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#481813 03/23/12 11:11 AM
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(This post isn't an attempt to stop the de-headlining of this thread.)

I just want to remark that I find that Wonder Woman spoiler REALLY distasteful. I realize it's probably truer to how the Amazons were perceived in the original myths, but I do not like what it does for the Amazons of the DCU. (Well, the DCnU I guess so I probably shouldn't care.)

#481814 03/23/12 12:32 PM
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#481815 03/23/12 08:03 PM
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So I just forced myself to read some comics.

VOODOO 3-4, then GREEN ARROW 6-7.

They were alright but I just don't care anymore.

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#481816 03/23/12 09:12 PM
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Originally posted by gone:
Originally posted by Blacula:
[b]I just want to remark that I find that Wonder Woman spoiler REALLY distasteful.
Beyond distasteful. WAY beyond. The Amazons are better off dead than to be portrayed in THIS fassion.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Wasn't thrilled with the earlier reveal that Diana is yet nanother bastard child of Zeus... old and boring idea there. I was severely annoyed that they took away the Lasso of Truth and have made it Wonder Woman's 'intimidation'. However, the reveal that the Amazons went on 'hunting' trips 3 times a year to seduce/rape males and then KILLED them afterwards... That just disgusts me that DC thinks it is entertaining or a good backstory for Wonder Woman's family. The idea that they traded away the 'useless' males to Hephasteus for weapons is just insult added to injury. I will NEVER read another Wonder Woman story in my life nor watch ANY media that has her in it AND if I should ever meet the writers in person, I will tell them that THEY are the ones that ruined Wonder Woman forever.</span></span> [/b]
Instead of not buying/reading/watching ANYTHING to do with Wonder Woman again, wouldn't it be better to just not buy/read/watch THIS version of Wonder Woman and then actively support the version of her that you prefer - to show DC that there's a market for it?

#481817 03/23/12 09:52 PM
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This seems like an appropriate place for some Femmes:

The Fab VF\'s

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#481818 03/23/12 10:06 PM
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Heh--- yeah that was pretty appropos of my current 'tude!

I think it's time I broke down and forced myself to read the LSH books I have piled up... although hints I've picked up on the LSH forum are not encouraging.

I have high hopes for the last 2 issues of the CHILDREN'S CRUSADE mini... I hope soemthing else I read in the DCnU is worth a darn. Spoilers I've encounteres about WONDER WOMAN have convinced me to go ahead and drop it without buying the issues in my pull (I only bought 1-2 so far).

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#481819 03/24/12 12:26 AM
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Seven issues in, for the most part, and I'm still having fun with the new 52. I admit my reading habits and tastes are somewhat unique. Most people sampled a variety of the new books, and decided what to drop or keep. I made a commitment to a handful of books and added them to my pull list before the September releases. I haven't dropped anything yet, and have consistently bought a few more titles that I wasn't planning on.

Justice League - This was an add on. I expected to check out the first issue or so to get my bearings in the new DC Universe. I enjoyed the origin story, and picked up #7 because I was curious about the new Shazam feature. I didn't enjoy Shazam that much, but the lead story featuring Steve Trevor and the rebooted Etta Candy has my interest. I'll be around for at least a few more issues.

Justice League Dark - I love the mix of characters and find the art moody and fascinating. MIlligan is an old fave, and I can't wait to see what Lemire brings to the table. Totally into this book for the duration.

Animal Man - My favorite of the New 52. I love having the Baker family back in my life.

Swamp Thing - I love this character and I'm thrilled that he has been given a fresh start.

DC Universe Presents - I added this to my pull based on my love of Deadman. His issues exceeded my expectations. The first two issues of the Challengers have been good, but not great. I'm kind of lukewarm about Vandal Savage's daughter, but I like the rotating format. I think I'll stick around at least to see what the next feature will be.

Batwoman - Love the art. Have to support DC's leading lesbian character. The supporting cast is impressive.

Action and Superman - These were both add ons. I'm having more fun reading Superman stories than I have in years. Action is outstanding. Perez did solid job on Superman, and Giffen is taking over. Both titles stay.

Legion of Super-Heroes - I always buy the Legion. The art is great and I like the new kids. I do wish Levitz would step it up a bit, and the book could use more clarity. But, it's the Legion and won't be dropped.

Legion Lost - The most disappointing of the New 52 books that I buy. But, it's the Legion and won't be dropped.

Batgirl - I had high hopes and was disappointed by the first couple of issues. The book has consistently improved. It looks good. Gail is into her groove. There have been some interesting villains. I like the supporting cast and the guest appearances by Nightwing, Batman, and Black Canary have all been good.

