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Legion Trivia 6
by Korbal - 01/08/25 09:54 PM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:25 PM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:23 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:22 PM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 05:11 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 04:27 PM
Legion of Super-Heroes Fansets Pins
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The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/08/25 04:08 AM
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This was definitely the best issue of the series so far, which has been gradually growing more exciting. You do wish we were at this point in the story around #5, though, and not #8. I agree with other's comments that Braithewaite's pencils improve the storytelling of Alex Ross' attractive art.

The most gratifying moment in the issue was having Barry run in and just defeat Captain Cold. It was good to see that after all these issues of seeing the heroes get trashed.

Minor personal criticism--I started thinking about who would probably feature on the four remaining covers (as pretty much each one so far has highlighted on Leaguer--even #1's group shot had Aquaman prominently, if I recall) and was disappointed that the preview for #9 featured Captain Marvel. I know Ross likes him a lot, but I guess I was hoping for someone who actually was part of the JLA in the time the series was set. I thought, it'd be cool to see Green Lantern, Green Arrow & Black Canary, and Red Tornado (kicking Braniac's butt in #12!). For the other cover, I thought (after reading #8) something featuring Elongated Man and Plastic Man together could have been good, but I doubt we'll get that. I imagine with this last issue, we've seen Ralph's big contribution to the story.

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I like this series a lot. It's the Justice Leauge the way it should be along with all the classic villans.
Altough Ross seems to have a slight problem with colors, making some of his stuff visually difficult to read, generally I like his work quite a bit.

And not that this has anything to do with anything but my sister used to date his Captain Marvel model.

Is that a moon?
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Just a bump, since it spotlights The Marvel people.

Just spouting off.
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This is not the Superfriends!

Just spouting off.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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I keep spacing this one off. This is a finite series right? I've got to remember to order the trade or hardcover when it finishes.

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The series would probably read a lot better as a trade. Storywise, it seems like three issues worth of stuff has happened, it just took a long time to get there. I guess it's due to efficient use of page space versus having a large cast.

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I took some time today to read all twelve issues of Justice in one sitting. I bought and read each issue as it came out, and honstly got pretty distracted from the story in the almost two years that it took to complete. My final verdict is a big thumbs up.

Most of us gasped with amazement the first time we saw the work of Alex Ross. The realistic painting, model driven images, iconic poses, and glossy beauty had an impact. As time went by, I started to take his work for granted. Maybe it all kind of started to look and feel the same.
Today I really took the time to enjoy it, and have to say that Justice really is his finest work. The art works to tell the story graphically like comic book art should. My guess is that the Braithwaite pencils had a lot to do with this. This series gives us over 300 pages of amazing images.

It's not just the art, though. The Krueger/Ross story is really interesting, layered, and suspenseful. The characters, both heroes and villians, are treated with respect and written well. The 12 issue length gives it all room to unfold. I don't think I'm going out on a limb to say it is probably one the best JLA stories I've read.

Brainiac's plan and motivation are quiet frightening. The execution of the of the plan is fraught with tense moments, and some great politics among the villians.

There is a nice scene between Superman and Batman, where Batman compares the cities of Gotham and Metropolis, and the nature of his use of dark fear with the fear that Superman's open use of his powers is cabable of generating.

Aquaman gets to play a major role. Brainiac performing brain surgery on him is horrific and memorable, and brings some great insight into his potential. Enough so that Brainiac feels the need to kidnap Author, Jr. and transform him into his hier.

Wonder Woman gets some real respect here. She wears Cheetah's claw marks across her face for most of the series. She fights on without complaint in spite of the fact that she nows the poison in her body is killing her. Her choice of Captain Marvel as confidant is interesting and touching. Her mother, in just a few panels, has more depth, maturity, and insight then she has displayed anywhere else in over a dozen years.

The Metal Men as armour for the JLA worked in a fun way.

As Zatanna says in the final issue, I offer Ross and crew a great big SKNAHT.

Beauty's where you find it. Not just where you bump and grind it.
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