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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/06/25 09:24 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/06/25 08:58 AM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/06/25 08:58 AM
Your Woman Of The Day
by Ann Hebistand - 03/06/25 07:38 AM
The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Ann Hebistand - 03/05/25 03:44 PM
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There's tons of characters whose existence or whereabouts in the relaunched DCU are unknown.
Like Wally West.

I'll start a list of characters I'm curious about and add your questioned ones to it in a couple of days. As the status of characters is revealed through interviews, solicits, con appearances, etc., come and report those revelations here and I'll add in a blurb by the character's name.

Don't be surprised if it takes a few days for that status to be updated.

Alan Scott in Earth 2 JSA
Alpha Centurion
Ambush Bug "Giffen's done with him". Whatever that means.
Anna Fortune
Aqualad II (Jackson)
Atom (Ray Palmer) in FRANKENSTEIN/S.H.A.D.E
Atom- Ryan Choi will be in new Justice League
Atom Smasher
Beast Boy/Changeling Now in RAVAGERS. No longer green
Black Orchid added to JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK
Blue Devil
Captian Marvel reintroduced in backup to JUSTICE LEAGUE
Captain Marvel, Jr.
Challengers of the Unknown Headlined their own arc in one of the anthologies.
Citizen Steel
Congorilla James Robinson wants to use him.
Cyborg Superman
Donna Troy
Doom Patrol Robotman in MY GREATEST ADVENTURE miniseries
Dr. Fate
Dr. Mid-nite
Freedom Fighters Phantom Lady and Doll-Man get their own mini-series the rest to follow?
Fury I
Fury II
Garth (Tempest) mentioned as former Titan in RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS
Huntress now in WORLD'S FINEST and she's from Earth 2.
Impulse III (Irey)
Infectious Lass
Iris West never married to the 'new' Barry Allen.
Jay Garrick in Earth 2 JSA and apparently powered by Mercury.
Kid Eternity one-shot in NATIONAL COMICS. He's now just Eternity and has a PUSHING DAISIES like vibe (coroner)
King Chimera
Lady Blackhawk
Lian Harper Roy Harper de-aged, so he likely never fathered Lian.
Mary Marvel
Mera- will be in new Justice League
Metal Men
Molly Mayne in Earth 2 JSA?
Natasha Irons
Pied Piper supporting cast of THE FLASH. Apparently, he's an ex-villain. Will he be a hero?
Plastic Man set to join JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL per interview
Power Girl in WORLD'S FINEST and is from Earth 2.
Question one of the 'Three Sinners', along with Pandora and Phantom Stranger (who is Judas Iscariot?!)
Ravager Rose Wilson now a RAVAGER.
Raven seen on screen of superpowered youth in TEEN TITANS #1.
Red Scarab
Red Star
Spoiler possibly appearing in BATMAN, INC.
Starman (Mikhail) Seen in SHADE #1.
Tattooed Man
Terra III Terra IV (?) will be a RAVAGER.
Traci 13
Trickster (James Jesse)
Vandal Savage will be a member of DEMON KNIGHTS
Vril Dox
Wally West
Wildcat in Earth 2 JSA?
XS possibly operating with a different ID as a police officer trailing TEEN TITANS characters.

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Time Trapper
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Blue Devil
Ambush Bug (Although Dan did say that he was being shelved for the time being.)

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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DiDio posted on Facebook last night that JSA as a concept was being rested for awhile. Not sure if that means all the JSA associated characters are out to pasture, although it seems likely that the duplicate characters will be. I wonder if any of the unique JSAers will show up in supporting roles in, say, Mr. Terrific.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Dr. Fate
Doom Patrol (all of them)
Plastic Man

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Atom Smasher
all JSAers - King Chimera, Citizen Steel, Cyclone, Anna Fortune, King Chimera, Red Scarab, Ri, etc

the rest of Titans/Teen Titans - Osiris, Isis, Solstice, Tattooed Man, Cinder, Empress, Aquagirl, Bombshell, Mirage, Terra III, Red Star, etc

all Marvel family

Steel, Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Natasha Steel, Traci 13

Aqualad II (Jackson), Mera

Lady Blackhawk, Gypsy

LEGION/REBELS - Vril Dox, Wildstar, Ciji, Rebounder, Tribulus (actually I am hoping that the team will appear in Legion Lost II)

Freedom Fighters

Challengers of the Unknown


by the way, Trickster Jesse James is dead. However I am even worried about Pied Piper....Iris West...Impulse III (Irey), XS!!!!

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Time Trapper
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Well, the title is the first one that really grabs me after the JSA not being in the mix. Wally has gotten short shrift for a while now. And honestly, the Barry stories haven't caught my eye the way the last 24+ years of Wally did.

Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!