Nightwing - Another add on that I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying.

Wonder Woman - Next to the Legion, Wonder Woman is the series I've bought most consistently throughout my life. I'm fascinated with the character. I'm totally out of synch with most other Wonder Woman fans. They're always complaining that DC never gets the character right and that every change ruins her. From where I sit, DC almost consistently gets the character right. There's just so much to love about Wonder Woman. She's complex and complicated. People want to put her in a box and complain when she doesn't fit. I'm thrilled to see experiments and new interpretations. The latest series is no exception. It's a great deconstruction of the character and her traditional dressings, yet she remains the hero that she's always been.

The Savage Hawkman - A disappointment. I do like the art, though and wanted to stick around to see how the Gentleman Ghost was handled. With a new creative team coming soon, I'm going to wait it out for a while more.

With Legion: Secret Origins, Legion/Star Trek, and Archie Meets KISS all coming to an end, I will probably be able to pick up another title or two. Teen Titans is likely.

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#481820 03/24/12 06:42 AM
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I def rec Teen Titans, Jerry!

You know, I think I've come to realize my opinion on WW mirrors yours. I also enjoy the historical trend of utilizing Diana in different experimental status quos.

I'm also anxious to try out the new Hawkman creative team.

Lately, feels like Legion Lost is improving and exceeding LSH.

My opinions also match yours on Nightwing & DC Comics Presents.

Lash, I've been feeling the 'just don't care vibe on a lot of series too'. I highly recommend the Cobie remedy of Atomic Robo, Wolverine & the X-Men, Saga and Supurbia!

#481821 03/24/12 07:06 AM
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Cobie, I promise I am going to take you up on these suggestions, just as soon as I get my pull trimmed further...

which is happening faster now as I read SWAMP THING 6-7 last night and decided that I really couldn't give two shits for stories about the Rot, the Red and the Green. WHO am I trying to kid? That stuff just IS NOT ME. It wasn't me in the 90s and it isn't me now. Give me Rozakis writing TEEN TITANS any day over that stuff. AXED.

I also decided to just go ahead and drop SUPERGIRL and SUPERBOY without buying any issues from my pull (3-onward). Good thing my CBS guy loves me...

I *am*, however, excited about Giffen's debut on SUPERMAN...

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#481822 03/24/12 12:05 PM
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Originally posted by Blacula:
Instead of not buying/reading/watching ANYTHING to do with Wonder Woman again, wouldn't it be better to just not buy/read/watch THIS version of Wonder Woman and then actively support the version of her that you prefer - to show DC that there's a market for it?
No. They have ruined her for me Forever. Even when the next reboot returns her to something aproximating one of the earlierr versions I liked, or even Loved, I will always have THIS version in my head. The message I am sending is that it IS possible to ruin something permanently with their bad choices and for Me they HAVE. I am done with Wonder Woman in All media from here on, Forever.

#481823 03/24/12 10:13 PM
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"gone" spelled backwards is "enog". That is all.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
#481824 03/24/12 11:09 PM
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Originally posted by gone:
Originally posted by Blacula:
[b]Instead of not buying/reading/watching ANYTHING to do with Wonder Woman again, wouldn't it be better to just not buy/read/watch THIS version of Wonder Woman and then actively support the version of her that you prefer - to show DC that there's a market for it?
No. They have ruined her for me Forever. Even when the next reboot returns her to something aproximating one of the earlierr versions I liked, or even Loved, I will always have THIS version in my head. The message I am sending is that it IS possible to ruin something permanently with their bad choices and for Me they HAVE. I am done with Wonder Woman in All media from here on, Forever.[/b]
while not quite as extreme, but I can relate. DC ruined Hal Jordan for me back in the day, first with the pointless killing of Katma Tui, then the Emerald Yawn crap, and then the whole Parallax bit. Even with Hal restored, I still cannot muster any enthusiasm for a hero who had once been an all-time favorite.

I can see the point of making a less Disneyeque Amazon culture than we've seen, but I can also see gone's point of view.

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#481825 03/25/12 04:52 PM
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Originally posted by MLLASH's *glare*:
just as soon as I get my pull trimmed further...
Sorry Lash, but when you say this I can't help but take it into a whole different context.


