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Re: American Idol
#520116 04/21/05 07:19 PM
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So, should the judges be held to the same moral standards as the contestants? If this is true then maybe we'll see a change in the judge lineup.

Re: American Idol
#520117 04/22/05 12:49 PM
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Well, I'm not going to begrudge anyone else's fun... there's been plenty of contestants this year I'd love to bang myself... Mario... Travis... Anthony... Bo... Nadia... *mmmmmmmm*

Is it warm in here?

But I'm not one of the AI Judges. I'm willing to bet Simon's had a go-round or two himself with some AI hopefuls.

Whether it's true or not, this Corey Clark boy is an obvious asshole. I do like that shirt he's wearing though.

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Re: American Idol
#520118 04/25/05 04:34 PM
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I perused the AI board today! Here's some general stuff you might find interesting!

Laytoya London's CD is due out in May.

May also apparently sees the release of Constantine's band's CD, entitled "Pray For the Soul of Betty", featuring Con on lead vocals. I'm kind-of surprised this isn't against AI rules or something.

AI Season 3 6th place John Stevens (yep, Johnny Red himself!) has a cd coming out June 28th. I kid you not, even before Jennifer. Weird, huh? There's a website for it and everything. Apparently you can listen to it or parts of it, and the consensus is that it's going to be very very good-- if that style of music (Sinatra/Connick crooner stuff) is your bag. It's titled "RED". His record label? MAVERICK. You know, the record label founded and owned by none other than MADONNA herself.

It seems the immortal Miss Crystal Gayle herself spoke up last week to applaud Nadia Turner's version of "When I Dream". Nadia appeared on Ellen and sang "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me" to the delight of Ms. Degeneres, who is apparently a big fan of Nadia's. Ellen has excellent taste, says I. Also, I found the ginchiest all-Nadia message board, and plan to join up to keep up with any Nadia news!

Meanwhile, my own excitement over AI is fading fast.

Vonzell just doesn't touch my heart like Nadia did, Bo's getting a little boring, Anthony's done well lately but he's had more misses than hits, I'm starting to think Constantine is the musical equivalent of "All talk, no action", and I can't get past the fearful horrendous notion that perfect pristine power-noting country Carrie and pity-vote pirate "Slappey" Savol will be the final 2. *shudder*

Anyhoo, here's hoping someone-- ANYONE-- surprises my socks off tomorrow.

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Re: American Idol
#520119 04/26/05 12:31 AM
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I know exactly what you mean Lash. This week I didn't think anyone was really bad, but no-one made me go 'wow' either. Bo was just going through the motions and to me seems to be bored witht he whole process. Constantine I found ever so slightly creepy and he's just a stage singer trying to do something that he thinks is 'edgy' but comes across as being far to mannered and thought out to be actually very interesting. Vonzell is gorgeous and can sing mighty fine but I dunno, she just lacks that certain oomph that could make her great. There are just too many singers out there almost exactly the same and she has nothing to set her apat as being unique. Carrie is a great country singer and in her own field, left to her own devices, would probably be fabulous but just hasn't looked comfortable on stage apart from in the group song (which was awful imho) when playing the guitar with Bo actually, I'd love to hear them do a rocky country duet. They'd probably work very well together). Scott is still creepy as hell, and just dull. Anthony, who despite being better the last two weeks than he has been in the rest of the contest, is just a whitebread pretty boy with nothing to make you feel he's a star (plus his neck is freaky). Anwar was ever so nice but ever so boring and just relied on the big notes.

So while I still think Bo is great he's not an American Idol and while I think Carrie *could* be great, she's not shining on AI. Same with Vonzell. There's talent here, that's for sure, but nothing that sets them apart from other wannabe singers as there is with Diana or Fantasia or Jennifer.

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Re: American Idol
#520120 04/26/05 08:34 AM
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AI4 started off way more interesting than it is now. I suppose all the colorful characters of the early rounds, and the variety of levels of talent had a lot to do with that. In previous seasons, I fell in love with particular singers like Kelly and Fantasia (okay... and Ruben, too). This year, I began to fall in love with Nadia, but now she's gone. In fact, I think this would have been a different competition if Mario had stayed in it.

For me, the best way to finish this season off would be for Constantine and Bo to be the final 2, a sort of battle of the rockers. I doubt that will happen. I also wished last season would have been a battle of the divas, Fantasia versus Latoya. Anyway, Bo is my favorite of the batch, now.

