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Re: American Idol
#519966 03/23/05 11:39 AM
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Originally posted by Bubble Wrap Boy:
Damn I missed it! Will the performances tonight be yesterday's tape or will they be new, live versions?
According to Fox they will be both. A mix of some new stuff with a re-run of last night's performances.

Re: American Idol
#519967 03/23/05 02:22 PM
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I was really hoping my son taped the show for me, but he didn't! Boo! Oh well, maybe someone in my family will tape it for me tonight! At least I can listen to the performances, and look at pictures, later in the week....

Wow, the phone number mess up is major! Yikes.

Re: American Idol
#519968 03/23/05 03:22 PM
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Okay, I got to hear the songs via a link at the aiByRequest yahoogroup. Here's my worst to best... (I've read several reviews already, and remember, I didn't get to *see* them perform.)

11. Mikala- I LOVE that song and the girl just shredded it to bits. Someone get her a coach. She needs it bad.

10. Nadia- I LOVE that song and I could not recover from her lyric flub. I don't think she could either. It was like I could hear the nervousness attack her voice. I hate rating her so lowly.

9. Anthony- It sounded like a mess. His voice was all over the place. Sorry, he can NOT take on both George Michael AND Aretha.

8. Jessica- I LOVE that song and the chopping up of the lyrics was really distracting. I'm sure if I had *seen* Jessica perform it, I might be swayed. Also, when it's about 12:30ish in the karaoke bar and some cute girl gets up there to do that song, it's just WAY more fun than in this setting. I guess I'm saying that this song's relevence has shifted IMO.

7. Scott- I LOVE that song, and both Phil Collins and Mariah have done such endearing renditions of it, to me, that it makes me a tough judge when someone else does it. Scott was aight. His voice sounded a little rough sometimes.

6. Anwar- I think he just gets nervous about being judged, that there are such high expectations of him. He seems to pull out a big note that saves his otherwise shaky performances.

5. Vonzell- Darn, I wish I could have seen her! She sounded fun during her performance.

4. Bo- Clear vocals on a mellow song. He did great, I'm a fan, so I wanted to like it.

3. Carrie- I LOVE that song and I thought Carrie sounded great on it! Again, I wish I could have seen her.

2. Nikko- This may be a surprise, but I don't know that song, so I can't compare it to the original, AND I didn't see the performance, so I thought it sounded great.

1. Constantine-- This just sounded really exciting and fun. I like his voice when he's "on." I love the song and I think he did it right. I'm even surprised that I picked it as my favorite! Heh!

Re: American Idol
#519969 03/23/05 05:28 PM
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If I understood correctly, the performaces will all be reruns from last night, with Live stuff featuring Ryan & the contestants mixed in-bewteen.

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Re: American Idol
#519970 03/23/05 08:11 PM
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Okay, so I watched it tonight too. NEW DRAMA!!

Nadia's surprising mention of and sweet dedication to Mario obviously pissed Simon off... and it may very well cost her some votes tonight.

I can gauarntee you her comment about Mario and Mikalah's t-shirt ("My job is to ANNOY YOU!") will set the AI board on FIRE tonight. Mikalah... *giggle!* She's so FaaaaaaaBULOUS! I'm gonna to vote for her tonight, she's charmed me into it!

Also, I thought Scott's performance did NOT hold up as well upon a second viewing. However, I thought Constantine's was BETTER this time.

And Bo is just flawless! Jillikers, he's so cute!!

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Re: American Idol
#519971 03/24/05 07:06 AM
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Ok, I got to see what I'd missed on Tuesday, YAY!

Anthony, hate the song, REALLY liked him though, he seems to be more of an entertainer than I would have expected.

Carrie, wow she blew me away. Loved this preformance, the only flaw, the hair... OY! Too Stevie Nicks for my tastes.

Jessica, thought she did well, wsa a victim of a bad butchering job of the song lyrics, just didn't flow but her voice was beautiful.

Bo... SO not a Bo fan. LOVED this, it was just beautiful to listen to.

