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#508132 11/07/07 11:58 PM
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An update for those who've dropped:

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Val's coughting up blood. Deadshot seems obssessed with taunting Piper and Trickster's supposed status as gay boyfriends. Trickster's even more fervent in denying it. There's a fight with the Atomic Knights in Bludhaven where... Desaad has insinuated himself in the Firestorm matrix.

Very creepy last page. </span></span>

#508133 11/16/07 06:18 PM
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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I really wish DC'd take a couple of issues to fully focus on one of the ongoing storylines and seriously advance it
Yes, I'm replying to myself. Sad, isn't it?

The last couple of issues have done this, but the choice of focus has been less than enthralling. I guess I now see that Superman Prime is as nutso as ever and roaming the multiverse.

I can't believe they took a potentially interesting concept like Desaad in charge of the Firestorm matrix and let it peter out in two pages. What the heck was the point?

#508134 11/17/07 05:44 AM
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Ah! This explains all the death and destruction: wink

NRAMA: Back to Earth-15 for Jimmy and Justin - you basically have “a” Superman killing all the other heroes on earth. Is there some kind of perverse satisfaction in that?

JG: Killing superheroes is something of an allegory for the abandonment of childhood freedom so, no, I’m actually more interested in making characters life-like rather than dead-like.

Mystery Lad, you're our designated Countdown reader. I'm not buying the book, but I do read some of the interviews in addition to this thread.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#508135 11/17/07 10:25 AM
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Hm, I actually thought that the flow of the story got better with #26. It certainly was a jump-on issue, still I though a lot was happening... IN THE BACKGROUND!!!

While the Monitors were talking, KK met Firestorm in Blüdhaven (out og the blue!!!), Jimmy Olsen was fighting on Apocalips and Mary Marvel was delivered to Darkseid... these kinda important facts were handed to us in the BACKGROUND of the story, giving me - once more - this creepy feeling that I had missed something before...

So even though we don't know how all of a sudden Karate Kid got sick at all - or how he learned about this - right now there finally seems to be some kind of development there. Much is happening without being sown before, which is bad storytelling. But all in all, I think at least it is interesting. And there are no storylines I don't understand what's going on at all... (like in 52 - Ralph Dibny and The Question)

By the way, I actually enjoyed the "Search for Ray Palmer" series for the sake of cruising through the Multiverse alone - it is fun to finally see other realities again, loved those as a kids and never got into the Elseworlds concept which seemed to hand around nowhere... Multiverse is a good thing...

#508136 11/17/07 06:21 PM
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Mystery Lad, you're our designated Countdown reader. I'm not buying the book, but I do read some of the interviews in addition to this thread.
I am? Who authorized that? smile

I'll be glad to give quick spoiler-type blurbs and a general impression, but that's about all the enthusiasm I can muster for COUNTDOWN... though I keep reading that it's supposed to 'pick up'.

#508137 11/17/07 06:32 PM
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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
[b] Mystery Lad, you're our designated Countdown reader. I'm not buying the book, but I do read some of the interviews in addition to this thread.
I am? Who authorized that? smile

Well remember that time you had to go to the bathroom? That's when you volunteered.

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#508138 11/18/07 08:07 AM
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Yesterday's Evil, Inc. strip.

[Linked Image]

#508139 11/18/07 12:53 PM
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"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt

"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
#508140 11/26/07 05:53 PM
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Newsarama has the list of the 52 worlds which have emerged. There are still a few available! (Perhaps the LMB should bid on one.)

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#508141 11/26/07 07:02 PM
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Newsarama has the list of the 52 worlds which have emerged. There are still a few available! (Perhaps the LMB should bid on one.)
I smell potential in that comment.

Our elected leaders (who are they this week?) should consider getting on this.

What board is more deserving?

#508142 12/01/07 02:20 PM
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The last couple of issues have been eventful. Mr. Mxyptlk is now calling himself a 'trickster god'. Whether that's what he is or not remains to be seen.

His interaction with Superman-Prime was well-written, but was somewhat contradicted the very next issue.

I liked the Earth 3 Zatanna (Annataz) and her redemption.

This week's COUNTDOWN, though, was more like issues from a month ago. Mary Marvel appears to be coming back to herself, a bit. But she's now carrying around Eclipso's diamond, so who knows where *that's* going to lead. Nowhere good, I'll hazard a guess.

The Pied Piper/Trickster storyline *might* be at an end, if the last page sticks. Just when the two were on the verge of... rapprochement? Friendship? Something else else else? Somehow I think the character in question just might be living up to his name, however.

Also, isn't Neron on the loose again? Shouldn't *that* impact James Jesse?

No Karate Kid/Una this issue. There Jimmy Olsen on Apokolips, which I think is going to be the focal point around which all the other stories will eventually converge.

#508143 12/02/07 11:40 PM
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Anyone know how the Death of the New Gods intersects with Countdown? Mister Miracle seems to be in both this week, doing very different things (with different costumes).

