Just read the latest issue. This may be the issue I was waiting for. They confirm their powers are electronic (nanities). I wonder if former mutants like Muholland Black have them as well? The nanities activate her former mutants powers? Can Stark do that for any other former mutant? He certainly would get the mutant vote. I mean I don't think they could do all the mutants but seeing the nanites work for a handful of them would be cool. (Rictor)
It took a while to get Heavy's bio but I liked it. I hope we see more of him in the future. After this issues ending we might not.
It will be interesting to see how many of these characters move over to Fraction's Iron Man book. He already said The Order is a prequel to his IM book. Pepper Potts we know for sure is going over. I am assuming the current "villain" Stane Jr will be in the IM book as well.
Anthem (Hellrung) I can see because of Pepper. Tony/Pepper/Henry love triangle? Besides Pepper I hope we don't see any of the other women move over. Why? I like them but their powers while sci-fi appear mystical in nature. Don't think they would fit in IM book all that well.
I expect Aralune is a Skrull and a few others will die. Sad really but they mentioned from the beggining they may. Still would be nice to see them as Tony's strikeforce/sppt cast in Fraction's book.
The art was interesting. Breakdowns by Barry and Javier Saltares over him with and inks by two guys I've never heard of Guidano and Fridolfs. I enjoyed cause as a fan of Barry's I've been wondering what his work would look like inked by others. Nice experiment. I've always been a Javier Saltares fan since the old days of Ghost Rider...well not the old old days.