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#5215 12/28/03 08:09 AM
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Good point on Imra and Jenni, saturnrings and toddcam. It does seem as though their actions were okay, but I hope that we'll get to see some love for Jarth on-panel soon. I still wish that Imra had gone with Jarth to Doctor Gym'll, though... Hope I can get the issue soon...
As for Cos, I still would have preferred it if he had talked to Kon first before yelling at him. The yelling is the only real porblem I have with him so far, I agree with everything else he has done.

#5216 12/28/03 11:06 AM
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I don't get the Jenni-bashing either.

As for Lu, she's the situations executive.

Dunno what this REALLY means, but it sounds pretty much like SOME sorta leadership role to me.

But perhaps she felt it best that Coz handle this situation. Lu's a mature gal, not the type to pout about not being the leader in this crisis situation (unlike many of the boys under Levitz).

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#5217 12/28/03 01:38 PM
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I don't hold Jenni's reaction against her. She has no personal ties to Garth and her reaction was simply a means of reminding us of the feelings of confusion and distrust his inexplicable return has caused.

Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl are a different matter. Their behavior towards Superboy and Garth, respectively, is the antithesis of the ideals of altruism, tolerance and compassion that set the Legion above other super-hero teams. I'm ready to admit that what the writers have done with these characters -- juxtaposing the despicable and the despised -- makes for a controversial and interesting read. They may be super-heroes but they're also flawed individuals, and there's something to be said in favor of seeing this reflected in the pages of a comic book. But let's not make excuses for those who are behaving badly. Rokk and Imra ARE behaving badly and they deserve to be called out.

#5218 12/28/03 04:08 PM
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But the thing is that acording to the story nearly a month and a half has past since Garth came back. I just don't think after all that time they would still be acting cold to someone who was their friend even if he did look like a different person. Even Jenni should not have been that nervous around him. Maybe if this was the first time she had seen him since his return it would be accetable, but I find it hard to belive that he has been kept locked in his room for a month and a half. I think the whole teamm is just acting way out of character on this one. I am pretty sure if the women I sacrifieced my life for and my best friends treated me the way they treat him I would be going through the first gate out of there after giving them all a hearty "go to hell" to all my supposed friends.
As for Cos well he is just an ass. He was a jerk the first time he was leader, and seems to be following suit here. I still say Superboy owes him knock down.

#5219 12/28/03 04:21 PM
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Zeroman, you're a man after my own heart. I'd wouldn't mind seeing either of the two scenarios you described. Just make sure Kon doesn't hit Rokk TOO hard, OK? smile

#5220 12/28/03 07:05 PM
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Naw just one good hit to knock him on his butt. Just enough to show him what a jerk he has been, and make him look bad to the rest of the team.

#5221 12/28/03 07:50 PM
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I loved the ish. and cos is much nicer (sp) than the trash in my hood.
from NY now stuck in NJ

#5222 12/28/03 10:05 PM
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Some comments:
1) If the Legion is going to keep a Superboy on its roll call, it would have to be the Apokoliptian Clark Kent. I expect it is pretty certain Kon-El would be returning to the Teen Titans in the 21st Century at some point. I agree with previous comments that it seems likely the Apok Clark will probably not last the storyline, so it looks like no permanent Superboy for this Legion!
2) Jazmin was a responsible leader by giving up her leadership under the circumstances of her unreliable powers. Giving the leadership back to Rokk was sensible, but very "cliquish".
The Legion seems to once again be developing into a 'first string', and then the 'others'. There should be a NEW leader after this stroy arc, and Triad or Invisible Kid would be the best choices.
3) Where was Quislet? I didn't see it at all!
4) The Orion Apokoliptian reminded me of a Frank Miller Batman. The JLA have gotten a lot play time by DnA in the Legion titles, with the Robotican storyline, and now with Foundations.

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#5223 12/28/03 11:44 PM
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Haven't read the issue yet myself, but have to agree on the Jenni issue. Cos still is acting a bit too much like a jerk, but I'm still undecided on Imra, I think I'll wait 'til I have the issue to comment on her. I really would like to see Imra, Ayla and Cos have a nice talk with Garth, maybe even a group hug smile or something, since they are the Legionnaires he's closest with. And I wonder how Mekt has reacted to Garth's return? I'm sure he must know by now. Now that Jazmin's stepped down as leader, maybe her popularity will rise again? Then again, it might not, seeing as how there seems to be a lot of support for Triad being leader. I'd like to see Lu get a crack at that... It would be nice to see an election issue sometimes soon, where we could see which Legionnaires voted for whom, just like in the Levitz days. Would be pretty interesting.