It's funny, last Tuesday seems like it was a million years ago. I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Re: American Idol
#520121 04/26/05 11:02 AM
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Apparently, tonight it's current rock or something. Anything post 2000 allegedly. I've heard that Constantine sings "Drops of Jupiter" (which I hate) and Carrie sings "First Cut is the Deepest" (which I love)
The thing I saw had what Bo and Anthony are singing, but I didn't know the songs. There were of the 3 Doors Down/Matchbox 20 variety of music, of which I'm NOT a big fan.
Meh. I'm not excited about tonight. Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised and there will be some good performances.

Re: American Idol
#520122 04/26/05 11:02 AM
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I agree, to make the best of the situation as it is now, Bo and Constantine as the final two would be the best result. I think the competition between the two of them would also make them take interesting chances musically, instead of the same safe old stuff that usually gets foisted on us. That said, I won't be watching AI4 anymore, but I'll continue to read the updates. (Tonight I have a date with Blade Trinity from Netflix, instead of AI4) Maybe if the competition whittles down to Bo and Cosntantine, I'll pick it up again.

When's Nadia's album coming out!!!!

Re: American Idol
#520123 04/26/05 06:24 PM
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The theme was indeed current music, 2000 to present, and a blah night overall it was.

Carrie was off key through the entire song.

Bo's performance was good, but was a shadow of the popular song.

Vonzell needs to leave the low notes to Nadia and stick with her high notes.

Scott showed in full detail why he should have left at least 2 weeks ago.

Not everything was a dissapointment, however....

Constantine picked my favorite song of the night. I'd always wanted Bo to do this Nickelback song but was pleased enough and not really surprised that Con chose it instead. Nowhere near the vocal of the original "This is How You Remind Me", but he sure as heck was fun to watch perform. Mom loved it as well!

And once again, 3 weeks in a row, ANTHONY takes the top spot for me. Blew me away. Not really a bigg fan of the song, but it can't be denied Anthony brought it home!

Also, I was startled about how rational and intelligent Paula's comments were tonight!

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Re: American Idol
#520124 04/26/05 06:30 PM
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Only heard Carrie's performance so far but I think that fiddle had a lot to do with her sounding off-key. That was one sour fiddle and, as with a lot of the music this year, it was over powering. Can't they tell the music is drowning out the performers?

Re: American Idol
#520125 04/26/05 06:55 PM
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SCOTT-- big spoiler follows this line!


Semi, I'm sad to hear you won't close out the season, I always enjoyed your comments! You may be interested to know that Simon's only comment to Slappey Savol after his passionless, weary performance was "Pack your bags".

Anyhoo, I wish you had seen Con's performance. He was really workin' it. I guess he showed me he isn't "all talk, no action" after all...

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Re: American Idol
#520126 04/27/05 12:55 AM
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I've listened to the songs, didn't see the show.

6. Carrie. Sorry, this is the kind of music I have a hard time being patient enough to listen to. I clicked on something else before she finished.

5. Vonzell. Don't do a Christina Aguilera song, kids.

4. Scott. I'm glad I didn't have to see this. It sounded only okay.

3. Anthony. Love that song, but Kelly already did an amazing job with it in season 1. Plus, it's one of only a handful of Celine Dion songs I like, as done by her.

2. Constantine. He did great.

1. Bo. I suppose since Bo's my favorite, he'll have to really stink a song up for me to give him a low rating.

Re: American Idol
#520127 04/27/05 06:33 AM
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Another week of the blahs for me. I agree with Lash in that I would have rather heard Bo's strong vocals on that Nickelback song than Constantine's. Con's voice just has this weird quality to it that doesn't fit that song.

But none of the performances really stood out, to me. We may see some surprises in the bottom three tonight as a result. I wonder if Ryan will start with his usual 'we broke a voting record'.

Re: American Idol
#520128 04/27/05 06:46 AM
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OMG, what a HORRENDOUS evening. They all sucked. There was something wrong with just about all of them, the worse, by far being Constantine, he wasn't singing AT ALL, more like shouting over the band, yuck! Tip for Connie... one kick at the camera looks sexy, several in the same performance, looks trite and tired. tongue And you could tell he knew he was in trouble the way he kept pandering for votes afterward, much more so than usual.

And I got a chuckle out of Simon's comments to Scott, clearly he's sick of him and wants him out, he was more brutally honest than ever, and not an ounce of regret, "Pack your bags"!

Re: American Idol
#520129 04/27/05 07:17 AM
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I am gald that Bo didn't do the nickelback song and Constantie did, even though he did suck.