#508144 12/04/07 04:23 PM
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I'm guessing that the colorist on Countdown was working with an existing reference for Mister Miracle, and whoever was responsible for coordination with Death of the New Gods dropped the ball.

Speaking of Death of the New Gods, can someone tell me:

1) When and how did Scott and Orion get their hands on the anti-life equation?
2) Who's the floatng-head-in-a-ball guy, wearing glasses?

Chaim Mattis Keller
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#508145 12/04/07 06:04 PM
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I think Scott got the anti-life equation in the Orion series by Walter Simonson.

The floating head in a ball guy - his name I don't remember but he was one of the leaders of New Genesis - on the council (or whatever it was) with Highfather, Lonar, some older female, a security chief and Metron showing up occasionally. There was some revolt in which Highfather's authority was challenged and IIRC he was one of the challengers.

(Edit: I think this is right...)

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#508146 12/05/07 10:04 PM
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Not good. James Jesse doesn't *appear* to survive. However, Piper keeps causing the bracelets to 'zap', so maybe he'll shock him back?

The bracelets have a reading that IDs Trickster as 'terminated' and tells Piper that they'll explode or something in 24 hours.

More Monitor action-- they're now adopting names for the first time. The main 'hawk' Monitor goes by 'Solomon'. The evolution of the Monitors is somewhat interesting.

'Bob' announces that he now knows where Ray Palmer is after a confrontation with the Monitor of the BATMAN BEYOND Earth. So, off go the Challengers.

Holly and Harley enter a cave on Paradise Island (does this link up with the caves in the current WW?)

Granny Goodness intimates to Desaad that the Grecian gods aren't handling captivity well. She recommends 'harsher measures'.

Karate Kid and Una reach a destination in Bludhaven where they cause the OMACs to reform as a new or reconstituted Brother Eye satellite launchs. Does this mean the virus Val has was a literal 'computer virus'? We don't know.

The more scenarios visited, the weaker the issue. Slowly, they're being to align.

Gotta say I'm disappointed in the Omac stuff originating in the Legionnaires' portion of COUNTDOWN. These mohawked computer/human hybrids bore me silly. Apparently, they'll be central to the 'great disaster'. Whatever.

#508147 01/01/08 07:54 PM
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The Piper slowly going nutso stuff is sort of interesting... I wish it were happening to a character I didn't care about, though.

I'm *really* hoping there's something else going on with Trickster... surely there's a Neronic twist ahead?

Or is Piper going to become a new Trickster?

I dont' think I'd like that a heck of a lot.

Mary Marvel's story is driving me around the bend. Does her characterization make any sense at all? On any level? Is this all just a stupid outgrowth of that JLI reunion issue a couple of years ago where Mary wore a similar costume to fan delight (not mine)?


Jimmy's in love with a bug-woman. Who knew he was so flexible and open-minded? Oh, well, if he can't have his first big blue love...

And he has or is or is home to a Mother Box? Did Lightray somehow implant one before he died?

The most recent issue, the one that's largely the story of Ray Palmer since he shrunk from view following his committal of Jean Loring to Arkham Asylum, was probably the best of the series.

Lots of interesting stuff there-- almost makes the Challengers' meandering ways worth it. Almost. I thought Ray was tagging heroes on other earths? That doesn't seem to match Ray's attitude here. Though who knows what he's like when focused upon his research, rather than visiting with friends or recounting his sad history...

A scene with Ralph and Sue Dibny gathered for Christmas cheer around a fireplace with Barry and Iris Allen and Ray and Jean Palmer with snow on the ground outside really packed a whallop.

Earth 51, wasn't it? It's too positive a place to survive a COUNTDOWN, isn't it? Sigh.

Chubby Zatanna, retired and a psychiatrist... Superman dresses up in costume only to deliver Christmas presents once a year... Libby Lawrence is president(!)... fun stuff. The kind of things I wanted to see in all these alternative earths that exist only to have variants of Superman and Batman, apparently.

#508148 01/01/08 10:47 PM
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I thought Ray was tagging heroes on other earths? That doesn't seem to match Ray's attitude here.
Yes it is. He saw that Earth-51 Ray discovered the upcoming Great Disaster and was going to travel the multiverse to take steps to prevent it but died in the process. He mentions that he continued Ray-51's work (presumably by tagging the heroes on the other Earths) but was still hoping that he could go on forever pretending to be Ray-51.

Chaim Mattis Keller
Legion-Reference-File Lad
#508149 01/12/08 07:19 AM
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So I dropped this with the recap issue. But from the posts here, it doesn't sound like I'm missing too much. Between you guys and Newsarama's weekly review, I don't feel like I've lost anything.

At this point, Piper/Trickster is the only one I'm curious to see resolved. Mary Marvel still has potential, but with the recent changes in the Shazam family, I don't know that I will like where it ends up.

