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Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515822 01/12/08 07:56 AM
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I'm not so sure we've lost that member yet. The death was no more descriptive than Cable just before Messiah CompleX started. I think we'll see more.

This really is starting to look like propaganda for the new X-FORCE. That team is getting more spotlight than the existing X-Factor.

Just spouting off.
Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515823 01/20/08 02:24 PM
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Is next week's the final chapter? Truly? It's going to have to finish up this story with great economy, precision and style, if so.

The 'other' Madrox in a different future has already been revealed to be a loose end that will be tied up in X-Factor by Peter David, sooner or later.

Too bad, that was something that kept me curious and involved. Still, MESSIAH COMPLEX has been entertaining, so far.

Being an X-book, I would've expected this to lie around untouched till about 2020 or so-- but since Mr. David's involved it'll be at least a *little* sooner, I think.

Best thing about the last issue or two? I love that Mystique is now even more complex and twisted in her motivations than ever.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Mr. Sinister would appear to have gone down a tad *too* easily, though. Could that have been a Sinister clone or something? </span></span>

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515824 01/21/08 08:50 AM
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Not the best crossover, but the last few parts of it have been better than the first.

Saw the Bishop thing coming a mile away. I wish we had more scenes with him and Gambit--it was implied, but Gambit seemed to be taking delight in Bishop's role, considering Biship used to lambaste Gambit as a traitor when they first began to appear.

All I kept hearing about this crossover is that Cyclops will 'be the man'. Well, I've seen it...and he does make some great decisions, but a lot of it reads a bit over the top.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515825 01/21/08 06:05 PM
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I dunno. I liked seeing Cyke put Xavier in his place. As a huge X-Men fan (like giant fangirl-- biggest ever), I'm really, really happy with the whole thing. Sure there have been better. But this? This is golden. I'm really, really enjoying the whole thing.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515826 01/24/08 07:14 AM
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Yeah, overall, I enjoyed it more than a little. I think it was well-done and worth the crossing over/event syndrome stuff.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515827 01/24/08 02:48 PM
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<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Another story that involves the Professor being shot. (I just reread X-Cutioner's Song.) And granted the ramifications are different but... yeah. Kinda let down, to be honest.

And we never found out what the mutant did that ruined Bishop's future. I'd really like to know that. Because I really like Bishop. Or did, anyway, before HoM started ruining things.

Curse you Joe Quedesa and your stupid genies!</span></span>

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515828 01/24/08 06:40 PM
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well...i really liked this, it reminded me of the old xmen. the pace and action were good. characters used their brains....especially emma. and the marauders are always scary even without exodus.

and it got me picking up the new x-men which i love....but er's no more. hmmm. damnit i surprisingly really like the chracters of x23, hellion, surge, anole etc.

the messiah thing has kinda been done (in previous x stories) but it got me reading the uncanny xmen again and every issue had a plot twist. didnt make the most sense but it was really fun.

and i liked he issue spotlighting iceman and cananonball as resourceful instead of as the kid members.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">the xmen disbanded there's young xmen, which will be sent on missions just like the uh xmen. and now there's an xforce to go on missions and basically be ...the xmen. kinda dumb. and why do they need to ice prof x at the last minute. i confess i didnt see it coming but...come on. cant we have a new era of x without shooting chuck in the eye?</span></span>

i did really like it but the fallout of it, and the new titles are worrying.

and not enough kitty pryde.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515829 01/24/08 07:31 PM
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I read detailed spoilers on another forum.

What a lame ending.

Can we even really call it an ending? Marvel is picking up some bad habits from their Distinguished Competition.

We STILL don't know who the baby is. Apparently it'll be revealed in Cable's new solo book, which means I won't be paying attention.

She probably won't turn out to be J*** G*** like I predicted earlier in this thread. At this point, I don't care anymore.

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Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515830 01/24/08 07:45 PM
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Yay, the six-part mini-series all about the mystery child is over!

And it resolved nothing! Even better, a *complete* narrative failure.

Chuck needs to buy some damn armor. Crippled. Healed. Crippled again. Cloned into a healthy body. Crippled again. Shot. Healed and can walk. Crippled again. Shot again.

Give up, dude. At this point it just looks like you're doing it for the sympathy.

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Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515831 01/24/08 08:29 PM
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being the world's greatest telepath he gets surprised a lot. wink

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515832 01/24/08 09:13 PM
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A lot of the pre-sell on this thing strongly implied there would be major character deaths (like BIG guns). Were there? I know Chuck Xavier's not dead cuz he's prominently featured in the X-Men: Legacy pre-sells. Spoil away, but puh-leeze don't bother listing deaths of characters I've never heard of!

Also, I take it the "no more mutants" thing wasn't resolved one way or another?

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515833 01/24/08 09:38 PM
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Except for some great Emma moments, "Messiah" was such a let-down. It felt like "Executioner's Song" Part 2.

<sigh> I am sooooooooooooooooooo tired of Xavier. I wish he would just go off into space again. Every time he is back on Earth, he turns evil, dies, get crippled or fakes his death. So over it.

I have no desire to pick up the new "X-Force" (Wolvie is now in SIX books!!! that is just ridiculous).

The "New Exiles" is just awful....more of Claremont rehashing the same stories and ruining Psylocke even more.

"X-Factor" is just not my thing.

I won't pick up "X-Men Legacy" as I can't handle anymore issues of Gambit-Rogue love story that has dragged on for decades now. Rogue is sooo such better when she is not moping around Gambit.

I guess poor Rachel Grey (my all time favorite Marvel character) will get left out in space with Havok & Polaris since there is no book for them to return too since all the Astonishing people are taking over "Uncanny".

