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Re: American Idol
#520791 04/27/07 05:43 AM
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*Patty Griffin and/or Solomon Burke
*Up to the Mountain

Re: American Idol
#520792 04/27/07 06:02 PM
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Solomon Burke sings one of my favourite-ever songs 'Cry To Me' (which was on the 'Dirty Dancing' soundtrack). LOVE that song! Will listen out for his version of 'Up To The Mountain' too.

Re: American Idol
#520793 04/27/07 06:53 PM
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Well, the crappy song choice continues apace...

Chris: Oh my gods, seriously, Chris is one of the creepiest people I have ever seen in my entire life. Those horrible dead eyes, his twisted snarly little mouth, his hunched wobbling around the stage pretending he can move rhythmyically and his nasal, grating droning just make me want to hide behind the sofa until he goes away. He makes my flesh crawl, he really does. I am no longer amused by the way that he is clearly a pyscopath because it's not a joke, he *really* does look like he's a pyscopath. Who simply isn't a very good singer. Yik.

Melinda: The orchestra needed a bit of a slap here. It's the kind of song that should be left for the singer to build (with the backing singers brining the depth to that) but despite the fact that Melinda is fully capable of doing that she was drowned out fairly badly for the first verse or so. She didn't let her phase that and was pretty bloody good. She sure can belt without losing the tune, which is something that most of the others haven't got. She's very Tina Turner, in a very good way, and I sure hope the rumour that she would have been in the bottom three is wrong because no way in hell should she have been there.

Blake: Here's a suggestion - go to an on-line thesaurus of some kind and look up different ways of saying 'vomit'. Chunder, spew, worship the porcelain god, technicolour yawn, and so on and so forth. Now see if you can guess the link between that game and Blake. Repellant little turd. Fairly horrendously tuneless tonight as well. I really dislike the song to start with but he took a song that I think is hugely over-rated, dull and trite and make it a million times worse than anyone else has. That's quite an achievement. Shame it's a crap achievment.

Lakisha: Dammit but the girl needs to stop shouting. She can sing, no arguement about that, but she really doesn't seem to have much idea about how to actually *perform*. Also the outfit she had on made her look like her boobs were hoiked uop around her chin and still had no shame. She usually looks stunning and this week for some reason she really didn't. I don't know if I can be bothered caring if she stays or goes any more. Which that weren't so, but it is.

Phil: Eh, the Singing Penis was pretty shouty and mostly a bit dull and... eh. My good golly but he looks like a singing penis though.

Jordin: This was actually the first week for a good long while that I've not liked Jordin. Again it's a song that I don't like but she was verging on shouting at points and for the rest of it it was incredibly plodding and just didn't go anywhere. Plus she should really have either been dead and being creepy in a fairground or stood in a football stadium dressed in red and white.

So, apart from Melinda a pretty rubbish week this week. So that was the worst that was to come, yes?

Oh no. No such luck.

Really, did any of you actually sit all the way through the hideous 'Idol Gives Back' bollocks? The embaressing film clips of celebs being earnest made me cringe, Ben Stiller had to have a laugh track over his tedious 'comedy' so that he didn't looks completely stupid (or I guess that was the theory because the laugh track just made it worse) and the actual songs from proper singers were so few and far between (even on the trimmed down version we get here) that there seemed no point. Sure it's good that the programme is trying to make a difference to people that need the help but really if that's the best that they can do then what's the point. What was there about it that actually encouraged people to watch the whole of the programme? No wonder TV telethons in America always clunk so badly if that's the standard of a relativly short charity show. Jeez. The best part of the charity side of things was Cat Deeley talking to Annie Lennox about her own experiences of doing the charity trips to Africa and that wasn't even shown on US tv. It's a bit sad really.

However the worst thing bits were the two songs involving the poor contestants. The Phantom Crap Hat Placer attacked Phil again but whoever decied that the all white look for them all would be a good idea really needs to punched repeatedly. At least Melinda had the good grace to look mortified by the cheesiness of them all dressed like that. And the songs... oh dear lord the songs. What a pile of shite they both were, although Quincy Jones' one was the worst by a margin. The awfully emotive African musical stereotypes, the way the song just plodded and went nowhere, the burbling screeching and groaning that was eminating from the mouths of Blake, Chris and Phil, the general awfullness of it all... urgh. Just, urgh.

Oh, and if I had voted in good faith that I was voting for the contest and then found that those votes actually had nothing to do with the vote I would be fuming. In the UK that would actually be illegal and the programme would be majorly fined for it. You can't sell something as one thing and then say in a twist that it was nothing of the sort. It's false advertising no matter how much money is raised for a good cause at the samed time.

