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Re: American Idol
#519816 02/22/05 06:54 AM
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Bevis, the country girl is Carrie and the 16-year old with all the personality is Mikayla. They are definitely my top 2 girls right now.

But unless the girls really bust it out, this is going to be a guy-heavy season, like last year was a diva-heavy one.

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Re: American Idol
#519817 02/22/05 07:52 AM
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Just finished watching the episode where they choose the final 24. God, if I had to hear one more reference to "the journey" I would've done a Mary Roach on their asses! Some random thoughts -

Mikalah is the SW6 version of Barbra Streisand! What a bundle of sass! I really like her but I wonder if she's not just a little too effervescent for the voting public?

Travis is the HOTTEST man on earth and for that reason alone must progress through to later rounds.

Anthony Fedorov is sooo this year's Clay Aiken and just like that little, gay elf this one's going to be around for a while too.

I like both rockers a lot (particularly Constantine) and hope they both last.

Aloha Mischeaux gets the award for the best name I've heard so far this year.

Can't remember what any of them sounded like but my early guesses for final 3 are -

Guys - David, Anthony, Constantine.
Girls - Sarah, Nadia, Mikalah.

Re: American Idol
#519818 02/22/05 03:43 PM
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Noen of the guys really grabbed me last night. I really thought Constaine was awful. All the others were kinda boaring and predictable. Good voices and all coming from Akien 2.0, BB (Bo bICE) and Dreads. Mario is just too cocky for me, reminds me of Justin and I hated Justin.

Re: American Idol
#519819 02/22/05 06:35 PM
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I'm with Lash, singing performance aside, that Scott guy is TOTALLY creepy. And Mario is a Justin clone without the Sideshow Bob do (and granted mroe talent than both as well, lol).

Re: American Idol
#519820 02/22/05 07:17 PM
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LA CHICAS performed tonight! Here's what I thought, in order of performance...

Vonzell, "Heat Wave". A fun opener, I rather liked her.

Amanda, "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You". She was out-sung by the guy who sang it last night. Not impressed.

Janay, ?. Wasn't familiar with the song and didn't care for it. A big disappointment, because I was really hoping to like Janay.

Carrie, "Could've Been". WOW! Country girl busting OUT the old Tiffany song! This is one of the few girls the guys better be worried about.

Sarah, "Get Ready". Feh. Adequate, I suppose.

Melinda, "Power of Love". I dislike the song, but thought she sang it well.

Nadia, ?. Wasn't familiar with the song, but who cares? She rawks. Cute as all get-out, too. Definitely a contender.

Celena, "I Will Love Again". Meh. She was a'aight.

Mikalah Gordon, "Young Hearts Run Free". I'm not convinced she's a great vocalist, but I *am* convinced that I really like her. Enjoyed her version of this song too. Go, girl! I think she'll make the top 6 girls.

Lindsey Cardinale, ?. Sorry, sweetie, but I'd go ahead and pack my bags if I were you. Just not a bit impressive, I'm afraid.

Jessica, "Against All Odds". Wow, I really liked her a lot. Top 6 contender, for sure!

Aloha, "Work It Out". Fantasia Junior. She's a lot of fun, and you can tell the judges expect a lot from her.

PREDICTION: Lindsey go bye-bye, I'm afraid. And she'll possibly take Janay, Sarah or Celena with her. But most likely Amanda.

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Re: American Idol
#519821 02/22/05 07:45 PM
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The girls haven't been on yet her on the west coast. I'll be interested to see if I agree with you Lash. I pretty much agreed with everything you wrote about the guys. I think Anwar is the most accomplished singer and probably my favorite right now. Mario is a great performer (and mega-cute). I hope Travis stays in so we get to look at him more - the best smile. I really liked Joseph's voice - he has all the hooks that draw me in. Nikko was really good as well. Last but not least, Bo. I like this guy a lot. If he keeps on performing the way he did last night, I wouldn't be surprised if he won it all. I hope he gets to sing one of his own compositions, and maybe accompany himself on the guitar or piano. That would clinch it.

As I said, I haven't seen the girls yet, but none of them really excite me. Miklalah is fun, but all I can think of is that she's a young Fran Drescher (the Nanny).