Scott, if only we did have to SEE him preform the song, loved his rendition, but he still creeps the bejeezus out me. <shudder>

Vonzell, I LOVE THIS GIRL! She is just so damn effervescent. Mark my words she will be the star of AI4 regardless of whether she wins or not (she won't), she's an on air personality waiting to happen. In some capacity she will be in the entertainment industry and it will be in front of a camera and she will eclipse anything the winner may ever do.

Nadia, Love this song, thought she REALLY sucked. Can't figure out if she was rushing it or if it was her attempt to "rockify" the ballad. Whatever the case... terrible.

Constantine, ok, rather silly, needs to grow facial hair to hide his lack of a chin. The stringy hair ain't helping him either.

Anwar, ok song, thought he had a terrible overall performance, that whole 70's look just didn't cut it, he looked really uncomfortable trying to "get loose".

Nikko... Bobby Brown meets R. Kelly... I think not. Just too over the top for me.I kept wanting to hear him sing, it was like he was just under key for every note.

Mikahlah. Was a big fan of hers, with every passing week I grow more and more weary of her. Last night I just wanted to smack her. She was TERRIBLE. No way, no how she deserves to even be here much less stay another week.

Re: American Idol
#519972 03/24/05 03:16 PM
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Bubble, I agree with your take on Vonzell. I know she won't win AI, but I definitely believe she will be "A STAR". She doesn't have nearly the BEST voice in this competition, but she just may have the most "star quality". I like Carrie--I just wish she had half of Vonzell's spark.

Re: American Idol
#519973 03/24/05 08:28 PM
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Well, I kinda figured that one was coming. But after last night and her attitude tonight, I don't care if Nadia starts channeling Amy Lee. She'll not get another vote from me. Is she purposely trying to get herself voted out so she can hire Clay and Mario's lawyer?

Re: American Idol
#519974 03/24/05 10:35 PM
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I like Nadia's attitude and she's getting 10 votes from me next week even if she sings "I'm a little teapot." She's one of the few with any originality and she's definitely a bit of a rebel. Nevertheless, I've always found her gracious in accepting criticism. But more than anything, she's always been about performing and it was a total disgrace that she was in the bottom 2. But what can you expect from the people that made Kelly Clarkson and Ruben the American Idols. As for Simon and his annoyance with Nadia mentionning Mario, he can go to hell for all I care. His negativity and meanness just rings false this year - especially since this group of contestants is so talented.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention what a class act Mikhala was. Her charm and sense of humor, and ability to put her loss into perspective make her a winner in my books. I think that she'll go far as a performer - she's got way too much charisma to stay off the stage for long. I predict Hollywood for her and wouldn't be surprised if she starts showing up on Fox comedy series next fall or even earlier.

Re: American Idol
#519975 03/25/05 04:50 PM
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I like and echo your comments about Mikalah, Semi. I feel sure offers are already coming to her. I'm glad the stupid AI MB posters will cease their bashing of her now. I believe I can safely state that she could have performed "Love Will Lead You Back" in any karaoke bar in the nation and everyone would have loved her.

As for Nadia, I gave her a vote Tuesday but didn't Weds. I gave 'em to Mikki instead (fat lotta good it did, but at least I won't feel guilty now!)

Nadia is still my favorite femme. I don't care how pretty and how much range Carrie & Jessica have, they can NOT perform anywhere near Nadia's level. Even her so-called "weakest" performance is better and more fun to watch than several current platinum-selling acts.

I *do* think she was purposely trying to push Simon's buttons with the Mario comment, but Hey! So what? He gets to treat others like garbage all the time and say the meanest thing he can. I can't say I cared for the Mario comment myself. I found it sweet but live on AI wasn't really the place to make it. And I *do* believe it really really hurt her in Weds' revote, but it did show Simon can dish it out but he sure can't take it.

I'm still rooting for Nadia!

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Re: American Idol
#519976 03/25/05 05:41 PM
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Anyone wanna speculate on who will be next to go?

