Little Mermaid also died during this time (but has later been depicted alive).
However, the good times are short-lived as the original Jack O'Lantern is killed and replaced yet again. Also, they kill off both Bushmaster and Thunderlord and take away Impala, Godiva, and Tuatara's powers before taking Wild Hunstman out of existence.
When the survivors build a statue to honor their deceased teammates, Little Mermaid is included among the other fallen. So I guess she's dead again.
IIRC, she only appeared alive after her death in one storyline - the Red Winter storyline which ran from JLE 45/46 (can't quite remember) to 50. But the story where Thunderlord, Bushmaster and Wild Huntsman are lost takes place AFTER that.
In JLE 50, Wally West asks Little Mermaid, "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" and Little Mermaid says, "That was my evil twin!" But I guess that isn't in continuity now...