"Everything about this is going to feel different." (Saturn Girl, Legion of Super-Heroes #1)
#481826 03/25/12 05:16 PM
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^ rotflmao

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

#481827 03/26/12 02:51 AM
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I'm loving Stormwatch. Issue #7 almost broke my heart with its portrayal of the terribly ill city Pripyat tended by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hawksmoor has always fascinated me as a concept, but this is the first time I've really enjoyed how he's being written.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#481828 03/26/12 11:40 AM
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*glares at Legion Tracker & Dev* Oh well, I guess this is what I get after years of outrageous behaviour! smile

Cramey, I too have thoroughly enjoyed STORMWATCH 1-6. Here's hoping 7 maintains that... I'll read it this evening!

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#481829 03/28/12 02:35 AM
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
I'm loving Stormwatch. Issue #7 almost broke my heart with its portrayal of the terribly ill city Pripyat tended by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hawksmoor has always fascinated me as a concept, but this is the first time I've really enjoyed how he's being written.
I agree 100%!
That scene was simply wonderful.

#481830 03/31/12 07:00 PM
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Some fun and unexpected guest appearances in last week's DC books.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Batgirl in Justice League Dark</span></span>

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Batman in I, Vampire</span></span>

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Static Shock in the Savage Hawkman</span></span>

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#481831 04/02/12 08:19 PM
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I was fully prepared to hate SUICIDE SQUAD 3-6 but have instead kept it on my pull. I'm interested ENOUGH. We'll see how issue 7 goes.

but there IS one DCnU book I am VERY MUCH LIKING... AQUAMAN. Thoroughly enjoyed 3-6!

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#481832 04/02/12 10:27 PM
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I liked the artwork in the new JL Dark.

#481833 04/03/12 02:26 AM
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Red Hood and the Outlaws is one of my favourite DC books now. What a surprise! I wasn't reading Batman when Jason was part of the story, so the character is essentially new to me (although I knew he was a Robin with a major grudge against Bats).

The issues have a lot of action, yet manage to devote time to each of the three characters. There are several plots going on, but you don't get the sense that anything's dropped or slighted; if a secondary character or villain is out of the story for a few issues, there's a logical reason, and they seem to reappear at the right moment.

The villains are unusual, freaky or subtle. Friends turn out to be enemies; some enemies may become friends.

The dynamic between Jason, Roy and Kory is charming. These people really care for one another, while nobody else does (not exactly, but they all have been cut off, rejected or abandoned by those from their past lives). Think buddy film with girl - Butch Cassidy comes to mind - although the girl in this one is a lot more than decoration and the action hi-octane.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#481834 04/03/12 06:50 AM
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That has to be nicest thing anyone's said about that book.

#481835 04/03/12 08:19 AM
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Originally posted by Anita Cocktail:
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
[b]I'm loving Stormwatch. Issue #7 almost broke my heart with its portrayal of the terribly ill city Pripyat tended by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hawksmoor has always fascinated me as a concept, but this is the first time I've really enjoyed how he's being written.
I agree 100%!
That scene was simply wonderful. [/b]
Stormwatch is turning into a winning dark horse. Its characters are complex, its storyline well thought out, and it is not spoon-fed to the reader. I commend a creative team that assumes its readers can walk and chew gum at the same time. Of course, I am anxiously awaiting more about who this J'onn J'onzz is.
Of all the DCnU, this title seems to be the best chance to see a new version of L.E.G.I.O.N., however unlikely.


#481836 04/03/12 08:52 AM
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I'm afriad I dropped RED HOOD after # 3. I *do* think STORMWATCH is great fun though!

Let' see, what did I read last night-- oh yeah, SUPERMAN 4-6. I know this book isn't as well-liked as ACTION by I prefer it TO Action!

I like that there's a TON of panels and words and it takes a bit to get through an issue. It's an older-skool method and I approve. Plus I'm looking forward to the Giff's run. My sources deep in the house of Giff tell me that he REALLY gets to cut lose with Superman starting in issue 11!

Also caught up with BATGIRL through issue 6 and I just like it. Gail always creates unique and interesting villains, Mirror and Gretel were no exception. Plus-- BABS' MAMA?!?!?!

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#481837 04/03/12 11:33 PM
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Just finished the DEADMAN arc in DCCP, and found it very enjoyable overall. No way it would have any long life outside of being shunted to VERTIGO though; sales of DCCP went straight down and a CHALLENGERS arc isn't likely to raise them.

I'm looking forward to the COTU arc though and will begin it shortly. I *so* hope it is one of the GOOD Challs arcs... there hasn't really been a good one in a LONG while.

I do think the DCU *needs* a book like DCCP though. I hope it lasts... even though I fully intend to skip the entire Vandal Savage arc coming up after the CHALLS.

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