Re: American Idol
#519822 02/23/05 01:39 AM
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Lash, I totally appreciate your review! I missed the show and my family was unable to tape it for me, so I won't be able to listen to the performances until they're posted at that yahoo group later this week. Does anyone know where I could see video online?

Anyway, I'm using the contestants' page at AI's official website, so I can put faces to the names you list above....

Glad Vonzell did well. I want to like her.

Amanda seems cute, but not very distinct.

Too bad about Janay. I want to like her, too.

Don't know "Could've Been." I like Carrie.

Not sure if I like Sarah. Lash says Feh. Hmmm..

I like Power of Love, not sure about Melinda yet.

LOVE Nadia.

Celena... Amanda... Whateva. I need to see more and hear more I guess...

Yay! Glad Mikahla was fun. With her, it won't be about great vocals, it'll be about entertainment value. (I think, hope!)

oooo....a definite thumbs down for Lindsey!

Jessica gets a great review from Lash! I'll keep that in mind when I actually hear it.

Aloha-glad she did well, too.

Since I missed this show, I don't *really* know how this splitting of the guys and dolls will feel. I do like that we'll be seeing familiar faces more often, though. In that respect, I like the way the elimination rounds are going.

Re: American Idol
#519823 02/23/05 10:36 AM
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Gotta agree with most of what Lash has written. I think we'll be saying goodbye to Janay and Celena.

Loved Vonzell, but I think her longevity will be due to a combination of a good (but not great) voice, coupled with a goregous face/body, she'll go far.

Was pleasantly surprised by Jessica LOVED Aloha and Carrie. Liked Mikhala, but my concern with her is that she may lose her way by getting sidetracked with her showmanship. She and Aloha are oozing with personality, I see the difference being that Aloha incorporates hers more into her singing, where Mikhala has the potential to lose focus on the singing because of it. If she can hold it back a little more and let her voice speak for itself she'll go far. In the end it is a singing competition.

Re: American Idol
#519824 02/23/05 08:17 PM
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ELIMINATIONS ROUND ONE! And my nerves are wrecked!

The chicks:

Melinda and Sarah are gone, with the 2 lowest amount of votes. Sarah wasn't a surprise to me, she was one of my picks to go. Melinda WAS more of a surprise to me. I didn't think she was one of the top ones, but i certainly thought she was better than Amanda and Janay.

The dudes:

Jared is gone, which isn't a surprise to me. however, judd's elimination royally PISSED ME OFF. He was one of the top 3 guys of the week. Give me a break. Totally mad about this.

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Re: American Idol
#519825 02/23/05 09:28 PM
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The only one that didn't surprise me was Jared. The others were not the worst performers this week. But they probably had bigger voting blocs. Until we see a change in the voting system we'll always get results like this.

Re: American Idol
#519826 02/23/05 09:38 PM
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The way they elminated the groups were just plan mean. Mean. It is just not nice. Just do it and stop the tease and suspense...

Re: American Idol
#519827 02/24/05 06:39 AM
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The way they eliminated Judd was certainly the most underhanded, spiteful thing I may have EVER seen on a reality show. Just awful. Shame on the AI producers.

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Re: American Idol
#519828 02/24/05 08:16 AM
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Agreed. No class in that.

But did you notice that the last girl and Judd to be elminated sang better then they did the first nights. The girl was clearly shaken but she sounded so good. And Judd, you were wronged.

Re: American Idol
#519829 02/24/05 12:09 PM
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It'll be hard to accept any eliminations from the guys, because they are such a strong group. I don't really think there is a mediocre singer among them (even Jared).

I wish I could say the same about the girls, though. Right now, the only one I care about going on is Nadia. Maybe next week when they choose different songs, I'll change my mind. But this week, I hated Aloha's song, and thought that Carrie just screeched - not a pretty voice to my ears.

I do think Melinda (was that her name) had a good point though. She and Judd did not get the air time that the others did in the previous shows. The air time allowed the others to build up a fan base who could forgive them for a mediocre performance. Judd and Melinda didn't get the opportunity to build up a fan base. That was pretty unfair, especially since the producers had control over who would be featured and knew at the time the show aired, who would be in the final 24.

