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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The long awaited 4th GL series also went on sale this week, Red Lanterns by Peter Milligan and the ever incredible Ed Benes. I'm a fan of both, though sometimes Milligan's stuff leaves me a little disappointed. Benes' sexy, cheesecake, super-action style, meanwhile is almost always appealing.
Reading the issue I thought it was okay but by the end I found myself wondering 'do I really care that much about this comic to keep buying it?' I'll already be getting at least two GL comics, and who knows how many more DC's. I just wasn't feeling a connection to this comic and perhaps that means it makes it a good candidate for the axe.
I've often compared the last few years of GL comics to the X-titles in the 90's. Well, I know who Atrocitus reminds me of now: Venom, another 90's star ar Marvel. He's a new nemesis that broke out on the scene and has been basically everywhere; there's a purposeful element of disgusting to him; and now that he's become popular enough, they are giving him his own series and in the process turning his villainous motivations into a crusade for good, albeit with harsh and ruthless methods. They're so similar it hurts! That being said, I like Atrocitus more.
I think that while there wasn't anything wrong with the title, this one may get the cut. Just felt no connection, though I'll keep an eye out for others reviews as the series goes forward.
Cobie Comparison: did I like it more than JL #1? No.
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I liked the idea of the first issue, to show Hal and Thal at similar crossroads, and out of their elements. The climactic scene of Hal and Carol at the restaurant reminded me of the old silver age characterization though - I mean, the misunderstanding about the "proposal," with the champagne in the face struck me as cliche rather than characterization.
I wasn't expecting Hal and Sinestro's path to cross again so soon, but I'm eager to see where this goes and what Sinestro has in mind.
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Peter Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin continue their work on the Green Lantern franchise by relaunching Green Lantern Corps which is the book they should be doing; it was a great opening issue, as I expected. Tomasi writes the best Guy Gardner, hands down, and that shows here. He also writes a helluva of a John Stewart and I’m looking forward to him really getting his hands on John for the first time. Also looking forward to seeing so many of the other Lanterns we came to know and love from the GLC previously (under Gibbons, Pete and Bedard), though they don’t get much time in #1.
Tomasi does a nice little trick here in #1 by showcasing how Guy & John, the two Lanterns with no secret identity, are struggling because of that very aspect. Their roles on Earth when they are not GLs have become totally unfulfilling and they are essentially feeling lost. As the issue progresses and they get back into GL mode, their personalities totally change. I’m hoping Tomasi explores this throughout his continued run and we can hopefully see both Lanterns start to overcome this.
Pasarin is a fantastic artist who I’ve enjoyed for some time now and that continues here. Scott Hanna, a recurring inker partner of his, does a great job embellishing his work creating a very superhero / action feel to a science-fiction comic. Colorist Gabe Elteab pulls it all together and he does a really cool thing with John’s costume that makes it ‘pop’ on the page.
One major complaint I have, however, is the totally over the top violence of the issue. Both the opening sequence and the ending page are way over the top violence wise—so much so that it was more humorous to me than horrifying. Its amazing so many people get up in arms about the sex in Catwoman but don’t say anything about the violence in GLC.
Overall, not as strong as GL #1 but still a great, solid effort. Doing my usual comparison (which I’m getting bored of doing to be honest), I did enjoy it better than JL #1, though it was a close call.
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Another solid, veteran creative team in Tony Bedard and Tyler Kirkham bring us the last of the GL titles with The New Guardians, a series focusing on both Kyle Rayner and the various multi-colored rings. As a fan of the GL mythos these last few years, I gladly would enjoy a series focusing on the other Lanterns, so this is a premise I like. Bedard embraces that concept wholeheartedly and Kirkham nails it with awesome depictions of Arkillo, Fatality and others. This could end up being a lot of fun!
