wig and it's got "Idol" execs flipping out. Sources tell us Robbie never talks about his matted down piece and that makes production members feel like it's the blonde elephant in the room. It seems Simon was right last night -- Robbie is a fake!

Where's Sanjaya's pony-hawk or Kat McPhee's extensions when you need them?!

Re: American Idol
#520892 02/28/08 07:21 PM
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This week's eliminations leave me conflicted....

I mean yeah, it's not like Jason Y or Robbie had a chance of winning, but I'm not sure it was their time to go yet, especially Jason Y. Oh well, maybe he'll have to buckle down and get a 9 to 5 job now like the rest of us tools. As for Robbie, I'm sure he'll be glad to finally be able to take that wig off. Maybe he can re-link to Ms. Spears.

Chickwise, I'm hurt to see Alaina go because I liked her as a person, but this isn't a like you as a person contest. Alexandrea, however, COMPLETELY got the shaft. She is the 1 of the 4 I have NO conflicts about... she should have stayed.

Normally I giggle all through the wretched group performances that open the show, with everyone looking so fake and happy doing their cheesy dime-store choreography, but I rather liked Kristy, Carly, Alexandrea and Amanda on "It's a Heartache".

Why didn't the dreadful Luke get the axe, you might be wondering? Well, other than his stunning looks, he's apparently David Archuletta's support system. It was heartbreaking to see David pressing his face into Luke's arm, weeping his teenage eyes out while the girls sang for the final time. Or maybe it was kinda hot. Whatever.

Alls I know is Danny didn't have his support system (Colton) to press his
face into, as he was standing there weeping all full-frontal. Bring some tissue along next time, sister. You know your teenage homosexual emotions are going to get the better of you!!

(embarassing FYI tidbit: I teared up too during Alexandrea and Alaina's goodbyes!)

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Re: American Idol
#520893 02/28/08 08:02 PM
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Hmmmm.... has pledged alliegence to Danny and Amanda.

They have also posted some interesting tidbits about David Hernandez' past as a stripper in a gay club as well as Amanda's 2006 mug shot. FUN! She was, like, SUPER-wasted in that pic!

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Re: American Idol
#520894 02/29/08 01:57 AM
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OK, so I've watcehd some of the boys last ngiht and have the rest recorded to whizz through tonight. Thoughts on the ones I've already watched...

David Cook. I don't like him. Not at all. I don't know if it's the rubbish hairstyle that makes it oh-so obvious that he's overcompensating for going bald early or if it's his slightly pudgy, smug face or what. He can sing but there's absolutely nothing there that interests me. He's not got a hook of any kind and if he's going to go any further he needs that.

Jason Castro. Very pretty boy, nice voice without being spectactular, seems like a nice boy in terms of his personality and there's soemthing just very appealing about him. That said the song was a bit blah and it was pretty much the same thign as last week. He needs to show some versatility and do something a bit new. He's got the potential but now he needs to show what he can do.

Luke. Urgh. Once again really not good. Cheesy performance, dodgy vocals and just not good enough to be in the top ten boys. If he makes it into the final six then there's something very wrong.

Danny. I'm so disappointed in Danny. We know that he can sing brilliantly but this week he was just a bit dull. He doesn't have anythign like the clarity of voice that Karen Carpenter has so doing a song as simple as that just meant he was swamped by it. He looked awkward on stage and I think they were right when they said he just appeared to be thinking too hard about everything that he does. I know it's easier said than done but he needs to relax and enjoy himself and do a song that shows some personality. He can do a ballad but he needs to pick one with a bit more oomph because technically his singing isn't good enough to carry something like that at the moment.

Michael. M'eh. Again a big disapointment. I want to love Michael. He's got the hottness factor that Luke and Robbie seemt to think they have when they don't and he's got a hell of a voice but the last two weeks his performances have just come across as being alright rather than anythign special. He appears to just be doing it by numbers without putting any of himself into them. I think he'll be safely into the top six and deserves to be there but he's really got to pull his socks up if he's going to go any further than that.

Robbie. Snore. Boring. Very, very boring. Not bad in terms of his singing but it was just a very dull performance.

