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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518720 07/04/09 10:08 AM
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I wonder how many people are still buying this post Mark Waid? Well, I am, and after an incredibly tedious Green Lantern/Phantom Stranger story, things seem to be back on track.

The latest was a Booster Gold / Magog issue, which was actually very good! It would seem to be the perfect intro issue to Magog's future series and for people who want to familiarize themselves with Booster. In fact, if more of the series was like this, then perhaps more people would be talking about B&B again.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518721 07/11/09 07:19 AM
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Due to budget constraints I haven't been able to buy this book in a while unfortunately (other than lucking into the odd issue in a cheap back-issue bin) but I am very excited about the upcoming JMS run.

I *LOVE* the fact that he will be spot-lighting the obscure, forgotten parts of the DCU more and just hope that the sales are sufficient to give him a good, long run on this title.

Some of his rumoured upcoming guest stars are inspired though. I mean - Brother Power the Geek! Who ever thought they'd see that character again!?! I can't wait.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518722 07/28/09 08:23 AM
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Catching up:

First - also looking forward to JMS's run and his odd pairings. I've almost done a complete flip-flop from bashing him to following him to different titles (though that won't get me to pick up the Red Circle stuff laugh ).

I recently read the two lastest: (A) Static & Black Lightning and (B) Blue Beetle and Hardware. Whereas I thought I'd like the latter more, it was actually the former that was the one I enjoyed.

Static is a character I like and am glad to see in the DCU and Black Lightning is another character I like, but the story felt very flat to me. Black Lightning is one of those characters who is woefully written the wrong way. Whatever it is writers try to do, they make him much more bland than he should be. By trying to go against the 70's "angry black man" stereotype, they go too far in the other direction. I blame Winnick.

The Hardware / Blue Beetle story, however, was actually quite good! I don't know much about Hardware but I think I'm starting to like him after this. The dynamic was there between Beetle and Hardware to the point where I actually would like to see the two team-up again. The new Beetle is the type of character who should have legions of fans but yet only has the half of Ted Kord's fans willing to give him a chance. DC really should have marketed that better as LW poster veryvery once pointed out.

I get the feeling not many people read B&B, which is too bad. The Hardware/Beetle issue was the perfect launching point for a series of either one, just as the Booster/Magog one was a few months ago. Unfortunately for every good one there is a blander one like the Static / Black Lightning, or even a super-boring one like that big Phantom Stranger/Green Lantern story that killed the momentum of the entire comic.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518723 08/19/09 10:02 PM
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Brother Power the Geek is coming.

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518724 08/19/09 10:47 PM
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Like OMG.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518725 09/17/09 11:48 AM
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So I haven't read an issue of this title since the first part of that Green Lantern/Green Arrow/Phantom Stranger story, but wanting to support JMS and his 'obscure hero' approach (and also because I had a little extra pocket money thanks to a $66 lottery win! my biggest ever win! I'm stoked!) I picked up #27.

I really liked it. This was my first exposure to JMS's writing (I think - has he written any DC before?) and while it didn't reinvent the wheel and was perhaps a tad 'talky' at points, it certainly drew me into the story and even left me feeling kinda choked up for poor Robby and his guilt at the end there. Good for Batman for being a noble hero rather than a dick for a change.

I was initially surprised (and maybe a tad disappointed) when it became obvious that Robby wouldn't be the actual 'co-star' of this issue but the fantastic page where he...

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">saw the future and then climbed straight back into bed terrified</span></span>

... made it well worth it. Kudos to Jesus Saiz there.

Saiz did a great job throught the whole book actually. I've been a fan since I saw him on that Suicide Squad mini a couple of years back so I'm glad that he's found a home at DC and on a title I like too.

My only problem with the book was in an area that I sometimes think only I notice (or at least take issue with) - the colouring! It was so flat and drab and miserable throughout. Like we were all looking at it through a filter set to "dull". Seriously - look at the sky, the buildings, the backgrounds... everything's an orangey-browny-grey colour.

Why do colourists make these choices? Surely a POP!ART! book like The Brave and the Bold would more greatly benefit from bright, dynamic, bold colours to more accurately reflect the colourful, larger-than-life characters that appear in it? Readers unfamiliar with Dial-H-For-Hero should come away with from this book thinking "Wow! What a cool, vibrant concept. I'd love to read more about it!" rather than "That was a good story... now where is my razor blade?" wink

Rhonda (mechana) did such a great job with the colours back on The Legion. I can't believe she had/has(?) trouble getting work at DC again while this Trish Mulvihill seems to get so much (no offence to her).