I'm a getting a bit fed up with AI this season. Can we just sack it off and admit that Melinda should be the winner but it'll probably be someone as hideous as Blake. *sigh*

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Re: American Idol
#520794 05/02/07 12:36 AM
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A suprisingly good show tonight, especially considering I'm not the biggest Bon Jovi fan.

Everyone did well, with Jordin probably having the weakest night of the group. Won't hurt her any, I hope.

And tonight Blake gave what has to be the kewlest performance of any AI show ever. I may be deciding he should win over Jordin now (I'm still of the belief Melinda's better off NOT winning ala Clay or Chris Daughtry, and doesn't need this).

So yeah, top 3: Blake, Jordin and Melinda.

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Re: American Idol
#520795 05/02/07 01:29 AM
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I love Bon Jovi, so I was pretty excited to see/hear this show.

My opinions on worst to best...

Chris. He just didn't do anything with the song (which I love) and I'm just not that much of a fan.

Jordin. Weird. She's totally my favorite, but that song is really hard to do, and she did not rally. There must have been *some* other Bon Jovi song she could have done. I loved her big hair, though.

Melinda. I just don't care for that more modern Bon Jovi song, but she did a very good job on it.

Lakisha. Hmm... don't know that song, but she delivered it really, really well. I was giggling as she kissed Simon.

Phil. I LOVE that song and I thought he did a really good job. I'm still not a huge fan, but I do like what I've been hearing from him, lately.

Blake. Well, he was awesome! It was just the right time for him to do the beat-box thing again, and he came up with a very cool arrangement for You Give Love a Bad Name. Way fun!

Re: American Idol
#520796 05/02/07 01:32 AM
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You're right, Lash (edit--and Dean): Blake sure did steal the show tonight! The Beat Box returned with his most prominent use of it yet. Never thought it would work so well on "You Give Love a Bad Name", but it did! Mega, mega kewl! Amazingly, his voice was very strong on the chorus, making it sound more powerful than I thought it would. Blake was original, and really, really good tonight!

Which two should go? Other than Chris, I'm really torn. Chris definitely needs to go. He's old, old news.

I count myself as a fan of the Singing Penis, and I feel he's aquitted my fandom very well the last three performances. I'll miss him if he goes this week.

Until this week, I was ready to cut Lakisha loose. She's been going very downhill with all the recent theme weeks. But, of all things, she made a comeback on rock week! Damn! I do have issues with her personality. She just seems the least personable of the six finalists.

Okay, as long as Chris goes, I'll be happy if it means Blake, Melinda and Jordin are still in. Those three do too well week-in and week-out to leave at this point. I'd prefer to see the S.P. make it to the Final Four, but I could live with him leaving with Chris as I think he's shown enough to get a record deal.

Justice will be done so long as Chris leaves, whether it's Lakisha or S.P. who goes with him.

Who thought a night of Bon Jovi songs on AI would be so excellent?

Seeya Wednesday night!

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: American Idol
#520797 05/02/07 12:00 PM
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Other than Jordin, no one was horrible last night. AI so wants Jordin to win--if Lakisha had mangled a song like that, she would have been raked over the coals. I fear Lakisha will be going home tonight, and it's a shame that she'll go home the week she finally brought back her sass and fire. I thought she was the best last night. Melinda was good, but I wasn't WOWED like I was with Kiki. I need to watch Blake's performance again, I think. I watched it with some friends who all thought it was great, but I was kinda "meh" about it.
With any luck, it'll be Chris and Phil going home. I am sorta over Chris now and I've never cared for Phil.
I know it'll never happen, but a Melinda/Lakisha final 2 would be DIVA-tastic!

Re: American Idol
#520798 05/02/07 12:42 PM
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Phil needs to stop wearing hats. He can't pull them off and he looks like a big poser.

I thought Blake and Melinda did a great job last night. First time that Blake hasn't sounded strained in his voice. Melinda is just a class above everyone. She know how to sing and perform.

Re: American Idol
#520799 05/02/07 11:04 PM
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Farewell, Singing Penis...I'll miss ya! I hope you put out one hell of an album next year cuz I'm gonna buy it!

Goodbye, Chris...for the last time, nasal is NOT a singing style!

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: American Idol
#520800 05/03/07 03:11 AM
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Well, these results weren't entirely unexpected. What was unexpected was how touching both exits were.

Plus both guys sounded great on their farewell numbers.

And I *really liked* the song Bon Jovi did.

Robin Thicke was, er-- different.