David Hernandez. David can sing, there's no doubt about that, but there's also something incredibly slappable about him. I think it was probably the way that he spent the whole song gurning and grimacing like he had a pack of hedghogs in his pants that were repeatedly stabbing him in the groin. He clearly thinks he's slick and classy but just comes across as being a bit oily. I think he's got the potential there to be very good but he needs to have his performance style broken down and rebuilt completely if he's not going to come across as being a bit arrogant.

I also caught the end of Little David's performance and once again it made me just think the other boys should give up and go home now. He's very definately a star in the making even if he doesn't win AI because his voice is incredible and he's just the most adorable little thing in the entire world. Give him a couple of years and I also suspect he's going to go from cute kid to a very hot young man.

So I have yet to see t'other Jason, Chikize and Little David's full performance.

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Re: American Idol
#520895 03/01/08 03:15 PM
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Lash and Bevis,
You guys crack me up! It's just as much fun to come here and read your reviews as it is watching the show!

Re: American Idol
#520896 03/03/08 01:47 AM
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Tch. Jason and Alaina going is no great shame at all and Robbie probably shouldn;t have gone yet but didn;t actually have a chance of winning.

Alexandrea though... I am disappointed in you America before the series proper has started. Her performance this week wasn't briliant but none of the girls were and hers wasn't bad. Regardless though she's clearly one of the most talented girls and she absolutely did not deserve to get the boot. Shame on you, I say, shame.

The other girls... eh. Not a great week for anyone really. Brooke I liked but it was an awfully obvious song for her to do and she's got to show something other than the ever so nice girl with a nice voice if she's going to go anywhere. Amanda was bloody awful and needs to learn that just because she's the 'rocker' doesn't mean she can get away with shouting her way through a song. Plus her awful Brabar Dixon in the 80s hair just made her look like a joke (and old into the bargain). I kind of liked her at first but I'm bored of her now and just don't think she's even vaguely good enough to be in the top six girls. The rest were alright without being anything special. They all just seemed to be a bit bored this week, which is a shame becuase I really do think they've got some of the best singers they've ever had this year if only they could lift their performances to the levels of their (potential) vocals.

Of course the biggest travesty this week is that Luke is still there. His was the only really bad performance this week and surely he can't just be coasting on his looks? He's a bad singer and an even worse performer. I just hope to god that he doesn't make it beyond next week because if he does then there's something drastically wrong there.

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Re: American Idol
#520897 03/04/08 07:30 PM
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Well, I thought the boys all rocked, with one exception.

Plus my comments will all have a 90s-music theme (this may or may not include older songs covered by 90s artists ALA AI!).


Why is Luke still on that stage? His "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" was bile-inducing. David Archuletta will have to find someone else's arms to press into and weep against.


Well, watching our triad of queens certainly was interesting. Danny, of course, is always fun, but I was rather shocked by the nads it took for onetime gaybar stripping sensation David H to tackle Celine Dion. Chikezie's got nads too.


Just sing. And that you did, leaving out any snottiness toward Simon and just kicking freaking ass on "Hello" of all things. David Cook may very well be this season's Chris Daughtry.


David Archuletta continues to do well on the ballady type stuff. Simon predicts top 2. Simon's usually right.


If he was wearing one, which would be a shame 'cause then it would obscure the view of his hot dreads. Oh yeah, I think he sang a song too. It was pretty... like him.


Okay, so I know he's good and hot and all but I'm just not finding myself rooting for Michael.

So, prediction for top 6?


Farewell Luke and... Chikezie, I would guess, after Simon's comments.

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Re: American Idol
#520898 03/04/08 10:54 PM
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I picked up the phone after tonight's show and voted for my 3 favorites in order: David Cook, Jason Castro, and David Hernandez.

David Cook has really surprised me. I thought he was going to be the forgetable Bucky of the season, but he just keeps getting better and better and better. I won't be surprised if he wins it, or pulls a Daughtry and becomes the big star of the season.

Jason Castro sang one of my absolutely favorite songs of all time and did a rather swell job with it. His Jeff Buckley version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah deserves to propel him into the top 12 and higher. This guy has got future as a performer.