Anyway, rant over. The isse was still good. Go buy it.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518726 09/17/09 01:33 PM
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Originally posted by Blacula:
Rhonda (mechana) did such a great job with the colours back on The Legion. I can't believe she had/has(?) trouble getting work at DC again while this Trish Mulvihill seems to get so much (no offence to her).
OK Kayne wink

I also liked the story. It wasn't a "blow your socks off" story, but a good solid one issue story.

One gripe: <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">on page 16, we see the Star unharmed by bullets fired at point blank range and yet at the end the bomb kills him??? I consider that an editor's fault</span></span>

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518727 09/17/09 03:51 PM
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Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Originally posted by Blacula:
[b] Rhonda (mechana) did such a great job with the colours back on The Legion. I can't believe she had/has(?) trouble getting work at DC again while this Trish Mulvihill seems to get so much (no offence to her).
OK Kayne wink [/b]
LOL! lol I deserved that.

Going back in time for a moment, with that extra pocket money I won I also bought the previous three issues of B&B too - the Milestone character ones. Just read them...

Static & Black Lightning - This issue didn't really do it for me I'm afraid. About halfway through it I thought "Please tell me something is going to happen other than this not very interesting fight" but nothing ever did. And it kinda annoyed me that Black Lightning got punked the whole time too - I don't think he got one lick in. It was nice to see a fairly formidable new villain in the DCU though - just a shame he's so generic.

Blue Beetle & Hardware - This one was better, but still not great. The dialogue and writing were a big step-up from the previous ish but where it fell down was in the overly simple plot and the rather boring nature of one of the headliners - Hardware. Sorry to his fans, but he was a kinda boring character to me, visually and power-wise. That said, I liked his interaction with Jaime and wouldn't mind reading another meeting between them. The surprise villain at the end was fun too.

Xombi & the Spectre - This one was the best of the bunch! Very atmospheric and moody piece. I'm not the biggest Spectre fan and I've never read anything with Xombi in it before but I was fully engaged with this tale. The fantastic art was a big plus. Normally this type of art would not be my cup of tea but it fit this story perfectly - and he drew a superb Spectre. The nature of the crime was a fun, new (to me anyway) one too - a ghost killing ghosts - and I give extra points to anything that seems original in comics in this day and age. Good issue.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518728 09/22/09 07:03 AM
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Blacula, glad you liked the Xombi/Spectre issue, which I also thought was superb and way below anyone's radar.

I read JMS's first issue last night with Batman and Dail H for Hero, and I think it says a lot that I read about 20 comics in the last two days, including Blackest Night and several other high profiles ones, and the one issue that made me want to come to LW before I got started at work and talk about was B&B. Why? Well, not because it was the most ground-breaking issue of all time, but because it was a good, solid story, the likes of which remind me why I try to collect so many different titles.

I think JMS did a great job in his first story, and I hope all his future issues contain several of the key elements of why I enjoyed it:

- done in one plot with a full story

- a story with a lot of heart and a real actually shift / journey for a character to undergo.

- heroes interacting with one another that you wouldn't ordinarily expect and therefore showing sides to them because of it, a la Batman here. I thought his speech to Robbie Reed was pretty well done, and even though it was another side to him, it was completely in character.

For the longest time I was anti-JMS because of some specific Spider-Man stories; only later did I learn of how much editorial was involved in giving edicts to him on those stories. His run on Thor really impressed me and made me turn the corner in my view of him. Now I'm looking forward to B&B and I eagerly await what he's got planned next.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518729 10/22/09 09:12 AM
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Just finished Brave & Bold, Blackhawk & the Flash. Another good strong one issue story by J. Michael Straczynski. Again the story was more about the inner struggle of one of the heroes.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Here it was Barry Allen struggling with the no killing code of superheroes with the realities of war. </span></span>

Jesus Saiz' artwork was just beautiful. Crisp and clean. And Trish Mulvihill's coloring was spot on. (not that mechana couldn't have done better)

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518730 10/26/09 12:39 PM
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Just read the Flash / Blackhawk team-up and I agree with Quis. Another top quality story by JMS! Really good stuff, with great interaction between Flash and Blackhawk, with some great conflict for Barry. One of the best stories of the year for any genre or company.

