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#486006 02/10/04 05:59 PM
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Did you buy Aquaman 15? Is is good? Is it worth picking up?

Re: Aquaman
#486007 02/11/04 01:27 AM
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I don't know. It doesn't arive in my neck of the woods for a few more days. But I've read some advance reviews and it sounds like it's going to be quite a nice tale.

Just a heads up though. This issue contains spoilers for Superman/Batman #6 and reveals the ending. Just so you all know.

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Re: Aquaman
#486008 02/11/04 09:22 AM
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Artist who did the worst issue of JSA before I dropped it + orange shirt = pass.

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Re: Aquaman
#486009 02/11/04 10:48 AM
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Is this the one with the new writer taking over? (Haven't picked it up yet, but will...)

Re: Aquaman
#486010 02/11/04 07:58 PM
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Got it today. Story's shaping up to be interesting. I didn't know it was working off another title. I was wondering when all this happened. It seemed kind of big just to start off a new creative team -- but look what they did to Legion. smile

I was all set to drop the title until I heard there was a new creative team coming. The cover looked so nice, I had my hopes up only to find the interior art sucked. Almost as bad as Copiel's Legion. (ducks) Then I flip to the back and find out Alan Davis did the cover, so of course it looks great -- even if they put a shirt back on him (sigh frown ).

I can handle bad art if the story stays good, though, so we'll see how it turns out.

Re: Aquaman
#486011 02/11/04 08:13 PM
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A little too gory for my tastes. And poor San Diego. frown As if losing our baby Panda this week wasn't enough.

Re: Aquaman
#486012 02/11/04 08:35 PM
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The Zoo lost a panda? That's so sad. We lost two of our giraffes this week. The Salt Lake Zoo really needs to be investigated. The animal deaths have been horrendous here over the last few years.

As for Aquaman, I've been buying the title but not reading it for the last few issues. Its one of the ones, like Green Arrow, that I keep meaning to drop but never get around to doing it.

And after spending $60 (after my discount) today to pick up the last two weeks worth of holds, I really do need to prune down my list.

Re: Aquaman
#486013 02/13/04 05:35 AM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
The Zoo lost a panda? That's so sad. We lost two of our giraffes this week. The Salt Lake Zoo really needs to be investigated. The animal deaths have been horrendous here over the last few years.
shocked Oops! Sorry I thought this was National News. The baby Panda Hua Mei has gone back to China as per the zoo's agreement with them. We host male and female Pandas and try to mate them, then if successful, the offspring are returned to help breed Pandas in China.

Re: Aquaman
#486014 02/13/04 06:33 AM
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It may have been national news but you know I live in Utah. Unless the 'church' had something to do with it, it doesn't make the news.

Re: Aquaman
#486015 02/13/04 09:17 AM
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At the risk of being on topic, I must say I enjoyed this issue of Aquaman. The new threads may be a little retro, but thankfully Aquaman's attitude is just as tough as it should be.

As for the story, I must say I am intriged. This is certainly quite the mystery and I'm racking my brains as to what might have happened here. I'm sure it'll be unexpected.

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Re: Aquaman
#486016 02/13/04 10:07 PM
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
We host male and female Pandas and try to mate them ...
San Diego: Pimpin' Those Pandas!

I saw the critters when I visited SD a few years ago. Very cute, I must say... though there was such a crowd of people that I was only able to glimpse them for a few seconds over a sea of tourists' heads...

Re: Aquaman
#486017 02/19/04 01:38 PM
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This issue was pretty good I thought, but I have to say that it was a bit overly grim and too gory at the end of the issue for Aquaman.

Good things: The old costume, the old haircut and the fact that it's not a big deal that he's wearing them. Also, he's kept the same serious attitude that defined him during Peter David's run (at least, so far).

Bad: way to gory during the autopsy at the end. I almost feel bad having my kid brother read it. And also, having such a massive amount of death (San Diego) in the beginning as a plot device always rubs me the wrong way. We'll just have to see where the story goes though, since I've heard good things about Pfiefer.

Re: Aquaman
#486018 02/19/04 02:06 PM
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My question, re: San Diego, is why did DC pick it? I've not been reading Aquaman faithfully since the new run started (although I buy the damn book every month) so I don't know. Is Aquaman based out of SD now? And if not, why pick a real city. Are other teams based there? I know the Titans are now in SF which is, what, about 500 miles away? Wouldn't they be called in to help?

I just see this causing major continuity problems across the whole DCU unless handled very well.

Re: Aquaman
#486019 02/19/04 04:07 PM
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I really don't like it when DC does things like sink San Diego and make Luthor president. I know that it's all imaginery to begin with, but once something like that happens, it makes it harder for me to imagine the story as being relevant. That's just me though smile

Re: Aquaman
#486020 02/19/04 05:19 PM
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I partially agree Cobbie. But I actually liked Luthor as president. That made for a higher level of sneakiness, to me. Having your number one enemy be the leader of the free world just made for better story-telling. Or should have.