I also echo everyone's sentiments that the elimination process is unnecessarily degrading and just plain mean spirited. They need to change that.

Re: American Idol
#519830 02/24/05 01:27 PM
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I think they should just chuck the whole season and give it to Carrie. That girl is a STAR, and she's just cute as all get out.

I also like Nadia and Aloha. I think Mikhala has potential, she just needs to tone down the Fran Drescher/Babs Streisand shtick. Girl's got talent, she doesn't need to make herself a "novelty" act.

As for the dudes, I can't stand Mario and Constantine. There's a difference between self confidence and smugness, boys!

I like Bo and Anwar the best of the boys. Especially Bo...he rocks.

Re: American Idol
#519831 02/24/05 02:43 PM
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Ditto about Mario and Constantine...too cocky and smug.

I like Bo and Anthony "Akien 2.0".

On the girls I like Nadia and Aloha. Carrie would be my dark horse.

Lets see how talented and diverse all these people are in teh coming weeks.

And I think this season of idol has to be the most brutal yet. The eventual winner will have to go through 13 painful wednesdays to be declared the winner. A full three months of torture, insensitvity and cruelness every wednesday!

Re: American Idol
#519832 02/24/05 04:29 PM
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Hmm. I'm not seeing the cockiness with Mario or Constantine. But personally, I hope Bo kicks their asses vocally next week.

I tell you what, I'm not sure I can tolerate one more week of looking at that smug, scowly-ass Scott Savol. He looks like he's pissed at the world and ready to hurt someone.

There's lots of support for Aloha, but on reflection, I found her performance a bit over-the-top and a bit too racy for this all-ages show. Next week I want to see less silly and more ass-kick from her.

And from Nadia, I want her to rock on, hopefully with a song I'm familiar with.

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Re: American Idol
#519833 02/25/05 11:14 AM
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and a bit too racy for this all-ages show
I thought about that too. It struck me as funny how they made Amy Adams "clean up" the raciness of "Sin Wagon" last year but let Aloha go full out raunchy with the Beyonce song.

Re: American Idol
#519834 02/25/05 12:57 PM
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I agree that the way they're doing the eliminations is over the top. It's definitely cruel to let someone think they're safe, but then cut them. It's also cruel to make someone sing after getting such bad news. It's different when they've already made the top 12.

Re: American Idol
#519835 02/25/05 04:43 PM
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OK, so now I'm officially peeved. Just watched this weeks shows (we get all three in one go here in the UK) and the whole thing with Judd was incredibly cruel. If I were him I'd probably have slapped Ryan for being such an arse or something.

But I also have to say, c'mon America. I mean, Judd maybe didn't have the best singing voice but apart from him, Bo and Mario none of the others actually had any real life to them. I am not pleased with you at all. Humph. OK, lets go through them in order:

Nikko: Blah. Just... blah. Not bad, but not good either.
Scott: Urgh. Yuk. I really don't like him. OK, so I can't really criticise him for singing out of tune or anything because he didn't, but I just don't like his voice and he has a smug look on his face that makes me want to slap him. Urgh.
Anthony: Not a great song, but he performed it well and he's kinda cute in a geeky, weedy kin of way. Either he'll develop and become really good or he'll get boring quite quickly. I hope for the former personally coz there's something about him i like.
Bo: Yay Bo! We like Bo lots. I mean, he did Michael Bolton and sounded great. He rocked but also showed that he was pitch perfect and could get the audience going too. He's not going anywhere for a while (or at least shouldn't do. The public is fickle...)
Travis: Hey, he stole Will Young's mouth and jaw. Spooky. He's kinda sexy, he sings OK, he's also a bit boring. Did no-one advise them on song choice this week? I mean none of the boys picked *really* bad songs but Travis was the perfect example of a good singer picking a bland song and thus giving a middling performance.
Constantine: Oh come on, he sucked. He was out of tune, he doesn't have any charisma on stage and he's just... well, he's a bit creepy and way too full of himself. I'd like to see him go next week if only so he's taken down a peg or two.
David: OK, so he was worse. Just very, very bad. Why on earth he didn't go I don't know. Unless he manages to pull something incredible out of the bag next week he's not gonna make it through to the final six.
Jared: Not surprised he went. He was off key and did a pretty blah song. Mneh.
Anwar: Oh dear. Oh deary, deary me. What happened? Was it nerves do you think? He screwed up the start of the song and overcompensated afterwards. I think he was brave to chose a song like that, and hope it doesn't put him off from doing the same again but he disappointed me simply because he was so good before.
Judd: Boo, boooo America, you suck. Humph. We liked Judd lots. He wasn't the best singer as I said but he didn't have any duff notes and he picked a fun song (novelty? Pfft. Like Paula can talk). Plus he's very, very cute. He can be *my* American Idol. He is only weeny so there should be room in bed for him. wink
Jo: Again, mneh. Not bad but pretty forgetable.
Mario: Very, very cocky and possibly a bit too full of himself for his own good, but he sang well and he gave a *performance* which was very much missing from a lot of the other boys.

