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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: The Legion-reference in Superman was even cooler than that, however! ! Now I've got to go read that book.
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I love that "funny animals" ep of GLC starring Ch'p and Dr. Ub'x.
White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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I can't imagine how they're going to explain whatsername not being dead, but Boodikka was in the "Legacy" graphic novel -- unless she was captured a lot later then conveniently forgot everything that happened after "ET", this is just sloppy.
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but she still had a mad on for Hal Jordan in 'ET'. and none of those GL's there knew what happened afterward anyways...
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This issue of Green Lantern was *EXCELLENT*!
I agree with CK and EDE that this title and Teen Titans are the 2 comics that have emerged from Infinite Crisis the strongest. In fact these 2 series are the best they've been in many, many years IMO.
Everything about this issue rocked but most especially the return of....
... Chaselon! I bet you thought I was gonna say Arisia didn't you! Well she's cool too but the cute crystal guy has always been one of my fave alien GLs, along with Ch'p, Eddore and the floating eyeball one. Good to see at least one of them make a comeback!
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I read #12 and loved it. Nice to see some of the old guys coming back. Arisa? That was a suprise! but my favorite moment? The Dog guy from Zunn!
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Interesting that Hunger Dog apparently has blue skin. How many shades do Zuunians (Zuunites?) come in?
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What really strikes me about recent issues of GL is how Ivan Reis seems to be "doing" NEAL ADAMS, and better than I ever remember Neal being. Most of Neal's run on GL was dragged down by Denny O'Neil's "down-to-Earth" / "grim-and-gritty" / "RELEVANT" (augh!) stories, which went completely against-the-grain for the GL series. (Let's face it-- Denny wasn't writing GL-- he was writing GREEN ARROW!!! Poor Hal just got dragged along against his will for the ride, and has been suffering the legacy of that brief run almost ever since.)
Meanwhile... I didn't read the spoiler, but just reading the references TO the spoilers I kinda figured who was being referred to. Now that I've read the issue in question... hmm.
See... Arisia is my FAVORITE Green Lantern. Period! And frankly, after Steve Englehart left the series (as a result of having it shifted into ACTION COMICS WEEKLY-- the editor who made that decision should never work in comics again!!!), she's been mistreated as badly as Hal Jordan! So, right now, I'm just gonna hang back and see what happens... the way I did when REBIRTH started.
(She also happens to remind me of someone I cared about VERY much in real life, and that story hasn't worked out well, either. Yet. Hey, you never know...)
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Thoughts on #13: -- The art was pretty amazing - worth the wait? I dunno - I'm not even sure if the art was the reason for the delay, but I hope they figure out a way to get the book on the stands on time. I can take a bit of a hit on the art, or maybe Reis should figure out a style that he can use for a monthly and use the more detailed style when he has more time. -- Nice to see them explain the whole "underage Arisia" thing at the onset of her introduction. They obviously fudged some stuff (like her actually looking physically older when they met rather than her using the ring to become more developed), but hey, it's just another Superboy punch... I hope we get to see Arisia again soon (otherwise what was the point of bringing her back?) -- It was pretty cool to see Hal take over the Grandmaster and turn the tables on Henshaw. At least they admitted he's definitely coming back. -- Nice to see the Superboy Prime thing followed up on. I hope the Guardians' "secret" won't be something sinister - I really never like how they've been portrayed as less than enlightened elders of the universe - I get using them as allegories for authority, but why can't they stand in for something more ... hopeful? I feel it weakens the whole notion of the GLC, but that's me.
The "52" thing was such a tease! And we still have no idea what it refers to (though I guess it falls in line with "52's" space heroes having possibly seen something they shouldn't have from beyond this universe.)
Ok, so ... where's John?!?
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John shows up in GLC.
And I was waiting for the 52 mention. Makes me wonder if they saw whatever it was that is beyond the Source Wall.
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Arisia has long been my favorite GL. This issue almost brought tears to my eyes.