What I found disappointing was the [spolier]return of the insane Lex in a suit of super-armor[/spoiler] at the end of Superman/Batman #6. I had hoped we wouldn't see him again.

Re: Aquaman
#486021 02/21/04 03:17 PM
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CB, I also hated the autopsy scene and felt that it might have been more effective if it was not shown so explicitly. It was a tad bit disturbing.

I actually enjoyed the first 12 issues of Aquaman purely on a sadistic, "how-bad-can-it-get" level. I'll stick with the new writer through the first story arc at least.

(edited to delete a potential spoiler)

Re: Aquaman
#486022 02/21/04 04:00 PM
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SLK, the first twelve issues of Aquaman are funny in that they can actually be enjoyed in the 'how bad can it get' way. I couldn't get past issue eight myself, but I was laughing up until that point, especially when the two scantitly clad valkryes showed up and started helping Garth and Arthur!

I'm hoping this new writer makes things better, but we'll see. I'm so-so right now.

Re: Aquaman
#486023 02/21/04 09:46 PM
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Hah! I think they were Brunhald and Gertrude or something. I think the whole situation with Black Manta was so ridiculous it was funny (to me anyway). He wasn't really an infant-murdering maniac. He's just misunderstood. Also, the giant river goddesses sitting in big thrones in what seemed like arbitraty spots around the world? Who thought that would make for a compelling storyline? Why only four rivers? Why not the Mississippi or the Amazon? Three issues had almost exactly the same plot. Aquaman battles the Thirrrssssttt, loses, a river queen gets sucked dry and Aquaman loses a finger. Wretched stuff.

Re: Aquaman
#486024 02/23/04 05:34 PM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I partially agree Cobbie. But I actually liked Luthor as president. That made for a higher level of sneakiness, to me. Having your number one enemy be the leader of the free world just made for better story-telling. Or should have.

What I found disappointing was the
at the end of Superman/Batman #6. I had hoped we wouldn't see him again.
Truly, one of the worst comics I've bought in a loooong time. Jeph Loeb should be ashamed for forcing Ed McGuinness to draw such lovely pictures to accompany such crappy writing.

Re: Aquaman
#486025 02/23/04 07:08 PM
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Originally posted by Star Boy:
[QBTruly, one of the worst comics I've bought in a loooong time. Jeph Loeb should be ashamed for forcing Ed McGuinness to draw such lovely pictures to accompany such crappy writing.[/QB]
Not the best ending to the arc, which I was enjoying up to that point. I did like that crazy robot though.

What disappointed me was that, since they brought Nightwing and crew on board in #5 just to get them all creamed, they weren't around for the finale.

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Re: Aquaman
#486026 02/23/04 08:22 PM
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Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by Star Boy:
[QBTruly, one of the worst comics I've bought in a loooong time. Jeph Loeb should be ashamed for forcing Ed McGuinness to draw such lovely pictures to accompany such crappy writing.
Not the best ending to the arc, which I was enjoying up to that point. I did like that crazy robot though.

What disappointed me was that, since they brought Nightwing and crew on board in #5 just to get them all creamed, they weren't around for the finale.[/QB]
This is one arc that I'm definitely going to go back and read in one sitting (probably after I finish reading Planetary). But I know the ending isn't going to be any better the next time around.

You would think DnA had something to do with it. laugh

Re: Aquaman
#486027 02/24/04 07:42 PM
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But hey, you've got to give Jeph Loeb credit for taking Lex Luthor into a bold, umm, new, umm, exciting direction? Ah never mind.

Re: Aquaman
#486028 02/25/04 09:55 PM
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#15 had sold out. According to The Pulse , DC has no plans to go back to press on the issue.

Re: Aquaman
#486029 11/01/04 11:54 AM
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Anyone still following this? I have, even through a run of terrible art. The last issue was a pleasant surprise. The artist was none other than a great favorite --- Chris Batista. I love this guy's work.

Re: Aquaman
#486030 11/01/04 06:01 PM
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Chris Batista seems to be the 'go-to' guy for fill-ins at the moment after this issue of Aquaman and the latest Firestorm. I hope he finds a home somewhere soon. He's an excellent artist! Maybe if Barry finds the pace too much on the new series Chris can help with back-ups? His run was cut far too short on the last series.

P.S. No - I'm not following Aquaman anymore. I picked up the first few issues of Pfeiffer's run and they were OK but I didn't like Lorena's rapid and fake transition from nobody to "spunky" heroine and then the last straw was that issue where the villain spent the ENTIRE ISSUE explaining his evil plan! eek And to think that once upon a time they could have done it in about 3 panels!

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