Aaaand the girls:

Vonzell: I was on the bog so I missed her. Chris quite liked her though.
Amanda: Urgh. Didn't like her *at all*. Nope, she should have gone this week, but I don't see her staying for much longer.
Janay: Errrr... I can't even remember her. She must be the really nervous one I guess. Mneh, she's not staying.
Carrie: Yay Carrie! We *love* Carrie. She's faaaaaabulous. Can't fault her in the slightest. Easily the best singing voice of the night (although maybe not the best overall performance if you know what I mean). She's gonna go far, and I'd be happy to see her in the final.
Sarah: Wrong, wrong song. I don't think she deserved to go though. It wasn't a bad performance, there were certainly others much worse than her, but she just killed her chances by picking (as Paula said) a group song.
Melinda: Eek, argh, urgh. Oooooooh. Probably the worst performance out of any of the boys and girls. At least America got *that* one right. wink
Nadia: Woo-hoo! We also *love* Nadia. She rocks loads. Heh, it'd be quite cool to have Nadia and Bo as the final two rocking out against each other (with maybe Carrie coming third so that there isn't a 'pop' act at all in teh final. Heh heh). Not familiar with the song, but I don't care because she was fabulous. Now she had the best overall performance, and probably came only second to Carrie in terms of her actual vocals.
Celena: Actually both Chris and I quite liked her. Not a great song, but she has a very clear voice amd there's just something about her that's.... interesting. In wouldn't be surprised to see her go before they get to the final six but I think she could be good.
Mikalah: Hmmm. OK, she's a show-woman no doubt about that, but American Idol? I dunno. She might get a bit grating quite quickly. We'll see. She was ok in terms of vocals, but not great. Her personality carries her through.
Lindsay: Again, not half bad but just a bit... well, nothing unique. She's got a certain something to her voice but I don't see that translating onto her on stage performance.
Jessica: A *big* suprose. i hate the song and I wasn't expecting her to be good (didn't remember her from the auditions at all) but she was *very* good. I think if she can build her confidence a bit and try out slightly riskier songs she could easily make it to the final six girls.
Aloha: heh heh heh, we like Aloha. I think she has the potential to be a very good singer and she has to be careful not to rely solely on her personality because that won't take her all the way. Being a very good singer *and* having the personality might.

Overall I think there were a lot of very bad song choices in both camps (and some awful outfits. What was Anwar wearing. Nasty yellow leather/PVC kinda quilted jacket? urgh) and a couple of really bad performances, but there were some really good ones too. Despite what the judges kept saying, I think the strongest performers are in the girls, but so are the weakest which means it's harder to seperate the boys. But my guess for the final twelve would be:
Anthony, Bo, Travis, Constantine, Anwar and Mario for the boys
Vonzell, Carrie, Nadia, Mikalah, Jessica and Aolha for the girls, but I could easily see Vonzell or Jessica being replaced by Celena or Lindsay if they manage to pull off something really good.

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Re: American Idol
#519836 02/25/05 07:36 PM
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Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
I agree that the way they're doing the eliminations is over the top. It's definitely cruel to let someone think they're safe, but then cut them. It's also cruel to make someone sing after getting such bad news. It's different when they've already made the top 12.
Maybe. But it does show that Judd has just an increcible amount of class.