NOT a slight to Lindsey or Mikki by any means, but we're really getting down to some serious talent here.

Bo & Carrie aren't going anywhere for a while, so I'll skip them...

Anthony: Likely to be the first guy out. Now that Mikalah isn't around to bash anymore, the haters on the AI MB are turning their attention to him. First guy to hit the bottom 3.

Anwar: The dreadlocked dude gets duller and duller. Didn't really pull off the Chaka Khan song for me, but I think he'll stay awhile longer.

Nikko: Getting stronger and better every week, similar to George last year before he tapped out and began to decline. Maybe Nikko will avoid George's decline?

Scott: I think prayer is a wonderful thing, but praying that you don't get voted off or make bottom 3 on American Idol live on TV every week is just, well, CREEPY to me. But I've always found Scott to be creepy and I still don't like and cannot relate to him on any level, despite a couple of good performances. I'd really rather see him leave before Anthony.

Nadia: I thought the thinning out of the girls would cease after Lindsey & Mikki were gone, but after Weds. I'm not so sure anymore. I'd hate to lose her so early! I'd buy a CD of hers anytime! I'd love one of the songs she's done on AI!

Constantine: Has his share of bashers on the AI board, but the bescraggly one will be with us for the nonce, I believe. I'm kewl with that, he's pretty groovy!

Vonzell: Babydoll's been working it. People are beginning to sit up and take notice.

Jessica: Has already seen the bottom 3 once but is a great talent AND a professional who covered her lyric flub very, very well.

Who could it possibly be?!?!

My guess:

If it's a guy: Anthony

If it's a girl: Nadia (and I certainly hope it isn't!!)

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Re: American Idol
#519977 03/26/05 12:06 AM
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I really wish I could have seen these last episodes. So much went on, and I know that there's more to it while watching the performances instead of just listening to them. Oh well....

Re: American Idol
#519978 03/28/05 10:12 AM
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Dean, do you ever read the messages from the I-by request group? I get 'em in digests and sometimes will read one. Anyway, both Lisa Lueuschner (redheaded girl from last year, sang "Sweet Thing", didn't make Wildcard show, Simon called "fat") and Amanda Avilia (didn't make top 12 this year, Simon wants to "come back as her microphone") have posted there recently. Pretty cool. Lisa has a CD coming out!

THIS week's theme is apparently 1-HIT WONDERS!

I like these "chart-themed" nights as oppossed to the more restrictive "Elton John" or "Barry Manilow" nights...

Now, if Carrie wants to ditch her "Boring Farm-Girl" tagline once and for all, she'll come onstage in one of her usual pristine layered outfits, and as she performs "More More More" by Andrea True Connection she'll shed more, more, more of her outfit to reveal a getup tht would shame Britney Spears!

Middle America will LOVE it, TRUST! laugh

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Re: American Idol
#519979 03/28/05 10:16 AM
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And I can see Constantine totally doing "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred!

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Re: American Idol
#519980 03/28/05 10:36 AM
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
And I can see Constantine totally doing "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred!
please help us NO!

Re: American Idol
#519981 03/28/05 10:53 AM
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He's too sexy for Milan... too sexy for Milan, New York and Japan! laugh Well, his fans on the AI MB think so, anyway!

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Re: American Idol
#519982 03/29/05 12:25 AM
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Not at all surprised that Mikalha went this week, she was rilly, rilly bad. But Anwar was pretty awful too (what has happened to him? He was great during the auditions) and Anthony didn't do it for me. I think Nadia can survive one flub like she did this week, but if she does it again she could be gone. I hope not because she certainly has the talent, but AI is harsh with things like that.

Carrie really managed to show how good she is this week, and also that she's not just a one trick pony. Bo did the same and as utterly fabulous (as always). Neither of them are going anywhere soon and could probably screw up big time and still survive just on fan support.