Although they never specifically said how old she was in EARTH years, I'm pretty sure it was indicated (and probably during Steve Englehart's run) that her race and Earth people don't age at the same rate. Even so, age difference has never bothered me... though it seems to be a very hot button these days, sending more people than ever into a fit. (I think about Jerry Lee Lewis. It wasn't his marrying his 13-year-old COUSIN that bothered me... it was that the idiot didn't bother to get divorced from his 1st wife beforerhand. That, and the fact that, after she stuck by him thru all his career problems, when he finally pulled out of his nosedive and got his career back on track, THAT was when he became mean and abusive toward her... I like his music, but as a person, WHAT AN A**H***!!!!!)
I love Ivan Reis "doing" Neal Adams here. Neal's run--reprinted more than any other in GL history-- was bogged down from start to finish by Denny O'Neil's "down to Earth, grim-and-gritty, revelant" crap. Denny wasn't interested in writing GL-- he was writing GA, and Ollie dragged Hal thru the mud, where his career has been tainted almost ever since.
Similarly, when Dave Gibbons first signed on as GL artist, he wanted to do space adventure. Instead, Len Wein stuck mostly on Earth, with the same old 3rd-rate super-villains, and (GOD HELP US!!!) that B**** Carol Ferris screwing over Hal's life for the umpteenth time. No wonder Gibbons left... I notice he seems quite happy to be back, doing GREEN LANTERN CORPS-- and-- whatta ya know-- SPACE adventure!!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Issue #13 -
GL continues to be DC's best comic OYL, tied with Titans. Absolutely a great issue that I wish was twice as long.
Great action, amazing art, more of that cool-ass new dynamic b/t Guy and Hal, tension with the older Lanterns, Cyborg Superman being a very good GL villain...this issue had a lot packed in. Add in a referene to 52, the possible secrets to 52 (connection to the Source & New Gods?), and then even Superboy Prime.
I like how Salaak is showing up more and more all over. I'm becoming a Salaak fan.
But by far, the best part of this issue was Arisia. I really just love that character, as the past couple of pages show, and Geoff had her nailed down perfectly. Not only strong-willed and action-driven, but sweet, loyal to Hal and...well, just Arisia again. I can't wait to see more of her.
I'm loving this book, and hope it isn't delayed anymore. Looking forward to getting back to Earth, the Global Guardians, the equally awesome Hal/John dynamic and Alan Scott. I hope we see more of the Rocket Reds too!
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Preview of this week's #14 is up at Newsarama .
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I really like the art here, but I continue to feel that this title just isn't living up to the fanfare that Hal's return originally generated. I don't have a sense of where Johns is taking all this in general - there's a sense of a bigger story being told, but it's not being told in a way that's intriguing - just that we're getting pieces here and there, but I'm not overly excited by it yet.
This latest storyline just rubs me the wrong way from the get-go because I always thought it was stupid of Hal to not wear the ring when he's flying. I'm also tired of Hal cleaning up his messes - he has enough in that area redeeming himself to the corps. I guess I want to see him be more proactive and ... heroic. Swooping in, battling evil and saving some alien planet -- old fashioned, but it'd still be cool once in awhile...
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The delays aren't helping at all...
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Drake, thats part of his history now. I do agree with you that its time to see some newer stuff, a lot of it is mined from his past, but its such a rich past.
And Geoff is known for restoring characters as well. We know the badguy from the last year now, and while it is a newer character, there is a vast amount of potential conflict there. I like what he is doing.
As for the ring on missions, here is something I have thought, and issue 14 really brought it out. As a GL, Hal cannot kill. Now, as an airforce member, his job as a pilot may involve killing the enemy. If he was wearing the ring, he would still be a GL, kinda like cops being cops, even when off duty.
Would the ring prevent his doing his military duty if he was wearing it? I think that is a very good question. He might not be acting as a GL at that moment, but the ring might not see it that way.
Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!
Something pithy!