That being said, one criticism I have to lay at this title is it felt a little light on plot for the issue. Compared to GL and GLC, which had a nice density of plot, this one felt like it wrapped up too quickly. This was enhanced by the sense that Kyle Raynor as a character didn't really come through at all here. *I* know Kyle because I've followed GL for decades; but for a new reader he's basically seen as the 'sensitive GL' which may just be character death--why not just call him a sissy? I'm sure the plan is to prove that image wrong but by not doing it immediately, that might be a mistake.
I would say I enjoyed this more than Red Lanterns but not GL or GLC; I also didn't enjoy it as much as JL #1.
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Time Trapper
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Issue 1 of Green Lantern was pretty good. Better than a lot of what has come before lately. Not sure how long I will get it though...we'll see.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Red Lanterns #2 should have been the first issue. It had more bite and substance to it, with the Iraq war analogy and Atrocius unleashing his anger in a manner no different than those he punished (and really only perpetuating the cycle instead of breaking it). More thought provoking fare than the first issue, and more in line with an exploration of what "rage" is really all about.
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Time Trapper
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I kinda liked THE NEW GUARDIANS # 1, and this seems to be the book to learn about all these new Corps running around that I know nothing about since exiting the Green Lantern franchise (minus the Blackest Night mini).
It helps that I was along for Kyle's ride in the 90s. This one goes in the "maybe" pile for number 2.
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Time Trapper
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Green Lantern #1 was much better than I expected it to be. I like seeing Hal "down and out" and ringless. The bit with Carol was enjoyable, though I'm actually a little surprised that she thought Hal might propose. It made for a funny bit, but I'm not sure what in recent events would cause her to think he'd go there.
The Sinestro bits were decent, as well, but didn't exactly "wow" me. The whole "Sinestro as GL" bit really feels like it's gonna be a short arc, which kinda lessens the value of having him on the cover. Spoilers I hear from next issue seem to further that feeling with Hal getting a ring back already.
So definitely better than recent GL stories, but I've a feeling we are gonna get back to business as usual very soon. Hopefully, Hal's personal life won't be lost in the shuffle. Again.
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Bold Flavors
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Green Lantern #2 was another solid job by Johns & Mahnke. The balancing act between Hal & Sinestro continues as the readers get insight into both characters, and its the interaction between the two of them that makes it all work.
Johns takes a moment to remind readers that Sinestro's motivations are vastly different than what the Sinestro Corps has become in the GL world over the last 2 or so years. That difference seems to be the lynchpin for the coming story and I'm looking forward to it.
I wish there was some sort of interlude with looks into Hal's personal life but I realize Johns is trying to establish Hal has this non-stop, high-energy lifestyle that has him constantly on the move. A subplot or two would be nice though!
Really glad to have Hal & Sinestro apart from the other Lanterns for a bit though. Both are such strong characters that it helps them to make them stand apart.
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Red Lanterns #3 continues to show how wildly inconsistent this series is. After a much better outing in issue #2, this one falls back a little bit. The entire purpose of the issue is to set up Bleez as a companion/rival to Atrocitus, but I feel like I'm missing some of her story and why she's so important (other than as a good subject for Benes' Cheescake poses). The last page was also completely unnecessary as it would have worked much better with subtly implying she was up to something.
This is just such a strange series to get a handle on.
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Red Lanterns #4 - Atrocitus throws three more Lanterns into the sea of blood, restoring their sentience (and their memory). Most of the issue focuses on them reliving their trauma (and giving the reader some incite into what they are all about). Atrocitus meanwhile singles out Earth as a possible source for new Lanterns and we see the story of the two brothers unfold some more.
I liked Rathcet's story, and Skallox will make an interesting character, but the plot really needs to pick up here.
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Red Lanterns #5 Atrocitus blames Bleez for Krona's missing body, Bleez suggests he was never dead and is escaping. Atrocitus then tracks something across the plaent's surface, thinking it Krona, but it evades him. He then has Bleez fish out the new lieutenants from the Sea of Blood. Newly sane Ratchet is disturbed that the rings are indiscriminate in terms of morality (he and Skallox are polar opposites), and questions what this means for their overall purpose.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, the brothers' story unfolds as one dies in police custody and the other receives a Red Ring.