Jessica I think could be the dark horse of the competition. She's been good so far (even with the lyric flub) and could just get better. Same with Vonzell. In the elimination rounds she didn't really grab me, but her last couple of performances have been verging on great things. Plus she gets hotter and hotter every week. If she's lucky she could take votes from Nadia and take Nadia's place in the last few.

Scott creeps me out still. He can sing, but his sorta strip this week was just terrifying. I agree completely with Simon about it being a good thing the song wasn't any longer. What the hell was with him throwing away his glasses fer pete's sake?

Despite the fact that Constantine was actually *very* good this week, I still just don't like him. One really good performance might be enough to keep him round a bit longer, but I just don't see him making it all the way to the end. I hope not anyway.

And Nikko just leaves me cold. Another dull performance this week, very little stage presence and he just seems to be there to make up the numbers. I'd see him or Anthony going next, unless either of them manages to pull off a storming performance or one of the ohter lower down ones manages to screw up big time.

Going on present form though I'd want Bo, Carrie, Nadia and Vonzell to be the final four, and the final to be between Bo and.... oooh, Carrie, probably.

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Re: American Idol
#519983 03/29/05 02:05 AM
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Re: American Idol
#519984 03/29/05 07:25 PM
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Pretty good night tonight, though not the theme the AI MB rumoured it would have. Too bad, I think it would have been more fun than 90s night!

Bo performed well. Jessica's song was dull but well-sung. Anwar's song was SO played out. Nadia rawked as usual! Constantine: choice. Nikko, blah blah blah, same ole same ole. Anthony, I liked it and am beginning to feel sorry for him because the judges (esp. Simon) are so mean to him!

Carrie is the cure for insomnia. Loved Scott's performance though I dislike the guy himself. Whitney, Vonzell? *tsk tsk* Do Anita Baker next time. She's not played out.

It's down to the time where you really have to vote for your favorites if you want 'em to stay. I'm casting votes for Nadia, Constantine, Bo, Anthony and Jessica.

I'd love to see Jessica knock Homecoming Queen Carrie off her float. And I'd love even more for Nadia to be last chica standing.

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Re: American Idol
#519985 03/29/05 07:59 PM
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I'm so glad the Nadia was good tonight. I haven't watched it yet, but I always read your spoilers, Lash. I too would like to see Nadia as one of the final two. In fact, for me, the perfect final two would be Nadia and Bo. And in the final contest, they each have to do the same 3 songs. That would be a contest.

Re: American Idol
#519986 03/29/05 08:14 PM
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Semi Here's a couple more spoilers for you--

Nadia busted out with a Melissa Etheridge tune. Not the most melodic of tunes, but she worked it out well. My favorite performance by her remains "You Don't have to Say You Love Me", but I love it when she rocks out.

For me, Constantine is the most surprising every week. He takes on a Bonnie Riatt tune tonight and does it with perfectly rehearsed humbleness. The boy can pick his songs, no doubt. Randy calls him out as a non-rocker, but a theatre guy. Finally someone noticed! Constantine is about as genuine rock & roll as The Rocky Horror Show. And I'm starting to like him just as much as same!

Looking forward to your and everyone else's reviews as well, Sems!

EDIT-- I wanted to clarify that my comparing Constantine to the Rocky Horror Show was a compliment of nigh-massive proportions coming from me! laugh

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Re: American Idol
#519987 03/29/05 08:47 PM
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Wow, another performance where I didn't hate CONSTANTINE! He wasn't bad--he needs to keep going away from the "rocker" image, because I'm not buying that for a minute. What he did tonight seemed to be more of the 'real' him--a musical theater performer--not that's there's anything wrong with that.

I love me some BO, but I've never liked that song, and wasn't crazy about the performance.

I agree with Lash about JESSICA--bad song, but she sang it well. It was sorta fun I guess, but I don't think she has the voice to pull that song off--esp. since Kimberly Locke did the definitive American Idol version of "I Cam't Make You Love Me". I know there's a lot of NADIA love here on LW, but she leaves me cold. Every hand movement, head bob, smile, seems so calculated.

