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Re: American Idol
#519841 03/01/05 12:40 AM
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Mario did great. It will be interesting to see him actually take on a big ballad, though.

I like Anwar, but he does get a deer-in-the-headlights look, sometimes. At least he hits those power notes.

Joe seems like a nice guy or whatever, but I don't see him as a star.

David's performance wasn't all that bad, but it was over his head.

I couldn't stand Constantine's shrieking and sound effects. It might work at his gigs in bars, but this is a *singing* competition. He needs a coach. My wife says he's a poser.

Scott did a fine job and he looked like a big ol R&B star. I think covering his eyes was a good decision... They covered Clay's ears.

Travis also seems like a nice guy, but he's not a great vocalist and that song was not a good choice.

Nikko is just so unremarkable. I mean, good voice but forgettable.

Anthony did start off shaky. I mean, you have to be able to sing the slow, quiet parts as well as the big notes. It was nerves. Still, like Randy said, he pulled it out!

Bo is already a star. I think it's great that Simon has been so complementary to him because he flat out told Bo that he would have cut him in the Hollywood rounds. Like Paula said, Bo is legit. I like rock, so it's great to see that style go somewhere at AI. In past years, there have been rockers in the early rounds who never make the top 12.

Re: American Idol
#519842 03/01/05 12:52 AM
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Well, I just went to the yahoogroup and listened to Mario's other songs. He did a really cool version of Bohemian Rhapsody, which was very risky, but he pulled it off. His audition was really good, too. It was "Whatever Happens" a song I don't know, but he did well. Simon gave him a huge compliment. I think we'll be seeing lots of Mario this season....

Re: American Idol
#519843 03/01/05 09:14 AM
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I'm now officially over ANY contestant who yells at me to "C'MON!" during his/her performance. They REALLY need to stop that.

I know I'm in the minority, but I just don't like Mario. Can't quite put my finger on why.

Anwar started off shaky, but he "worked it out".

My distaste for Contsantine grows and grows..

The rest of them were all, "meh" for me...

Except freakin' BO!!! Never in a million years would I think I'd hear "Whipping Post" on American Idol! I had forgotten about that song, but then memories of my oldest brother blaring that song when I was kid came flooding back. Just excellent, excellent, excellent!

I am really SO sick of Seacrest("OUT"!)and the judges. I wish they'd realize that we watch for the contestants, not to see how clever or funny they **think** they are. What a bunch of egocentric bozos!

Re: American Idol
#519844 03/01/05 11:45 AM
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True, Joe maybe used the word "c'mon" a time or two too much, but I didn't mind.... although it did make me want to ask, "C'mon... what? What do you require me to c'mon and do? How best may I satisfy your request for me to 'c'mon'?"

And I just remembered-- did I notice a little bit of flirting going on between Joe and Ryan Seacrest?!?? Ryan is SUCH a hussy!

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Re: American Idol
#519845 03/01/05 11:49 AM
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I still really like Anwar and think he would make the best recording star. He seems like the "musician" of the bunch. His style is more smooth jazz than pop. I'm hoping he will shine.

I also really like Joe. I hope he chooses some better songs to showcase his voice.

Lastly, like everyone, I like Bo. Hated the song however. While I want everyone else to stop doing sappy ballads, I'm looking forward to seeing Bo's take on a ballad - I bet it will be unique.

The rest were so-so for me. If America votes the way I would, Scott and David will be going home on Wednesday.

Looking forward to seeing Nadia perform tonight. I'm also hoping that Celena pulls if off. She wasn't good last week, but I heard a nice voice in that lacklustre performance. This is probably her last chance.

Re: American Idol
#519846 03/01/05 02:48 PM
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Ah, yes... the girls tonight. *yawn*

Aww, I'm being silly. Overall, the guys excite me more (hmm... can't understand why) but there's plenty to look forward to tonight...

Jessica, who I loved on "Against All Odds" last week...

Carrie, who might need to step up with a groovy track before she's dubbed Celene Dion Jr...

Mikayla, who I think is a little cutie-pie and will go far in life if not this competition...

Nadia, the femme Lenny Kravitz...?

Aloha, wondering what wackiness she'll pull off this week...

