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#511013 01/24/05 09:03 AM
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Originally posted by Jorg-El:
Hey just read the first trade and it was very much fun. I vote for Dan Slott to write the Avengers. I like a touch of the superhero comedy/celebrity lifestyle in between the big bad adventures and drama!
I just read some solicits for Marvel's April books. Slott is slatted to write the Great Lakes Avengers mini-series. This I'm definitely going to read.

Just spouting off.
#511014 01/24/05 06:59 PM
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Oh yeah. Me too, that should be hysterical! In Slott I may have found a new "favorite writer"!

Jorge, SPIDER-WOMAN (Julia) is featured (flashbacks only) in the Titania issue, # 10.

Hercules has a big, excellent role in the previous issue, # 9! Good stuff!

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#511015 01/24/05 10:43 PM
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Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Originally posted by Jorg-El:
[b]Hey just read the first trade and it was very much fun. I vote for Dan Slott to write the Avengers. I like a touch of the superhero comedy/celebrity lifestyle in between the big bad adventures and drama!
I just read some solicits for Marvel's April books. Slott is slatted to write the Great Lakes Avengers mini-series. This I'm definitely going to read. [/b]
Hey I aint buying an Avengers title now with Slott on GLAvengers I'm all over it!!! smile

MLLASH I just saw the 2nd trade to be released in April. I'm all over it!!! thanks

#511016 01/27/05 07:09 AM
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Just read the She Hulk: Single Green Female collection last night.

LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to read more. What a hoot!

#511017 01/27/05 09:09 AM
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Yeah, baby! Another Shulkie convert!

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#511018 01/30/05 02:20 PM
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Finally read SINGLE GREEN FEMALE... really enjoyed it. I thought the whole 'Big House' sequence was great.

Has there been any news about the scheduling of the 'second volume' of SHE-HULK? Or who the artist will be?

I have to confess, I hope there's a little less Southpaw and more Awesome Andy and the mysterious lawyer guy... and more Doc Samson, too!

If SHE-HULK is Ally McBeal for superheroes, maybe DOC SAMSON could be the Newhart of Marvel! Hmmm-- She Hulk as lawyer, Doc as psych counselor, Madrox as investigator, Henry Pym as physician, Wasp as image consultant... maybe this group of Marvel Heroes could open a 'one-stop shopping' superhero support service.

#511019 02/03/05 10:46 PM
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I would love to see Hank as a physician. I loved his Dr. Pym thing and believes it work best for him. I forgive Slott for having him appear as YJ in the series. wink Hank works best as a Doc not a superduperhero.

#511020 02/12/05 04:11 PM
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Well, it was an uphill battle trying to get to read Shulkie # 11, but I *finally* made it!!

Wow! After the sympathy Slott managed to raise in me for Titania last issue, he held nothing back in ripping every ounce of it to tatters with this issue. What a bitch!!

I'm worried for Shulkie, and glad Doc Sampson is there. Seeing Titania's rampage at the Law Office was genuinely scary.

Still room for some yuks, though. Had to laugh at Champion's fate (even though I feel it isn't over for him and look for him to appear in # 12) and poor Doc Samson, giving a thumbs-up and weak "I'm okay" whie lying buried under a girder that knocked his shoe off.

I won't be able to take a long delay between She-Hulk volumes or I'll go mad. Povvins, Oracle Boy-- has anyone heard anything?!?

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#511021 02/12/05 05:59 PM
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Well, both Slott and Pelletier are in the credits for GLA, don't know if that's a mini or not... Slott could write two or more books, I'm sure, but if PP is the artist for the next volume of Shulkie, they'll put it off until he's done with the Great Lakes guys.

"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt

"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
#511022 02/12/05 06:07 PM
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Speaking of GLA, here's a peek at the cover and solicits for #1:


[Linked Image]

Written by Dan Slott Pencils & Cover by Paul Pelletier

They are the Great Lake Avengers, the guys who got the shortest end of the super-hero stick. But with the REAL Avengers disassembled, they're going to try to step up to the plate and deal with one of their most powerful villains! Can they save the day? Well, we just hope these guys can save themselves! THIS ISSUE: A GREAT LAKE AVENGER DIES! (Besides Mr. Immortal, duh.) Special appearances by: Captain America, Thor, the Vision, the Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye.

