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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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I like what i am seeing with the book a lot.
John and Hal are even starting to "seem" like space cops. Using the ring to examine things, like John did, Hal's use of it to examine the "rocket".
Okay, so, they found Abin's Rocket. My question is....Did they find his body. And if so, where is it? Is it the subject of illicit government experiments? Given that he was wearing a GL costume, and GL popped up on the scene either right after they found it, or before, they had to know that they would be in highly dangerous territory if they did and that a GL would take experimentation on a Passed GL personally. So, would they have contingency plans if Hal found out?
On the surface, it seems like a nice read. But the more you think about it, the more Geoff has set up a possibly incredibly complex web.
And all that doesn't take into account the looming threat of Hector Hammond, the Shark...etc...
Then there is "Herc". Gotta be careful here or it could start to seem like a retread of every military story ever told about an ass of a higher up, to seeming like a lifted riff from Captain Atom.
Cowgirl...seems nice. But i gotta say that i prefer the raven haired women and redheads.
All in all, very nice.
The art...okay. Very crisp and clean, except oddly enough for Hal's brother. I love crisp and clean, but it seems like a bunch of "still shots" instead of giving the impression of movement and energy. Maybe thats just me.
Anyway, i am loving the book.
Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!
Something pithy!
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Originally posted by rickshaw1: I love crisp and clean, but it seems like a bunch of "still shots" instead of giving the impression of movement and energy. Maybe thats just me. For me, it wasn't a lack of energy or movement, but there were a couple of parts during Hal's fight with the old model Manhunter where I needed to reread it to understand exactly what was happening from panel to panel.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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I guess i can see that, but it seemed to work for me. Not saying it didn't for you, or that im better than you, lol...it just seemed to work for me.
I like the art, but i am really looking forward to seeing what Ethan has in store for us. If i had to say it, i would say i like Carlos' John better than Hal.
Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!
Something pithy!
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i've enjoyed the first 2 issues so far !! although i wouldn't say that they were AMAZING in aspect !! but i have every faith in GEOFF, i love everything else he currently writes, so i guess it will take a couple of issues to really get going .....
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Geoff really seems to take about 6 months to a year to hit his stride with a character. So far, i think he's a bit ahead of the curve for my tastes, lol.
Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!
Something pithy!
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I am ejoying the series. I just love the Green Lanterns... just gotta love the Wog man.. Glad they brought him back from the dead too.
I wonder if Hal and Kil will chat over coffee.
Kil- You killed me.
Hal. Yeah...but your looking good.
Kil. Thanks..so are you. Using just for men. No gray nice touch.
Looking for Earth Prime.
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Ah Dave, you have a terrific sense of humour, dude LOL
But Seriously, is Kilowog from a race who can renegerate in a similar manner to Dr. Who?
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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nope, Kyle went into Wog's afterlife and rescued him from demons or something. Then a body was regenerated for him, i forget how, and bingo bango badoingo, there ya go.
Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!
Something pithy!
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Kilowog was brought back in the "Legacy" graphic novel by "the brotherhood of the cold flame" - a group of bitter ex-Lanterns who sought to eradicate all traces of Hal's legacy. Kil was "the dark lantern" for awhile, a killing automoton, but Tom Kalmaku used Hal's old ring to revive Kil's personality. Kil entered the Central Power Battery at the end of the graphic novel from where I guess Kyle later retrieved him.
I'm more glad that they're bringing back Salakk from possible death in "GL vs. ALiens"
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How about the female Lanterns Arisia and Katma Tui - are they still part of the current GL mythos?
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Dead and deader
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I agree. The GLC is becoming too much of a boys' club. Arisia and Katma were the only two prominent female GL's with a long history. It would've been great if one of them got the same treatment along with the others during "Rebirth".