Last, I voted for David Hernandez. American Idol needs more gay strippers!!! Besides that, the quality of David's voice really stood out for me.

Disappointing were Michael Johns and David Archuleta. They have so much talent but just seemed blah tonight.

I like Luke's voice. He definitely can sing and just needs to find the right songs. Will he win - not in a million years, but I'd like him to stay around to develop the potential.

So, going home, I hope are Chikezie (boring and predictable) and unfortunately, Danny Noriega. Danny just hasn't delivered. Tainted Love should have been his masterpiece, but it was just blah.

Re: American Idol
#520899 03/04/08 11:14 PM
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Haven't read any reviews yet...

AH!! Just when I thought Luke couldn't be any worse... Wake Me Up Before You Go Go!

David Hernandez sings Celine. I just don't think so.

Danny...he's interesting, but I'm not sure it's enough.

I love the song Chikeze sang, and he was alright, but it didn't say wow.

I like Michael. I like his song choices. Where's the wow?

David Archuleta did a fine job, but I'm starting to get the idea that all of his choices have to have a message. Lighten up, kid!

Jason Castro... love that song. Love his quiet, vulnerable version of it.

David Cook. There's the wow! I actually couldn't believe I was hearing such a cool version of "Hello!" Impressive and surprising!

Re: American Idol
#520900 03/05/08 07:31 PM
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La lasses....


Ah, Asia'h. You're like a nice cold glass of Shasta. Or some other off-brand soda. Still diggin' your earrings though. A nice enough version of a dull dun2deth song.


Kady, I fear your time on AI may be ending this week.


Most likely if you listen to Amanda's perormance from last week again. This week, however, she ruled. Yay! I love her general ballsiness.


Well, Kristy Lee Cook. You may have finally won me over with something besides "Amazing Grace".


Damn you, Carly.


Rameile... she may be on the edge here. Someone else has to go.


Brooke White was my absolute favorite of the evening!!


For Syesha anyway... I predict top 6-dom.

I actually liked all the girls pretty well tonight. A good week for all (except for Luke, of course).

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Re: American Idol
#520901 03/05/08 10:10 PM
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This is a first for me. I loved everyone tonight and don't want anyone to go. Amanda was fabulous, Carly's voice is gorgeous, Brooke was unique, Kady is such a babe, Ramiele is the next Barbara Streisand, etc, etc. I even thought Syesha was fabulous and I haven't liked her before. I guess the ones in danger are Christie, Ramiele, Asia'h and Kady. None of them deserve to go, but probably two of them will.

It was a very good night. Oh and did you see how hot Carly's mom was? (You may have to be in your 50's to appreciate her, but believe me, that's a great looking woman.)

Re: American Idol
#520902 03/05/08 10:12 PM
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Worst to best....

Kady... I might still be bitter that she bumped Alaina out, but I just don't think she's very good.

Aisa'h... not a good song choice for her. It seemed forced.

Kristy Lee... interesting change up, making it country style. Maybe not big enough, though.

Carly... our Irish girl is just like our Aussie boy... talented, interesting and just a notch away from great.

Ramiele... heard that song a million times. It was good, not great.

Syesha.... I'm a Whitney fan, so if someone can even come close, I'm pretty impressed.

Brooke... I knew it would go well if she changed to her own style... and it did!

Amanda.... yay!!! She was cool again! I hope she makes it.

Re: American Idol
#520903 03/06/08 04:19 PM
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I just watched the boys. In twenty minutes. I fastforwarded through all the filler and my goodness there's a lot of filler. But enough of that, what about the singing? Let's see...

Luke. Just F**K OFF YOU TALENTLESS TIT! Urgh. His screeching and caterwauling is just hideous. Why he wasn't voted off the first week I don't know. How he then managed to survive the week after astounded me. If he survives this week then there's something seriously wrong.

Little David Archuleta. OK, the fact that he has possibly the best voice in the contest goes without any arguement. He's an absolutely superb singer and a potentially brilliant performer. My only concern is that he might become a bit samey. Basically what Simon said, we need to see him do something more up and varied if people aren't just going to get a bit bored of him. He may be the most talented person on the show but if he's not careful he could get eclipsed by someone more willing to take risks.