I wonder which company will sign him? Because I'm ready to buy his album!!! (And NOT just for the pictures!!!)

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Re: American Idol
#519837 02/27/05 03:27 AM
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Bevis, it is often very interesting to see the results of the voting. Did you watch last season when Jennifer and Latoya were voted off after excellent performances, while Jon and Jasmin had terrible ones? No, the public are not always the best judges...

Beagz, I do agree with you that Judd should have stayed. Joe should have gone.

Re: American Idol
#519838 02/27/05 04:00 AM
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So, I just went to that yahoo group and listened to the performances again. It's interesting to listen without seeing the video. Overall, I find that the guys have stronger performances than the girls. I like Constantine better when I don't have to look at him. I LOVE Nadia.

The song Janay sang "I want to love you Forever" is a (pre-Nick Lashay) Jessica Simpson song. Jessica sings it *really* well. (I like JS.) Note: VH1 had a "Born to Diva" singing contest, where the girl who won did this song in one of her performances. I forget her name, but she was great. Anyway, Janay was only okay, IMO. She did seem nervous. She's young.

Since it's so early in the contest, it's hard to make predictions, but so far, I find Bo and Nadia to be the best of their respective groups, with Mario and Carrie second.

Re: American Idol
#519839 02/28/05 07:24 PM
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NO FREAKING WAY is it fair to cut the guys down to 6 so that 6 girls can also be in the top 12. They just need to have a boy Idol and a girl Idol.

THESE GUYS FREAKING ROCK. Okay, here's my rundown, in order of performance....

MARIO VAZQUEZ, " I Love Music". And music loves you, you hot little bastard. Come on over to my place, I make a faboo shrimp quesadilla. Get comfy, get naked if you wanna, but to quote my friend Mr. Cocker... you can leave your hat on. *dreamy sigh*

ANWAR ROBINSON, "What's Going On". Good performance, a contender for sure.

JOE MURENA, "Let's Stay Together". Loved it. One of my favorite all-time songs anyway, and I liked his version. There's something SOOOOO sweet and tender about this guy, yet masculine too. He's SO handsome I can't stand it.

DAVID BROWN, "All Is Fair In Love". Eeh. Weak beginning, second iffy performance in a row. You go bye-bye now.

CONSTANTINE, "Hard To Handle". I hated it, thought he was awful. My Mom really liked it though.

SCOTT SAVOL, ?. Wasn't familiar with this Luthor Vandross song, and didn't care for his performance at all. Once again, my Mom liked it.

TRAVIS TUCKER, "All Night Long". His voice is on the weak side, but he was more fun this week. I'd like to make out with him for 3 solid hours. He can sing to me anytime he wants! Boys in wifebeaters... *fans self*

NIKKO SMITH, "Let's Get It On". I thought his voice was a bit loud and unsexy for this song, but can't say he didn't sing the song well, if that makes any sense.

ANTHONY FEDOROV, "I Want To Know What Love Is". A weak beginning totally eradicated by him BUSTING IT THE FRAG OUT in the middle and end. You gotta love this adorable li'l homo-pixie!

BO BICE, "Whipping Post". FAINTS. I ADORE HIM, from head to toe and every sound that emanates from his mouth. HE WAS AWESOME. Mario WHO? And GAWD, so HOT HOT HOT. We have a winner, folks!!!

My top 3 tonight:

BO, JOE and MARIO. I'm even going to vote this week, since I'm still not over Judd's exit last week. Bo gets 3 votes, Joe gets 2 and Mario 1.

OhmiGAWD, this is so fun this year!!!!

Prediction: If we're going on weakest performances, then both David & Travis should be going bye-bye Weds. But stupid-ass America will probably vote out Bo and Joe. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Constantine out. Wake up, America-- BO is the rockingest boi of all!

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Re: American Idol
#519840 02/28/05 08:03 PM
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Bo was great. He has the best voice and the best stage prescene.

Anthony did a great job in the end. He was good.

All the others were ok. Travis and David and Consatine were the worst. Consantine was the worst. Get him out.

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