Neither my friend I watched with tonight nor I had ever heard that song NIKKO sang, but she liked it. I thought he hit a few nice notes, but I didn't care for it.

SCOTT and ANWAR basically sang the same song they've sang every week. Usually, that's okay, but tonight was the worst for both of them, I thought. And PAULA'S praise of ANWAR proves once and for all that she's hopped up on the goofballs.

ANTHONY...hmm, did he sing tonight?

CARRIE--"Independence Day" is one of my favorite songs, country or not, and she did pretty well--I think she screwed up the lyrics at the beginning though. Hopefully, she'll skip country next week and go back to rock.

VONZELL--yay Vonzell! Best of the night! I never thought I'd say that about a Whitney song on AI. I was scared when I heard what she was going to sing, but she did really well.

Don't these kids have ANYONE helping them with song choice??? Again, I was baffled by the choices. I mean, I BELIEVE I CAN FLY??? No more!

I suck at this, but my predictions for bottom 3:
Who will go home: ANTHONY
Who should go home: SCOTT

Re: American Idol
#519988 03/29/05 09:26 PM
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Trying to squeeze the show in so we have time to vote. My thoughts so far.

Bo - disappointing. I think, if he wanted a Crowes song, he should have done Jealous Again.

Jessica - forgetable, boring. Expected better.

Anwar - ugh. How long can he keep 'rescuing' himself with the final notes? He's disappointing his students.

Nadia - I love Melissa Ethridge. And even though I cannot stand Nadia now I will admit she gave a good performance. Still won't get my vote though.

Contantine - yeah, he's a poser. But he's good and getting better. I get tired of slow songs on this show but I liked his performance.

Nikko - grade school talent show. And a poor one at that. I now believe his rendition of Georgia was a fluke.

Anthony - big notes do NOT make a song. If you don't care to make yourself clear to begin with then why bother? Man, the guys were disappointing tonight.

Carrie - liked it. But we know she can do Country. I would have loved to hear her sing a Melissa Ethridge song. If she flubbed I didn't hear it but she did kinda mumble the words a couple of times at the beginning.

Scott - did he look like a broken robot to anyone else at the start? Raising his hands and dropping them half a dozen times in the first 10 seconds? And he was way off pitch to my ears as well as those of my cat Lucky who woke up and looked at the TV not once but twice on his high notes.

Vonzell - good but for her choice of artist (all Whitney songs need to be banned). The ladies all just about hit it with me tonight. Definitely a bad week for the guys.

Hmm. I'll have to agree with Jack for the bottom three. Anwar, Anthony and Scott. I think Anwar has sung his last.

Now I just need to figure out who to vote for.

Re: American Idol
#519989 03/29/05 10:19 PM
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Vonzell - Tonight, I thought Vonzell was the best. She looked gorgeous. I'm just waiting for her to do Donna Summer's "Love to Love You Baby." Vonzell's a disco diva waiting to explode.

Constantine - Constantine was also very good tonight. The guy has a really nice voice. I closed my eyes to listen to most of the singers tonight and found myself thinking that I would buy a Constantine record.

Nadia - I didn't close my eyes for Nadia because she's just so hot. I love watching her perform and I really like her voice.

Bo - It was hard for me to judge Bo because I didn't like the song. But I think he's a great performer.

Anwar - Anwar breaks my heart with these mediocre performances. I really do think he has a lot of talent, but it's not been coming through these last few weeks.

Scott - I closed my eyes but his singing was so bad, that I prefered the visual -- if that's possible.

Anthony - The judges were awfully hard on him. He's a likeable performer.

Jessica - She has some very nice moments. I think she could be really good with a bit of voice training.

Nikko - I didn't care for his performance and I don't really like his voice. It's too thin for me.

Carrie - I still think she's really over-rated.

Who's going home? It should be Scott.

Re: American Idol
#519990 03/29/05 10:42 PM
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Lots of calls for both Anthony and Scott to go home tomorrow from the AI MB tonight. Several mentions for Anwar and Jessica too.

It's anybody's ballgame, I guess.

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