"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt

"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
#511023 02/12/05 07:43 PM
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This'll probably be fun-- though I don't really have any connection to those characters.

I'd rather have more issues of SHE-HULK, to tell the truth. But I'll probably give the Great Lakes Avengers a try, solely based on the writer.

When *will* SHE-HULK vol 2 (or is that 3?) be scheduled!!???

#511024 02/14/05 12:13 PM
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Back in the Fall, when it was announced SHE-HULK was getting cancelled, a relaunch was talked about sometime this Spring. In interviews as recently as November, Slott mentioned a possible May release. I don't know if that's still the plan tho'.

Just spouting off.
#511025 02/22/05 08:42 PM
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#12... and thus the series... has now come and gone. Sigh.

In the book, one of the charactes mentions that it'll be eight months before the law firm reopens... d'ya think that's a little shout-out to the fans about how long they'll be waiting for the next Hulkalicious issue?

Too dang long.

I really hope Doc Samson hangs around...

#511026 02/23/05 06:54 AM
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Todd, that does indeed sound like what Slott was doing, and I totally appreciate the heads-up from him. Don't have the issue yet, but can't wait.

Here's hoping She-Hulk V2 is the mammoth success it deserves to be!

Meanwhile, I will enjoy GREAT LAKES AVENGERS in She-Hulk's absence.

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#511027 02/23/05 09:48 AM
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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
When *will* SHE-HULK vol 2 (or is that 3?) be scheduled!!???
It's v2, but her fourth series (since this is the first one to just be called "She-Hulk")

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
#511028 02/26/05 04:44 PM
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THE END. Spoilers for # 12.


Issue 12 ended strong.

Stuff I loved:

Wanda's spell from # 1 being used to save the day.

Every scene the Lion of Olympus appeared in, he's hilarious and perfect for Slott's writing.

The way Mr. Holliway convinced Reed to save Awesome Andy.

The Comic Book Store scenes.

Ditto somewhat redeeming himself by helping save the day.

The punch that lays Titania out coming from jennifer Walters, not She-Hulk.

The Ant Farm.

And I felt that, yes, the final panels were aimed directly t us SHE-HULK fans... "It'll be FUN again? Interesting cases? Strange adventures?" "Yes" "When?" "Eight months."

And so, I will wait patiently for the return of MY FAVORITE COMIC and do my best to spread the She-Hulk doctrine in the meantime.

Thanks for an incredible run, Misters Slott, Pelletier and Bobo!

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#511029 02/26/05 06:26 PM
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It does suck that it will be that long, but well worth the wait if it holds up like this series did. I will most definately be there. Any idea on the artist involved?

Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!

Something pithy!
#511030 02/26/05 06:58 PM
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Rick, I'm pretty sure GL AVENGERS is going to be a mini, so I don't see any reason why Pelletier can't return for V2.

Meanwhile, I hope MARVEL uses the 8 month break to formulate a massive push for SHE-HULK V2.

Obviously they want it to succeed, instead of cancelling it outright.

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#511031 02/26/05 11:14 PM
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One thing that perturbed me a bit - even in comic books do comic book readers have to be drawn so stereotypically geeky? Sure, they helped save the day, but lord knows it did nothing to break the stereotype.

#511032 02/27/05 07:10 AM
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That scene didn't bother me. Comics are already too full of beautiful people. Let the geeks have some airtime, too.

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#511033 03/07/05 10:21 PM
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With thanks to Reboot, Here's the cover for SHE-HULK V2 # 1---

Coming in OCTOBER!!

Sweet, huh?


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#511034 03/08/05 06:53 AM
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That's my wallpaper on my home PC... Not "PC" enough for my WORK PC, alas... darned conservatives wink

"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt

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#511035 03/11/05 06:45 PM
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If I made that my wallpaper my wife would cut off my wedding tackle, lol.

I just wish i hadn't lost the GL wallpaper i had before i had to erase my computer.

Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!

Something pithy!
#511036 03/19/05 12:25 PM
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Well Quesada announced that Bobillo will be reteaming with Slott on relaunch but no word on the regular artist.

#511037 03/19/05 12:40 PM
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YAY!! I really dig his unique style, although I think Pelletier would be more of a "fan-favorite" choice for artist.

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