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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I just have to say that I do NOT like the Machavellian way the Guardians are currently being portrayed. Beyond that I am enjoying the Sinestro Green Lantern story.
Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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Red Lanterns #6 - Jack adjusts to having the ring as he struggles between his humanity and his rage. He eventually finds his grandfather's killer, succumbs to the ring only to be stopped by Guy Gardner, setting up next issue's confrontation. Meanwhile on Ysmault, Atrocitus starts to lose control of some Red lanterns to Bleez, threatening all-out civil war.
This series continues to be up and down, but this was definitely an "up" issue. Hopefully Jack's emergence as a Red sparks the narrative a bit.
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Rounding up some thoughts on all things Green Lantern:
I continue to enjoy the main Green Lantern series, particularly the Hal Jordan / Sinestro interaction that is driving the series right now. I have to say though, I could not in good conscience recommend this title to anyone who isn't already a super-diehard comic book fan. It seems totally geared to people like me, who live and breath the larger comic book industry every day. Which is all well and fine, as I'm enjoying it on my own and there are plenty of other things I could recommend to people. The only complaint, and its a big one, is the total lack of subplots and a supporting cast. Without these things, it gives the series a bit of a shallow feel at times.
The one series of the three I'm collecting that I'm not really enjoying is Green Lantern Corps. I've liked Tomasi's take on the GLC before but this current story-arc is not clicking at all for me and I can't wait for it to be over with. The uber-violence is ridiculous to the point of rolling my eyes and saying "Ooooh Brother", and the story itself is at least two issues too long. The first issue did a fantastic job giving both Guy and John some solid characterization and then every issue since has failed to follow-up on it. I know we'll eventually get more spotlight on other GL's but I would have liked that from the start.
The last series I'm collecting, New Guardians is one of those series that slips to the bottom of my pile with no urgency to read it, and then when I do read it, I remember this is actually a pretty terrific series! While like Quis, I find the current usage of the Guardians annoying, I do like how the assembled rainbow of Lanterns interact with one another and work together/against each other here. Kyle is a good centerpiece character, but I'm also enjoying Fatality, Beleez and the rest. Best of all, of course, is Larfleeze, who steals every page that he's on. Perhaps the only real useless one of the bunch is Arkillo who I keep expecting to die. But overall, this has been a fun series and Tony Bedard plays to his strengths of creating a high octane adventure ride that pulls you along and never lets you catch your breath.
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I am also enjoying the Sinestro/Jordan interaction in "GL" but I think Johns is trying too hard to make Sinestro uber-cool. (especially when it's at Hal's expense) It reminds me of how lop-sided the interaction between Punisher and Daredevil always is when DD is in Pun's book vs. the other way around.
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Not reading New Guardians, so can someone explain how Bleez can be there and in Red Lanterns, especially when the RL story really gives her no time to sneak away from Atrocitus? Is she "restored" or still in her ring induced frenzy? Does one take place before the other? Or are they really just completely unrelated?
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Bold Flavors
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Green Lantern #5 tied up the opening story very nicely and then #6 did a great job showcasing some of the qualities in which the Sinestro / Hal dynamic is so unique (since they inherently play off each other so well).
I'm thrilled to see the Hal / Carol relationship actually getting some screen time, and at least appearing to be going somewhere. In general, Hal seemed to mature slightly at the close of #5 and then in #6, and it was a needed shift.
But the Sinestro / Hal dynamic is the driving force here and it continues to work. I can't wait to see what's next.
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Red Lanterns #7 is all over the road. It's like Milligan's having a schizophrenic breakdown right on the page. We jump from Bleez eradicating the Sinestro Corps remnants (not following the other books, so I don't know how this matches up), to Rankorr fighting for control while also fighting Guy Gardner, to Atrocitus confronting his original attempt at Red Lanterns. Each section has a different tone and it's very jarring. Not to mention the reveal of the "big bad" is a character never seen before this issue, who's suddenly elevated to a major threat without much narrative backing. I like parts of this book, but other parts are a chore. It needs a tighter focus.