Michael. Once again I really want to like Michael. And once again I just ended getting up bored. The song just seemed like a tedious choice for him and he looked like he was going through the motions as much as anything else. He needs to pull something out of the bag if he's not going to just bore everyone.

McCheesy. I don't get him, I really don't. He's not a bad singer but there's just something unbelievably bland about him and his performances are glib and naff. He's not a particularly interesting singer and he has a face that is just begging for a bit of a slap. But he's not needing a slap as much as whoever is styling him. Either they're the work experience kids or they've got something against McCheesy and are just having a laugh at his expense.

David Cook. It's only a matter of time before someone points out to him that he's actually bald and putting a Tribble on his head doesn;t hide that fact. Oh, and he took a truly hideous song and made it... slightly less hideous. I really don't like David Cook either. I think he's fake and completely blargh. Unfortunately he seems to be quite popular. I really can't fathom that at all.

Danny. OK, done now. He's gone from being amusing babygay to be creepy queen. His singing was absoutely atrocious this week and his performance made him look like a drunk rent boy trying to shake his arse on a podium very badly. When this competition started I thought he was a shoe-in for the top six boys. Now I think he should have gone the first week if that's the best he can do. His lip back at Simon just made him even more annoying.

Jason. Jason is a brilliant singer (even if he somewhat flubbed the last note) but like Little David he really needs to do something other than just a nice ballad. His version of Hallelujah wasn't up to the level of kd lang or Rufus Wainwright but it wasn't far off. He just needs to show us something other than what he already has done.

David 'stripper' Hernandez. Ah, now wouldn't him stripping as he sang lifen up AI? The first week I wasn't convinced by him. This week though I actually saw the potential in him. He was reaching at a couple of points and there's something oddly affected about some of his performing but when he was good he was very good. I can see him becoming very, very good if he works on his all round performance.

So, my personal pick for top six would be Little David, Stripper David, Jason, probably Michael... eh, and I guess McCheesy and David Cook. But if Michael, Cook or McCheesy went insted of Danny I wouldn't be too annoyed. As long as Luke goes I'm not too bothered becuase even if I don't think they're brilliant the others can all carry a tune at the very least.

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Re: American Idol
#520904 03/06/08 06:38 PM
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I caught most of the guys and David Cook's (I think)version of 'hello' was fantastic! I haven't really got him so far but the tones were just superb. Now if only he would get a real haircut!

The little horror who ruined Tained Love should be stabbed. A lot!

Cute boy with dreads sang okay too though he missed the last note by about 18 feet, pity as he was really convincing until then.

The first bloke on (Luke? Not sure) peirces me between the eyes every time - and not in a good way - his pitch is truly shocking and his timing is never quite convincing, I hope he gets kicked off!

I find Chikesie (how do you spell that?)interesting though he's still to sing a song that's right for him, this weeks song was not his best and that's a pity as he can really sing.

The really young kid who sang imagine last week didn't perform as well this time but he still has the purest voice of them all.

Paula Abdul offends me, can she not just say "that was bad" and been done with it rather than trying to always be nice - I want to take her place on the panel next year!

Simon Cowell, as ever, was stole the show!

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Re: American Idol
#520905 03/07/08 03:16 AM
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Oh well thank the lord for that. Of the girls one maybe didn't deserve to go but the other did. With the boys I'm perfectly happy.

Not a bad top twelve all in all, although I think there are a few in there that simply aren't anything special. The ones that are good either are already fantastic or have the potential to be brilliant if they can just up their games a bit. Whatever happens though despite some distinctly mediocre performances the last couple of weeks I think this top twelve does have some of the best talent AI has had for years and it has the potential to be the best series for a good long while.

I just hope they keep the theme weeks to a minimum or keep them as vague as '80s songs' or 'love songs' or something rather than forcing them to do the back catalogue of a particular artist or a particular musical style. There's obviously going to be a Lennon/McCartney week from what's already been said but I hope that's just going to be the exception rather than the rule.

