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Re: American Idol
#520716 03/13/07 11:52 PM
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I don't get it, as much of a jerk as I think he is, I thought Chris Sligh's reworking of Endless Love was brilliant! I would actually buy this version, or at least download it illegaly. smile

Totally hated Chris R, his voice is SO thin and reedy, he really has no business being here, hope he gets the boot.

The judges really need to be more consistent, one second they're blasting someone for doing the same old tired version of a song, and then the next minute they're telling the next contestant to let the classics speak for themselves, totally inane.

Re: American Idol
#520717 03/14/07 12:48 AM
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I agree completely BWB. It's like when Randy and Paula say "Take a risk." then next week bash the performance for being different than they expected.

Strangely I didn't agree with Simon even once tonight.

My prediction: Chris won't win AI but two years from now he'll be nominated for a grammy for his solo cd.

edit: Oh yeah, hi Beavis! It's been a while since we posted in the same forum, nice to see ya bubba!

Re: American Idol
#520718 03/14/07 01:35 AM
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It's a very interesting year - given that possibly the two best singers ever on this show are competing. I dont' know who will win, because it's always proven to be a crap shoot. However, I have some favorites - no surprise to anyone here, since you all seem to like them as well.

Melinda - she's probably the best singer technically and the second best emotionally. There's no question that Melinda has extensive vocal training. My Funny Valentine was a master class in jazz vocal. I love Melinda and her wild-eyed bewilderment that people actually like her (she's even better than Sally Field in that respect). I don't know if Melinda will win because she's such an intellectual singer. She's the type of singer that gives recitals with symphony orchestras backing her. I'd be pleased as punch if America actually voted for her. I'm thinking that it's possible, because even the "Vote for the Worst" people will respect her.

Lakisha: She's living the American dream. Here's a girl who I suspect came from an economically disadvantaged background. When I first saw her on American Idol, she was shy, awkward, had bad hair and no sense of style. Since then she's blossomed more and more every week. Each time I see her, I actually clap and fell like standing up and cheering. All that personal development aside, Lakisha has, from the beginning, had the most awesome raw talent. Her first performance of "And I am Telling You..." was so gutsy (given Jennifer Hudson's media attention) and powerful that I was in awe of her. Furthermore, that song is so easy to screech, but Lakisha controlled her voice throughout and gave an incredibly emotional and vocally brilliant performance. (Dream Girls was my favorite Broadway play and I've heard many versions of that song and Lakisha's was one of the best ever.) Tonight, Lakisha really showed her skill in her dramatically understated performance. I can't decide who I like better. To tell the truth, I think both Lakisha and Melinda should share the American Idol prize this year.

Of the other girls, I loved Stephanie, but unfortuately, she is overshadowed this year. Any other year, she'd be one of the top 2. I like Jordin's voice, but her performance tonight seemed like she was peforming a nominated song at the Academy Awards - it was kind of schmaltzy.

The guys are weak, but a couple are really good. They need to stay within their comfort zones and stake their ground.

Blake - he's really talented - not strong vocally, but a very pleasing voice for indy/electronic music. He definitely has a future in the industry and I would buy his records.

Chris Sligh - I love his voice with all its texture. He's very talented. I hope he finds the right songs to showcase it. He should be one of the last guys standing.

Lastly, I just want Brandon to succeed. Somehow, I know he has it in him - he just hasn't shown it yet. Plus he's got the best smile in the world.

That's it.

Re: American Idol
#520719 03/14/07 01:55 AM
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Hi Semi!

Re: American Idol
#520720 03/14/07 02:35 AM
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I actually felt like it was a pretty bad show. Paging Bevis! I need some of your critique style!

12. Sanjaya. He's just never kicked into gear.

11. Haley. It might have gone okay if she didn't flub up so badly. She looked way better than normal. The stylists did wonders with her!