JMS on B&B: So far, pretty damn excellent.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518731 11/01/09 08:12 PM
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I agree. The Flash and Blackhawk issue was excellent both in terms of story and art. We need more comics like this.

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518732 11/08/09 05:07 PM
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This was the first B&B issue I picked up. Since no Flash this month I had an extra couple of bucks. Glad I did. Great story and art. Nice to see a hero go to WWII and not meet Rock. Great to see the Blackhawks again.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518733 11/20/09 04:43 AM
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The Brave and the Bold #29. Batman and Brother Power the Geek.

Best. Issue. Yet.

I'll be back to write more another time but JMS is writing his little socks off on this title.

If you are not reading this book then you are missing out on one of the most quirky and interesting and moving and emotional superhero books out there.

Why couldn't JMS have come to DC 10 years ago? Unlike some of their writers (*cough* Judd Winick *cough*) he actually seems to respect their characters.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518734 11/22/09 03:47 PM
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Batman and Brother Power the Geek was amazing. I admit to getting a little choked up. JMS is showing us that "done in one" comics are not only still possible, but that they can be done with more heart, drama, and substance than the majority of comics being published today. Excellent work.

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518735 11/22/09 04:12 PM
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I'm glad the writer didn't elaborate on what actually happened to Cindy, I remember her from the Vertigo one-shot Rachel Pollack wrote. I'm also glad that the Geek was actually speaking coherently.

The story had a very true moral to it. It really is sad as to what our culture has become. The truth is, I only speak to people on the internet here,, and Deviantart. I don't use facebook, livejournal, myspace, or twitter. I don't even like cellphones, but my parents insist I have one for emergency reasons. I'm 18, and I detest all these things yet I use the internet too much.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518736 12/13/09 06:13 AM
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Well, thank you to everyone...

I got the Batman/Brother Power issue and LOVED IT!!!!!

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518737 12/13/09 07:35 AM
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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
The story had a very true moral to it. It really is sad as to what our culture has become. The truth is, I only speak to people on the internet here,, and Deviantart. I don't use facebook, livejournal, myspace, or twitter. I don't even like cellphones, but my parents insist I have one for emergency reasons. I'm 18, and I detest all these things yet I use the internet too much.
But I don't think today's technology is isolating us as much as portrayed here. On the subway I see people in their own little Ipod world, but have also seen two people sharing an Ipod. People will still seek out other people. Some will isolate using computers etc., but those people would have isolated in the past with solitary hobbies like stamp collecting.

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518738 12/13/09 11:38 AM
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Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
But I don't think today's technology is isolating us as much as portrayed here.
Quite the opposite, IMO. I think that the average person today spends too *much* time interacting with other people through their devices. Conversations become trivial, and yet every text has to be answered immediately, despite no actual *communication* taking place.

I've got friends and family who've gotten pretty annoyed with me for not having a cellphone, because they can't just call me whenever they have a wild hair to do so. I'd rather have a substantial conversation with my mom once a month than exchange meaningless emails every day telling her that 'not much has happened.'

I've got friends who play EQ / WoW / etc. and they sit on Ventrilo (voicechat) even then they aren't playing. A group of them are football fans, and they'll provide running commentary to each other (and the rest of us) during the game. It's like they can't unplug from each other, and have forgotten how to enjoy things *by themselves.* We can always talk about them later, but no, they have to share everything in real-time (including thoughts that, in a less *immediate* world, would have gone unsaid, as they would have had time to think about it).

Everything is immediate. Nobody seems to think before speaking. The 'internal censor' that exists between our brain and our mouth doesn't have time to say, 'maybe nobody wants to hear about your last bowel movement...' before you've blurted it out.

And, IMO, we're getting too dependent on other people's feedback on *everything.* There are times when I don't need someone's opinion or feedback on what I'm gonna do, or what I thought of this movie, or where I'm gonna go, or who I'm gonna date, or what I'm gonna have for lunch, or what I'm gonna wear today, and yet I hear people asking these very questions ('Should I nuke up some of last night's pizza for lunch?' 'Eat a kitchen sponge for all I care! Make your own darned decisions!').

And now I'm turning into one of those old fuddy-duddies who complains about how things are today (despite hanging out on the phone as a teenager for hours, talking about nothing to people I saw all day at school!).

Get off my lawn, you darn kids! [waves cane around threateningly]

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518739 12/13/09 11:41 AM
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Double post. I suck at editing. Always hit the wrong button and make another post!

