Issue #4 has the team trying to keep alive against Zod, while finding a way pas the Russian metahumans that are blocking escape form the prison. Flag confronts Zod with Katanna's sword just before Hack manages to pull him back into the Phantom Zone and then transports them all (ala Atom) across the web. Hack seems way to powerful a Deus Ex Machina to keep around long if her power set is that broad and game changing.

The back up is a Harley story where she and Flag do a mission together so he can test her loyalty. I know Harley's in Batman & Wolverine territory with her multiple appearances all over the comics world, but has there even been an attempt to explain how she's running around everywhere else if she's supposedly locked up between Squad missions?

Last edited by Dave Hackett; 10/12/16 04:34 AM.