I was so glad to see Storm back and all she did was have 2 scenes of throwing lightning - not disappointing.

This story also confirmed that Scott is still a jerk. Wait till Emma finds out he is keeping secrets such as X-Force. Yah don't want to mess with Emma & her girls!!

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515834 01/25/08 03:33 AM
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Originally posted by Askanipsion:
I have no desire to pick up the new "X-Force" (Wolvie is now in SIX books!!! that is just ridiculous).
Seven, no? (Wolverine, Wolverine: Origins, Wolverine: First Class, Astonishing X-Men, X-Force, New Avengers, Marvel Adventures: Avengers)

Originally posted by Askanipsion:
I guess poor Rachel Grey (my all time favorite Marvel character)
Don't you mean Rachel Summers? tongue

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515835 01/25/08 07:47 AM
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Originally posted by Askanipsion:
The "New Exiles" is just awful....more of Claremont rehashing the same stories and ruining Psylocke even more.
I started getting Exiles with issue one, and have every issue. But I didn't buy the new issue one. It was a fresh idea, but it's had everything fresh and exciting ripped out of it, and, like the Thunderbolts, I'm not gonna stick around and watch it die any longer.

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Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515836 01/25/08 09:22 AM
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It did feel like X-Cutioner's Song Again.

I agree about Exiles under Claremont. It used to be one of my favorite Marvel titles.

I can't stand how they do this every couple of years. Have a big crossover, kill somebody, and have everyone rearrange teams.

The good new is Carey and Brubaker are still doing X-books.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515837 01/25/08 10:17 AM
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Originally posted by Lard Lad:
A lot of the pre-sell on this thing strongly implied there would be major character deaths (like BIG guns). Were there? I know Chuck Xavier's not dead cuz he's prominently featured in the X-Men: Legacy pre-sells. Spoil away, but puh-leeze don't bother listing deaths of characters I've never heard of!

Also, I take it the "no more mutants" thing wasn't resolved one way or another?
Well, you asked for it! The most important X-Death in about 50 years!
.Caliban! tongue laugh

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515838 01/25/08 10:36 AM
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I think it's Professor X. His name in previews might be a flashback.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515839 01/25/08 11:00 AM
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No, he lives. The Acolytes nicked him and that's where he starts X-Men Legacy.

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515840 01/25/08 07:39 PM
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don't forget prism and blockbuster! very important deaths...again.

re: storm. i was bummed also, to see her return kicking *ss against sinister in one page and then that's about it....

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515841 01/25/08 07:43 PM
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and don't forget one of madrox's duplictes was grenaded! he's just as important as everybody else.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515842 01/27/08 02:31 AM
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I feel bad for fans of Bishop.

Hopefully this will be the end of Destiny's prophecies as any kind of plot device.

Also glad if this was indeed the end of Mr Sinister.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515843 01/28/08 10:32 AM
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You know with all the other-reality characters in the X-world I really want them all in Exiles.

Cable, Bishop, Rachel Grey(Summers), X-Man maybe? Just clean up 616 from all the stragglers!

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515844 01/31/08 06:08 PM
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I totally agree (assuming you're serious, UJ!) If they were all contained in one book, I might even come to enjoy some of those characters.

Right now, I mostly see them as impediments to the X-stories I'd like to read.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515845 01/31/08 06:36 PM
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So coming out of MESSIAH COMPLEX:

X-FORCE-- the slashers and dicers of the mutants banded together. I like Wolfsbane and James. And Hepzibah. But all together, with Wolverine and X-23? Not so much.

X-MEN LEGACY-- Apparently the memories/thoughts/projections? of a comatose Charles Xavier. Who's been kidnapped (or whose body has been kidnapped). By....? Shadow King? Cassandra Nova? A telepathic entity? Malice?

X-Men-- don't know what to expect here, really. Anyone seen hints? Who's appearing

X-FACTOR-- supposed to be a character to replace Rahne. All else continues as it was. Though the team now has a more unified purpose in rescuing Layla, I think.

CABLE-- raising baby Jean (or whoever) off somewhere else. Another time? Like that'll be long-lasting. Other characters? Bishop?

There's a couple of WOLVERINE titles, but I don't pay any attention to those, frankly. Unless there's a guest-star I care about. I think I remember reading that Millar is coming back to Wolverine, which might mean a return to the NORTHSTAR storyline. I'd be into that.

I'm most excited by YOUNG X-MEN. Not because I care so much about the former NEW X-MEN who're appearing (from New to Young- what's that about?), though I don't dislike them, but the classic NEW MUTANTS are supposed to be in the title. To what capacity, it's unclear. Cannonball, Dani, Sunspot, Magma and Karma were mentioned. Now *this* I'm looking forward to, provided there's no mass slaughter or villainization of the characters. I think Warlock's appearing in NOVA now (anyone read that title and care to confirm?), so maybe there'll even be a bigger reunion in the future.

No word on a follow-up to Havok, Polaris and Marvel Girl in space. That's disappointing.

And ASTONISHING continues on it's parallel track, as does a new EXILES.

Re: X-Men/X-Factor: Messiah CompleX
#515846 02/01/08 06:56 AM
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Well, reading your comments I am pretty content about my decision not to be drawn into the X-Crappiverse again... I for my part did only read the X-Factor issues (Peter David, quality guarantee) and am happy that that team gets back into its own story now.

I am quite adamant in my opinion that there hasn't been a decent X-story since Age of Apocalypse (and even on that one I didn't like the ending). Onslaught, Zero Tolerance, the Morisson run, Astonishing Whedon, even House of M it's either old stuff retold, or it's just crap.

The X-universe is in serious need of someone like Bendis really doing something new and implementing some kind of change to the status quo!

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