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I've been a huge Hal Jordan fan for a long time and needless to say, this new title has been a long time coming. I thought "Rebirth" was great and I was really excited about the new series after Johns' work in the mini, but four months into it, I'm seeing signs of Johns going really off track with what made me enthusiastic about the start of this series. Johns has been taking time to establish Hal's new status quo and his life on earth, but I'm afraid that Hal's title will be too earth-centric. One of the reasons I never got into Kyle Rayner was that after losing the Corps, he seemed like just another hero walking around DC. One of the things that was exciting about "Rebirth" was the epic scope of the adventure. Cosmic foes, universal stakes and Hal Jordan as the man who knew how to deal with it. As much as I like some of the old guard rogues, I want to see Hal deal with larger issues. Kilowog telling Hal that he's "just not that important" is worrisome to me. Hal is supposed to be important -- not necessarily to the universe, but there's nothing wrong with building *UP* the hero of the book. I've felt that some writers of GL in the past have treated Hal as second-rate even in his own book. I had thought that Johns felt differently about Hal -- I think he gave an interview where he even voiced how unique Hal is because of what he's been through. He's gone further than most heroes have and experienced things most people can't even dream of. Let's see some of that in Hal rather than trying right away to make him a "regular guy" again. Seeing Hal with the Corps was a great scene, but the fact that he's called away from OA to investigate something on earth seemed almost backwards to me. Isn't Hal supposed to get called away from earth by the Guardians to investigate something of galactic importance? One of the things that made GL great was the connection to the corps, and now I'm worried that Hal will just be stuck on earth mostly while Kyle and Guy will be more involved with Corps business. This again seems backwards to me. Kyle and Guy were the least connected to the corps -- Hal and John are much more suited to space opera and more cosmically minded stories. I don't want to see that sacrificed in Hal's title because DC is trying to franchise the GL concept again. I fear it'll be spread too thin the way it was before "Emerald Twilight". I still have great hopes that we'll see Hal restored to glory and I hope this series is able to build on the monumental success of "Rebirth", but I can't help feel that Johns has been losing that momentum.
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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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I have to agree Drake. I want to like Hal... kinda... but, it's hard. I do like some of the ideas and the art and writing is supurb but I want... more. And I feel like Hal's getting of too light. I mean, I realize that they've retconned away the crazy but that still doesn't mean everyone should just forgive and forget. Batman alone can't be paranoid here... I'm keeping this title at the moment because I am hopelessly in love with Geoff and I have more faith in him than a girl should. No, seriously, it's true. But I haven't exactly been floored overall... though, I must admit, I am intrigued with what the other Lanterns (Kyle, Guy and John) new roles will be in the new Corps and whatnot. Can't wait for the mini... ^_^ We'll see. I have hope... but not too much to back it up quite yet.
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One interesting thing that Johns has introduced that has taken on much more relevance lately is Coast City. After what's happened with New Orleans, the notion of an entire city being destroyed and needing to be rebuilt/repopulated is no longer the thing of fantasy. The ongoing parallels will be eerie and it'll be interesting to see where Johns goes with it now. The notion of GL being a beacon of hope in this kind of situation might be extremely relevant.
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"I've felt that some writers of GL in the past have treated Hal as second-rate even in his own book."
I always thought he came off better in the JLA. Looking back, I'm wondering just how much of it was a young generation of writers not relating to a "policeman" character. Let's face it, the O'Neil-Adams run was REALLY all about GA, not GL. Since then, MOST writers & editors have done all they can to drive Hal into the ground (Englehart, Jones & Johns being the exceptions).
"One of the things that was exciting about "Rebirth" was the epic scope of the adventure. Cosmic foes, universal stakes and Hal Jordan as the man who knew how to deal with it."
As fun as Hal's earliest adventures were (I have the first 2 Archives so far), it's long bugged me that this member of a galactic police force keeps fighting Earthbound super-villains... and often, 3RD-RATE super-villains (AND having trouble with them!!).
"I don't want to see that sacrificed in Hal's title because DC is trying to franchise the GL concept again. I fear it'll be spread too thin the way it was before "Emerald Twilight"."
I keep saying, having 4 GL titles AND having Hal in the JL (and making guest-appearances in L. and other books) really killed all the efforts Gerard Jones had put into trying to "revive" the character during his 4-year run. As usual, we can blame the editor. "Success" breeds "excess". Plus, from personal contact, I know when I see a promotion going to a guy's head-- BADLY!
"After what's happened with New Orleans, the notion of an entire city being destroyed and needing to be rebuilt/repopulated is no longer the thing of fantasy."
Man-- that IS spooky, isn't it?
I'm reminded of the History Channel documentary, COMIC-BOOK SUPERHEROES UNMASKED. They mention 9-11, and asked, "Who could have foreseen such an event? Comic-books did!" The example they showed was Marie Severin's cover for SUB-MARINER #21, which showed Manhattan in flames! (I did think they should have at least mentioned her name...)
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Trap Timer
Trap Timer
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The last couple of panels of GL #4 proved what I have long suspected... GEOFF JOHNS IS OUT TO GET ME!
Why else would he have ended the issue by featuring so prominently the two things that scare me titless?
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Sharks and... semi-naked women?
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Man, DC is royally trying to screw up this title but good. "Rebirth" as well as the first couple of issues of this title does gangbuster sales and our reward? The book is constantly delayed and we are already on the third artist team in 6 issues with the fourth team taking over in the next issue or three. I am loving what Geoff Johns is doing, but seriously, I enjoy going to the dentist more than the torture it takes to get the next issue.