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Re: American Idol
#520801 05/03/07 03:30 AM
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There's a good chance we won't get to see AI this week because we're off up to Glasgow to see some friends but I'm not sorry to see the back of those two. OK so the Singing Penis has actually come on a long way in the last couple of weeks and proved that maybe he did actually deserve to be there after all but the creepy psycho Chris should have been booted a long time ago. Hell, he should have been booted after his 'nasal singing' rubbish. Maybe he will now realise what a stupid thing that was to say in teh first place.

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Re: American Idol
#520802 05/03/07 08:21 AM
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Woo-Hoo, Lakisha made it through!

Nothing can overcome the love between Chris and Blake, apparently. :-)

Re: American Idol
#520803 05/04/07 05:23 AM
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I'm not surprised by the rejections. I did expect it to be Lakisha instead of Phil, but I'm glad she's still there.

So, it's Blake and the Dream Girls! I'm interested! I like them all, but I'm hopeful for Jordin.


My ideal lineup:
4th place: Lakisha
3rd Melinda
2nd Blake
1st Jordin!

I'll have to go back over this season's threads and see if I've changed my mind much.

Lash, I saw Robin Thicke on Oprah, and all the ladies were *swooning* over him. I didn't get it, either.

Re: American Idol
#520804 05/06/07 07:01 PM
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Turns out we got home in time to see it this afternoon, so review time...

The Singing Penis: Actually once again Phil was pretty good this week. Not spectacular but he was easily the best boy. He looks most comfortable doing country rock rather than the middle of the road pop he seems to think he's good at. It's just a shame it took him this late in the game to work it out. He probably shoudl have gone before now based on previous performances so it's annoying he's suddenly gotten quite good. Even if he looks like a singing penis...

Jordin: Really not good this week. Vocally one of the weakest performances this week and certainly one of her weakest ones since we first saw her. Huge credit to her for admitting straight away that it wasn't very good. It wasn't awful exactly but it wasn't anything like we've come to expect from her. Very clearly not her musical style though.

Lakisha: oh my, the girl done good finally. This is the kind of thing we know she can do and she has just failed to do since about the first week and finally she shows us why she's there in the first place. It was a brilliant pick of song but it was also an absolutely stunning vocal performace. In fact I would probably say it's one of the best performances of the whole series. If she can do that kind of thing for the next couple of weeks should could actually stand a chance of winning. I would be surprised if she can, but also quite pleased.

Blake: Rachael Hunter (on the UK cut of AI) expressed me feelings almost perfectly. It was one of the most hideous embaressing car crashes I have ever seen. It was juvenile and puerile and just generally awful. His guppy mouth and gormless expressions were not vastly improved by his new haircut and I would rather have root surgery than watch his smug face again. I do wish he'd just get voted off and bugger off.

Chris: Aww, such a shame, the singing psycho has got the boot. That was just an unbelievably dull performance. Absolutely bog all happened with it and his evil piggy eyes were just scary. Yick.

Melinda: Yay! We love Melinda. Bloody good song, bloody good performance. Lakisha maybe was more goosebumply but Melinda was brilliant as ever.

Now if I had my way Blake will get the boot next week because Lakisha manages another brillaint week and then Lakisha will go and we'll get the two divas, Jordin and Mel,inda, left to battle it out for a well deserved title. Unfortunately I have a horrible feeling Blake is going to survive next week and could even make it to the final. I really hope not, but...

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Re: American Idol
#520805 05/09/07 01:28 AM
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OK, Barry Gibb night... me and the bf (or "Greg", as he now wants to be called) watched. Here's what we thought, based on both performances:

ME (from fave to least fave):

Jordin took the night for me. I liked both of her songs a lot.

Lakisha was a lot of fun tonight for me; I didn't know her second song but enjoyed it. It may be too late for her to grow a personality, though.

Blake rocked the first song but I thought the second was a bit iffy.

Melinda I love, but her perfection is growing a little boring for me. Plus who is AI going to market her to (a problem they apparently had with Taylor)?

GREG (from fave to least fave):

Melinda is still the best regardless of a bad night. This was not her best, but still she is always solid!

Blake, to begin with has always been cute.....but he has always been true to his form and it has always been unique. Tonight, maybe he tried to do too much, but was still true to himself.

Jordin is always lovely, but I'll agree that the second choice left much to be desired. I would still love for her to stay and think she should, but I did not think she has been as solid as others of late.

Lakisha has never been one of my faves since the first week. Tonight was no exception. She can belt out a song but there is a fine line.

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Re: American Idol
#520806 05/09/07 03:23 AM
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Melinda's first song was okay, but had no wow factor.

Blake's first song was okay, but had no wow factor.

Lakisha did a terrible job on her first song.

Jordin was AWESOME with her first song.

Melinda's second song was a great choice, but she didn't do it all that well, IMO. She didn't give it the tenderness and heartache it needed. Ruben did this song SO well in season 2.

