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I liked the Blue Beetle. Sort of like a latin Ultimate Spiderman.

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Green Lantern is really good. Let's of setup and the nod to Ollie becoming Mayor is nice.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Who do you think wrote that Treaty? Who are the new Global Guardians? I just recognize Taz. Where is John Stweart? And I love it that the Rocket Reds are back in force!</span></span>

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I picked up Blue Beetle as well (much as I was annoyed by the killing off of Ted) and was pleasantly surprised. It's fairly generic so far but then it's only one issue in and there's only so much you can do in one issue where you're having to set up your characters. I really liked the interplay between Jaime and his two friends (and his big guy friend is awful cute in a cradle-snatching-slightly-disturbing way) and I liked the fact that he appears to have a pretty normal and stable family life. In a way I hope that it's not going to become to soap opera and all about teenage family angst and stuff, but there's bound to be at least a certain amount of that. I have to admit I also really quite like the design of the new outfit and the bits with the beetle taking over were pretty creepy. Intrigued by what Guy said about the beetle armour as well, that could lead interesting places. Overall a pretty good issue and certainly piqued my interest enough for me to ahve a look at the next few.

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I finally read Green Lantern OYL. I think it's outstanding, can't wait for the next issue. Hopefully this is a fresh start for the book, and it'll be more consistently good from here on than the hit-and-miss early issues. Ivan Reis did not dissapoint. Reis rules! Of all the artists who emerged during my hiatus from comics, he's my favorite.

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Haven't been able to get Blue Beetle yet.

Did get the reissue of Acquaman 41 and 42. I am really enjoying it. Green Lantern was good too, although I have to say I have forgotten most of it already. Acquaman, in contrast, haunts my dreams.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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GREEN ARROW came out this week, with it's 2nd OYL issue. Winnick got a bit preachy, but then so is Ollie. My only fear with the one year jump was the first few issues would spend too much time setting up the status quo and explaing the missing year. And here's the proof. We've got Scott McDaniel, the man draws action with an energetic flair not seen elsewhere in DC's stable, on this book. And he gets two pages to cut lose. The rest of the time he's drawing talking heads and midshots.

Ah well, next issue we get a throwdown with Deathstroke that should make up for it all.

Just spouting off.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Some quick thoughts on the OYL stuff I've read so far:

JSA & JSA Classified: I never lose interest in this group.

BoP: Shiva, the Jade Canary? Is that-- Gypsy? Love the expanded cast. Now bring in Vixen and it's perfect.

OUTSIDERS: 2 issues in, I'm still not 100% sold. I liked the *OLD* team, see. Nice art though.

TEEN TITANS: *VERY* intrigued; more excited about this than any other OYL-title. The art is HOT.

S/LSH: # 16 was the best issue in several months.

GREEN ARROW: *Lovin'* Ollie as mayor.

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Don't Stop Peelieving
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Nobody's mentioned Catwoman?

I thought #53 was really good. I loved Lopez' work on Fallen Angel, and I think he's even better here. Pfiefer's found a good voice for Selina.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">I especially loved Selina calling Bruce a hypocrite over his objections to the new Catwoman in light of his working relationships with Dick and Tim. Touche!

And Batman with a teddy bear? Worth the cover price alone! lol

"If the dregs of the Gotham underworld could see you now." Indeed! rotflmao </span></span>

"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt

"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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my current favourites from the ONE YEAR LATER storylines are: 'Teen Titans', 'Green Lantern', 'Superman / Action Comics' !!

all really interesting storylines, with lots of hints to what have happened over the last year !!

looking forward to the next issues .....


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Pov, I agree, Catwoman was great. It was actually the best issue of the series since Bru left, and I'm glad to see it good again.

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OYL has been a great starting point for so many DC titles. Anyone read the secons Blue Beattle or check out Checkmate?

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I read Blue Beetle. Not sure how long I'm going to stick with it... I like the characters and the setting and the art, but the story has yet to grab me.

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rumors has it that Adam Strange, Animal Man and Starfire are allright and will be members of JLA - rumors also stated that the story would start in 52 #9 which would debut the JLA. Hope it'll be true.

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Bold Flavors
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This week alone:
I have to say that OYL later has breathed some serious life into a lot of great books. Firestorm was very enjoyable, Blue Beetle is still an interesting read, Catwoman was great, Checkmate was cool, S&LSH was excellent, Batman/Detective are A++, and Battle for Bludhaven is a welcome grab.

The only one that I didn't really love this week was Hawkgirl, which is too bad since Hawkman was in my top 5 comics before the Crisis. Simonsen and Chaykin are not doing it for me and the title really needs Carter IMO--Kendra cannot carry the book alone.

I'd say across DC's entire line (and I buy them all), 93% of the comics are great reads right now. The big dissapointments for me right now are Outsiders and Green Arrow, which I feel is Winnick's fault for bad characterization. However, the only DC comic book that I feel is outright garbage is Nightwing. I file that under 'unreadable'.

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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The only one that I didn't really love this week was Hawkgirl, which is too bad since Hawkman was in my top 5 comics before the Crisis. Simonsen and Chaykin are not doing it for me and the title really needs Carter IMO--Kendra cannot carry the book alone.
Betcha Shayera could've... *sniff*

The current run definitely is a comedown from the Palmiotti/Gray run... through the tie-in to the RANN-THANAGAR miniseries was itself a step down from their previous work on HAWKMAN.

Somehow or other I missed BLUDHAVEN #2 this week. Anything notable happen?

OUTSIDERS *is* a big disappointment. It has something in common with NIGHTWING... a take on Dick Grayson that just ain't right.

I have a question-- some time ago, I think Didio or someone at DC mentioned that there were plans
afoot for BLACK ORCHID.