Okay, I've talked myself into getting excited about the girls tonight!!

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Re: American Idol
#519847 03/01/05 03:00 PM
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Yeah, the girls better step it up tonight! I like the girls better than the boys as a group--but there seems to be more "buzz" behind the boys this year.

It's interesting reading who everyone's favorites are!

Re: American Idol
#519848 03/01/05 07:28 PM
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The lasses have performed. Some general comments: The judges were really harsh tonight in general. My Mom disliked all the performances tonight and refuses to vote for any of them. So I'm going to TRY not to let any of this influence me in my review... here goes...

ALOHA, ?. Don't ask, but I missed Aloha's performance, and was super-PISSED about it. My Mom says she didn't like it (well, she disliked them all tonight) and she said the judges weren't kind to Aloha either. All I saw was the clip at the end, did she sing "You Don't Know My Name" or did I have Alicia Keys on the brain after Vonzell? Can't give a fair review of Aloha.

LINDSEY CARDINALE, "I Try To Think About Elvis". Meh, it was a fair-to-middling performance. Like Simon, it isn't my favorite song.

JESSICA, "Broken Wing". A fine enough performance, good actually, but all I was thinking was, "Diana DeGarmo sang rings around her last year on this song". I shouldn't be thinking that.

MIKAYLA GORDON, "God Bless The Child". Not crazy about the song but I *was* crazy about Mikayla showing that she IS a vocalist and DOES deserve to be in this competition.

CELENA RAE, "When the Lights Go Down". I thought the judges were too harsh. I liked her on this song. She sounded very good.

NADIA TURNER, "My Love Does It Good". Wow. My favorite song selection of the night, for sure. I thought she was wonderful. She's just... different.

AMANDA AVILA "Turn the Beat Around". Same problem as with Jessica. Diana outsang her on this too last year, and I thought the judges were far too KIND to Amanda. I didn't think she did the song justice.

JANAY CASTINE, ?. I reckon this one of those current Beyonce or Jessica Simpson songs I'm less familiar with it, and I actually enjoyed the song, but not Janay's performance OF the song. Does that make sense? Janay may be going bye-bye.

CARRIE UNDERWOOD, "Another Peice of my Heart". Again I found the judges too harsh. Janis Joplin is one performer whose music lends itself quite well to "countrified" versions, and I thought Carrie pulled it off fine, though not spectacularly.

VONZELL SOLOMON, "If I Ain't Got You". Oh dear. I went to karaoke last night and heard a girl sing rings around Vonzell on this song. I was disappointed, I'm afraid.

So... not a super-great night by any means. I think Nadia was my favorite, followed by Celena second and Carrie & Jessica tied for third. Mikayla I give huge props for showing her vocal versatility. So I think I'm gonna vote Nadia, Celena and Mikayla. Mikki may need the votes and I don't think Jessica or Carrie will tonight.

PREDICTION: Janay, sweetie, pack your bags. Lindsey dear, you didn't unpack yet did you? Better not just in case. Amanda, you might want to get ready to go too just in case. Aloha, Vonzell, relax... I believe your fan base will forgive you for tonight.

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Re: American Idol
#519849 03/01/05 09:26 PM
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Teeds has confirmed for me that Aloha did indeed attempt "You Don't Know My Name". What a hard song; if you don't hit those high "eeeeeeew, eeeeeew"'s just right, you ruin the song. I hate that I missed it.

Oh, yeah, Teeds is big on AI, though it's doubtful you'll ever see her post about it. Like Jackie, she's not big on any of the guys but seems to sort-of like Bo and gay-pixie Anthony. She's big on Nadia and Aloha and Lindsey in the girl's camp.

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Re: American Idol
#519850 03/01/05 10:15 PM
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So, I clocked 3 votes for Nadia, 2 for Celena and 1 for Mikayla.

Word is that Teeds is voting for Aloha, Lindsey and Mikayla, and that she's already tired of me spilling her AI-related business here.

And did YOU vote? Voting is a priveledge, you know! Take advantage of it! laugh

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Re: American Idol
#519851 03/01/05 10:31 PM
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Wow, a couple of weeks ago I never thought I'd say this...but I think my favorite tonight was...
MIKHALA! She gave the performance she NEEDED to give tonight. She showed some real artistry, and proved she's not just an annoying novelty act.

