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Re: American Idol
#519866 03/07/05 10:03 PM
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Wow, Travis sucked ass tonight. And I couldn't understand the priase lauded upon Bo, I thought he was terrible. Anwar rocked, Mario was strong, as was creepy serial killer Scott.

Travis and Constantine aer history.

Re: American Idol
#519867 03/08/05 04:44 PM
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After last night, Anwar is definitely my favorite. His record is the one I would be most likely buy. I thought Bo did well and agree with Simon that it's his contest to lose at this point. I also liked Anthony and can see him with a Euro-pop career. Nikko isn't really doing it for me, and Scott is mediocre at best. I don't hate Constantine - but then I don't really like him either. I'll just go with the flow on him. Poor Travis, I like this guy, but he's not consistent. Then there's Mario. Any other year he'd be a real contender, but with Anwar and Bo in there, I don't think he has a chance.

Based on last night's performance, Travis and Scott should go, but I'd gladly save Travis and substitute Nikko or Constantine.

Looking forward to seeing Nadia perform tonight. I can't say I really care about the rest of the girls.

Re: American Idol
#519868 03/08/05 07:17 PM
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And the lasses came on pretty strong tonight! I'm starting to see some of these girls as serious competition for the boys rather than cannon-fodder for the top 12. In order of performance...

AMANDA AVILA: I said from the first note, "Crap! She picked a Tina song!" But she handled it rather well, I thought. "River Deep, Mountain High" isn't an easy song to sing. I thought the judges were too harsh with her tonight. This is the first time I've really taken notice of Amanda.

JANAY CASTINE: I'm sorry, I think she's a li'l sweetheart, but the axe-job she took to "Dreaming" is unforgivable. She has GOT to exit this week. I haven't seen a "good" performance from her since the eliminations began.

CARRIE UNDERWOOD: *yawn* Her "Because You Loved Me" was pretty dull, I thought. Still a shoe-in for the Top 12, though.

VONZELL SOLOMON: I really liked her on "Respect", and thought she looked awesome in her cowgirl outfit!

NADIA TURNER: Poppin' Hotties! She space-rawked. I've loved her every week so far.

LINDSEY CARDINALE: First time I've liked her. I agree with Randy & Paula about the "smoky" quality of her voice on "I Don't Want To Miss a Thing". Good stuff. And Simon's comment about her being the "Ryan Seacrest" of singing and he and Ryan's li'l tiff will almost certainly lock her into the top 12.

MIKALAH GORDON: Oh, dear. She nailed the end of it, but that first minute and 15 seconds sure was, ummm... difficult. Still, I hope Mikki makes it to the top 12.

JESSICA SIERRA: First of all, thank heavens someone finally worked on her look. She looked HOT, and she sounded GREAT. "The Boys Are Back In Town", indeed!

Got to say, best overall performance of the femmes yet. And really, it's anyone's ballgame at this point.

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Re: American Idol
#519869 03/08/05 08:19 PM
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I voted tonight!

I didn't vote last night, because I liked ALL of the guys, and considered my not voting a single vote for each of them.

but tonight, I had to pick some favorites...

5 votes... Nadia

4 votes... Jessica

3 votes... Lindsey

2 votes... Amanda

1 vote... Mikalah

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Re: American Idol
#519870 03/08/05 08:52 PM
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Oh I thought this was a TERRIBLE week for the women, Nadia rocked, everyone else was either ok, or absolutely awful.

My cat yakked up a hairball when Janay started singing, and the dog started howling along with Mikalah during the first minute of her song.

Tonight those who were bad, weer REALLY bad.


Re: American Idol
#519871 03/08/05 09:35 PM
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Nadia was awesome. I got chills man. She rocked!

Re: American Idol
#519872 03/08/05 10:20 PM
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I thought Nadia was awesome as well. I like her more and more each week. She's definitely a star. I see the top three as Nadia, Bo and Anwar.

I liked Vonzell a lot this week too. Most of the others were bad or at best forgetable. Mikalah was awful. I'm sorry, but I started laughing because she was so off key and her voice reminded me of that really deep singing Bulgarian girl from last years tryouts.

Re: American Idol
#519873 03/08/05 11:06 PM
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I'm not feeling the Nadia love. I started off liking her okay...but I'm starting to feel the calculation there; it's the same way I feel about Constantine. And ENOUGH with the God stuff. I'm a Christian, and I'm tired of it! God doesn't care who wins American Idol! :-)

Carrie needs to pull it together. She has a great voice, she just needs some help with song selection. Carrie--call me! I called eveyone's line at least once (didn't risk a vote for Janay)and she was the only busy signal. And I didn't even dial until almost the end of voting.

My favorite right now is Jessica! She's playing up the fun, trashy girl vibe AND I LOVE IT. I want her and Bo to rock out a duet.

Vonzell seems sweet. Not crazy about her singing though.
Amanda is okay...but she's a lounge singer at best.
Mikhala...fascinates me for some reason, but that was bad. My friend voted for her a LOT though, so who knows?
Lindsey...She frustrates me, because she has a good voice in there, if she'd just use it! It was better tonight, but she was wearing gauchos, so she only gets one vote.