Something pithy!
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So I've added the first character updates that I've seen. Anyone else read or heard anything?

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Wow, it was 24 years of Wally wasn't it?

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Bump for new info.

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Originally posted by doublechinner:
DiDio posted on Facebook last night that JSA as a concept was being rested for awhile. Not sure if that means all the JSA associated characters are out to pasture, although it seems likely that the duplicate characters will be. I wonder if any of the unique JSAers will show up in supporting roles in, say, Mr. Terrific.
My hope is that DC may eventually have a Justice League Unlimited concept. One team sub-divided into groups for specific missions.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Going on little more than a gut feeling and a few rumors flying here and there, I think the JSA--or perhaps the Justice Society Infinity--will be safe and sound on Earth-Two after the dust settles with their pre-Crisis history mostly intact.

How character like Stargirl and Cyclone will relate to that group is one thing I'm wondering. And I dearly hope Obsidian is still gay.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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I don't think it's a coincidence that I just saw a solicit for a TPB collection of the original "Infinity, Inc." on the other hand, we saw today that a Huntress mini by Paul Levitz is starting in October. This Huntress has "roots in Italy," so it's unlikely to be Helena Wayne.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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bump for info on Robotman (under DOOM PATROL heading).

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Do we know for sure that it is Cliif? Maybe that other guy - Robert Crane or someone new? I guess the fact that Robotman will be in "My Greatest Adventure" suggests Cliff.

October is shaping up to be almost as exciting as September with new new titles.

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thought that My Greatest Adventure was to guest starring two new characters - Garbageman and Tanga? the #1 will be out in October.

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You left out Lian Harper.

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Originally posted by superboymddjr:
thought that My Greatest Adventure was to guest starring two new characters - Garbageman and Tanga? the #1 will be out in October.
Yes, the solicitation doesn't offer a lot of information, It just says that Garabageman and Tanga will be joined by Robotman. Release date of October 12, 2011.

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On a FB chat this morning, Dan DiDio remained completely evasive about Wally West -- I'm not sure he even gave a non-answer. Not that I put much stock in what that radio silence means. Just noting it. He did have a great line in response to a question about how you could have 5 Robins in 5 years (the DCnU will have 5 years of history at the relaunch): he replied "Think of it like an internship."

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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I have a feeling I'm going to be saying this a lot, but this is exactly how they fucked up last time. Trying to fit everything of some people's history into a few years, while jettisoning the history of others (thereby necessitating the shoehorning), no matter how little sense the results make.

But mostly, then not caring enough about it to actually enforce it. And frankly, I cared far more for the post COIE New Earth than what I've heard of how history's falling into place this time. I bet the current editors will feel the same since much of this is lawsuit-driven not creatively-driven. Though OTOH THAT may make them enforce it more than last time.

I really hate the idea of Batman going through Robins like kleenex.

You know, I REALLY hope the Siegels put out their own Superman comic. But I assume if they use the rights at all, they'll just sell it to TV and movies.

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No Wally West plans in the new series, to preserve the uniqueness of Flash in the new series. Despite repeated pressured questions from the floor. Sriously, politicians should get this kind of questioning,

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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bump with info culled from Comic-Con. Any additions I missed?

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bump for Ravager/Rose Wilson info-- with 'smaller' conventions happening all over, please post if you here credible info about DC characters whom we haven't heard about making the transition to the new DCU.

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Time Trapper
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From Bleedingcoolnews...

Fan Expo Canada. At which we learned;

From Jeff Lemire:

On Ray Palmer: His Atom back ups in Adventure Comics will tie in to his new Frankenstein series as Ray Palmer becomes a member of the S.H.A.D.E. science team.

On Wally West: Dan DiDio pretty much confirmed Wally West won’t be around for a while as Wally’s origins derive from Barry’s and the timeline is too concise. They will have Bart for the teenage set however.

James Robinson

* We know that Von Hammer will be appearing in the first two issues, Robinson also let the audience know that vampire La Sangre will return for issue five to seven.
* And in issue eleven, Egyptian gods will be attacking London, with Knight And Squire on hand. (If they exist. He’s not quite sure if they exist in the New 52. He’s going to find out._
* He wants to write new Congorilla and new Starman stories – but not using Jack Knight…

And there was a Flashpoint Friday panel too. In which we learned;

* Pied Piper will be coming back in Flash at some point
* Booster Gold will be Canadian in JLI. Hmm.

(I hope they are not trying to get rid of the future aspect of Booster.)

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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bump for info from Canadian Comic Expo (mainly JSA- though those characters are still question marks individually... hence the red.)

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Trap Timer
Trap Timer
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Vague thought: Given the news about the "return of Earth-2", could it be that we also get another Earth which is sort of a "return of (Silver/Bronze Age) Earth-1", where Donna and Wally end up?

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