Blake's voice sounded really good a few times during his second song, but otherwise it was basically kinda dull.

Lakisha did a lot better with her second song, but she seemed to run out of steam.

I didn't think Jordin's second song was all that pitchy, but it's hard to not compare it to Barbra Streisand's version.

Not such a great night, overall. Jordin's first song was best in show.

I'm thinking Lakisha could be out, but Blake's in danger, too. If Melinda or Jordin go, it'll be a giant upset.

Re: American Idol
#520807 05/09/07 10:43 AM
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Everyone was on overall disappoint last night. Jordin can't seem to do anything but ballads. I still like Melinda.

Two questions though....

1. What was wrong with Barry Gibbs lip.

2. Also has he always sounded like Sean Connery?

Re: American Idol
#520808 05/09/07 08:12 PM
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Something else else fun borrowed from Yellow Kid's BITS thread! (click to enlarge)

click to enlarge

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Re: American Idol
#520809 05/09/07 10:03 PM
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<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Well, this wasn't entirely unexpected. Lakisha's gone.</span></span>

I'll be interested to see if <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Blake</span></span> can get past either Jordin or Melinda to make the final. had <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Blake</span></span> listed as # 1 after Tuesday night's show and <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Lakisha</span></span> in last place, so who knows...

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Re: American Idol
#520810 05/10/07 02:15 AM
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I just wish they didn't stretch this out into an hour long show. It just feels like a long commercial for everthing...Ford, the Fantastic Four movie, Pink's album, all the actual commercials, etc, etc.

Sorry, the medley's are corny. I've rarely enjoyed one over the years.

The result was no surprise.

Re: American Idol
#520811 05/10/07 02:18 AM
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This is what I posted a month ago. I was pretty close....

Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
None of this shocks me. It's very Idol formula. I mean, yeah, Gina's better than Phil or Haley, so they should have gone earlier. Sanjaya is a novelty that won't wear off. Blah blah blah... The bottom half is always like this.

I start to get bothered when people who should be out sometime around the middle get to the top.

Here's my dream placement:

8. Phil
7. Haley
6. Sanjaya
5. Chris
4. Lakisha
3. Blake
2. Melinda
1. Jordin

If 8-5 make it past 4, that'll bug me.

(Still, even when I've been annoyed with the show, I've never vowed to quit watching!)

Re: American Idol
#520812 05/15/07 11:57 PM
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Blake is dreamy. This show was dreamy too, especially after last week's. I shall never watch a BeeGees-themed night again--what a waste. Good job to each of the final three!

Re: American Idol
#520813 05/16/07 12:15 AM
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Yes, the final three were out to WIN! I was really looking forward to each performance.

1. Jordin
a. I think she did a perfectly good job with her first song, starting off soft and sweet and building to big and dramatic.
b. Her second song was well done, too, but I don't care for it. That'd be the judges' fault, though.
c. I think it was very smart for her to do a song that people seem to like from her so well. If you go to youtube or iTunes, it's HUGE there.

a. Well, he was awesome tonight! Roxanne is a VERY difficult song, and he did it without making it a Sting impersonation.
b. Maroon 5 is the *perfect* choice for him! Great job, producers!
c. LOVE that song!!!! I remember it from MTV or VH1, but never knew the name of the artist OR the name of the song, so I'm SO glad Blake brought it back, to make it famous!

a. She's a force of nature at this point. She did a very good job on a beautiful Whitney Houston song. She didn't turn it into an impersonation either.
b. WOW! Nutbush City Limits is a MAJOR song from my childhood, so I was thrilled to have Melinda performing it! Love when that happens!
c. Again, a good idea for her to repeat a fan favorite. I support that idea. My wife thinks they shouldn't do that, but we'll just agree to disagree.

I want all of them to win! Can't we just have a three way tie? Okay, I'm going to totally change my mind and decide to keep Blake and Melinda.

No, I can't reject Jordin!

Um... I can't reject Blake or Melinda, either...


Okay, reject Jordin.


Re: American Idol
#520814 05/16/07 01:48 PM
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Dean, I could pretty much just quote your post and stop.

I love all three of them at this point and want them all to be winners.

But if forced, I'll say....

MELINDA took the night for me. There IS no better.

BLAKE came in second, it would take very LITTLE work to make him a colossal star right now.

And JORDIN... grudgingly... takes my bottom spot for last night.

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Re: American Idol
#520815 05/16/07 01:54 PM
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I think it'll go down between Melinda and Blake. I think Melinda and Jordin's votes will get split in favour of Melinda; the Jordin voters should go to Melinda, but with Blake's youth and tweenie-bopper appeal he might pull out the winner. Has he ever been in the bottom 2?

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