Will go home this week: Travis, Nikko, Lindsey, Janay.

Should go home: Travis, Janay, Constantine, Amanda

Re: American Idol
#519874 03/09/05 07:17 AM
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I know what you mean about the "calculating" thing w/re: to Nadia, knowjack. I like her, but she seems to mug for the cameras at just too perfect of times. And like you I also feel drawn to Mikhala, she's definitely got a presence about her.

Re: American Idol
#519875 03/09/05 01:41 PM
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Caroline loves Mikhala. To me she is too much like Nanny Fine/Fran Drescher and it gets on my nerves. Right now Carrie and Jessica are my favorites among the girls. And after this week I'd have to say Bo and Anwar are my favs among the guys.

Re: American Idol
#519876 03/09/05 07:43 PM
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Well, now the competition can begin in earnest! We have our top 12.

I was a little shocked Nikko was beaten out by Scott.

Janay's exit wasn't a surprise, but I was biting my nails wondering if Mikalah would make it past Amanda. Looks like Mikki has her fair share of fans!

le BOIS:

Mario Anthony Bo Anwar Constantine Scott


Nadia Jessica Vonzell Lindsey Carrie Mikalah

I for one will be GLUED to my TV next Tuesday!!

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Re: American Idol
#519877 03/10/05 08:42 AM
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I wasn't too surprised by that top 12. My BF was nervous Mikhala wouldn't make it through, but I knew she would.
I didn't think Amanda deserved to be top 12, but I sure did feel sorry for her. She was in the same boat as Nikko, not bad, but not memorable.
Janay should've never made it that far. I'll miss Travis' smile, but it was time for him to go.
If I had to make bets, I'd say Lindsey will go next week. Then, who knows? Of course, my wish would be for Constantine to have a swift exit, but I'm afraid he'll be around for a while.

Re: American Idol
#519878 03/10/05 11:10 AM
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I saw the guys' show, and I thought it was really good. I missed the girls' show and the results show, so I went to the yahoo group to hear their performances. To be honest, I am very swayed by *watching* a pretty girl sing. So, I can be way more objective judging the performances when I only listen.

Anthony- I like this guy. I think he has a good voice and picks the perfect songs for this part of the competition. My wife doesn't really care for him. I did agree with Simon, though, that doing that Latin, Marc Anthony song made him seem whiter than ever! smile

Anwar- I like him, too. I like the way he knows how to re-arrange a song in order to create the best impact in these short performances. He customizes. What a Wonderful World was a perfect example of this skill. I wish some of the others could take his example.

Bo- This wasn't Bo's best performance, which is weird because he said he was very familiar with and liked that song. I like I'll Be a LOT, and was hoping for Bo to kick into gear. Still, Bo has so much potential... I'm glad he made it.

Constantine- Finally, the right choice for his voice and presence. I'm really rooting for him, but he's kinda fizzled. I hope he can pull it together.

Mario- I LOVE that song. (Lash, it's a BeeGees song that Michael Bublee sp? recently covered. Also, Ruben sang it once during his season on AI. Ruben was way better than Mario.) Mario did a nice job and created a new arrangement for the song. Mario is a showman.

Nikko- Usher just did a cool version of Georgia on My Mind at that Ray Charles tribute show, so it's hard to like Nikko's version. I bet Nikko is a cool kid or whatever, but I'm glad he won't be in anyone else's way anymore.

Scott- Honestly, I think AI voters like underdogs like Scott. They don't want all beautiful skinny people on the show. Scott has a great voice. His talent is transcending his apparent lack of personality and not so great looks.

Travis- Exact opposite of Scott. Great looking guy, good dancer, terrible singer. I can't believe he made it this far.

Remember, I only listened to the girls, I haven't seen video....

Amanda- Sounded fine, but c'mon! Tina Turner. If you're gonna do TT, you better KICK IT!

Carrie- Sounded good and sweet. She has that Leanne Rimes thing going.

Janay- Ugh! That Selena song is SO sweet and dear and has that deep emotional connection because she was killed. Janay doesn't have the sense to not touch something like that. She sounded terrible.

Jessica- This rocked! Sounded great!

Lindsay- This was a lot better than I expected it to be. I bet she looked great, too. (guessing)

Mikala- Oh man. I think she got by on the popularity/personality card. This sounded terrible. I'm sure she's heard talk that she's like a young Streisand (rebooted?) so it was really brave for her to do a Barbra song. AND, out of all the songs in the library, that one was not the best choice. Weird. Still, I do like Mikala. SHE'S someone I wish Anwar would teach how to custom arrange a song.

Nadia- I TOTALLY regret missing her performance. I bet it was cool. Sounded great!

Vonzell- I also regret missing Vonzell's song because she's just so dreamy pretty lovely. It did sound good.

Re: American Idol
#519879 03/10/05 11:17 AM
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I just realized that the AI website posts pictures of the contestants, so I kinda sorta got to see what went on.

Jessica! Hi cleavage!!
Vonzell! Hi cowgirl!!
Nadia! Hi total physique!

Re: American Idol
#519880 03/10/05 02:27 PM
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Jessica's "puppies" were a hot topic on the AI MB.