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Re: American Idol
#520906 03/07/08 04:33 PM
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I was disappointed that Asia'h got voted out as she was one of my favourites. Am glad that those two guys went though as they didn'tdo much for me at all.

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Re: American Idol
#520907 03/07/08 05:06 PM
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Just watched the girls. Generally better than the boys overall.

Ai's'ha'''''aa'a. The song is very tired but she was actually pretty bloody good so I'm not sure why she ended up getting shafted. Possibly it's just because she's a little interchangable with Syesha who has a little more personality to her.

Kady. GrraBBlaaRRggh BlllLLLLAArrrraaaaarrrTTT!!! Goodness, that was shit wasn't it? Kady won't be missed. The worrying thing is I thought she'd actually gone last week instead of the the other blonde interchangable girl. Ah-well, that's not gonna be an issue any more is it?

Kristy Lee. She was actually pretty good this week. The whole country edge does indeed work for her and while she still doesn't stand out in the way that I'd like her to she could be rather better than I was expecting.

Carly. Hell Yes. The girl done good. I actually really love the song (the Roy Orbison or Cyndi Lauper version *not* the screeching Celine Dion version) and she absolutely rocked it. She also had hot trousers on and just looked fabulous. Loved it.

Amanda. Eh. I still want to like Amanda but the more I see her the more I just think she's a not quite as good version of a few singers. When she's not Janis Joplin she's Joan Jett or Siousxie or whoever and I've never actually had any sense of her being *Amanda*. Plus someone really needs to do something about her hideously outdated hair.

Ramiele. She's possibly got the best voice of the whole bunch. And yet... it was just a bit dull. When she goes off it's really noticeable but there's something missing from her performances and I'm not quite sure what it is. She needs a bit of oomph or chutzpah and she just doesn't quite have it. Could be nerves, could just be that she's not a very good performer.

Brooke. Chris hated it, I loved it. Her voice is very Tori Amos without her just sounding like a knock-off. She's actually very Folk in a way that there doesn't seem to be in the US (Country takes it's place and is kind of the same but sort of not. I can see her doing something by Ewan McColl or Kate Rusby or something) and I think that's what makes her interesting. She's an incredibly good looking girl too and I like her a lot. I hope she goes a long way in this contest, although I do worry that her appeal won't be all that broad so she might lose votes not because she's bad but because people just don't like her style.

Syesha. Syesha is either great *or* a bit cocky and needing to be taken down a peg or two. I hated the song (wouldn't matter who did it I'd hate it) but she did it pretty well. But there is something about her that makes me think she's better than she is. Or at least that she thinks she's better now than she could be with a bit or training. I'm undecided about her so far. She could go either way for me. We shall see...

So the girls were better than the boys and it's looking good for the top twelve.

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Re: American Idol
#520908 03/11/08 10:12 PM
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Whoo! Top 12!
My opinions from my least favorite to my most favorite....

12. Kristy Lee... sorry, I couldn't stand it. Not only was the *overly* countrified arrangement too much, but her odd, under enthusiastic performance didn't help. She's really cute, though.

11. Hernandez... ugh!

10. Syesha... yawn.

9. Ramiele... yawn, but cute.

8. David Archuletta... wow, the pressure got to him! Not very good.

7. Carly... very good, but I'm still not amazed by her. Maybe she needs to mellow out, do something sweet. I don't know.

6. Jason... I like that he's the anti-giant-voice type. Idol needs that.

5. Brooke... very sweet. I was looking forward to each line from her.

4. David Cook... great job, similiar to last time in a good way.

3. Michael Johns... I think there was some emotion from him!

2. Amanda... what fun! Well delivered.

1. Chikeze... what fun! Well delivered.

Re: American Idol
#520909 03/11/08 10:25 PM
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Once again, I thought David Cook was the standout performer, with his rock version of Eleanor Rigby. David just continues to impress me. He's genuine and I really think, if talent counts, that he could win this thing.

Carly sang Come Together, a song I've always detested. Despite that, she was brilliant. Her voice is crystal clear and spot on. She's going to be in the top 4.

Brooke White sang Let It Be honestly and heart felt. She's the Joni Mitchell of the competition (although I like her a lot more than Joni Mitchell). Brooke may not have the widest appeal with her folksy manner, but I love her. I think she's going to go far.