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If there's a general GL thread on this board already, I don't know where it is. Well, there is one now.
I'm gonna start by re-posting something I just posted over at Captain Comics. This was "MY" era of GL, for good or horribly bad...
The Wein-Gibbons run went from GL #172-186 (Jan'84-Mar'85). I picked up a few issues before it started, no doubt intrigued at what was coming. I feel like I was one of the few people who knew Dave Gibbons' work before he came to DC Comics. I'd seen his work in DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE, where he did what I felt was one of the BEST adaptations I'd ever seen of a TV show to comics form. (He illustrated the entire Tom Baker run, and the early Peter Davison stories.)
Before they arrived, Ernie Colon had edited GL, and what I remember most was his utterly BIZARRE letter pages. Len took over as editor with #172, but Andy Helfer took over with #185. I wonder if this had anything to do with Len's last issue as editor being a Dave Cockrum reprint? Wein & Gibbons had 2 more issues under Helfer, followed by ONE fill-in by Paul Kupperberg & Bill Willingham. ONE. I point this out by comparison to how Marvel around that time got into the horrible habit of having 6-8 issues of chaotic fill-ins whenever any long-running team left a book before a new regular team would take over. You really get sick of seeing 6-8 issues in a row, each one by a completely different set of people, each team fighting for the honor of "worst comic published that month".
And then Steve Englehart & Joe Staton took over with #188, and kept going without a break all the way to #213. That's the kind of consistency I like to see! Englehart actually did all the way up to #223 without missing a single issue, but Joe Staton was distracted by the ABOMINABLY bad MILLENNIUM mini-series (also written by Englehart). The pair might have kept going and going and going... except for the decision to CANCEL the book so that GL could become the "anchor" of ACTION COMICS WEEKLY, which was another project edited by Mike Gold. (There's a thread at another board which has been discussing Mike Gold's disastrous decisions on GREEN ARROW and HAWKWORLD. For a guy who did so much good at First Comics, his output sure seemed to go completely off-the-rails when he got to DC.)
Instead, we got Denny O'Neil, Gil Kane, and a variety of others, who over the space of one year in ACW, drove GREEN LANTERN completely INTO THE GROUND!!!!!!!!!
Funny thing... it was up to the returning Andy Helfer to put GL as a series back together again once ACW ended. I think he was a guy who made me realize that in comics, you have "builders" and "destroyers"-- and he was one of the "builders".
After the horrific mess in ACW, incoming writer Gerard Jones wanted to follow in the footsteps of Roger Stern's STARMAN series and introduce an entirely new version of GREEN LANTERN. It was Helfer who convinced him instead to spend the next 5 years bringing "closure" to Hal Jordan's career, before having him quit and then be replaced by a new, younger GL. It worked fine for the first 2 years of the long storyline... until Helfer moved on to something else, and his assistant ("Green Lantern's Number One Fan"-- SO-CALLED!!!) took over. HE wound up running GL into the ground AGAIN, and then firing Jones just before Jones was about to finally get to the "main event" of the story he'd been slowly working toward for 4 whole years. When I heard what was planned, I quit buying the book right then. I never bought it regularly again, until GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH more than a decade later.
One thing worse than out-of-control writers, is totally out-of-control EDITORS.
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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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I was excited at first, but then I saw it was the Abrams version of Star Trek.
Keep up with what I've been watching lately! "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Hal/ShatnerKirk would've been fun, but Hal/PineKirk has the added element of Pine being rumored for the Hal role in the upcoming JLA movies. And Kirk will be Kirk no matter what. It wouldn't surprise me if the writers still have a little Shatner in mind when writing Kirk. (I just want to see Hal seduce one of those green chicks... or Kirk seduce one of those green chicks only to find out it's a GL construct... all sorts of fun to be had here ;))
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I was excited at first, but then I saw it was the Abrams version of Star Trek. At least the Star Trek/Legion crossover got the real Enterprise crew!
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