As are the pros/cons of both Constantine (aka "Constanstink", so dubbed by some wag there) and Mikalah, especially her alleged farting onstage Tuesday, the discussion of which nearly incapacitated me with laughter.

Nadia and Bo seem to have the most fans.

Carrie's fanbase is slipping (as she has with me)

Mario, Anthony, and Anwar remain constant favorites.

Lots of Scott haters, many Scott lovers also.

That MB is totally insane. I read the posts to my Mom and we laugh our asses off.

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Re: American Idol
#519881 03/10/05 02:34 PM
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She farted? I thought that low rumble was her vibrato!

Re: American Idol
#519882 03/10/05 03:08 PM
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Seriously, there was a thread there (now deleted) titled "Mikalah's Fart". 600+ posts! Hysterical! Those folks sure know how to make stuff up.

This one guy said he voted 286 times for her because he loves a gal who isn't afraid to squeeze one out in front of millions of viewers!

Other hot AI MB topics:

Constantine's Justin Guarini half-shirt, worn Weds. (Justin was runner-up to Kelly in Season 1 of AI)

The Race Issue (3 of the 4 booted Weds. weren't white)

Fans of Nikko outaged that he lost a spot to either Scott or Constantine

Lots of Bring back Janay threads, filled with posts of people calling the topic starter an idiot! (I agree with them!!)

Seriously, that board is freakin' crazy.

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Re: American Idol
#519883 03/10/05 08:54 PM
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Oh, SNAP! Now it's all over about Mario being.... GAY! HOOORAY!!! According to someone on the board who says he knows him, his boyfriend's name is Marc, and he's a hairdresser! Marc, Mario needs your help, love! Can't you squeeze him into your appointment book?

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Re: American Idol
#519884 03/11/05 03:31 AM
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Oh, Lash, Lash, Lash, thank you for all the buzz from the AI mbs. Those people are NUTS! I simply don't have the time to take it all in.

Re: American Idol
#519885 03/11/05 07:22 AM
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Thanks Lash for the AI boards info. I'm too scared to go there. Someone sent me a link to a pro Constantine site that is one of the scariest things I've ever seen. Cree.Pee.

Is there anyway we can get a message to Mikhala telling her to sing "Tell It to My Heart" ? Girl really needs blow it out. If Carrie's determined to stick with country, she needs to do a rocking Mary Chapin Carpenter or Lucinda Williams song...I guess their song choices are going to be limited now though, what with the "theme nights". Wonder what the theme will be this week? I hope they don't do a Motown week this year, those are always painful!

Re: American Idol
#519886 03/11/05 07:26 AM
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They said when this year started that there wasn't going to be a big focus on theme weeks and guest judges, we were supposed to see that during the auditions and these past few rounds. But I didn't notice any themes so who knows if they changed their minds. I just hope we have some upbeat music.

Re: American Idol
#519887 03/11/05 02:54 PM
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Jackie knows Lucinda Williams? Excellent! She's AWESOME!

I'd love to see Carrie do Lucinda's "Sweet Old World", though that song might be considered too depressing. None of the rest of her stuff is mainstream enough for AI, I think, except "Passionate Kisses". I'd fall over into a shock-induced state of delight to hear her belt out "Bus To Baton Rouge".

Mikki does Taylor? YES!!! Also, "Love Will Lead You Back" might be good...

I'm JONESin' to hear Bo do "This is How You Remind Me" for some reason...

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Re: American Idol
#519888 03/11/05 03:30 PM
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that's a really good song choice for mikhala, kj.

guys: for me, the most impressive guys are anwar and mario. bo is good, but i am scared for both rockers, in anticipation of a theme night where they have to sing an old standard or something and can't bring the *rawk*! i don't like constantine and hope he's gone soon. scott does not impress me too much. anthony is OK, but he needs to NOT wear any more see-through shirts, and probably hire someone to choose all of the rest of his clothes as well.

gals: nadia is clearly talented, but there is something about her that i intensely dislike. it may relate to a tv interview early on, she was standing with amanda avila and they asked nadia a question, and nadia responded by describing in detail the great things that each judge said to her about how great she was, which seemed very arrogant to me. a shame; she seems the most commercially appealing of the lot at this point. i like jessica a lot, and i like vonzell. neutral on carrie and lindsey. mikhala... hmmm... to be honest, sometimes i like her alot, and sometimes i want her to get off the stage as soon as possible.

Why are you laughing at me? It's unkind, as well as puzzling!
Re: American Idol
#519889 03/11/05 03:32 PM
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Carrie might want to listen to Hem's new cd, Eveningland. "Strays" (song 9 on that cd) might be one of those show-stopping moments like Fantasia's "Summertime" if done just right.

Some suggestions for my favorites:

I'd like Anwar to do Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah".

I'd like Bo to do Robbie Robertson's "Somewhere Down the Crazy River"

and Nadia, I'd like her to do just about anything by Joan Armatrading, like "Love and Affection."

Re: American Idol
#519890 03/11/05 04:03 PM
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I'd love to hear Mikhala or Lindsey sing Lushlife, but it might be too "old" for them.

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