10. Brandon. Dull, and then he messed up.

9. Gina. So monotonous! Which is weird because that song has so much potential for drama.

8. Chris R. I don't know that song very well, but it never drew me in. He looked like he was in pain most of the time.

7. Stephanie. The judges said it best... it was just an intro. Where's the song, Steph? Bad choice.

6. Chris S. His vocals were not bad at all. He also gets points for innovation, but I'm not so sure it actually worked. Maybe... hence his position in my review.

5. Phil. His vocals were not bad either, but I think it's just that I like that song so much, that he gets points for not totally screwing it up.

4. Blake. His version of his song was a better re-working than Chris', but his vocals were just okay. He's cool, though, so that counts. Well, except, what were those shoes?

At this point, I should say that the above singers were real disappointments, because there was SO much potential with Diana Ross material. Her delivery isn't all about power, it's about character. That's what those kids need.

Now, the following singers have it all...

3. Lakisha. I like that she didn't over-do it, but I also think she could have brought a *bit* more to it. When I watch/listen again, I may change my mind. I might fall in love with this rendition.

2. Guess what! Melinda's #2 for me! I remember Kimberly Locke's version of that song from season 2, and I fell in love with that, so I was comparing this version. Melinda's was a lot more soulful, which was great, but KLo's was more dramatic. Also, I have a recollection of Stephanie Mills' version. As I said above, I may listen to this again and change my mind. Melinda is adorable.

1. JORDIN! That song is just so sweet and she did it very well. I loved it. Yes, the performance was a *bit* Disney Channel, but it was a good one.

So, the "Dream Girls" of AI6 saved this show. I'm ready to cut to the chase....

(Aw, I'll wait it out. It'll be fun along the way, I'm sure.)

Re: American Idol
#520721 03/14/07 05:49 AM
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Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Of the other girls, I loved Stephanie, but unfortuately, she is overshadowed this year.
We were talking about that the other day actually. While we've been tearing down the boys for being crap (and some of the girls as well) if most of them had been in previous years of AI then we probably wouldn't be being so harsh on them. Unfortunately this year you have a few absolutely outstanding singers (Lakisha, Melinda, Jordin and Chris S) who are just overshadowing the others. Stephanie is very goos but she's simply not got the power of a couple of others or the stage presence. She could easily blossom as the show progresses but she might lose out not because she's not good enough but because the others are so very good.

I'm off down to visit my parents and brother this weekend so there's a chance I might miss most of AI this week unless they repeat it all on Sunday (which they probably will) so I might have to do a review sight unseen as t'were. If that's the case it'll probably be something like this:

Blake makes me want to hurl the annoying tit.

Brandon disappointed because I want him to be great and he wasn't.

Chris R needs to be run over with a steamroller at the first chance. Then we can go and find the dead bodies stashed under his bed.

Phil wore a bad hat. Again.

Chris S was great but he's a cocky idiot who needs taking down a peg or two.

Stephanie was very good but not good enough compared to some of the others.

Lakisha is utterly fabulous and probably will eb voted off first.

Jordin was a surprise, and a nice one at that.

Melinda should just quit now and get a proper recording contract because she really doesn't need AI to launch a career.

All the others were completely forgettable.

If Paula really isn't high on drugs of some kind then she probably needs to be.

Ryan is an arse.

See, I could probably cut and paste that almost every week and just remove anyone who gets booted off. wink

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Re: American Idol
#520722 03/14/07 04:50 PM
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Originally posted by Bevis:

Blake makes me want to hurl the annoying tit.

*He did a modernization of "Keep Me Hanging On." His vocals were okay, but not very exciting. He did some kind of moon walkish dance moves which I'm sure would have bothered you.

Brandon disappointed because I want him to be great and he wasn't.

*Yep! He even flubbed some lyrics!

Chris R needs to be run over with a steamroller at the first chance. Then we can go and find the dead bodies stashed under his bed.

*Uh, okay.... Anyway, his performance was dry dry dry.

Phil wore a bad hat. Again.

*Nope! Bald head in shining glory. His vocals were fine, but his stage presence is dull/lame.