I think the mention was made at one of the convention panels.

Has there been any word about where or when she'll appear?

And isn't there a METAL MEN series in the works? It seems like it's been a couple of summers in a row where it *sounds* like it's right around the corner.

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Bold Flavors
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Todd, IIRC (which could be off), Black Orchid was yelled out by the fans to the 52 creators as a character they wanted in 52. The writers seemed to like the idea, so thats where we'll probably see her.

The Metal Men series has been rumored, disproved and rumored again for about three or four years. What we do know is that Dr. Magnus will be in 52 as an ongoing player and the Metal Men are 'not functioning' during the missing year (which is what his story is about). After OYL, they are slated to appear in the next Superman/Batman arc in a big way.

I agree about Outsiders & Nightwing. Dick allowing Grace to torture a man? I'm sorry, but thats not Dick Grayson, no matter how horrible the world around him is.

I think the Hawk comic's biggest stregth is that it had 2 co-stars: Carter and Kendra. By eliminating one, it eliminates a major part of the dynamic that made it so interesting. I personally like Kendra more than Shayera, but think it still needs Carter. (Hell, personally I like two sets of Hawks, but I was happy with the set-up for Hawkman #1-50).

Bludhaven #2 this week had some very interesting points:
<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> First: Phantom Lady shows up and it appears she may be the original Sandra Knight Phantom Lady, or at least a relative. Its hard to explain at this point.

The Atomic Knights are seen more and fleshed out. As is Firebrand, who is hearing a voice in his head (which I believe to be Uncle Sam).

Captain Atom reappears in the DCU on the surprise final page.</span></span>

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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The Metal Men series has been rumored, disproved and rumored again for about three or four years. What we do know is that Dr. Magnus will be in 52 as an ongoing player and the Metal Men are 'not functioning' during the missing year (which is what his story is about).
Ummm... isn't Doc Magnus a Metal Man and has been for >10 years?

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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not anymore, blame SB Prime pounding on the wall of reality on that...

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Ever since Lash got a hot new boyfriend, the fabric of reality has been unravelling... frown

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Originally posted by rtvu2:
not anymore, blame SB Prime pounding on the wall of reality on that...
Ack, why do they insist on making things so bloody confusing? And ridiculous.

What's next? Every time Superboy Prime farts, the Legion reboots? (And I hate t'think what'll happen when he gets pissed...)

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I've heard interesting speculation that that is NOT Dick Grayson in Outsiders....which makes sense but the last couple of issues still blow.


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Overall, I have enjoyed the OYL issues. Here are my positives and negatives.

Batman/Detective Comics. These are both great OYL storylines.

Superman/Action Comics. I have always hated the big red S, but Johns and Busiek are two of my favorite writers and they are making these two comics pretty darn interesting.

Teen Titans. This OYL storyline is one of the best ones going.

Green Lantern. Yet another fantastic OYL storyline.

Checkmate. Only one issue, but it has lots of potential.

Battle For Bludhaven/Freedom Fighters. I love the B4B mini-series and I have a feeling I'll enjoy the Freedom Fighters mini-series that is going to follow B4B.

Blue Beetle. I found the first issue practically unreadable. Uninspiring story and unimpressive artwork.

Hawkgirl. Bring back Hawkman.

Aquaman. I like Busiek, but I'm just not feeling this new Aquaman. It is like reading Warlord under water.

Outsiders. This title wasn't so great before OYL and it most definately has not improved since.

Supergirl & LoSH. I truly dislike the little red S hijacking the Legion's title.

Nightwing. I really like this character so that is the only reason why this title isn't placed in the negative column. Having said that, DC really needs to give this title a new author who can do something with this great character.

Flash. Depends on who is the new Flash. If it is either Jay, Barry or Wally then I'll be happy. If it is Bart then I won't read it.

JSA. Johns' run on JSA was pure gold. I always worry when a good title gets cancelled and replaced with a new version. I'll just have to wait and hope for the best.

JLA. Now, I really expect this title to slide into the positive column when it comes out. I can't believe that DC is going to wiff on their premier super team.

The Atom. As a general rule, I strongly dislike it when an established white hero is killed or gotten rid of just to be replaced with a hero that is an exact duplicate except is of a different race. Having said that, I'll give this title a try. I do think it is cool that at least DC is making this an Asian super hero and he isn't a martial artist.

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Got to say, I like the new DC overall.

I'm excited about the changes to the Bat-titles, especially 'Tec becoming a more mystery title.

Firestorm: The Nuclear Man, Flash: The Fastest Man Alive, Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis all have my interest.

The execution of Hawkgirl is a let-down, but the concept of a more horror title, ala Buffy TVS is cool. Jonah Hex is a real western again!

Just spouting off.
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Magically Delicious
Magically Delicious
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Originally posted by Rokk:
Overall, I have enjoyed the OYL issues. Here are my positives and negatives.

Batman/Detective Comics.
Superman/Action Comics.
Teen Titans.
Green Lantern.
Battle For Bludhaven/Freedom Fighters.

Blue Beetle.
Supergirl & LoSH.

The Atom.
Lessee, I largely agree with your "positives," but would add Aquaman and LSH.

I would put Blue Beetle and Bludhaven in neutral...

I would count the only true negatives as Nightwing, Hawkgirl and Outsiders (I really like Thunder's new costume though).

And I am looking forward to all of the Atom, Flash, JLA, and JSA relaunch (the current story is kinda "eh").

Overall, I would say OYL has been mostly a success for me, with only a small percentage of crap (but those crap titles seem to stick out like a sore thumb).

Why are you laughing at me? It's unkind, as well as puzzling!
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My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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