Surprise, surprise. Chickezie, who I thought was the most boring performer ever, was brilliant tonight. This guy has so much unrevealed talent, it's scary. There's no way he's going home.

Jason Castro sang If I Fell. He did an acoustic 60's coffee house version that was really good. It wasn't a concert performance, but the guy really has a charm that draws me in. I don't think he'll win this, but I will buy his cd.

Amanda did a great bluesy version of some Beatles song. I didn't understand most of the words, but she was really entertaining. No way she's going home.

Kristy sang a country version of 8 Days a Week. She got panned. Her voice was good. I think the only problem with the song was that the tempo was too fast. She needed to slow it down and then it would have worked. Too bad, because she's in danger.

Michael Johns was okay with Across the Universe, but I keep waiting for him to wow me with something other than his looks. I really want him to do well (probably because he's so good looking), but he always seems to come in short of memorable. However, I think he has a large fan base that feels the same way and wants to keep him around for that breakout performance.

The rest, David "Stripper" Hernandez, Sayesha, and Ramielle were okay but forgettable.

Unfortunately, the worst was America's Sweetheart, David Archuletta who did a really dismal Stevie Wonder version of some forgettable Beatles song. (When will people stop doing Stevie Wonder versions - that's so tired). He was way out of his element. He forgot the words and basically, his performance stunk. Based solely on tonight's performance, David would go home. However, there is no way that will happen because of the strength of his past performances and the fact that every girl under the age of 15 is in love with him, and because he really does have a great voice.

So, the evictee, I think, will be Kristy, David Hernandez or Ramiele. Sayesha will squeek by, but despite her looks and entertainer personality, her time is limited.

Re: American Idol
#520910 03/12/08 02:58 AM
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BROOKE was my absolute favorite last night. As of now, I want her to win.

Other faves were David Cook, Jason Castro and Amanda Overmeyer.

I thought Kristi Lee and Ramielle were better than the judges did. I liked the hoe-down version Kristi did and thought Ramielle's version was very pretty.

David Stripper, Chickezie, and Michael were not standouts to me.

Carly and Syesha I enjoyed well enough.

Young David A stood out for his flubbing of the lyrics and his gracious, polite manner with the judges.

A fun start. I hate to see anyone leave yet.

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Re: American Idol
#520911 03/12/08 11:42 PM
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re: tonight's first exit from the top 12...

I have no problem with it.

Yet I can't help but wonder if it was by actual votes or if the AI top dawgs weren't wanting to scrape off a perceived blemish.

My co-workers all felt Kristi Lee would be gone tonight. I didn't agree, and argued the country fans would save her, yet I could offer no substitute for the exodus.

I guess that's a good sign, when I can't actually say without doubt, "oh, THIS person or one of THESE people is leaving tonight". Fun!

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Re: American Idol
#520912 03/14/08 01:52 AM
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I haven't actually watched the ful performances yet but I recorded it, caught a couple of performances in full and the recap clips. From those my impressions are:

Jason can certainly sing but I'm bored of him. Every performance has been exactly the same, he's reaching really badly for some of the high notes and he doesn't half gurn and grimace as he's singing. If he doesn't do something different soon then he's going to get teh boot simply for being dull.

Same goes for Amanda. I know she's got a certain look that she's going for but her styling just looks horribly dated and her performances are all exactly the same. No matter what she's singing they all sound exactly alike. he just doesn't appear to have any depth to her performances. I want her to be so much better than she is but if she just keeps retreading the same old same old then she's not going to last long. t the moment I'm just being made aware of the fact that there have been much better rockers on AI who didn't last very long.

Cheesy is just cheesy. No knock to his singing which is competant but I simply don't see the appeal of him. e's not got anything 'real' about him.

Michael is hot but getting duller by the week. Of all of them he's the one that i wanted to wow me most and he's not done it once since the auditions. I don;t know if it's just the songs he's picking or his performance on a basic level. He's never been bad, he's just never been great either which is a huge shame.