Chris S was great but he's a cocky idiot who needs taking down a peg or two.

*He orchestrated a Coldplay beat behind "Endless Love" and after listening to it again, I like it more than the first time. He's very humble when the judges critique him. I wish he was more confident. It'd also make his humor seem more real, instead of a front.

Stephanie was very good but not good enough compared to some of the others.

*True, and there was a more definite reason this time. She chose "Love Hangover." She flubbed some lyrics and the song never went anywhere. Simon said her entire performance was like an intro... waiting for the song to kick in, and I totally agree.

Lakisha is utterly fabulous and probably will eb voted off first.

*Hah! Yep, and probably.

Jordin was a surprise, and a nice one at that.

* Hah! Yep!

Melinda should just quit now and get a proper recording contract because she really doesn't need AI to launch a career.

*She'll join the other 4th Place Wonders like Tamyra Gray and Latoya London and Chris Daughtry. You all know about AI's 4th Place Wonders, don't you?

All the others were completely forgettable.

*Sanjaya and Haley were pretty bad, actually. Gina was pretty forgettable.

If Paula really isn't high on drugs of some kind then she probably needs to be.

*Paula seemed fine this time.

Ryan is an arse.

*He kept it under control pretty well. He and Simon did go 'round and 'round about the "closet" for a moment, but it could have been
a lot worse.

*Can I add that Randy is HUGE again! Gastric Bypass didn't stick! Yikes.

See, I could probably cut and paste that almost every week and just remove anyone who gets booted off. wink

You were pretty dang close!

Re: American Idol
#520723 03/14/07 04:56 PM
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My bad, I keep mixing up their names. Chris doesn't really do anything for me it's Blake that has the most potential of the guys to have a real career.

Where did the talent go? Season 5 kicked booty but 6 is pretty unexciting in comparison.

Re: American Idol
#520724 03/14/07 06:21 PM
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Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Chris S was great but he's a cocky idiot who needs taking down a peg or two.

*He orchestrated a Coldplay beat behind "Endless Love" and after listening to it again, I like it more than the first time. He's very humble when the judges critique him. I wish he was more confident. It'd also make his humor seem more real, instead of a front.
See, i think you guys might be missing something important with regards to Mr Sligh here. I think I already mentioned that we have extra filmed bits with the contestants and Cat Deeley (presenter of So You Think You Can Dance). Anyway, on there some of them come across quite well and others don't Melinda and Lakisha are lovely off stage as well as on. Gina comes across as being a bit... I dunno, angry maybe. Confrontational certainly. They seem to be a little more relaxed than they are in any of the US shown stuff since they're backstage, it's obviously just Cat and one cameraman and they seem to let their guard down a bit.

Anyway Chris S in those little segments is not doing himself any favours. He joked about how he was purposefully sabotaging the song choices of the others and suchlike. Granted he was joking but he's come out with a few comments like that that make you realise he is actually very cocky and has a certain edge to him that isn't all that pleasant. He knows he's a bloody good singer but he's a bit too smug about it and really, really doesn't like the judges criticising him even when they've absolutely right. You don't see that when he's on stage but the more I see of him on the backstage segments the more I think his entire humble but jokey persona is actually a complete act.

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Re: American Idol
#520725 03/14/07 09:39 PM
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Totally okay with tonight's predictable exit.

Now this person can return to where he had the most success, as a backup singer. Unlike our other backup singer, who most DEFinitely has "IT", this young man never could seem to break out.

And really, never EVER try a cutesy little dance if it's going to jack up your memory of the lyrics.