#5224 12/29/03 07:51 AM
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I agree that Rokk is acting like Cosmic Prig. His disappointment in Superboy because of the Superman legend is no one's fault but his own. First of all, this isn't Kal-El/Superman. This is Kon-El/Superboy. Second, if his faith is so blind that he can't abide the reality that is Kon-El that is his shortcoming, not Kon's. Third, this Superboy has acted no more rashly or hastily than the original Superboy has done a hundred times over in previous Legion stories. Rokk's harsh criticism is just a bunch of trumped up propaganda to create drama. As we've seen time and again D&A are all about the drama and not about the logic.

Imra did seem overly cold to Garth, especially if he's been around for 5 weeks.

All that aside, I'm sick to death of seeing Cos, Saturn Girl, Brainy, et al in every single issue. Let's see some more of XS, Triad, Karate Kid, and Dreamer for crying out loud. Rokk, Imra, and Brainy have been over-featured since day 1. XS has barely appeared since her and Thom's issue of Legion Worlds. And Triad's not seen any real action since she kicked Ra's Al Ghul's butt a while back. Karate Kid and Dreamer got a little coverage in the Universo storyline, but not much compared to Ubiquitous Imra. Send her back to Titan for her tele-therapy already.

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#5225 12/29/03 09:56 AM
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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
All that aside, I'm sick to death of seeing Cos, Saturn Girl, Brainy, et al in every single issue. Let's see some more of XS, Triad, Karate Kid, and Dreamer for crying out loud.
Amen to that, brah!

I want to see more of Gates, Ferro, XS, Gear (since he's now an actual team member)... even Terrorform Kinetix (though I would like it more if she reverted back to one of her old forms).

And bring back -- or at least tell us what's happening with -- Tenzil, Mysa, Dragonmage, Dirk Morgna, Andromeda, Thunder, Rond Vidar, Marla Latham... even Lori Morning! They were all relatively important characters prior to Legion Lost, and they deserve at least a mention as to their current whereabouts.

#5226 12/29/03 08:22 PM
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Hear, hear, jim and STU! nod nod

#5227 12/29/03 08:35 PM
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Don't know if someone already brought this up but could Imra's treatment of Garth stem from the 'dreams' she had when under Universo's control? Maybe his appearance, so soon after the dreams, was too much for her and she doesn't want to find out he isn't real again.

#5228 12/29/03 10:00 PM
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That's an interesting theory, LL. I don't think anyone has thought of that yet. respect respect

#5229 12/30/03 06:07 PM
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"Don't know if someone already brought this up but could Imra's treatment of Garth stem from the 'dreams' she had when under Universo's control? Maybe his appearance, so soon after the dreams, was too much for her and she doesn't want to find out he isn't real again."

Valid point. Contrary to popular opinion, she does have feelings and they are being sorely tested. She's doing the best she can in a bad situation and while Garth has been around for at least 5 weeks, he's spend most of his time in the Winath replicated forest because he realizes that people are uncomfortable around him. I suspect that he's not around enough for Jenni or anyone else to become comfortable with his presence.

Imra recognizes the seriousness of this crisis and she understands that this turmoil must be her first priority. Garth can't wait on her if his goal is to figure out what can be done to improve his situation. If the Legion fails, there may not be any lunches in any of their futures.

I agree with the others that I hope this subplot is addressed or resolved soon, but I have to admit that this subplot, Rokk's reaction to Con, Brainy's peck on Lyle's cheek and the overall drama of the Darkseid menace is beginning to give this title a more contemporary or mature feeling. I felt Clark Kent's pain when he realized this was not his Smallville. The fact that Con and Garth find each other to commiserate made me smile because misery loves company.

We are seeing different sides of these characters and while some readers may disagree with these characterizations, for the first time in a while, I feel that these are real teenagers who carry the weight of the universe on their shoulders. Foundations has a great degree of emotional depth and I'm loving every minute of it.

#5230 12/31/03 12:39 PM
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Why is Garth still wearing Element Lad's old costume?? Can he not take it off or just dosen't want to?

#5231 12/31/03 04:12 PM
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Did Jaz actually resign from the leadership, or did she say she wasn't accompanying the team on this mission? My reading was the latter.

I also read it that Cos wasn't booting Superboy off the team -- just off the mission.

I'm enjoying Cos' temper tantrum, whatever its cause. It could be that Superboy's personality just grates on him, or that Cos truly is disillusioned by meeting one of his 21st century heroes. He does have a point that Superboy is, at present, a liability on a mission, but he also appears to be letting his personal feelings influence how he handles the situation. Either way, I think it makes Cos a much more interesting character to know that he does have buttons that can be pushed.

The issue was largely enjoyable, for me, though much of the drama seems too light. I don't get any sense of urgency over Darkseid's return. It all seems so matter-of-fact.

But I did enjoy the role the Apokolyptian Clark played in the issue. I didn't see it coming: that he would turn on Darkseid after grabbing Superboy's emblem. This is a wrinkle in Darkseid's plan that suddenly makes it interesting. I don't know what DnA (or future writers) have in store for Clark and Kon, but I hope Clark isn't killed off. I like him too much, already.