Just spouting off.
#508150 01/13/08 08:18 AM
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I dropped last month (the all-Monitors issue was the last nail in the coffin), don't regret.

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#508151 01/13/08 11:51 AM
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I would like to drop it, but still hope that the Karate Kid involvement will somday make some sense...

On the other hand, after the Spiderman debacle, I already dropped that one, so I can't drop all of my titles at once smile

#508152 01/13/08 07:17 PM
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There's going to be a Flash/Rogues mini-series, written by Johns and drawn by Collins, after COUNTDOWN. The story will include Piper, who the author has revealed will be on the side of angels once more, but have to prove himself to Wally.

That's all welcome news (a bit of reclamation after COUNTDOWN and SALVATION RUN for Johns?)-- what *isn't* welcome, at least to me, is the inclusion of the newer TRICKSTER, that punk kid with the hip-hop costume and the crappy personality. I hope Captain Cold, Wally and Piper get there licks in. A walking punching bag is the best role for Axel (isn't that his name?)

Since there's apparently no hope for a James Jesse reappearance in COUNTDOWN, my interest is waning. I dunno if Mary Marvel hooking up with Granny Goodness on Paradise island is enough to keep me hooked.

That new Titans series that will feature Donna Troy *doesn't* mention Jason Todd, so maybe that's not the hot duo that some thought DC was pushing. I guess I want to see how her storyline-- along with Ray's- turns out.

But 15 more issues? It doesn't seem that there's that much story left to tell. Wonder what's going to be thrown in?

#508153 01/13/08 10:13 PM
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I agree re: the new Trickster. I can't stand him either. I really hope one of the other Rogues bumps him off before this series is done.

#508154 01/20/08 01:51 PM
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Or at least beats him to a point where he takes a different ID.

In the article where the ROGUES mini was announced,

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> it was also stated that James Jesse was intending on turning the Rogues in; he was undercover for the FBI the whole time. Piper's supposed to take this mission on and complete it in memory of his friend (or whatever). </span></span>

Which is all well and good, but I'm still pulling for some Neron-based action involving JJ.

#15-- OK- I like the cover but *nothing* has happened or been done by characters within the book in the pages of COUNTDOWN to live up to the image implied on this cover. Nothing.

Donna had one great fight scene here-- too bad it was against an evil version of herself. Still, it made her look good.

Hippolyta as mentor to Mary, Holly and Harley has potential. Hippolyta has had the fun beat out of her by AMAZONS ATTACK and COUNTDOWN. Maybe these three stooges can help her regain herself. And Mary's self, too. The other two I don't know or care enough about to matter- though I realize they have followings, so I hope they aren't too badly used or damaged by the proceedings.

The arc of COUNTDOWN as a whole seems to be pointing to giving Ray Palmer a hugely defining moment. He'll either emerge a JLA level hero again, or he'll die. Nothing else will be enough.

I admire the conception of the Monitors as gaining individuality and personal evolution as COUNTDOWN progresses. It's been fairly subtle artistically, with unsubtle mentions in some of the dialogue. It's a curious thing to watch and does leave me wondering where this aspect of things is headed. Not fascinated, but curious.

The Una/Karate Kid/ Kamandi/Omac stuff is trying my patience. I enjoy the Legionnaires... and the Kamandi stuff could be fun, but Omac? Blah.

Throw in some talking animals, and I'd feel diffently.

I never read Kamandi... does it really *deal* with the evolved animals? I mean, do the different species act like we might imagine that species to act if they *did* achieve full sentience? Or are they all more or less one species-- beings that look like different animals but walk upright and talk like animals with slight dialect affectations implying their 'forebears'? The latter's how I'd describe the ones that appeared in the Connor/Superboy series a few years ago. They were mildly entertaining, but the first description I asked about could be philosophical, scientifically-grounded imagining, intelligent, even intellectual if examined thoughtfully.

#508155 02/16/08 01:58 AM
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Nobody posting in this thread any longer? Everybody lost his hope in the book?

Well, I have been pretty underwhelmed for some time now, but the last four issues or so have been quite good. I really liked the Earth 51 culmination of so many plotlines - this was very exciting and not hard to follow like so many other storylines before.

Superboy Prime was fighting Monarch to an apocalyptic conclusion. Wow. The multiple Monitors finally got some direction, and some interesting moments for Donna and Jason Todd were in it too.

Still, for those who consider returning to the book, be aware that Karate Kid is mostly just sitting around feeling sick - and that I have some trouble understanding what exactly the Brother eye is, can do and what its intentions are for the near future...

But all in all, after weeks of dragging along, those issues #17 - #13 have been some fine reading at last, helped by the fact that the same team of artists was at work for some weeks in a row. Hope they will keep it up.

#508156 02/23/08 04:31 AM
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Strange turn of events in the latest issue concerning Una.

The big question is "Is she or isn't she?" laugh

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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