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Re: American Idol
#520726 03/14/07 10:44 PM
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Originally posted by Bevis:
[QUOTE]Anyway Chris S in those little segments is not doing himself any favours. He joked about how he was purposefully sabotaging the song choices of the others and suchlike. Granted he was joking but he's come out with a few comments like that that make you realise he is actually very cocky and has a certain edge to him that isn't all that pleasant. He knows he's a bloody good singer but he's a bit too smug about it and really, really doesn't like the judges criticising him even when they've absolutely right. I think his entire humble but jokey persona is actually a complete act.
Wow this is almost word for word what I was gonna write. Chris coes off as COMPLETELY insincere. The aw shucks thing is totally an act. He's realized how smug he came across initially and has since been backpedalling and trying to re-spin his image. He's keeping tight-lipped when being judged because he knows he hasn't done himself any favors... but just below the surface you know he's dying to flip=off the judges.

Ahhh Brandon... my heart melts everytime you smile... if only you could have grown a set and belted onr out there a la Ms. Doo. <sigh>

Re: American Idol
#520727 03/14/07 11:21 PM
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Sanjay always looks SO surprised. Can't say I blame him, it alwayys surprises me too when he squeeks through yet again.

Re: American Idol
#520728 03/15/07 05:34 AM
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I didn't do a running analysis this week but I have to agree with LASH once again, I was fine with the exit that occurred...

Touch the magic...
Re: American Idol
#520729 03/15/07 11:44 AM
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I'm surprised that Phil was in the bottom three. IMO, his vocal was the best among the guys Tuesday. I disagreed with the judges, who said he screamed the high notes. Yeah, he did last week, but I thought his singing was nearly perfect this week. I didn't feel that he lacked charisma either.

Sanjay's smile is infectious, but he should've been gone long ago. How long will Rasputin live?

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: American Idol
#520730 03/15/07 12:31 PM
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I'm thinking that the public was being hard on Brandon because he's supposedly already a professional singer and that he should be better than he is. I know that's how I feel. It's no surprise when Sanjaya doesn't blow us away, but Brandon should. Doesn't seem fair, but it is what it is.

I was surpised Haley wasn't in the bottom three. Cute girl factor, I guess!

When I thought about it, though, there was something ....uncomfortable.... about Phil demanding to be loved.

Re: American Idol
#520731 03/15/07 12:31 PM
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You can't hurry love...

Re: American Idol
#520732 03/15/07 03:36 PM
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Haley was awful but she got the horned up male vote which ended up outnumbering the sympathy vote which got split between Brandon and Sanjaya.

On the positive side... at least we know Sanjaya's popularity is starting to wane if he's finishing in the bottom 3... hopefully it'll keep slipping, though I'm hoping Chris R is the next to leave. If I have to see that Charlie Brown head bobble one more time... oy.

Re: American Idol
#520733 03/21/07 02:00 AM
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Overall, this was a much better show than last week. Maybe they aren't as nervous about the big stage and band and audience.

Worst to Best.

11. Phil. I've never been a big fan. His performance was just shouty and hectic with no charm.

10. Stephanie. She had no spark at all. It's weird because she started off this season with so much. I wonder if it has to do with fitting into unfamiliar genres is her issue. (Nadia sang that song 2 years ago, much better!)

9. Sanjaya. I know he's cute and all that, but even when he let go and rocked out, it felt still a bit forced. I actually don't think he's BAD, just not good for this show.

8. Gina. I wish she was either a tough b*tch or a sweet girl. She doesn't seem to fit into either category, which means she's always somewhere in the middle.

7. Haley. I thought she sounded good and looked amazing! Legs!!!!

6. Chris R. I might like this better on second viewing, but although his vocal quality was fine, I didn't think the song was that good for him.

5. Chris S. He sounded good and didn't try messing with stuff.

4. Blake. Updating that song worked for sure, this time. I wonder if it will be the question every week? Blake's a star.

3. Lakisha. She sounded very good. It was a great, dramatic song to use in this competition. I agree with the judges that she's better when she gives it a more sass/soul.

2. Melinda. Great haircut! Oh, and she sounded excellent, too. However, Nadia did that song 2 years ago, and I prefer that version.

1. JORDIN!!! I like this girl! For the second week for me, she chose a great song and delivered it! I was grinning as she hit those big notes! She looked beautiful, too.