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518740 12/15/09 08:48 AM
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Well, thank you to everyone...

I got the Batman/Brother Power issue and LOVED IT!!!!!
Very glad to hear you liked the issue Lash! I recommend tracking down the Batman & Dial-H-for-Hero issue if you can - it wasn't as groovy as this issue but was still an excellent and emotional read.

And spread the word around. This book deserves much higher sales than it's getting!

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518741 12/15/09 02:45 PM
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Read the Bats/BP issue and it was excellent, as I suspected it would be. I actually thought the Batman/Dial H for Hero and the Flash/Blackhawk stories were better--but honestly, all were so good that its hard to compare. But trust me faithful LWers, if you liked this issue, you'll love the other two as well.

Everything about the issue was groovy. JMS continues to remind creators & readers how a done in one issue can be exciting and poignant at the same time without having to tout itself as a done in one issue.

JMS's use of Batman is also extraordinary. He doesn't take anything away from "the dark knight" aspect of the character, yet he makes Batman likeable and relatable, and in fact, gives Batman the role of someone the audience can relate to in the larger story. That's twice he's done this--something that hasn't really been done since...the Golden Age?

Brother Power is interesting and his usage has an innate coolness factor. I like JMS's message, which I didn't read so much as "it changed for the worse" but rather "it never lived up to the promise that the ideals of the 60's held". People I know who lived during that time will tell you it shouldn't be viewed with rose-colored glasses; but there was definitely the sense of an ideal world that could be achieved that fell by the wayside somewhere along the way and has only grown farther apart. I won't argue on the technology-related debate several fellow posters spoke about, but I do think the sequence that compared students drinking beer and talking about poetry and engaging in intellectual conversations to students get shit-faced for the sake of getting shit-faced was a pretty powerful one. It definitely made me sigh since it seems pretty accurate.

Anyone not reading is really missing out. The coolest part is that each story so far is completely different than the one prior to it. You can't get much farther from this issue than the previous one with Flash and the Blackhawks and that was incredible as well. At this point I think I might not even check ahead of time to see who he is using since its almost a guaranteed great story and I like the surprise.

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518742 12/16/09 10:27 AM
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I'm really looking forward to the Green Lantern / Dr Fate issue!

Re: Brave and the Bold
#518743 12/16/09 07:08 PM
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The GL/Dr Fate issue was also a great one issue story. Not a lot of action, but a great discussion.

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Re: Brave and the Bold
#518744 12/20/09 02:38 AM
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I bought the first three issues last month (on LW recommendations and positive online reviws at CBR) and just recently read them. You know what? They're purty damn good, alright!

My favorites are the two Batman issues. I love the sympathetic stories of the guy who stole the "H" Dial and of the strange creature that is Brother Power. That I cared about either character, one new and a one-off obviously and the other so obscure I knew nothing about) is a testament to JMS's writing ability. I also love that JMS doesn't write Bruce as an emotionless bastard. His Batman cares and is great consoling Robbie Reed and taking an interest in and relating to the Geek. I especially loved the Frankenstein allusions a lot. In both stories JMS had a lot to say about what's wrong with modern society that was worth listening to.

I liked the Flash story, but not as much. Mainly, I think JMS left too much out of the story. For one thing, the role the Blackhawks played was pretty minimal. It could've been played by any group of generic war characters. Little that make the Blackhawks unique was really a part of the story. You could've put Easy Company or Marvel's Howling Commandos in there with very little adjustment. They're multi-national makeup was emphasized at one point, but I don't think we got much flavor for them in the process.

I guess the story was all about Barry's decision to take part in this war while he was trapped in the moment while appreciating better the sacrifices of those who came before. But I would've liked to have seen a lot more of what actually happened. I'm sure many would argue that the ambiguity of what actually happened enhances the story, but I personally would like to have seen more. I like the one-off nature of this series, but this would've made a brilliant 2- or 3-parter.

What is not to be denied in all three issues, however, was the breathtaking beauty of Jesus Saiz's art! Wow, what a find! I may have seen his art before, I don't know, but I'll be giving him a close look from now on, for sure! Beatiful, gorgeous art that while simple and understated in some ways is utterly breathtaking in the execution. Saiz obviously gets JMS's scripts and maximizes everything within them to full effect. I look forward to seeing what this guy's future holds.

Seems the GL/Fate issue's getting good reviews already from Quis and CBR. Looking forward to it! nod

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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