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I think Drake's point is that adding in the extra guilt over the POW stuff is a little bit of overkill, since Hal already had more than enough to give him a massive guilt complex.
I really like the power-ring-would-interfere-with-his-military-duty angle, however.
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Time Trapper
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Originally posted by rickshaw1: Would the ring prevent his doing his military duty if he was wearing it? I think that is a very good question. He might not be acting as a GL at that moment, but the ring might not see it that way. That's a great question. I think that it would, simply because I can't see the Guardians caring one whit about U.S. military protocol.
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Awesome art again - the splash pages really warrant spending an extra minute or two to pour over the details. I still find the story a bit lacking - is it just me? Johns brought Hal back with the notion of having him be a source of light, a beacon of hope etc. or somesuch, but I don't see how being persecuted by fellow GL's, Global Guardians and intergalactic bounty hunters qualifies. I guess I wish Jonhs had a larger arc or purpose for this title -- one with a larger scope than just Hal dealing with one thing after another in his life. Even on that front it seems like Johns isn't following through on what he's laid down, in terms of the rebuilding of Coast City and reattaching to his family.
This is still one of my favorite titles, but maybe I had higher expectations from Jonhs.
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In light (heh) of what you said, Drake, it seems like Hal's just getting dragged thru the same mud as the rest of the DCU-- and he's had decades of that before this!
GLC seems better-written right now than 95% of GL comics have been over the last 45+ years-- especially when Dave Gibbons is DRAWING the book (I think it looks AND reads better with his pencils!!). Although Ivan Reis strikes me as "channeling" Neal Adams (and having the chance to do more "proper" GL stories than Denny "drag 'em thru the mud" O'Neil ever allowed), this conflict with other GLs, The Global Guardians, AND the JLA is a bit too much. When the JLA showed up on the last pagfe of this month's issue, I could have puked. For once, Supes & Bats DIDN'T seem to have the worst of the "bad attitude" CRAP the JLA have had for the last 5 or more years, but I'm really sick of the WHOLE DAMN GROUP just showing up, over and over, while radiating so much arrogance-- ESPECIALLY when it's aimed at OTHER heroes!
As for The Rocket Reds... somebody NEEDS to clean their clocks. "Heroes" who can't be reasoned with-- AREN'T.
I think Hal needs to get out of the Air Force, and he if needs to split his time anywhere, it should be between FAMILY-- and being a GL-- PERIOD. If situations call for his stepping in and taking care of business, he (and perhaps several other GLs as well) should smooth things out with these various S***-hole countries to let them know what they're about, and that the GLs are NOT a force you wanna F*** with. Otherwise... well, they might as well be the UN or something...
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Oh yeah-- and who the HELL really cares about The Global Guardians-- or what they "think", anyway? The whole group seems to be nothing but a perpetual, recurring target for group-wide MIND-control. Here it is, ONCE AGAIN! They should just disband that bunch of losers for sheer embarrassment, and slink back to their respective holes...
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Newsarama has a pretty nice looking preview of "Green Lantern" #18 (especially if you liked "Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighers"): GL Preview
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Nice to see Carol again. It looks like she'll be sticking around to fill in Hal about the Star Sapphire if nothing else (although I'm certainly in the camp of wanting something more between the two of them). I can't say if I'm disappointed or relieved that the gem left her for Cowgirl. On the one hand, they've done the "Carol's finally rid of the Star Sapphire" story way too many times and on the other, I really like the tragedy of Carol being one of his worst enemies. I'm also not sold on the color scheme of a blonde Star Sapphire.
It was also nice to see Johns follow up on Cowgirl's introduction. It's just too bad it's taken this long for it to come to fruition. While I think Cowgirl has potential, Johns hasn't done anything to make me interested in her as a character (and I think he's had plenty of chances in her handfull of appearances). If anything, it only makes me wish we could see more of Arisia since she's back from the dead.
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hey !
what about the LEGION connection in the backup story ......
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