Re: American Idol
#520734 03/21/07 09:42 AM
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The little crying girl stole the show for me.

Yes, the ensuckulation factor of last night's show was much less than usual-- even Sanjaya wasn't bad.

Although Stephanie gets my "worst of the night" award... Nadia Turner OWNS "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me", and Stephanie is NO Nadia.

And even though Melinda did well on "As Long As He Needs Me", she certainly didn't make me forget Nadia's version.

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Re: American Idol
#520735 03/21/07 09:44 AM
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Nice to see Dean hasn't forgotten Nadia either!

Oh, and I now am rooting for Jordin to win. She kicked butt! Melinda and Blake (my other top picks) don't need this as much.

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Re: American Idol
#520736 03/21/07 11:12 AM
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Well Jordin was my pick a few pages ago. smile

I actually liked Chris R last night, it was nice to actually hear him sing for once, though both he and Blake do that annoying thing where they twist their mouths up and sing out of the corner, visually, that's fairly unbecoming. tongue

Haley was a nice surprise.

Chris S., hated the walk thru the audience, everything with him seems so forced, so staged, so insincere.

Bottom 3... Phil (I don't get the Phil love at all!), Sanjaya and Gina, with Phil getting he boot.

Re: American Idol
#520737 03/21/07 04:17 PM
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Ever since my fave Leslie was eliminated *SOB* I've been telling my roommate that Jordin is the one to watch.

And last night showed why! Girl can SING! Her voice was pitch perfect and on point all the way through that song. And she's young, bubbly and cute - completely appealing and marketable.

Of her only real female competition, I like Lakisha and Stephanie and love Melinda but wonder if all three of them didn't peak too early. The former 2 have not subsequently matched their stunning opening night performances and Melinda is such a firm-favourite so quickly that I worry some type of backlash might be in store for her if she has even one off-night.

Of the guys, only the two Chris' and Blake have a chance and while I like Chris Sligh's voice the best of them all, I think his personality will grate with too many viewers before all is said and done. Chris R and Blake are both good but Blake wins out for being so original. Though I do wonder if people won't get sick of Blake's beat-boxing sooner rather than later. I think I kinda am.

My prediction for the Bottom 3 and who's leaving are the same as BWB.

My prediction for Final 3 are Melinda, Jordin and Blake with either Lakisha or one of the Chris' in the 4th spot.

Re: American Idol
#520738 03/21/07 04:24 PM
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P.S. I missed the beginning of the night so just caught Haley's performance on YouTube! LOVED it! I don't think she's got what it takes to win but good for her for proving she deserves to be there!

Re: American Idol
#520739 03/21/07 05:42 PM
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I have to say I'm surprised anyone is still watching this season. I gave it up after they settled the top 12. There just isn't any talent there that I care about. Not one of them is worthy to be a back-up singer for any of last year's losers. Just MHO.

Re: American Idol
#520740 03/21/07 05:56 PM
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Blacula, I miss Leslie, too. :-(

Lakisha was actually my favorite last night--DIVA! We need a diva this year, and that was a diva-licious!

Had no idea Jordin had THAT in her. Wow. Melinda was great, but I don't think following up a show tune with a show tune was such a good choice.

Actually, I wasn't too pleased with any of the girls' song choices. Well, Gina chose a good song for her, but she didn't sing it very well. But for Jordin, Melinda and Lakisha to have all those great songs from the 60's and they picked THREE songs made famous by Shirley Bassey? Don't get me wrong, Miss Bassey can be fun to listen to, but I don't think this was a week for any of them to be doing those types of songs.

Blake and Chris R. were both great (I liked Chris a little more) but Chris S. seemed out of steam by the end. I would like to see Sanjaya, Phil and Hayley in the Bottom 3, but I'm afraid it may be Gina, Hayley and Chris S.

All in all, the best part of the night? That little girl LOSING HER SH*T every time the camera turned to her.

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