I think Nickelback is such a poser rock band that Bo would never pick a song by them. That's why Connie got it becasue he is just a
poser anyway.

Re: American Idol
#520130 04/27/05 07:31 AM
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Wow, what a washout. I didn't like anyone last night.


6. CONSTANTINE. I mean, really, that was just gross. Screechy, poseur-y, and just horrendous. And who knew his mom was Jerri Blank from TV's Strangers with Candy?

5. SCOTT. Lordy, I hope this is his last week. And pity the Cleveland tourism industry--who's going to go there now knowing there are a "million guys" just like Scott there? Yikes!

4. CARRIE. Her worst yet. The arrangement was awkward, and she seemed behind the music the whole time. Still, she showed some personality...but, meh.

3. VONZELL. Mediocre at best, but on a lame night, she's #3. I love that she has that cute,bubbly personality but SHE CAN KICK YOUR ASS!

2. BO. I have never heard that song, and can't say I want to again, but Bo was Bo, and that's a good thing. And his mom is the hottest "gospel" singer I've ever seen. She must have been like 12 when she had him!

1. ANTHONY. He was a little too "wispy" at the beginning, but my residual love of Kelly doing this song from season helped me enjoy AFed's performance. His family was cute--and apparently Ryan is hot for Anthony's bod.

Re: American Idol
#520131 04/27/05 11:45 AM
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I feel so ashamed. I "accidentally" watched AI4 last night. It wasn't my fault!!! Blade Trinity did not arrive in the mail from Netflix. frown

The whole show was lacklustre. Any excitement seems to have gone. All the eye-candy got voted out or quit early. I can't say that any performance interested me. I do think that Anthony has a nice voice, if he stays in his range. But honestly, I can't ever see myself buying a record from any of these "top" six.

Re: American Idol
#520132 04/27/05 11:52 AM
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If Bo put out a record that was staight up rock, none of that pop garbage, I'd buy it. If Constantine was part of a cast album for a Broadway show, maybe something like Chess, I'd probably buy it. The others? Forget it.

And this is totally a coincidence but Murray Head's One Night in Bangkok came on my MP3 player just as I was about to hit the Add Reply button.

Re: American Idol
#520133 04/27/05 06:40 PM
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I just read the message boards and found out who got sent home. Really, I don't believe it. This shouldn't be called American Idol, but American Idiot. I can't believe that Pig Boy is still there. What's this country coming to? First Bush, now Pig Boy. Wouldn't surprise me in the least now if he's the last one standing. mad

Re: American Idol
#520134 04/27/05 06:46 PM
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Spill. Its another 90 minutes before it airs here and I can't get near the boards. Must be overloaded.

Re: American Idol
#520135 04/27/05 06:47 PM
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I'll send you a pm, Scott, just so that I don't spoil it for anyone else.

Re: American Idol
#520136 04/27/05 06:54 PM
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Jesu Fracking Christos! You know, fans did this last year too, voted for the worst one and now apparently they've pushed the least talented individual into the top five. I hope all those idiots are having a good laugh.

Re: American Idol
#520137 04/27/05 06:56 PM
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I don't know what it is, but the talent seems to be going first. Whether you liked the one sent home tonight or not, he/she was versatile and had a pretty nice voice. I just don't understand it. If Scott wins, that might be the end of AI, because I don't think they'll sell any records with him.

(Edited to unspoil)

Re: American Idol
#520138 04/27/05 06:59 PM
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Re: American Idol
#520139 04/27/05 07:02 PM
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Bad enough Slappey beat Constantine....

I am completely outraged at the treatment of Anthony and Vonzell tonight.

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Re: American Idol
#520140 04/27/05 07:05 PM
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I know I'm in the minority, but I like Scott. I've liked him from the beginning. I like his voice, I've voted for him every chance I get (except the week that Nadia left... I voted for her like crazy, but it didn't help).

To me, Scott is better than most of the other contestants. Constantine, Bo, Carrie. I think Scott is much better than them. But that's me. Though, I don't think he'll win. Previously I thought the winner would be Nadia, but now I think it will be Vonzell.

I was very surprised that Carrie didn't end up in the bottom 3 because I thought she did awful last night. And I was even more surprised about who did leave. While I thought this week was one of his worst performances (and he butchered a song I enjoy), I didn't think he would leave. People voted for Anthony more than him? That was shocking.

Anyway, this was a really interesting week.

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