I also thought Nadia was interesting singing "My Love", even though it wound up being sort of Shirley Bassey-ish.

Carrie is still my favorite, but she wasn't great tonight. One thing the judges didn't grasp though: I think Carrie was shooting more for the Fait Hill version of that song--not Janis Joplin's.

Jessica was "aight"...Amanda was decent enough...Aloha wasn't bad. The other girls were just "meh"...

Alas, I didn't vote tonight, since I didn't get to watch the show until the 2 hours were up.

I predict Celena and either Janay or Lindsey will go home this week.

Re: American Idol
#519852 03/02/05 03:40 PM
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Originally posted by MLLASH:

I didn't think it was as bad as the judges made it sound. Maybe it didn't seem as good live.

Didn't like it.

JESSICA, "Broken Wing".
I thought it was good. I don't like Jessica's look at all, though.

MIKAYLA GORDON, "God Bless The Child".
At first I wasn't sure if it would work, but it really did. I've always liked her, and was glad to see her get a little more serious. It was the right time.

CELENA RAE, "When the Lights Go Down".
She seems like the mom at the party who used to sing, so everyone prods her to go onstage at open mike night.

NADIA TURNER, "My Love Does It Good".
If Ruben can do "Imagine" Nadia can do this song.

AMANDA AVILA "Turn the Beat Around".
She seems like a country fair act. Really cute girl, nice voice. Don't quit your day job.

This song's a couple years old, by a one-hit-wonder. I thought it was pretty good. She does get a scared look on her face, though. Just not confident enough. Like Simon says, she may be really good in a few years.

CARRIE UNDERWOOD, "Another Peice of my Heart".
If we didn't already know what Carrie is capapble of, this wouldn't have worked. I agreed with the judges that she looked stiff. And how do you not WAIL out this song? She should have just let go. Didn't she see Joss Stone and Melissa Etheridge at the Grammys? THAT was a great cover of Janis. Countrified or not, this could have been way better.

VONZELL SOLOMON, "If I Ain't Got You".
Vonzell is sooooooo beautiful! That distracts me, because I thought she sounded just fine. It is a tough song, though. I wish I could go to karaoke with Lash!

Re: American Idol
#519853 03/02/05 03:42 PM
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Oh, I didn't vote either, I just saw a video tape of the show about an hour ago....

Re: American Idol
#519854 03/02/05 07:41 PM
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The results are in... *sigh*

There will be only ONE winner, I keep telling myself, only ONE. And I've proven myself to be no Naltorian in the predictions department.

Celena is gone, as is Aloha on the girl's side. Celena was my second favorite last night, so I was disappointed. And even though I missed Aloha's performance, I cannot believe it ws worse than Janay's, who has had 2 mediocre performances in a row and SHOULD have gone instead.

David and Joe are gone on the boy's side. David's exit was no surprise after 2 mediocre performances, but I'll sure miss handsome, dreamy Joe.

This week's eliminations were handled with MUCH more dignity. Thanks for that, AI.

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Re: American Idol
#519855 03/03/05 08:06 AM
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That result show was much better. Wow, for once FOX took the high road. Last week's results show was just MEAN, and wasn't what this show is about.

Can't believe Aloha went before Janay. I wasn't surprised about the two guys...I just REALLY hope Constantine doesn't stay too much longer!

Re: American Idol
#519856 03/03/05 01:30 PM
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Missed the show, so this is the first I'm hearing of the eliminations. I do find Aloha a surprise. I thought she'd last longer. I'm not surprised about Celena. She's really pretty and not a *bad* singer, just not the next American Idol...

The guys eliminated totally makes sense to me. There's SO much charisma in that group.

Thanks for posting the results!

Re: American Idol
#519857 03/03/05 02:44 PM
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This just in!

Constantine has appeared on TV before!

He was a contestant on the cheesy ELIMIDATE, where he was subjected to verbal abuse from the other players about his "thrift store" clothing and long hair. Yes, he was eliminated.

My radio station (it was on Q107.5, Jackie, with Carson & Kennedy) played the clips from the show this morning. Wish I was able to offer a link but... it was on a radio show.