Ramielle is a great little singer but just doesn't seem to know what to do when she gets on stage. She looks lost and doesn't seem to have any heart behind her singing. It didn't help that I think the arrangement of that song was appaling (I'm not a Beatles fan anyway but their songs can be done well by others) but she just didn;t do anything standout with it either way.

Kristi Lee could possibly be quite good but she's not at the moment. The arrangement of the song again didn;t help. It seems like she's taken the comment about Country and gone so full on for it that she's lost anything unique about her as if she thinks that just because she could be the only country singer in the top twelve that'd be enough to get her through. It's not, but then her voice isn't as good as most of the others so I don't think there's much she can do to save herself.

Syesha should be better than she is and I still think she thinks she's a lot better than she's been so far. She's good and there's something appealing about her but there's a slight cockiness to her performances that isn't quite backed up by the quality. I think she is someone who has the potential to develop well over the series though.

David A f*cked up big time but had the good grace to admit to it. He'll get away with it fine maybe once more and then people will start to hold it as a problem no matter how good his voice is. He also needs to do something compleetly different from his other performances. I do think he can change it up and get away with it as well, which I'm not sure is true of Jason, so even though it could be a risk it might pay out in the long run. f he's going to make it to the final two though he does need to show more versatility.

David H I didn't think was all that bad, although I did only see the recap bit of his performance. I don;t think he deserved to go this early since I think he's got a lot of potential. I doubt the whole stripper revelation really had any affect on him getting voted out but I think he could still have a career if he plays his cards right.

David Cook I hated. Really, really hated. His stupid hair is really bugging me now but there was something about the performance that i found unbelievably plastic and fake. I don't believe for a second that he's the rocker that he's trying to be. He can carry a tune but I don't think there's anything interesting or unique about his voice and I really don't understand why so many people find him so enjoyable. I think it's purely a taste thing on that front rather than him being Bucky-bad or something, but the sooner he goes the better in my book.

The only two that really stood out from the pack for me were Brooke and Carly.

Carly gave a great performance (even though she does pull some utterly bizarre faces when she's singing) and just has a lovely voice. She shows up Amanda big time in terms of being able to rock out and still sing in tune and have the words be intelligable. I love her sleeve as well.

Brooke did a song that I utterly detest but did it beautifully. There's something incredibly serene about her and she does appear to be the love child of Joni Mitchell and Tori Amos without just seeming like a cheap knock off of either of them. She could be in danger of just being too, too nice but I think she's just the right side of it and comes across as being very laid back and gentle without being sappy or sentimental. I still think that her appeal is going to be too narrow for her to actually win since she's very folk and not a mainstream artist but I would love her to go all the way. She's pretty much certain to get a career at the end of the day even if its not going to be a chart smashing one but I think she appeals to the kind of people who will be very loyal to her and will buy her records and see her in concert regardless of whether she's 'cool' or not. She's also managed to do songs that are quite similar each week without seeming to get stuck in the rutt in the way that Jason, Amanda and David A have. Just going from thsi week alone she'd be my pick as the winner. I doubt it'll happen but I'll be very, very happy if it does.

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Re: American Idol
#520913 03/16/08 07:14 PM
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You guys have all met the man I\'m going to marry right?

Meanwhile, VFTW is now fully backing Amanda Overmeyer and reports that li'l David Archuletta's dad is a "stage dad from hell" whose company has been in dealings with both AI and Star Search for years. Explains why David A got to sing for the Season 1 contestants.

I'm ready for Tuesday....

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Re: American Idol
#520914 03/16/08 07:18 PM
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Amanda's the worst?!?! Wow! And she got raves from the judges! Tough times for VFTW this year, huh? They are missing them some Sanjaya! lol

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: American Idol
#520915 03/16/08 08:46 PM
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As happens almost every year, an AI performance has rekindled or introduced me to a song that I just cannot get out of my head. "Across the Universe" is it for now. I liked Michael's rendition fine, but it lead me to find Fiona Apple's rendition, which I knew but forgot about. Well, now I'm repeating it constantly on youtube!


Looking forward to more. I hope someone does "Oh, Darlin'" and I hope they do it well. It's quite difficult. I'd like Amanda to do it, I think.

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