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#5232 01/01/04 04:33 PM
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I agree with HWW about Jaz. The phrasing isn't 100% black-or-white, but it sounded to me like Jaz chose (as is her right as leader) to appoint Cos leader of this mission. Nura sometimes appointed mission leaders other than the elected deputy - as Lash said, certain Legionnaires acted rather childishly about it.

#5233 01/01/04 06:37 PM
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I just got this issue (rather late on it, it's been a BUSY holiday season, what with trips and all!)

I agree with MLLASH. I'm neither hot nor cold on this one... it was totally middle-story-arc syndrome for me, continuing the irritating "Jarth" subplot and the irritating "Kon-El vs. Rokk" subplot, neither of which, in my humble opinion, are DnA's best attempts at writing characterization into their plot-heavy storylines.

I don't know that there's much to comment on at this point, though I am very much looking forward to seeing Darkseid next issue. I hope it lives up to the hype. We've been building to this since the beginning of "Dream Crime," now. I would hate for it to be anticlimactic. And I hope we get to see some Legion-Servant battles!

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
#5234 01/01/04 07:30 PM
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Originally posted by braalian:
Why is Garth still wearing Element Lad's old costume?? Can he not take it off or just dosen't want to?
The only thing I can think of is that the EL costume's a design on the crystal that makes up his body as opposed to a costume, and he's tried wearing other stuff over it, but accidentely wrecked it with Jan's power, the way he turned the tree to crystal in the SF (he was oblivous to that instance, not the possibility of it happening. And I suppose it would make a better reason for everyone to avoid him - they're nervous about him accidently turning them to statues or something. Then then again, he should be in a medilab or confined to quarters if that's a risk, rather than free to wander about.)

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#5235 01/02/04 07:19 AM
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Originally posted by braalian:
Why is Garth still wearing Element Lad's old costume?? Can he not take it off or just dosen't want to?
Black and white is in this year.

#5236 01/02/04 09:39 AM
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Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
The only thing I can think of is that the EL costume's a design on the crystal that makes up his body as opposed to a costume, and he's tried wearing other stuff over it, but accidentely wrecked it with Jan's power, the way he turned the tree to crystal in the SF (he was oblivous to that instance, not the possibility of it happening.
I read that as Garth-in-Jan knowing exactly what he was doing in that scene. I thought he acted in a fit of pique, the way Garth sometimes did pre-LOST. Doesn't forebode well for the future use of the transmutation power.

Which is problematic in the hands of an 'impulse-oriented' character, like Garth.

I'll have to look again-- maybe he *was* oblivious to the tree and butterfly transformations. That'd certainly be a few more points in Garth-in-Jan's favor on my scorecard. :rolleyes:


#5237 01/02/04 02:53 PM
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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I read that as Garth-in-Jan knowing exactly what he was doing in that scene. I thought he acted in a fit of pique, the way Garth sometimes did pre-LOST. Doesn't forebode well for the future use of the transmutation power.

Which is problematic in the hands of an 'impulse-oriented' character, like Garth.

I'll have to look again-- maybe he *was* oblivious to the tree and butterfly transformations. That'd certainly be a few more points in Garth-in-Jan's favor on my scorecard. :rolleyes:
The reason I thought he was oblivious was that at no point did he look *at* the tree when he turned it to crystal. He leans against it for a second, then starts walking away. Plus his attitude is melancholy, not angry.

Maybe he did do it on purpose - and I agree, Garth with a power like Jan's probably isn't a good thing for the team - but I think he'd have probably gone for something more visceral - like blasting something with his lighting (while looking at it!) - if he was lashing out.

[Linked Image]

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#5238 01/02/04 05:51 PM
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Though you'd think he'd realize what was going on with the transmutation powers eventually. He's been living in that habitat for weeks, and it can't be that large -- he's got to be at least a little curious when he starts seeing crystal trees appearing that weren't there before... laugh

#5239 01/04/04 12:17 PM
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Some thoughts...

...Superboy's return and the subsequent "all-hail-all-kill" attitude around him this time just falls a bit flat to me when I recall how people reacted (almost nonchalantly) to him during M'onel's resurrection post-boot, and he was wearing the "S" costume back then. I also recall reading someone say before how "revisionist" Cos' newfound "belief" is...

...this issue was also "neither here nor there" for me. In my case I think the art, while nice to look at, evokes very little tension or motion. Heck, Kon's fighting Orion and it seems like he's smiling! Beating the horse dead but I guess I still miss Oli's take...

...saw the cover to #31 and it looks like Superboy's here to stay. Just can't tell if it's Apokolip-Clark or Kon...

...Jarth's treatment does seem deplorable, and nice viewpoints expressed here...

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