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Re: American Idol
#519858 03/03/05 03:07 PM
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He was a contestant on the cheesy ELIMIDATE, where he was subjected to verbal abuse from the other players about his "thrift store" clothing and long hair. Yes, he was eliminated.
and here's the cheesy pics to prove it:

Re: American Idol
#519859 03/03/05 03:22 PM
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Eeeek! Shirtless Constantine!

I like him better with the shorter hair, actually.

So, is his elimination on ELIMIDATE prelude to his elimination on American Idol? We can hope! GO BO, GO!!!!

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Re: American Idol
#519860 03/03/05 04:15 PM
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Constantine is a poser. Just a guy trying to hard to be too cool.

Re: American Idol
#519861 03/06/05 11:01 AM
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Jeepers! Where's Bevis' review of last week's show?

And Scott has been silent for a while now too. As I know he's a for REAL real rocker, I'd really like to hear what he thinks about Cosmoteen and Bo. Does he consider them the real deal, or are they poseurs?

Monday can't get here fast enough for me!!! Having withdrawals...!

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Re: American Idol
#519862 03/06/05 09:09 PM
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One of my best friends freaked out on me last night when I went off about Constantine--apparently she's one of "THOSE" people who love him! Gah!!!

Re: American Idol
#519863 03/06/05 09:15 PM
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We're still watching but actually missed the guys' performances last week. I still like Contantine and Bo, both for being rockers but will admit that Bo has had much better performances. Hopefully things will be calmer around the house this week and we can really watch the shows.

Re: American Idol
#519864 03/07/05 01:26 AM
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Jeepers! Where's Bevis' review of last week's show?
Umm.... I missed it. I'm sorry, we went to the opera on Friday night and then I only caught the end of the repeat on Sunday so only saw a couple of the girls (Carrie, Janay and... possibly someone else who didn't make any impression on me) so I don't have much to say really. I thought the judges were a bit harsh on Carie, she wasn't trying to do a Janis Joplin version of the song and rather was doing the Faith Hill take on it. Ok so it wasn't her best performance but she was still damn good.

As for the eliminations... well Celena was no shock. i do think there are others worse than her (Amanda, Janay) but she wasn't ever really likely to make it all the way through to the final. Aloha I do think was a bit of a shock though and she should have got through to the final six girls. With the boys Joe and David were no big surprise. Both can sing, but neither made much of an impression on me. I just hope that Constantine goes next week. He's a poser and tries to rely just on his stage presence, but when he's up against the likes of Bo (yay Bo!) and Anwar he just doesn't stand up at all.

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Re: American Idol
#519865 03/07/05 07:39 PM
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DAMN. How they're ever going to trim 2 of the guys after tonight, I'll never know.

SCOTT SAVOL: I actually liked him tonight, he smiled and had fun, nice job on "I Can't Help myself".

BO BICE: "I'll Be" isn't my favorite song, but he sang it well. I'd really like to hear him sing "This Is How You Remind Me" .

ANTHONY FEDOROV: Wasn't familiar with the tune, but with the exception of him sounding drowned out by the band, he kicked ass.

NIKKO SMITH: The first time I have really liked Nikko; different to hear such a smooooth voice on "Georgia on my Mind".

TRAVIS TUCKER: The weakest, vocal-wise. His "Every Little Step I Take" was way off-pitch. I'd say he was going bye-bye this week, EXCEPT for the fact that he out-performed ALL the guys tonight. Had me giggling like a Catholic Schoolgirl, he did. Great moves, awesome sense of humour, so-so voice. But I'm certain the females-- and "special" boys like me-- love this guy.

MARIO VAZQUEZ: Didn't know the song but it sure was pretty as done by Mario. Hmmmm. Mario needs a haircut, however. Or to put his hat back on!

CONSTANTINE: I thought this was the best he's done yet. Excellent version of "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic".

ANWAR ROBINSON: I much prefer the standard version of "What a Wonderful World", because it brings a tear to my eye. Can't take anything away from Anwar, though, for this "total bust-out" version.

Whichever 2 guys don't make the top 12, I'll be disappointed and sad for them.

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