Ooh that Lemnos! He makes me so angry, so, so, what was I saying? Oh well, must not have been very important.
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With the grand scale of "Rebirth" and all the big goings on in the DCU right now, this title seems ...lacking. With Johns writing this, I'm suprised there aren't more tie-ins with "Crisis". Instead we get Hal slapping around Hector Hammond and fighting The Shark. What happened to the whole "space cop" thing? I hope those little yellow gremlins lead to something bigger.
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According to my latest issue of Wizard, a space cop story line takes off with issue #8. I expect it to arrive in the stores sometime around Memorial Day.
Ooh that Lemnos! He makes me so angry, so, so, what was I saying? Oh well, must not have been very important.
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Re: #6 -- Johns is doing something interesting (and really creepy) with Hector Hammond. He's playing off of the initial rivalry between Hector and Hal as men rather than simple "hero/villain". Having Hammond as envious of Hal is a very strange twist to the hero/villain dynamic that we haven't seen explored before. It's good to see Johns seems to be going somewhere with this instead of just laying groundwork. -- Good to see he's also made Black Hand a formidable foe. Rather than just someone who leaches GL energy, he leaches life itself and Johns puts it in plain terms what he now represents: the "Blackest Night" that Hal, as a beacon of light, has to fight. -- The Shark was less impressive here. Johns didn't really do much to advance him as a character or threat - he's still just a dangerous beasty, and not as interesting as he used to be. -- The Gremlins were a bit disappointing if only because I was hoping there was more to them. The throwaway line of German being a cribbed dialect from aliens seemed too clever and doesn't make sense in my mind in terms of how languages developed on earth - it's not like German exists in a vacuum without traces to other languages that can be followed. I almost prefer that it wasn't explained at all - the same way it's not explained how some aliens speak english from nowhere. -- It's getting a bit irksome to me just how much verbal instruction Hal has to give the ring - especially when it comes to translating stuff. It should either be automatic at this point or he can certainly do it without having to *tell* his ring to do it. -- The art was an interesting change of pace, but I'd rather not see it as a regular thing.
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Just read the new GL #8 today. Terrific stuff! "For The Man Who Has Everything" remains one of my favorite SUPERMAN stories of all time (thank you, Alan Moore!) and it was neat that someone did a sequel.
My favorite moment came when Ollie said, "There we go. Finally got one that WORKS." Followed by, "uh oh." I laughed so hard at that panel! I just imagined him emptying his entire quiver, shooting a couple dozen arrows that did nothing until he found one that had an effect-- and then he reaches for the NEXT one-- but there ISN'T any! Oops!
I also loved the next page-- what a COOL idea! Hal created NEW arrows for Ollie! Now THERE's a TEAM-UP!!!
I was a bit shocked by the fate of Mongul Jr.'s sister... AUGH!!! You know, this got me thinking back to the previous continuity... Mongul was always basically a SUPERMAN villain. With the current Superman not being so easily a space-going chafacter, it sure seems the current Mongul (or his son) is more naturally a GREEN LANTERN villain.
Actually, when I think about it... hmmm... wait a minute...
The Mongul who appeared in the Post-Crisis SUPERMAN titles (the one who destroyed Coast City) was SOOOOOOOO different in personal history, etc., from the Earth-1 version created by Jim Starlin (who appeared in several issues of DC COMICS PRESENTS with Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, WARWORLD, The Spectre and Starman). I'm suddenly wondering... how is it possible that Alan Moore's later story is part of the POST-Crisis continuity?
Or, is this really NOT a sequel, but instead a current-continuity variation on the earlier Alan Moore story? (Remakes! Reboots! It can drive a person NUTS!)
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The best part of this two-parter for me was the Hal/Ollie dynamic. Johns does a good job showing us their ease with one another as well as their long and storied pasts. It did irk me a bit though that Ollie's still serving up Hal life lessons - are we ever going to see this "man who's been through everything a human being can experience" that Johns was talking about when he took on the job of rejeuvenating Hal?
Interesting twist to see how Hal envisions Ollie's perfect life. I'm surprised he didn't include Dinah and Roy since Hal knew them a lot more than Sandra and Connnor and knows how much he loves them.
I'm also surprised that Hal's perfect life didn't include Carol at all. At first I thought he'd want a happily ever after with her, but I almost think in his perfect world he'd prefer it when she was just his boss and their relationship was all potential and tension - Hal being the kind of man who might enjoy "the hunt" more than the having.
The ending with "Mon-gal" was pretty brutal for a GL comic, but I guess it's par for the course with the new DC.
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